I agree but my brothers seem to think we are freeloaders just because we took care of my handicapped brother for 15 years and didn't pay rent.
I caught that vibe too from some of my own brothers, and it used to rile me... if your own brothers had to pony up for the care, they'd be singin' a different tune. I moved my stuff back into my mom's house when I went trucking: why pay rent for some flat you're hardly ever gonna see? And everybody else was gone by that time, so the arrangement worked perfectly. I'd come in from the road, burn a day of time off doing all the heavy yard work, then look after my ma while I was home. Later, when she started her long slow decline, I came off the road altogether, because SOMEBODY had to do it, and I was the bachelor, no other commitments, aye? But to this day, some family members don't speak to me, because I told 'em off after putting up with their BS. Meh, at least I was THERE to care for my ma, and THAT is what mattered most.
As an aside, and I know I've pinged on this before, only in the U.S. are kids or adult children bashed for living with their parents. In EVERY OTHER PART OF THE WORLD, multiple generations live under one roof, but you don't hear anybody SQUAWKING about THAT, because that would be RACIST. It's only here in America that youngsters or adult kids are shamed for living with their parents: personally, I think it's all tied in with the banksters & credit card agencies who are looking for more suckers to enslave in debt. Those globalists and their tools also want to break down family values in America, hence the targeting of adult children who are still living with their parents... sure, you have some slackers and lazy sods in the mix, but many are just doing whatever needs to be done in this Brave New Fraudulent Third World.
It's kinda funny, back when I was making bank and rolling into town with a wallet full of C-notes every time, my friends would occasionally try to hook me up with some blind date or whatever. The very first thing I'd say upon introduction---and I kid you not, I was raised on the Pistols & DK---the very first thing I'd say was, "Hi, I'm E___, I'm 42 and I live with my mom, you got a PROBLEM with it?!?" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Eventually, my friends learned NOT to try and hook me up with gals, though some introductions went alright once that hurdle was cleared. Nowadays, with the whole country swirling down the toilet, I see NO REASON WHATSOEVER for anybody to hold such living arrangements in contempt... I actually enjoyed being able to socialize with my mom, bring her cool stuff from across the nation, etc., etc.
Anyway, this post probably explains why I'm still a bachelor, though I've been with a number of beautiful women in my time, lol. Now I've lost my youthful charm---it fell off a truck about a million miles back---and it's not so easy to find women who aren't fully programmed by Hollywood & the media, pffffft. I have a heart of gold and I was once a poet, but none of that means anything anymore, it's all about the Almighty Dollar. You can thank dirty globalist swine for the continued assault upon traditional family values, same way you can thank 'em for somehow portraying kids and adult children who live with their parents as losers, EVEN THOUGH THIS HAPPENS ACROSS THE GLOBE WITH NO REPERCUSSIONS. Only in America do the globalist swine harp on it, because they think they can get away with it... the DIRTY SWINE.
Enough said, my parents are both dead and have been for years, so I'm definitely on my own NOW, lol... I wonder if any of those shallow sand crabs on the beach in Coronado would look at me now, since I own my home free & clear? My car too, but it ain't no Lamborghini, just a 20-year-old Toyota Camry 4-banger, lol... not exactly the definitive mark of heller financial success in this Brave New Fraudulent Third World. But I reckon a family of illegal immigrants would consider it a roomy coach, same way they live 50 to an apartment Stateside, lol. I guess the dirty globalist swine haven't yet figured out a way to bash Americans for driving crummy foreign cars, AYE? Or maybe they have, with the Green New Deal, PFFFFFFT. Just another boondoggle to put billions into the pockets of scumbag politicians and their cronies... same BS, different day.
P.S. I really need to stop insulting pigs that way, compared to globalist scum they are actually far superior animals.