Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Yep, her estate will vanish if she lives a long time. One of my grandma's favorite cousins lived to 105. Died just a couple years ago, and still carried on a conversation. Mom will be 90 this year. I have a sister who is ticked because she would like a lot of money left over so she can have some. And she actually said that she needs some of it now. Not happening. That 8K figure will not be taken care of by Medicare. So, as long as she lives in the assisted living that she is in, she can afford it for many years, and she likes it. How it works here in Kansas....you have to exhaust all of your own funds, then it will be paid for by Kancares. I have an uncle and aunt and they are in the medical side, 98 yrs old and 96. Kancares covers their bills.
About the same here, if you have a home, you must transfer the title 24 months before you go on our Kancares or the house goes to the state at your death. So will any property, this has been law for many years.
About the same here, if you have a home, you must transfer the title 24 months before you go on our Kancares or the house goes to the state at your death. So will any property, this has been law for many years.
In my state you have to wait 5 yrs. after transferring, My mother (when she was 95)transferred everything to my name . She doesn't have a dime to her name (just her small house). She will be 100yrs. old when i'm clear of everything. If she doesn't i'm gonna be in trouble (her house is on my land . It will be a mess.
Rant for the day… I hate moving!
it’s also hard when you have a lot of stored up food and are moving to bare land with a RV 😫
Hey Dr Jenner with the way things are going , that is a good problem to have
with the purposeful destruction of our country’s freedoms, economy, fuel and food supplies
be thankful for all your prepping supplies. It may be rough now but you’ll be set later, good luck with the move and setting up your new homestead.
I look at moving as an opportunity to streamline one's life... I've done way too much moving in recent years, and each time I tried to lighten the load a bit. I've sold or donated a bunch of stuff, I didn't mind donating to a worthy cause like the White Mountain Humane Society, they do a good job with animals. I STILL have too much stuff, and once I'm done decorating this home I'm going to unload even more stuff that I'll probably never use. I firmly believe in putting stuff back into circulation, there's too much waste as it is on this planet. I lean toward Zen Buddhism when it comes to material things, but on the other hand, I like what I have to be good quality stuff, ya know? And THAT has been my guideline in recent years: keep the really cool and/or useful stuff, and put the rest back into circulation. Well, I don't believe I'm ever gonna let go of my classic '60s & '70s European travel posters, same goes for some cool artwork I've picked up over the years. But 'wall clutter' is NOT the same as regular clutter, lol... it doesn't get in the way. ;)
I look at moving as an opportunity to streamline one's life... I've done way too much moving in recent years, and each time I tried to lighten the load a bit. I've sold or donated a bunch of stuff, I didn't mind donating to a worthy cause like the White Mountain Humane Society, they do a good job with animals. I STILL have too much stuff, and once I'm done decorating this home I'm going to unload even more stuff that I'll probably never use. I firmly believe in putting stuff back into circulation, there's too much waste as it is on this planet. I lean toward Zen Buddhism when it comes to material things, but on the other hand, I like what I have to be good quality stuff, ya know? And THAT has been my guideline in recent years: keep the really cool and/or useful stuff, and put the rest back into circulation. Well, I don't believe I'm ever gonna let go of my classic '60s & '70s European travel posters, same goes for some cool artwork I've picked up over the years. But 'wall clutter' is NOT the same as regular clutter, lol... it doesn't get in the way. ;)
Re get in the way...

When every wall has a bookcase... there is no room for pictures. :rolleyes:

Feeling sorry, Dr Jenner. We went from a nice house to a run down farm. And 6 pods to unload. One pod was storage food. Cousins helped unload them before we got there and they thought I was a lunatic. Oh well. They don't anymore. I wouldn't trade that move for anything. Best thing we did. Hope you feel the same soon.
Not really a rant but I didn't know where else to put it.
I got a call on my cell from the state fire marshal. At first I thought it was work related then he read off my home address. It seems I was randomly selected for free inspection of the 150 gallon propane tank we had installed a few years ago. Including a leak check. He went on to assure me the person coming by would have ID, be in uniform and driving a marked vehicle. He said we didn't even need to be home. If anything was found wrong with the installation the contractor would have to fix it at no charge. He was really trying to sell me on this free service. He concluded with does this sound like something you are interested in. I gave a firm NO! He thanked me for my time and hung up. It didn't occur to me until today he had the tank size wrong. It is a 250 gallon. The last thing I want is any kind of government official having a look around. He can use helicopters and satellites like everyone else.
Wait a minute... if you're IMMOBILE, how can you POSSIBLY go on a HIKE? Is this a trick post or question? :oops:
Even if he can get that far with his walker, I would prefer your Mack truck. :)
What he is talking about would take longer than a week.
(Wish I hadda bought Nigerian oil wells when I could:rolleyes:).
Edit: I fed the guinea pig. :thumbs:
Did you want me to come out and say it? geez guys, 2+2 here....
Not really a rant but I didn't know where else to put it.
I got a call on my cell from the state fire marshal. At first I thought it was work related then he read off my home address. It seems I was randomly selected for free inspection of the 150 gallon propane tank we had installed a few years ago. Including a leak check. He went on to assure me the person coming by would have ID, be in uniform and driving a marked vehicle. He said we didn't even need to be home. If anything was found wrong with the installation the contractor would have to fix it at no charge. He was really trying to sell me on this free service. He concluded with does this sound like something you are interested in. I gave a firm NO! He thanked me for my time and hung up. It didn't occur to me until today he had the tank size wrong. It is a 250 gallon. The last thing I want is any kind of government official having a look around. He can use helicopters and satellites like everyone else.
They can see enough without an invitation!!
The last thing I want is any kind of government official having a look around. He can use helicopters and satellites like everyone else.

You got that right... it's a sad reality that our modern gubmint can't be trusted. Even though there's nothing illegal going on here, I wouldn't want ANY gubmint official on my property without a warrant, court order, or some other authorization. I didn't always feel that way, but ever since I was falsely charged in Kalifornia I simply don't trust ANYBODY in gubmint. :confused:
Vermin! rodents! in this case squirrels. A few days ago my clothes dryer messed up, wasn’t drying correctly. I had 2 loads of comforters, blankets and sheets to dry. Took a day and a half.

Today I finally had time to thoroughly investigate the problem.

There were more than 2 quarts of acorns in the vent pipe. A squirrel had decided to make it his pantry.

Evidently the acorns had been partially blocking the vent for some time. Something happened to cause them to fall to the lowest part of the exhaust pipe and stop it up completely.

Vermin! The gas dryer is 20yrs old. I thought the ignitor was failing. It’d ignite when the dryer was first turned on but wouldn’t ignite the gas again until the dryer cooled.

This means the ignitor was working. After the first heat cycle the dryer stayed hot because there was no air flow, a confined space. And the ignitor wouldn’t turn on again until the dryer cooled. But the clothes wouldn’t dry because there was no air flow.
That happened here, some pack rat crawled up the dryer vent or exhaust hose/duct and made a nest, so the dryer was NOT working properly. Once the obstruction was cleared and the flexible hose/duct trimmed so it didn't touch the ground beneath the manufactured home, the dryer worked fine. The pack rat was long gone, only the nest or hoard remained to cause problems when I first arrived. :confused:

At least it was a cheap and easy fix, I thought I might have to buy another dryer... :rolleyes:
Vermin! rodents! in this case squirrels. A few days ago my clothes dryer messed up, wasn’t drying correctly. I had 2 loads of comforters, blankets and sheets to dry. Took a day and a half.

Today I finally had time to thoroughly investigate the problem.

There were more than 2 quarts of acorns in the vent pipe. A squirrel had decided to make it his pantry.

Evidently the acorns had been partially blocking the vent for some time. Something happened to cause them to fall to the lowest part of the exhaust pipe and stop it up completely.

Vermin! The gas dryer is 20yrs old. I thought the ignitor was failing. It’d ignite when the dryer was first turned on but wouldn’t ignite the gas again until the dryer cooled.

This means the ignitor was working. After the first heat cycle the dryer stayed hot because there was no air flow, a confined space. And the ignitor wouldn’t turn on again until the dryer cooled. But the clothes wouldn’t dry because there was no air flow.
Look at the bright side. The dryer overheat sensor is working just like it should. :)
So have I. it is not pretty.
Now back to stopped-up dryer vents! :thumbs:
Look at the bright side. The dryer overheat sensor is working just like it should. :)
Almost all of them have at least two, not counting the thermostat that controls the temp in the drum to start with.
Now back to stopped-up dryer vents! :thumbs:
Almost all of them have at least two, not counting the thermostat that controls the temp in the drum to start with.
I agree, my repair kit came with both, but only one was bad, replaced both, because did not want to go back in later.
Every time I move or work on a dryer, i check the vent for build up.
You might be a red neck, if you take parts off an used dryer to repair another used dryer.
I got another year out of an used dryer, before I replaced the sensors. I have replaced the heater in the past, but this one was good, just would not come on, it was the over heat sensor.
You might be a red neck, if you take parts off an used dryer to repair another used dryer.
I got another year out of an used dryer, before I replaced the sensors. I have replaced the heater in the past, but this one was good, just would not come on, it was the over heat sensor.
We have TWO extra dryers just like the one we use! Got them cheap at yard sales!;😃
Oh I have a dryer story. Many years ago, our dryer started acting weird and not smelling right. One day it got really bad and when DH opened it, there was smoke pouring out. He blasted the fire extinguisher in it and once everything had cooled down (and I rescued the clothes from the drum), we opened the back. There we found a snake had somehow crawled in the vent and wrapped itself around the heating coil and burnt to a crisp. We scraped it off and cleaned out the drum, then ran a couple loads of wet towels through it. The dryer continued to work for 10+ years after that.

And we get mice and chipmunks in our vehicles too, have to regularly check the air filters and vacuum out the nuts/shells. Once had a mouse build a nest right at the fan and get sliced up when the car was started. Had to have mechanic clean it out. I HATE mice. 😡
You might be a red neck, if you take parts off an used dryer to repair another used dryer.
I got another year out of an used dryer, before I replaced the sensors. I have replaced the heater in the past, but this one was good, just would not come on, it was the over heat sensor.
You might be a red neck if that pile of "junk" on your rich neighbor's curb looks like Christmas morning!
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