Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I think there is a reason it's called Phoenix!
Why anyone would want to live there is beyond me. We stopped there on the way back from a trip in 2015 and it was 115 degrees then, so this is nothing new. I stopped there once for a few days in spring when I was young, and it was miserable and hot then also. It might have been April
Our weather is back to normal, low 80s. That;s the good thing about here, 90s is a heat wave, and doesn't usually last more than a few days.
What elevation do you live at? Almost sounds like you are somewhat in the mountains
Ugh, I hate when you buy food at a place and there's barely anything in it and its cold and just really crappy & they charge way too much for it. Still remember we used to be served the "hot" school lunch still half frozen. Milk would be frozen too & they didn't have any other beverage options.

Although, cold sounds good with the heat we've been having. My brother got in the CR-V to go to work and thermostat said 112 the other day. It was 103 yesterday and has consistently been over 100.

The electrical kept having problems that in turn caused the modem to have problems and my internet wasn't working properly. Got my friend over to work on it. Did a LOT of cleaning up before he came out but I ran out of trash bags. Discovered the kitchen floor near the back hallway is destroyed. My brother's fault for spilling stuff and never picking it up. 80% of the trash I picked up (and filled 4 contractor bags with) was his trash. Body hated me after that.

Turns out the outlet in the living room (and most of the living room stuff) is connected to the same breaker as half the kitchen. So the modem, computer, tv, etc are all sharing a breaker with two refrigerators and a freezer. 15A breaker. No wonder things have issues. The outlet was loose in the box. Nothing has ground wires. The box was over an inch deep inside the wall and there was zero slack on the wires. So it was very difficult for my friend to install a new outlet, but he managed it. Came away with a tapioca pudding lid in his pants somehow (he discovered that when he got home). LOL. He had to curl up under the desk to even reach it and it was hurting his back. I'm too fat to get down there and curl up like that-- hurts my ribs when I do and I have trouble breathing.

Went to replace some switches but they were 3-pole instead of single pole so I didn't have the right ones. Also, they are on two separate breakers so we had to flip the master switch.

On top of that, its been so hot the stupid red wasps keep congregating on the door where the cold air is leaking out.. I had to pull my hands into my cardigan sleeves and swing them around like propellers to fight them off to clear a path for my friend to get out the door.

Meanwhile, his urine test showed possible renal failure so he'd got to go to the doctor and he's not feeling well.

Between all the cleanup, the internet problems, and the heat I've had zero energy. Need to nap every couple hours.
Had the worst lunch I’ve had in… went to an eye appointment last week, there was a jimmy johns sandwich place in the same building. Never been to one, never going back either.

Got a roast beef sandwich and a bag of chips. Sat down to eat, open the foil… to my surprise the sandwich was also wrapped in saranwrap. And cold, as in from the fridge cold including the bread. Subway has a 6” sandwich, this one was barely 4”. One piece of meat with a strip of cheese on top.

I take it back to the counter, asked can I get it toasted? The employee proudly says ‘we serve our cold cuts cold!’ ‘nothing is toasted here!’ like this was a good thing. I was actually speechless!!! He was beaming when he said it!!!

I don’t even eat bologna cold at home! I have enough sense to fry it!!! Or at least melt cheese over it in the toaster oven.

How do these idiots stay in business? $11 for chips, drink and a tiny cold sandwich from the fridge!!!

I didn’t have time to drive around looking for something else… It wasn’t crowded though, I was the only customer… seems everyone already knew, just forgot to tell me what a crap ripoff they are. 🤬

And 🤬 🤬 for good measure!!!
In honor of Peanut's wretched meal, I'm designing him a sandwich named after his net title, AKA "The Peanut"

A long-breaded chicken strip wrapped in bacon, grilled to perfection topped with string cheese, slaw, and diced tomatoes in a toasted brat bun served with crunchy, spicy, breaded tater logs, spicy ketchup, and an ice-cold whatever.
Still having electrical issues with the APCs shutting off. Fridges are running fine. I've even swapped out APCs so I don't know what the problem is. Something is causing them to shut off even when they have full battery. No idea what could be causing it.

Also, a few years back I started getting a burning sensation in one spot on my right leg. Would flare up and then go away. Might happen a couple times a day and then would disappear for months. No visible sign of anything wrong. No catalyst for it either. The past few days its been acting up again. Area seems to be larger for it and it also somewhat itches. Its very annoying. Been coming and going every 5 to 15min. I think it may be some form of neuropathy but don't know for sure. It's more of a nuisance than anything else.

Got another bill from the hospital for an additional $100+ on top of the $800+ so it was now over $900 they wanted from me. Limped over to their business office (a trailer on the other side of the parking lot) with a receipt showing I paid in full. Took several minutes but they said it has been taken care of now. Clerk was confused as to why it was saying I hadn't paid. There was some confusion about insurance (which I don't have).

Meanwhile, because my brother's insurance was inactive and he had to wait for it to be renewed, they didn't fill his RX for his insulin & syringes and he said maybe 80% of the RX stuff he needed. They only filled his cholesterol meds. He needs his thyroid meds, high bp meds, insulin resistance meds, etc.
the APCs shutting off. Fridges are running fine. I've even swapped out APCs so I don't know what the problem is. Something is causing them to shut off even when they have full battery. No idea what could be causing it.
How many are on the same circuit? when I used to use the microwave while running the AC I used to trip a breaker. arrange them so there is only one heavy-use item on the circuit.
How many are on the same circuit? when I used to use the microwave while running the AC I used to trip a breaker. arrange them so there is only one heavy-use item on the circuit.
There are two APCs on one outlet and it shares a breaker with half the kitchen and most of the living room. It wasn't until after some power surges that we started having the problem. Used to only have one APC but it started having trouble so I got another. Then I tried another one. No way to really change which outlet is linked to specific breakers without major renovations and tearing out walls- something we're not prepared to do. Opposite side of the wall has cabinets. Ideally, if we had the $ to hire a professional we'd want to replace the wires and add ground wires, but I really don't know if that is even feasible without destroying walls. I mean, there are tools with magnets to fish lines through, but not sure how well that would work here. Especially with all the furniture in the way.

The weird thing is, there were no problems with this setup for decades and it just started a few months ago.
There are two APCs on one outlet and it shares a breaker with half the kitchen and most of the living room. It wasn't until after some power surges that we started having the problem. Used to only have one APC but it started having trouble so I got another. Then I tried another one. No way to really change which outlet is linked to specific breakers without major renovations and tearing out walls- something we're not prepared to do. Opposite side of the wall has cabinets. Ideally, if we had the $ to hire a professional we'd want to replace the wires and add ground wires, but I really don't know if that is even feasible without destroying walls. I mean, there are tools with magnets to fish lines through, but not sure how well that would work here. Especially with all the furniture in the way.

The weird thing is, there were no problems with this setup for decades and it just started a few months ago.
OK. Get some drop cords and surge protectors and spread them out, your wiring won't take it as it is. :)
Backlash, the breaker is not tripping and the other stuff connected to that breaker does not appear to be having any problems. I wonder if the breaker needs to be replaced though. I know its over 20 years old.

Meanwhile, in the TMI department,
the onions in the stew I ate did not agree with me and acted together with the change in my medication for an explosive incident. Didn't make it to the toilet in time. Had to hose myself off in the shower (which, I am so happy I can do because trying to clean off without the shower would have been a nightmare). Had to clean my shoes and now have them trying to dry off in the tub. Spent over 20min having to clean up the mess on the bathroom floor and everywhere else that got splattered. Not fun at all. Couldn't find my bathroom slippers anywhere and had to wear the shoes that the cats pissed in to walk around (I don't go barefoot in this house bc there are too many surprises from pets). I chugged a bunch of Pepto and that seems to have helped. Asked my brother to haul out some trash bags I had staged to be taken out. He refused. Asked him to feed the cats. He refused. He hasn't fed them in months and most of them are his cats. Not going to make them suffer bc he's a jerk though.

I ended up having to haul the trash bags out (6 of them-- and then pulled a 7th out of the trash can bc it was full) to the burn pile and it was a literal pain. My arms hate me. 7th trash bag can still fit more trash when out of the can. Need to get another can but the one I bought from Walmart was "canceled" because they claimed they couldn't find one. Said there were 20 in stock when I ordered it.

Not even sure where my "good" shoes are now and my stomach feels icky. I also got overheated even though its not that hot out.
Still having problems getting my packages. USPS tracking shows the local post office received my amazon order on Aug 2. I've been there multiple times and they haven't put in a package slip. I went up and rang the bell to get a clerk to come over and showed the tracking number. She looked around and then told me it must be lost that they never got it and to ask the seller for a refund. I want to give them 'til Tuesday to find it, but its so annoying that I have to re-order AGAIN because they keep losing my stuff. I've already contacted the seller to tell them my local office claims they can't find it. I am so sick and tired of my stuff getting lost/stolen before it can make it to me.
@zannej almost every time we put in for vehicle registration renewal online, tracking shows that the new sticker made it to local p.o. When we go there to check on it since it doesn't come in the allotted time frame, they say oh sorry, must have gotten lost. Which then means we have to go to the office to pick up a new one. Weird. Inconvenient. Also means someone probably got a free/illegal new sticker.
Reporting back on the dawn detergent and water in a spray bottle to kill wasps: it works. I wasn't sure since they kept coming back, but not every wasp was home when i would spray. Kinda scary to be shooting at them as they are either flying or sitting where the nest used to be, but I saw a few drop dead to the concrete as I sprayed them.
Also means someone probably got a free/illegal new sticker.
In Washington the police will know the car tab is not valid as soon as they run the plate.
They use scanners to scan plates as they drive by and when they get a hit on an unpaid registration they stop the car and write a ticket.
It there is a stolen tab the fine grows rapidly and may include an arrest.
We have 2 places in town where we can renew the tabs. Both are independent businesses not state run.
You can renew by mail but I never have.

OK my rant.
I set up a monthly account for a carwash place. I sold that car so I canceled the monthly payment.
I got an email from the billing company telling me it was canceled on the 6th of last month. I was charged again on the 14th.
I have disputed the charge with the Citi and I'm waiting to see what happens next. They say it should be resolved by Oct 31.
I just called the Citi and they tell me they can't stop the autopay I need to get the carwash to do it.
Citi says they shouldn't pay them again but if they do I can call back and they will escalate the dispute.
The guy that owns the carwash is almost 80 and he can barely dial his phone, much less deal with his billing company.
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Still having problems getting my packages. USPS tracking shows the local post office received my amazon order on Aug 2. I've been there multiple times and they haven't put in a package slip. I went up and rang the bell to get a clerk to come over and showed the tracking number. She looked around and then told me it must be lost that they never got it and to ask the seller for a refund. I want to give them 'til Tuesday to find it, but its so annoying that I have to re-order AGAIN because they keep losing my stuff. I've already contacted the seller to tell them my local office claims they can't find it. I am so sick and tired of my stuff getting lost/stolen before it can make it to me.
@zannej almost every time we put in for vehicle registration renewal online, tracking shows that the new sticker made it to local p.o. When we go there to check on it since it doesn't come in the allotted time frame, they say oh sorry, must have gotten lost. Which then means we have to go to the office to pick up a new one. Weird. Inconvenient. Also means someone probably got a free/illegal new sticker.
I keep telling y'all, if it's important to you, insure it, it will be there every time! it's worth the extra bucks.
Magus, the stuff I'm ordering doesn't have the option to insure it. Post office still hasn't found the package so it either fell somewhere or got stolen.
Patchouli, I would be so irritated about the registration disappearing frequently. My local DMV charges extra to file stuff online so it is cheaper to go in to their office. Hmm.. What was the ratio of dawn to water? I may need to try that. I forgot to buy more wasp spray and those red buggers are still flying at people when we open the door.
Doesn't help that it keeps getting hotter. I don't know what temp it was around noon, but around 4:35 or so it was 105.
Dademoss, that sounds frustrating.

On the upside, the seller told me that if I report back today that the package was lost, they will send out another one without any problems & they apologized for the issue. Not their fault. But at least they aren't fighting about it and are willing to fulfill the order without giving me any trouble.

I just wish it wasn't so bloody hot. I was practically melting when I went in to get my RX. I had just showered last night and used 72hr deodorant but by the time I reached the doors to the store I could smell my pits sweating.

Saw a friend who recently lost his brother-- who was almost 58yrs old-- to lung cancer. He really looked down. Can't really blame him. He lost his grandmother and both of his parents to cancer. None of them smoked or used drugs. His little sister has survived a few bouts with cancer. It just really sucks.
I was saving up for a macintosh so I could start building web sites for people, and I worked too much hours for SS to pay rent, so they had to cut my hours, and I used half of my savings on food, and half on rent, wiped out. Then I find out that as I work more, they're going to drop more so I am not allowed to make extra money, or they take 50%, while demanding I pay them back rent.

I was about to write "Just when I thought I could see a way out of this system that noone else would join willingly but refuse to believe I would want to leave."

Then I remembered what a philosopher once said "What happens if you step into the fire for trial's sake? It will not burn you. I swear."

So I suppose everything is on the up and up I just need more patience.

Work is harder, and I'm paying more taxes on less pay for more work because of a series of coincidences.

Dude at work groped me, nothing happened to him, but when I was ordered to work alone with him in a backroom and refused, I get written up.
Still saving up, one thing my dad can verify about me, I am inexorable.

ALSO, dog got sprayed by a skunk, decided to rub herself all over my bed and my room in a vain attempt to get the stink to go away.
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Backlash, the breaker is not tripping and the other stuff connected to that breaker does not appear to be having any problems. I wonder if the breaker needs to be replaced though. I know its over 20 years old.

Meanwhile, in the TMI department,
the onions in the stew I ate did not agree with me and acted together with the change in my medication for an explosive incident. Didn't make it to the toilet in time. Had to hose myself off in the shower (which, I am so happy I can do because trying to clean off without the shower would have been a nightmare). Had to clean my shoes and now have them trying to dry off in the tub. Spent over 20min having to clean up the mess on the bathroom floor and everywhere else that got splattered. Not fun at all. Couldn't find my bathroom slippers anywhere and had to wear the shoes that the cats pissed in to walk around (I don't go barefoot in this house bc there are too many surprises from pets). I chugged a bunch of Pepto and that seems to have helped. Asked my brother to haul out some trash bags I had staged to be taken out. He refused. Asked him to feed the cats. He refused. He hasn't fed them in months and most of them are his cats. Not going to make them suffer bc he's a jerk though.

I ended up having to haul the trash bags out (6 of them-- and then pulled a 7th out of the trash can bc it was full) to the burn pile and it was a literal pain. My arms hate me. 7th trash bag can still fit more trash when out of the can. Need to get another can but the one I bought from Walmart was "canceled" because they claimed they couldn't find one. Said there were 20 in stock when I ordered it.

Not even sure where my "good" shoes are now and my stomach feels icky. I also got overheated even though its not that hot out.
Sorry about the explosive incident.
My son is as Yankee as it gets. *SIGH* At least I learned him to shoot, make a few dishes and summon friendly spirits.

Anyway... Son, do you not remember what I said about trips to the bank once a damn month?

As for that groping homo at your job, Drop a can of soda into a nice heavy sock, brain him with it until he goes down, and then move to his nads, quit after he pukes, and kick him in the ribs. I can't be your father with you 2000 miles away! Much less blow his kneecaps out and set him on fire! :mad: Damn it, kid, remember, take him out like a doctor!
Gouge the eyes.
Upward palm thrust the nose.
Chop the throat!
Run away!
What the hell? was I wasting time kid? That civilized crap stops at approximately 1/8 of an inch from your body, then go hellcat!
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My pay issues continue. Not only was it harder work for less pay, the pay was supposed to come on a debit card, I got a check, a little after that, and then the checks stopped, so I assumed it was on my card, I can't activate it, so I asked someone for help, I call one number, they say I called the wrong number, I called the second number, they tried to help me activate it. I eventually gave up and asked my mental health caretaker to do it, she hasn't gotten around to it yet and I was so looking forward to getting something when it came, and now I don't know what's going on.

I was supposed to be paid 2 weeks ago, and some of my check will be withheld because bollax anyway, for a long time, and I'm running out of everything, I got some help with some things from friends, but I need MM as I use it for my mental issues. and I'm almost out. It helps with my combined ADHD ADD and PTSD
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