US vs. THEM:
Us. We eat what we like, probably cook and raise/hunt parts of our diet, and might go to the store when we must.
Them. They live out of tin cans and fast food and think meat comes from the store.
Us. We like our freedom, we realize the 2nd amendment isn't for deer hunters and like to
speak our minds.
Them. IF they own a gun, it's for home defense, they probably haven't shot it in a few years and sucked at it when they did because practice costs money and time, believes the cops will get there in time to save them. They have opinions, but they're afraid to voice them unless they are popular, and if someone even whispers "racist" or "phobic" they shut up, refuse to defend themselves, and spend days apologizing.
Us. Home-schooled, life educated and capable of educated thought by the time we're forced into the public school system.
Them. Content to let TV, the internet, and a disgrace of a school system raise their kids, then wonder why they wear animal suits and want to marry the dog/already raped the dog and has four addictions and 3 STDs
Us. educated opinions and theories.
Them. Whatever they saw on TV.
Us. Mostly well-balanced, reasonably healthy, Earned our wounds and disabilities.
Them. Await with bated breath the lawsuit commercial that might net them ten bucks, look for the disability of the week, and thinks being a lazy lard ass is a disability.
Us. Think having to live on disability/welfare/food stamps is a shame.
Them. Proud of it, and want more, and vote accordingly.
Us. might use a few drugs or drink for recreation, but most don't.
Them. It's a lifestyle.
Us. Kind to our fellow beings.
Them. Self-centered, arrogant, self-righteous, greedy, entitled and cruel.
Us. particular and discrete about our bed-mates.
Them. Whoever, whatever, whenever, however.
Us. Remember when our country stood for something better, and believed we could change the world with freedom.
Them. Won't STFU about Columbus, who never even landed a boat here!
I could go on all night but my pills are finally kicking in.