Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I was chased and stung by 'killer bees' in the Mohawk Mountains of Arizona, those winged varmints are aggressive! I was hauling @$$ too, but some of 'em still caught up to me and stung me... I killed half a dozen of 'em, the last one I slapped had just stung me on the back of my neck, and the slap which flattened him must have injected more venom into my system, because I suddenly felt light-headed. Could've been a cumulative effect as well, but that last sting on the neck hurt, lol. Those Mohawk Mountain bees chased me for at least 1/8th of a mile. Killer bees and hybrids have become more prevalent in the Southwest, especially in remote wilderness areas where there's nobody to take out their nests. I've seen some pretty large nests or hives in several areas: SoCal, AZ, NM. Folks have died from multiple killer bee stings... :oops:
Rant for the day, just whining really.
So I woke up this morning feeling like my jaw was as big as a baseball, two teeth at once decided I needed more pain in my life, an upper and a lower, I was in so much pain my eyes were watering so I took an Advil and was sleeping until around 7:00 PM Good thing I bought scotch!
And THC gummies.
There is no such thing as whining when it comes to tooth pain!!
Sorry, @Supervisor42 but you tell great stories.
Glad you're still with us, @Wingnut . There was an incident of killer bees at a wally world parking lot on a woman's car a few years ago. I think she was trapped in the car until a bee keeper type person showed up to handle things.
@Peanut I've seen those around, the bald faced hornets, did not know they were so dangerous.
Okay, so my wasps are no longer on the door but back near where they were originally. Tomorrow in the evening I'll use a hose and spray the beejeebers out of 'em. Then, spray the area along their prime real estate so as to make it undesirable. I'm scared.
Another rant, gas $3.59 gallon.
Back on Hornets, True story:
My dad and I were out snake hunting/berry hunting when we stopped for a beer and a look around, I found a foot-long piece of petrified wood just laying next to the road, I was loading it up, when I looked over at Dad's side of the road, thirty feet off the curb was a respectable sized red hornet nest up in a pine tree. I told Dad:
"Give me the gut buster, I'm going to wreck that thing when we go!"
(The gut buster was a Savage automatic shotgun built on the Browning A-5 patent some Bubba had cut off to barely legal!" Anyway, I plugged that thing full of five rounds of #7 birdshot and we split! We hadn't gone a hundred yards when a Jeep came over the ridge, no doors, no top! they passed us on that one-lane mine road doing a hundred!
Another story about the hornets. Dad was Bush hogging a bank next to the road when all of a sudden he jumped of the tractor and took off running. Within just couple minutes the tractor went from green to black. He sat the bush hog on a nest right on the ground and saw them coming out. Tractor and bush hog ran until dark and they left. He didn't get a single sting somehow
I had some sort of wasp/hornet living in the wall of my house in Illinois. They were going in and out of a hole that had the electrical conduit into the house. My driveway ran right next to the house. They would attack my car with wild abandon every time I drove past the house. You could hear them hitting the car and windshield. I never dared walk up the driveway. At night I would go out there and spray wasp spray in them at hole. But it took a while to kill them all as I imagine their actual nest wasn’t near the hole.
I went to the national drag race and it was packed with people.
We found a parking place and pulled in.
I jumped out right into a hornet swarm. That's why the parking space was empty.
I took off my jacket and took off running and slapping hornets.
By some miracle I did not get stung.
Went back for my jacket and got stung twice just below my belt line.
The good news was I didn't spill my beer.
My DIL got stung while camping a week ago and she suffered with a painful swollen hand all weekend.
Take the last train to Clarksville and I’ll meet you at the station @dademoss 🎶
I read that using 2 TBLSP Dawn dish detergent in a spray bottle filled with water and sprayed onto a nest would kill wasps almost immediately. So even though their nest wasn’t built yet they were still congregating. I sprayed a few, sprayed the surface. I almost thought @Pearl stopped by to fix things since there wasn’t much action with the little humdingers. Hopefully that’ll do the trick.
Rant over I hope.
Take the last train to Clarksville and I’ll meet you at the station @dademoss 🎶
Haven't found the train station, but it will be interesting times. Moved 4 times, and I dont remember the first two.

At least the Sunoco station has the right beer, I checked when I filled up there.
I was reading the news and I came across this:

California woman seen shooting at cars while naked on highway

A woman on the Bay Bridge in California was seen opening fire on cars while naked on Tuesday. (Credit: phatboyls5)

Okay, this leads to so many questions? How the heck did she carry a gun out onto the Bay Bridge NAKED? I'm pretty sure she wasn't carrying a concealed weapon!

I can't imagine people watching her just walk out onto the bridge naked, wouldn't someone holler out, "HEY LADY, YOU'RE GOING TO BURN YOUR FEET!"

I'm sorry, the news today is just beyond my understanding.... They have to be making this stuff up?
In a jury trial the jury determines guilt not the Judge.

A crooked POS judge on the bench can drastically alter the outcome through his (or her) machinations... I've unwillingly seen it and experienced it during my false charge fiasco. Don't tell me it can't happen. Having said that, if you are ever falsely charged, ALWAYS specifically request a jury trial ASAP, you don't want your fate resting in the hands of one crooked POS judge. Furthermore, state your intention to defend yourself, that way the D.A. is forced to disclose all so-called "evidence" to YOU, and not to some ********* attorney who doesn't really give a damn about the outcome of the case. I can't stress this enough: only by seeing the "evidence" YOURSELF will you be able to determine the correct course of action to disprove the lies & falsified reports. You can always go BACK to having an attorney later, but it is IMPERATIVE that you personally see all the so-called "evidence"---as only YOU know best what actually happened, NOT the scumbag attorney who won't bother checking all the details. That whole BS myth about not defending yourself is just that... BS, since you personally wanna see all the "evidence." I shot down three rounds of fake charges in the rigged courtrooms of Douche-manis and **** while defending myself, though the last round cost me 6 months of my life as I waited in jail for my hearings. All part of that JAILHOUSE FUNDING SCAM which costs taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars every year. :mad:

P.S. The good news is that I gave as good as I got, and I helped shoot down the crooked scrub queer D.A.'s bid to become mayor of ****. I also helped put the vandal punks who started the whole saga out of business... "BUH-BYE!!!" So it wasn't all bad, though I never wanted ANYTHING to do with it in the first place. ;)
That "cute" white possum stole my damn Doritos! he's lucky I have a toothache and can't eat them! he's getting so used to me that he lets me pick him up and move him off the counter. I think it's time to introduce him to beer. On my first Possum pet, I was getting pretty plowed on Natural ice, when I heard a rustle in my kitchen trash can, it was a possum wrestling with an empty can of beer, trying to get at the leftover goodies, so me being a nice guy, I poured him a tuna can full of natty daddy and put it where he could see it and sit back to watch. well, he found it and started drinking...
and drinking, and drinking and I was thinking, if he were human, that would be over a gallon of beer! I'd better run him off of it before he hurts himself! So I go in there and nudge him with my foot, the can is already empty, and the little bugger raises up on his hind legs at me and makes a like a Frankenstein monster noise and then falls over backward and rolls under the cabinet. I laughed about that for years, then he figured out that if he nosed the can around, I'd give him beer.
I woke up several times that winter with more possums than cats on the bed keeping me warm. LOL
Had the worst lunch I’ve had in… went to an eye appointment last week, there was a jimmy johns sandwich place in the same building. Never been to one, never going back either.

Got a roast beef sandwich and a bag of chips. Sat down to eat, open the foil… to my surprise the sandwich was also wrapped in saranwrap. And cold, as in from the fridge cold including the bread. Subway has a 6” sandwich, this one was barely 4”. One piece of meat with a strip of cheese on top.

I take it back to the counter, asked can I get it toasted? The employee proudly says ‘we serve our cold cuts cold!’ ‘nothing is toasted here!’ like this was a good thing. I was actually speechless!!! He was beaming when he said it!!!

I don’t even eat bologna cold at home! I have enough sense to fry it!!! Or at least melt cheese over it in the toaster oven.

How do these idiots stay in business? $11 for chips, drink and a tiny cold sandwich from the fridge!!!

I didn’t have time to drive around looking for something else… It wasn’t crowded though, I was the only customer… seems everyone already knew, just forgot to tell me what a crap ripoff they are. 🤬

And 🤬 🤬 for good measure!!!
OMCat, I really HATE loan applications :p
That has to be a pain if you are retired.
Those people only have a one-dimensional brain and assume that everybody gets the same paycheck every 2 weeks.
We don't.
The CC companies keep hounding me to please update my 'income information' :mad:.
What thahell am I supposed to write down?gaah
"How much is your monthly income?"
...As much as I need.
If I need a little, it equals a little.
If I need more, it equals more.
Try to fit that in their dang little boxes!
US vs. THEM:
Us. We eat what we like, probably cook and raise/hunt parts of our diet, and might go to the store when we must.

Them. They live out of tin cans and fast food and think meat comes from the store.

Us. We like our freedom, we realize the 2nd amendment isn't for deer hunters and like to
speak our minds.

Them. IF they own a gun, it's for home defense, they probably haven't shot it in a few years and sucked at it when they did because practice costs money and time, believes the cops will get there in time to save them. They have opinions, but they're afraid to voice them unless they are popular, and if someone even whispers "racist" or "phobic" they shut up, refuse to defend themselves, and spend days apologizing.

Us. Home-schooled, life educated and capable of educated thought by the time we're forced into the public school system.

Them. Content to let TV, the internet, and a disgrace of a school system raise their kids, then wonder why they wear animal suits and want to marry the dog/already raped the dog and has four addictions and 3 STDs

Us. educated opinions and theories.

Them. Whatever they saw on TV.

Us. Mostly well-balanced, reasonably healthy, Earned our wounds and disabilities.

Them. Await with bated breath the lawsuit commercial that might net them ten bucks, look for the disability of the week, and thinks being a lazy lard ass is a disability.

Us. Think having to live on disability/welfare/food stamps is a shame.

Them. Proud of it, and want more, and vote accordingly.

Us. might use a few drugs or drink for recreation, but most don't.

Them. It's a lifestyle.

Us. Kind to our fellow beings.

Them. Self-centered, arrogant, self-righteous, greedy, entitled and cruel.

Us. particular and discrete about our bed-mates.

Them. Whoever, whatever, whenever, however.

Us. Remember when our country stood for something better, and believed we could change the world with freedom.

Them. Won't STFU about Columbus, who never even landed a boat here!

I could go on all night but my pills are finally kicking in.
Who does? But parts of Arizona has been almost 120 degrees this summer.
I think there is a reason it's called Phoenix!
Why anyone would want to live there is beyond me. We stopped there on the way back from a trip in 2015 and it was 115 degrees then, so this is nothing new. I stopped there once for a few days in spring when I was young, and it was miserable and hot then also. It might have been April
Our weather is back to normal, low 80s. That;s the good thing about here, 90s is a heat wave, and doesn't usually last more than a few days.
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