Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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So, I talked to my brother and he said he'd ask before eating stuff. He had 2 days in a row off so he's happier. Yesterday he went with me to the grocery store and we got an oil change on the CRV (which is what he's been driving while his truck is no working). I was too tired to drive so he drove.

Today we got up very early and both drove in to the local repair shop to get an oil change on the Ridgeline and have some things checked out. Got there around 7:30 and they did the oil change right away. Left for over an hour to drive around town and go to some stores before coming back and finding they hadn't looked at the other stuff yet. 10:30 rolled around and they still hadn't touched it. Finally around 10:50 they took it in to look at it. Turns out the Honda dealership didn't install the wheelbearing properly and the new one is broken. I kvetched about how they had damaged the CV axle during the botched installation as well. Everyone in the room said that dealership sucks. Then one of the customers recommended a good dealership down in Lake Charles. The truck needs several things done. For one, the (now out of business) body shop that did repair work after my truck was hit by a drunk driver didn't install the fender correctly. It is mis-aligned so the tire rubs the fender liner (aka inner fender) and tears it up. The current one is torn up. It let water get in to the DRL on that side. The body shop also did not reconnect the DRL wiring after replacing the bumper. One thing I didn't mention to the other dealership is that the body shop guys spilled paint thinner or something inside the truck and ruined the faux leather on the center console and driver side door arm. I did mention that they didn't secure the tie rod and that the tailgate wouldn't open properly. I think a bit of plastic inside is broken. Need a transmission fluid flush as well.

I inquired about pricing and it was over $400 for installing a new wheelbearing, over $100 for an alignment (necessary after installing the bearing), over $300 for transmission flush, and maybe $85 for diagnostic. If they do the repairs they don't charge for diagnostic. So, I'm going to order a new fender liner and take it down on a day my brother has off and then have him drive me back home so they can keep it overnight. I told the guy on the phone I'm tired of having bad luck and getting screwed over.

Since my area charges tax (at same rate as sales tax) on services, it's likely going to be over $1k for the repairs.

On the upside, my brother bought me breakfast, we had a good chat, and enjoyed hanging out. He was entertaining me while we were sitting in the car waiting on the truck. And I got some text messages from Havasu. I don't usually text and I suck at it, but it was nice to have a text that wasn't about trying to get something repaired or wasn't spam.
Ran into an interesting "issue" when I came back from the recycling center. I couldn't get the new storm door to open. Turns out it's VERY high security :


Luckily, the back door was secured by Teddy Ruxpin security, so it was able to be remedied quicky.
Ran into an interesting "issue" when I came back from the recycling center. I couldn't get the new storm door to open. Turns out it's VERY high security :

View attachment 116518

Luckily, the back door was secured by Teddy Ruxpin security, so it was able to be remedied quicky.

Now thats good meme material!!! 🤣
I have ASS SECURITY!! Buddy won't let you get to my house!! Before he attacks, he announces it!!
I have an automatic shotgun and a shovel. :(
Right handedness.

Being left handed and having a right shoulder injury I am limited in the starting of gas powered devices.


Be proud. Lefties (Not commies!) are 10-15% smarter than their right-handed peers, something about how the brain works and where the logic centers are in the brain. I bet you know how to play chess. The only thing we ambidextrous people are known for is being psychotic. LMAO
Try some L-Lysene and shark cartilage topped with a goody powder chased by lemonade and a heat patch. I've come to find out that booze makes it worse in the long run. That mix does wonders on my gout and trick knees.
I have an automatic shotgun and a shovel. :(

Be proud. Lefties (Not commies!) are 10-15% smarter than their right-handed peers, something about how the brain works and where the logic centers are in the brain. I bet you know how to play chess. The only thing we ambidextrous people are known for is being psychotic. LMAO
Try some L-Lysene and shark cartilage topped with a goody powder chased by lemonade and a heat patch. I've come to find out that booze makes it worse in the long run. That mix does wonders on my gout and trick knees.
Watch it, I'm a crazy ambi!!
I have an automatic shotgun and a shovel. :(

Be proud. Lefties (Not commies!) are 10-15% smarter than their right-handed peers, something about how the brain works and where the logic centers are in the brain. I bet you know how to play chess. The only thing we ambidextrous people are known for is being psychotic. LMAO
Try some L-Lysene and shark cartilage topped with a goody powder chased by lemonade and a heat patch. I've come to find out that booze makes it worse in the long run. That mix does wonders on my gout and trick knees.
Hey watch it now. I'm mostly a right. But I do play chess on a regular basis
I just can not believe how people can go to school and be sooooo dumb. I went to the big box store and my order came up at $145 even. I gave the teenage girl $150. She gave me the receipt and closed the drawer. I said "you owe me $5". She had the most puzzled look on her face. She didn't know what to do. I gave her $100 bill and a $50 dollar bill. She reluctantly opened her drawer and gave me a $5 bill back. I told her "trust me, it's right", meaning the math. During the conversation earlier while whe was checking me out she admitted that she wasn't very good at math. Hmmm......ya don't say.

So sad.
I had something like that happen at a Wendy's back when they had fish sandwiches.
I said: Lettuce, tomato, pickles, NO cheese. My sandwich only had cheese. I said:
All the turf, NO cheese! It came back with turf and cheese, I said, Look lady, I'm lactose intolerant, DO NOT put cheese on this thing! It came back, you guessed it. WITH CHEESE and a huge gob of tartar sauce. I said look, just keep my ........... ...... money, and this inedible .... .. .... too! and I stuck it to the window and left to go to the BBQ joint.
I just can not believe how people can go to school and be sooooo dumb. I went to the big box store and my order came up at $145 even. I gave the teenage girl $150. She gave me the receipt and closed the drawer. I said "you owe me $5". She had the most puzzled look on her face. She didn't know what to do. I gave her $100 bill and a $50 dollar bill. She reluctantly opened her drawer and gave me a $5 bill back. I told her "trust me, it's right", meaning the math. During the conversation earlier while whe was checking me out she admitted that she wasn't very good at math. Hmmm......ya don't say.

So sad.
I've learned over the years to SAY the amount of money I am handing a cashier!!
There are people who are not able to do math. I have a friend that I think has a math disability.

When I lived in Kansas City, many years ago, there was a McDonalds that people would try to rip off. This was before drive throughs. Imagine that! Customers would hand the cashier a bill, maybe a $5. Cashier would hand them back the change and the person would protest, saying they gave cashier a $20. The store developed a practice. When a cashier received whatever bill for payment, they would say, "Out of 5." Then everyone behind the counter would repeat that. "Out of 5." "Out of 5." "Out of 5." It was entertaining to go into the place.
There are people who are not able to do math. I have a friend that I think has a math disability.

When I lived in Kansas City, many years ago, there was a McDonalds that people would try to rip off. This was before drive throughs. Imagine that! Customers would hand the cashier a bill, maybe a $5. Cashier would hand them back the change and the person would protest, saying they gave cashier a $20. The store developed a practice. When a cashier received whatever bill for payment, they would say, "Out of 5." Then everyone behind the counter would repeat that. "Out of 5." "Out of 5." "Out of 5." It was entertaining to go into the place.
You haven't lived until you have seen Gypsies do their 'change scam'.
That's where the phrase: "I got gyped!" comes from.
I watched it live when my brother owned a gas station and his uneducated wife ran the register.
A guy would walk up, hand her a twenty and say: "I just need change for poker night. I need 3 tens, 2 fives and 5 ones" and she would obediently pull that out and hand it to him. He would immediately hand her back a ten and say: "I need 2 fives and 5 ones for this" and she would dole it out. Before she could realize what was going on, another one would step up and join in, she would be obediently handing both of them bills at the same time, totally confused.
It took only minutes, and after they left, she said: "I'm $100 short!" gaah
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There are people who are not able to do math. I have a friend that I think has a math disability.

When I lived in Kansas City, many years ago, there was a McDonalds that people would try to rip off. This was before drive throughs. Imagine that! Customers would hand the cashier a bill, maybe a $5. Cashier would hand them back the change and the person would protest, saying they gave cashier a $20. The store developed a practice. When a cashier received whatever bill for payment, they would say, "Out of 5." Then everyone behind the counter would repeat that. "Out of 5." "Out of 5." "Out of 5." It was entertaining to go into the place.
I used to work a concession stand in high school without a register or calculator so I learned early on to count back change. I've noticed most people have not learned that skill. I would also say the dollar amount they gave me aloud, mostly for my own sake to keep me focused on the task at hand. I'm totally amazed when someone counts my change back counting up from the amount spent. Like if an amount came to $3.50 and I'd get a $10 from the customer. Change back would be .50 and say fifty is 4 then $1 for 5 and $5 for the $10. Occasionally older cashiers will count it back like that, but it doesn't happen often these days.

I always kept the money given to me on the cash drawer crossways until I gave the change back to the customer. That way there was no question as to what was given either way. When the customer was satisfied with their change, then the money goes in the drawer.

Any time I go to a drive thru or store, I do the math in my head of what my change will be. I try and beat the cashier in the store with the math. It's just a mind game that I do just for fun. It's always good to pay attention when you get your change handed back to you.
I used to work a concession stand in high school without a register or calculator so I learned early on to count back change. I've noticed most people have not learned that skill. I would also say the dollar amount they gave me aloud, mostly for my own sake to keep me focused on the task at hand. I'm totally amazed when someone counts my change back counting up from the amount spent. Like if an amount came to $3.50 and I'd get a $10 from the customer. Change back would be .50 and say fifty is 4 then $1 for 5 and $5 for the $10. Occasionally older cashiers will count it back like that, but it doesn't happen often these days.

I always kept the money given to me on the cash drawer crossways until I gave the change back to the customer. That way there was no question as to what was given either way. When the customer was satisfied with their change, then the money goes in the drawer.

Any time I go to a drive thru or store, I do the math in my head of what my change will be. I try and beat the cashier in the store with the math. It's just a mind game that I do just for fun. It's always good to pay attention when you get your change handed back to you.
I had a second job for a while, working in a restaurant as the hostess. People paid their bills at the register and that was part of my duties. I also counted back the change. Manager once told me that the till was almost always 100% accurate. When and how did it ever get messed up? When someone else took over the till while I was doing something else. Counting back change helped me to realize mistakes that I might be making.
I think I about got asked to leave Home Depot. It seemed I was the only person who spoke English. I was walking around with a sour look on my face. An employee asked if everything was ok. I said no not really. She said how can I help? I asked if she could announce on the PA immigration was in the building? Well she did not share my sense of humor. It did however cheer my up.
Calculator and "smart" phone dependent?

I make frequent easy math errors. It's what I do?

How can this be with my math heavy past? Most of the math done in college required the use of a calculator or computer. You become conditioned to use a device?

Sometimes I think using a "smart" phone is making me dumber? I think things only get worse as our dependence on artificial intelligence increases? It's inevitable...

"Alexa, how do you spell ubiquitous?"
I don't have Alexa and I don't have a smart phone. When my friends want to contact me, they use my landline and leave a message if I'm not home. If they need to text me something they text hubby. LOL! My flip phone is usually in my purse and many times it's dead b/c I never check it. I make sure it's charged before I go to town or somewhere more than 10 miles. My friends and family are used to my tech reluctance.
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Exhaustion is still kicking my tail. I think I'm going to try adding vitamin D to my vitamin list. Slept almost all day yesterday and then all night. Still tired. Also been having sinus headaches. It rained yesterday.

I went to heat up the mac-n-cheese I bought for myself and found it was gone. Not only was it gone, but the empty container was on the floor. My brother didn't even ask. He also spilled curry in the microwave and didn't even try to clean it up.

I'm tired of being tired.
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