Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Yesterday afternoon I was at a dog park that I go to almost every weekday, sometimes multiple times a day, with different dogs. I had two dogs with me, a fox hound, who I've been seeing for just a few months and an Aussie Shepherd who I've been seeing for a couple years. I see the fox hound on Thursdays and Fridays and the Aussie Shepherd I typically see every week day.

As we were leaving, fox hound goes crazy. We were just out of the gate, leashes on, the car about 15 yards away. There was a man with a Rottweiler standing on the corner, watching, not approaching, just watching. The foxhound had a regular collar on and a prong collar with the leash attached to it. The foxhound is going crazy, doing everything he could to escape his collars, pulling, trying to back out of the collars, and going crazy. I started pulling up on his leash, with little play, so that he wouldn't be able to pullout. I was walking him slowly so I could control him, and it took me a step at a time, and it was a struggle. But he kept pulling and pulling until he finally escaped and ran back towards the fenced dog park. At a certain point, I saw the man with the Rottweiler walk into the park.

We were fairly close to the car, so I put the Aussie in the car and went to see about the fox hound. Someone from the dog park had opened the gate to the entry way of the small side and fox hound went in there, now at least contained in the entry way, but still going crazy. I walked over to fox hound wondering what in hell am I going to do with this dog?

A woman from the large side asked if she could help me get him to the car? "Yes, please!"
By now Rottweiler and owner are in the large side. Woman helped me get collars on and we start to walk to the car. Dog is still going crazy, again trying to escape.

We went into the entry way of the large side, and woman removes two prongs of the pronged collar to tighten it up, and leave the entry way. All of a sudden, fox hound quietly walked straight to the car. I missed when it happened because of the distraction, but as we are walking to the car and I see the man outside the park and walking away with his dog.

After I got the dogs home, I texted fox hound's owner, told her about what happened. She apologized and then told me again about fox hound's trigger: unneutered male dogs. And she tells me that there is a Rottweiler on her block that really upsets fox hound, because he is unneutered. As we talk about it, we realize that the dog was THE Rottweiler who lives on her block and upsets fox hound. The man has seen this before.

The man standing there watching, KNEW that fox hound was reactive to HIS dog. He watched me struggle with fox hound for quite a while, just watching, not leaving, not walking away, just watching me STRUGGLE! He was probably amused! And, he only stayed about 10 minutes or less with his unneutered dog, who is NOT supposed to be there, because he is unneutered!

I got home, exhausted from the ordeal, and began to rethink the whole thing. If I had known about the Rottweiler being unneutered and fox hound being reactive to him, I would have probably given the man a piece of my mind. Or I would have called animal control. Don't want to neuter your dog? I have no problem with that! But don't take your unneutered dog to a dog park where the posted rules are NO UNNEUTERED MALE DOGS!

UGH! If I am ever there again and this man shows up with his dog, I will call and report the guy for having an unneutered dog at a dog park. I know someone whose dog was attacked by an unneutered Rottweiler. Call went out, quick response by animal control and police. That man got a $500 ticket for unneutered male dog in public dog park, no city license, and aggressive dog at public dog park. Man told police and animal control that they couldn't ticket him. They did. We haven't seen him since.
My gripe is I have some respiratory crud and mucus causing stomach issues and making me cough. Been exhausted all day. And Mom was refusing to get up and refusing to let me check her blood sugar most of the day. She was a bit combative about it. She got up at some point and went back to bed and then huffed and puffed about how she stayed out in the living room for an hour and a half but that I didn't come out to get her anything to eat. I told her I didn't know she wanted anything to eat because I told her to call me if she wanted anything. She said she hadn't been hungry anyway but was mad that I didn't magically know she wanted me to come ask. I got a headache and took a nap. Woke up and went to check on her and she wasn't in her room. I walked in to the living room and she gave me major stinkeye and told me she'd been in there for "awhile" but that I had been sleeping. Like she was mad that I took a nap bc I was feeling cruddy. At least she picked what she wanted to eat relatively quickly and I cooked it for her. She wanted the last packet of beef ramen (store is out of it) and a burger.

When I went to wash some dishes I discovered the water was out so I had to get a flashlight and go outside to get the pump running again. I meant to go to the store today but was too tired and feeling cruddy. I slept through the time to call my uncle so I'll have to call him tomorrow night. He's been very lonely since his wife passed in October.
Water has gone out 2 more times since my post. Not sure what is wrong, but it's aggravating. 3x in 24hrs is not good. I really hope we won't have to get a new jet pump. They are double in price now and it's a pita to mess with the plumbing for them. Could be worse though. Pipes didn't freeze even though it got below freezing last night.
I've been researching surge protectors today. What I have found out from reading reviews:
  • They do not stop power surges from reaching your equipment
  • If fact, they destroy equipment that is plugged into them
  • That is, if they don't catch on fire first
  • And if you complain, the manufacturer won't honor the warranty
  • Assuming you were able to get through to the manufacturer in the first place
Now, on to the decision of which one I should buy!
I've been researching surge protectors today. What I have found out from reading reviews:
  • They do not stop power surges from reaching your equipment
  • If fact, they destroy equipment that is plugged into them
  • That is, if they don't catch on fire first
  • And if you complain, the manufacturer won't honor the warranty
  • Assuming you were able to get through to the manufacturer in the first place
Now, on to the decision of which one I should buy!
I've heard the same about "Green Plugs" for refrigerators! 🤔
I'm glad I didn't get those green plugs for my fridge.

So, water went out a 4th time and I took a video to show what it was doing when it did come on.

Then went out a 5th time but wouldn't come back on. I tried moving the cable to different spots but then a fitting on the outlet side came off and water shot out and made a direct hit on the pressure switch. It has a cover but I don't think it helped and I'm going to buy a new switch just in case. But for now we have no water. No flushing toilets, no doing laundry, no shower. I had planned to shower in the morning. Ugh. Hoping that my friend can come out and help me and also hoping this time he won't hit his nuts on the pressure gage.
I've been researching surge protectors today. What I have found out from reading reviews:
  • They do not stop power surges from reaching your equipment
  • If fact, they destroy equipment that is plugged into them
  • That is, if they don't catch on fire first
  • And if you complain, the manufacturer won't honor the warranty
  • Assuming you were able to get through to the manufacturer in the first place
Now, on to the decision of which one I should buy!

Quality of grid power varies greatly area to area, different suppliers. Used to see it at work. You could build yourself a suppressor for your 'house mains', or buy one. I always installed power conditioners with catscans. Take shore supplied 480vac 3-phase and clean the power for catscans, mri's, any sensitive electronics. They aren't that expensive, few thousand for a home unit.

I used to carry a selection of ferrites for work, handy little things. Still use them occasionally for small projects. Just install them around the hot wire of the device. They'll clean up power nicely... vehicle power is notoriously dirty. Here i used ferrites on the input of my hydrogen generator.

Cell Op (2)ab.jpg
I'm glad I didn't get those green plugs for my fridge.

So, water went out a 4th time and I took a video to show what it was doing when it did come on.
View attachment 122462
Then went out a 5th time but wouldn't come back on. I tried moving the cable to different spots but then a fitting on the outlet side came off and water shot out and made a direct hit on the pressure switch. It has a cover but I don't think it helped and I'm going to buy a new switch just in case. But for now we have no water. No flushing toilets, no doing laundry, no shower. I had planned to shower in the morning. Ugh. Hoping that my friend can come out and help me and also hoping this time he won't hit his nuts on the pressure gage.
Hope you and your friend can get it fixed!!
I'm glad I didn't get those green plugs for my fridge.

So, water went out a 4th time and I took a video to show what it was doing when it did come on.
View attachment 122462
Then went out a 5th time but wouldn't come back on. I tried moving the cable to different spots but then a fitting on the outlet side came off and water shot out and made a direct hit on the pressure switch. It has a cover but I don't think it helped and I'm going to buy a new switch just in case. But for now we have no water. No flushing toilets, no doing laundry, no shower. I had planned to shower in the morning. Ugh. Hoping that my friend can come out and help me and also hoping this time he won't hit his nuts on the pressure gage.
I hope you’re able to get it up and running soon, no water is terrible way to start your week off. We also have a jet pump. I saved up and bought a spare one (grundfos one) to have on hand just in case our existing one crapped out and two spare pressures switches they sat in the basement in a box for almost three years. I was so glad I was paranoid when the old one died in the middle of the Covid shortages and price increases hit. Took my husband about 30 minutes to swap it out and put a new switch on. We had a neighbor that went three weeks without water because they couldn’t get a pump just a couple weeks after ours went out.
Back on the farm, I had the pressure switch go bad. With animals needing water, that was bad. I replaced the switch and also bought another pump which was plumbed in next to the old one. Bypass valves allowed me to switch between pumps so if the pump crapped out, all I had to do was turn two valves and use the other pump.

I liked that so much, I did the same with the water heater.
It was pouring rain. Thunder and lightning so friend wanted to wait for it to let up a bit. I don't blame him. I tried putting air in the pressure tank and the switch did come on but the fittings still blew apart and all air left the pressure tank. I had taped the fitting to see if it would temporarily hold but it didn't.

Made it to Lowes and had to pass a kidney stone. Either I'm still sore from it or another is on the verge of coming out. Was pulling down some pipe and another pipe next to the one I pulled slipped out and dropped directly on top of my foot-- and these pipes were stored above my head vertically. I swore for awhile and my foot still hurts. Still has a mark on it from where the pipe landed. Couldn't find all of the stuff I needed. For some reason they didn't have the mpt to female slip fittings. At least I found a new pressure tank.

Rain let up enough for my friend to come out though and we ended up not needing to install the new pressure tank (yet). I put air in the old one, he put the pipe back together with wet rated pvc cement (Oatey rain or shine) and installed the new pressure switch. He said the wires were loose on the old one and that may have been the problem. But the pipe coming apart let all of the air out of the pressure tank somehow so I had to put more air in it. Once the pipe was fixed I put in 28psi and we have water working again-- although its filthy.

Power kept blinking on and off for a bit. I'm a bit worried about Mom's mental faculties because she was super confused and asked me what was happening. I had to explain it was a power outage from the storm. We have a tornado watch.

Still coughing up crud and can't seem to get rid of the tickling/irritation triggering the coughs or the post-nasal drip. But at least I have running water again. *knocks on wood*
What I hate most on this planet is other people trying to tell you what to do. If it does not affect them directly , it is NOT YOUR BUSINESS!!! It is not your business to tell me what to eat , smoke, drink or who I have sex with either.
It is only your business if I take YOUR stuff, or affect YOUR property in any way. I dislike very much all the stupid laws there are that shouldn't' exist. LIke drug laws, laws on what stove you have, laws on what car you drive, laws on what birthcontrol you use, laws on who you marry or not and what you do with your kids. Sometimes I think my own personal favorite type of .gove would be anarchy
there done with my crazy rant for the day
What I hate most on this planet is other people trying to tell you what to do. If it does not affect them directly , it is NOT YOUR BUSINESS!!! It is not your business to tell me what to eat , smoke, drink or who I have sex with either.
It is only your business if I take YOUR stuff, or affect YOUR property in any way. I dislike very much all the stupid laws there are that shouldn't' exist. LIke drug laws, laws on what stove you have, laws on what car you drive, laws on what birthcontrol you use, laws on who you marry or not and what you do with your kids. Sometimes I think my own personal favorite type of .gove would be anarchy
there done with my crazy rant for the day
What I hate most on this planet is other people trying to tell you what to do.
Nothing like what your rant is about, but a person who decided to tell me what to do. It was minor, but uncalled for.

I had met a woman at a dog park one day. I'll call her "the boss". Something about her was a little odd. She was a know it all and talked too much. The next time I saw her, we had just gotten to the dog park and I see my dog doing her business. I hadn't sat down yet. I am standing there with a poop bag open and on my hand to go retrieve the business. "Go clean up after your dog. She is doing her business over there." I looked at her, with the poop bag in my hand, and calmly said, "That was annoying." Woman never spoke to me again. LOL! That was easy. Then I hadn't been to that park in a few months. Several people I know were there and the boss pulled up. Immediately a conversation starts about her. Of the half dozen people there, she wasn't talking to any of them. She had one at a time gone through all of these people with her treatment of them. She sat in her car, probably taking inventory of all of her nemesis, and then left.
Not feeling quite as bad today. Still coughing my bladder out. Had to take a long nap in the afternoon. Foot is still sore where the pipe fell on it. But could be worse. The mucus feels like it has worked its way down into my upper chest though. Earlier Rupert was sitting on me coughing and coughing-- guessing a hairball-- but nothing came up. I gently patted his back and comforted him the entire time. Then I started coughing and he moved away from me. LOL.

I wish I could figure out why the heat distribution in the house is so uneven. It's super warm in Mom's room & the living room. Cold in my room though. It's the opposite in summer. It cools better in two rooms and then is hotter in the others. My brother's room is apparently almost always hot now. I blame all the empty water bottles creating insulation in the room. :p

Still need to take out trash and do major cleaning. I tripped taking laundry to the laundry room earlier but managed to not fall. Although I fell a few other times and caught myself-- almost broke some plastic drawers in the living room. Bad coordination sucks.

My right ear is sore and swollen inside and has crusty wax buildup-- but its too sore to clean it out.

At least the storms didn't hit here too badly. I saw Lake Charles got slammed and people lost houses, barns, etc. News story showed a family that had a barn survive 2 hurricanes but it got destroyed by the high winds. One of their chickens was injured and limping. Their goats were hiding in the chicken shed. Poor critters were shaken up.
Is it the marijuana problem, Sonya?
thats part of it, but my gosh, I have a big list of things that fall under that category, this is just the latest
but when I think about it, it's the one the makes me mad the most. I suffered from this crappy panic attacks and anxiety for some 20 years, when I could have had a relatively normal life thanks to .gov
The thing that gets me is why has big pharma not made a legal prescription version of it yet? The only thing I can figure out is that it's not profitable enough because everyone can just grow it themselves
So the politicians are paid off to not make it totally legal everywhere so big pharma ( and probably the lliquor companies) make more money

my personal list of other .gov crap that caused me problems and expense in the past:

buying a house in Virginia: we were going to build one on another property, but that was financially impossible thanks to .gov regulations . Our house we have now does not in any way meet any current standards, but its old so they don't make you do anything. Plus we live out here in middle of nowhere, no .gov to tell you what you can and cannot do
in Orlando, it was much worse. We remodeled and were not allowed to install hot and cold water faucets in the remodeled bathroom because they are now illegal
( you have to have one that mixes hot and cold water)
we have them here
We were not allowed to cut down the large oak tree in the backyard ( I wanted to grow a bigger garden and the tree was too much shade, plus it could have fallen on the house in a hurricane) . The tree removal service has to get a permit. They didn't get it. So we did what we could legally: cut the tree down to a large stump...lol . Trimming a tree did not require such a permit
wood stoves: only the Amish are allowed appearantly to sell real wood stoves that don't require electricity to run .
Gas stoves all need electricity to run except my small camping stoves I cook on in summer.
Washing machines: you have to spend a small fortune and buy one of the very very few machines still out there that does not have a lock on it
Vehicles: don't get me started with the electric vehicle crap, but it's already happening in some States and countries

there is more but you get the picture

oh dont' forget the Karens during Covid!! Must wear a useless mask at all times!
They make you get a bad vaccine that doesn't work and kills people , but want to arrest me for using a plant that doesn't hurt anything? I have to keep retyping here because I keep want to cuss...lol

edit: have to add one more thing I really hate: you cannot sell milk ( I do anyways, and give it away for "donations")
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Well, yep, I think we are overdone with stupid laws, too. But she was mad about not being able to bring it on vacation because of other countries' laws.
it's not just other countries, you are not allowed to bring it on any flight, even within the US because it is still federally illegal, and airports have federal jurisdiction
Yesterday afternoon I was at a dog park that I go to almost every weekday, sometimes multiple times a day, with different dogs. I had two dogs with me, a fox hound, who I've been seeing for just a few months and an Aussie Shepherd who I've been seeing for a couple years. I see the fox hound on Thursdays and Fridays and the Aussie Shepherd I typically see every week day.
I used to take my previous GSD to the dog park in Orlando and had run ins with other people several times. One time some relatively small pit bull attacked my dog, and she bit him back. The owner got of course mad at me but her dog started it. We almost got into a physical fight, she pushed me, and I warned her she would very much regret it if she did it again , she backed off

One time our other dog ( the mutt we still have) took a toy from a dog and ran off and the owner got mad. I did get the toy back but my gosh, it's a dog park, dogs play.
my personal list of other .gov crap that caused me problems and expense in the past:

buying a house in Virginia: we were going to build one on another property, but that was financially impossible thanks to .gov regulations . Our house we have now does not in any way meet any current standards, but its old so they don't make you do anything. Plus we live out here in middle of nowhere, no .gov to tell you what you can and cannot do
in Orlando, it was much worse. We remodeled and were not allowed to install hot and cold water faucets in the remodeled bathroom because they are now illegal
( you have to have one that mixes hot and cold water)
we have them here
We were not allowed to cut down the large oak tree in the backyard ( I wanted to grow a bigger garden and the tree was too much shade, plus it could have fallen on the house in a hurricane) . The tree removal service has to get a permit. They didn't get it. So we did what we could legally: cut the tree down to a large stump...lol . Trimming a tree did not require such a permit
wood stoves: only the Amish are allowed appearantly to sell real wood stoves that don't require electricity to run .
Gas stoves all need electricity to run except my small camping stoves I cook on in summer.
Washing machines: you have to spend a small fortune and buy one of the very very few machines still out there that does not have a lock on it
Vehicles: don't get me started with the electric vehicle crap, but it's already happening in some States and countries

there is more but you get the picture

oh dont' forget the Karens during Covid!! Must wear a useless mask at all times!
They make you get a bad vaccine that doesn't work and kills people , but want to arrest me for using a plant that doesn't hurt anything? I have to keep retyping here because I keep want to cuss...lol
o_O I can't get over the list of things you can and can't do - occasionally I see someone else make a comment; I had thought those of you in rural areas, especially down south had much more freedom
o_O I can't get over the list of things you can and can't do - occasionally I see someone else make a comment; I had thought those of you in rural areas, especially down south had much more freedom
nope, the US is actually one of the less free countries. "Home of the free" is a myth
You have more freedom in most ( not all ) countries in Europe

and then there is the State thing. Laws vary widely depending on what State you are in. We are in one of the somewhat better States, if you are in say South Carolina, nothing is legal
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Washington State legalized MJ a few years ago.
The legal sellers take cash only due to federal laws.
They actually have ATMs in their stores.
My wife has a medical MJ permit and I have a providers permit which means I can grow and transport her MJ.
She has just started smoking it at bed time and she is sleeping much better.
She still makes MJ butter to use during the day if she gets to hurting too much.
My nephew used to take 80mg of opioids a day. That changed his personality and he turned into a very angry person.
He got his medical MJ permit and started smoking.
Within a few months he was completely off the opioids and back to his normal self.
I always said it would be legal if the .gov could tax it and that is exactly what happened here.
The .gov is just like organized crime they always get their cut.
Reverse rant:
I'm sure everybody is tired of hearing me complain how much I hate cold weather...
But I pride myself on being able to find something good in absolutely anything:)...
The good thing about cold weather is: the beer stored in our outside trailer is now 'pre-cooled' before I put it in the fridge :thumbs::drink buddy::D.
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