Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Looks like it's time to build a wall on our northern border too. Canada has fallen.

It boggles my mind that the LGBT group could even remotely think that crap like this will advance their cause. Can they not see what they are doing to themselves? Any respect or support they still have is going down like a submarine with a screen door.

It boggles my mind even more that the country of Canada tolerates this kind of behavior, let alone supports it in their legal system. What in the **** happened to Canada? I can't believe how fast they lurched downwards. The US is racing there as well, but Canada really leapfrogged us and got there first. The competition to be the worst is fierce indeed!
In some ways the movie Idiocracy is starting to look possible.

Minor gripe but it's about my brother being a jerk again. So yesterday when he was supposed to be helping he stood around griping about being there, griped when I asked for help with specific things, and then was criticizing everything I was doing (friend defended me). When around other people he tries to act superior to me so he amps up his jerk factor. But it was after the work was done that he had a snit in the truck. We haven't had pizza in a very long time and I decided to get some. He has the app on his phone and could select to pay when we picked the pizza up so I would be paying for it. He wanted pepperoni but I can't eat it. First off I hate it and 2nd it makes me sick. I wanted mushrooms. He likes mushrooms. He started whining that he wanted pepperoni and I said "I can't eat pepperoni and you CAN eat mushrooms". I asked him if he could order half and half but he ignored me. He wanted to order a whole pizza just for himself. I said "No, that's too expensive" and he suddenly started yelling at me that I'm a selfish B and he always has to compromise (which is absolute BS). I pointed out that I wasn't asking to use a topping that he hated and he was basically asking to have the pizza all to himself without paying for it himself. He didn't back down but he still ordered the pizza and acted like I was the unreasonable one. After we ate he acted like nothing had happened. No apology. No acknowledgement that he was a dick. He really does have main character syndrome. Especially since he will use ingredients that he didn't pay for to cook family sized meals for just himself using stuff he knows no one else in the house will or can eat. He'll deliberately include stuff he knows I can't eat so he can hog it to himself. The last few times he was supposed to cook for us he used stuff that Mom didn't like so she ended up not eating it when it was supposed to be for her. And when I asked him NOT to use that stuff he basically called me stupid and insisted that it wouldn't ruin it for Mom if he used the stuff. Now, Mom is partially to blame for how he turned out bc she's the one who spoiled him rotten and always caved when he cried or had a tantrum bc he didn't get his way.

Meanwhile, they must have a shortage on cheese and mushrooms bc the cheese wasn't even visible on the pizza and there were less than 10 mushroom slices on the entire pizza. Bonus points, I was reminded of why I don't eat pizza anymore bc I woke up to burping up bile.
Maybe you should have dumped his spoiled a$$ on the side of the road.
Saint Jude organization constantly runs tv advertising, asking for donations. I would love to make a sizable donation, but this stops me cold:

James R. Downing, M.D. is the President and CEO of St. Jude
June 30, 2023 included a salary and incentive compensation of $1,108,532
In 2020, Downing's compensation was $2,324,885
Saint Jude organization constantly runs tv advertising, asking for donations. I would love to make a sizable donation, but this stops me cold:

James R. Downing, M.D. is the President and CEO of St. Jude
June 30, 2023 included a salary and incentive compensation of $1,108,532
In 2020, Downing's compensation was $2,324,885

A law should be passed, forcing all charities to disclose, in every ad they run, the percentage of donations that actually make it to recipients.

Without that, there is no accountability and most charities get run to benefit the staff first.
A law should be passed, forcing all charities to disclose, in every ad they run, the percentage of donations that actually make it to recipients.
This information is generally available. I don't know if there is a law mandating it, but I think you can usually find out. I've seen this info on a few organizations published. Whether it was published by the organization, or by zealots digging into the organizations innards - I don't know.
This information is generally available. I don't know if there is a law mandating it, but I think you can usually find out. I've seen this info on a few organizations published. Whether it was published by the organization, or by zealots digging into the organizations innards - I don't know.
Donors should not have to go looking for the information.

It should be prominently shown in all forms of solicitation.
It’s not right to drain the donations like that. But, St Judes is good. Someone in my family went through it all, and St Judes was phenomenal, and no cost to the family. Poor kid actually felt comfortable and safe there, and understood. I have given, and will give again. If the CEOs don’t have integrity, that’s on them.
Remember when we had real men in the world?

Anyway, my rant is small:
every time I cut a budget, the prices go up!
I50 years ago, MEN would climb up on a stage coach and drive teams of horses for several thousand miles, across land so harsh that Satan wouldn't have it.

Years ago, MEN went out in the middle of nowhere, struggled with nature and the elements. With little regard for their personal comfort, they created Hoover Dam and the like. They manually laid many thousands of miles of railroad track.

Today, "men" are Metrosexuals, Drag Queens and Queers sitting in Starbucks, drinking a Double Chocolate Rum-Bah-Bah while complaining about their student loans.

I'd say that America is lost...FUBAR
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I hate the calls from the extended auto warranty companies, but I do have fun with them. A few years ago, I received a call and the woman caller was extremely personable. She wanted to provide me with coverage, but first I must tell her the make and model of my vehicle to prove my identity. I told her that my vehicle is a 2018 ROLLS KENARDLY. She paused for a moment while she “searched her computer records”, then she said “OK…I found your records”! Attempting to gain my confidence, she tried to get cool and personable. She exclaimed, “I love the Rolls Kenardlys, they are absolutely wonderful cars. How do you like yours”. I calmly said “It’s not worth a ****…it ROLLS down one hill and KENARDLY make it up the next”! When she realized she had been had…she flipped out. She became substantially less than nice!
I had some real fun out of an Arabic guy once.
Blah blah, burial insurance.
Oh hey sugar, glad you called! I'm already *****!
Um no I'm here to...
Did you kiss your mother for me? did you use your tongue?
What?! No! I...
Are you wearing her panties too? I like the blue ones.
*MUCH swearing in Arabic!* Filthy American swine, I will to be blocking you from EVER being able to use our company's services again you dog!"
That's all I ask sweet cheeks.
OK for real rant.
I've been waiting for a month for a call from Social Security.
Finally, they call, and just as the recorded intro ends...
I couldn't move... I couldn't speak as the voice wanted to tell me about mortgage plans in my area. I just hung up and curled into a fetal ball, wishing the AI who just torpedoed me could burn in hell for all eternity.
How can our country be so bloody wealthy, yet the homelessess and queues for food parcels be getting longer?


There was anger and distress among people queuing for Christmas food-parcel tickets at the Capuchin Day Centre in Dublin on Wednesday when stewards announced all 3,000 had been distributed, shortly after 9.30am.
About 30 minutes earlier the centre had also run out of its weekly food bags – two hours earlier than usual.
“I am distraught,” said one young woman blinking away tears. “There is nothing for my child. My child has special needs. I am on my own.”
She said she had to wait until her son went to school before she could get here. “He’s 11. This, it’s not fair. I was told the tickets would be given out between 7am and 11am and it’s not even 10am yet. There was tickets last year at this time.”
How can our country be so bloody wealthy, yet the homelessess and queues for food parcels be getting longer?

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There was anger and distress among people queuing for Christmas food-parcel tickets at the Capuchin Day Centre in Dublin on Wednesday when stewards announced all 3,000 had been distributed, shortly after 9.30am.
About 30 minutes earlier the centre had also run out of its weekly food bags – two hours earlier than usual.
“I am distraught,” said one young woman blinking away tears. “There is nothing for my child. My child has special needs. I am on my own.”
She said she had to wait until her son went to school before she could get here. “He’s 11. This, it’s not fair. I was told the tickets would be given out between 7am and 11am and it’s not even 10am yet. There was tickets last year at this time.”
Does anyone remember the Soviet Union of the '80s? Meat once a month was a miracle.
Awhile back, I ordered a 70” flat screen tv from the Walmart web site. The day it was delivered, I walked out the front door just I time to see the FedEx truck drive away. Sitting on the porch was my new tv. I dragged it inside and started to open it. I noticed on the front of the box (in the center) there was an 8.5x11 sheet of paper with a typed note on FedEx letterhead. I removed the note and underneath was a huge hole in the box. Someone had attempted to conceal the hole with 100 yard of masking tape. The note was from Fedex. It said that Fedex noticed some damage to the box, so they removed the contents from the box and inspected for damage. The note stated that there was no damage, so they repackaged the tv in the box. I proceeded to cut away the box and there was my new 70” flat screen tv…..with a hole in the middle of the screen that was so big you could throw a basketball all the way through it. Clearly a forklift went through it. I immediately took it to Walmart and the6 made it right.
I also purchased a TV on Black Friday, but was from Costco. My biggest fear was if there was anything broken on it, because I have no idea how I would return such an oblong box?

Fortunately for me, all was fine, and even slipped the delivery guy $20 since he came a bit early and I was on my daily walk, about a mile away. He delivered another TV to a local house, and had to return back to my house.
I once got a package from Fedex that was flattened and had tire tracks on it. No letter or any sort of acknowledgement of it being damaged. It was a gift from designer John Bruce (who was on the show 'While You Were Out'). It was messed up but fixable. He was mortified that Fedex did that. He sent me a picture of what it was supposed to look like and fortunately, I was able to put it back together after he sent me a picture of what it was supposed to look like.

Meanwhile, I have another "I-told-you-so" moment with my friend and his wife. I stressed to both of them that they should not let their exes have their cars and still have their names on them and have them be liable. It's been 2yrs and the wife's ex was supposed to refinance the car loan to get it fully in his name and he never did and she didn't do a release of liability, nor did she try to contact the loan company to get her name off of it. So, the jerkwad didn't pay the car loan last month and didn't give her a heads up so she suddenly got a ding to her credit score and her record for payments. She had a perfect record of paying everything on time until this and now she might not be able to get the FHA loan bc of it. They sunk over $2k into fixing up the house already and were so close to being able to get it. I told her awhile back to sign a release of liability with the DMV and to also request to have her name taken off the loan. I don't yet know if she is the only name on the loan or title. The ex may have cosigned but it's not clear if he was partial owner.

If the title and loan are in her name with him as just a cosigner, can she have the cops help her find the car so she can take it back and then she can make payments or sell it for enough to cover what is still owed. There's about $6k still owed on it. I'm really worried that the ex has decided to just screw her over by not making payments anymore and doesn't care if it affects her credit. She should have asked for the car back when they split but he was already really angry about it all and she was afraid of him and she doesn't ever want to see him face to face again. Or maybe the loan company can help her get the car back. That's assuming his name is not on it. Any ideas what she can do if his name is on it and it's ruining her credit score and ability to get loans if he has the car?
How hard can it be to buy a $3 chuck key? Last week I found an old craftsman 3/8th drill in the shop. Bought it maybe 30yrs ago, forgot I owned it. Of course the chuck key was missing. Tonight I went to ace hrdware, harbor frght, tsc, walmart… finally found a chuck key that at lowes. There I had to wait 20min for a sales person to show up and find where they’d hidden the #$%& chuck keys! Holiday traffic in the big town, that’s an hour and a half I’ll never get back. 🤬
Deer are stupid stupid creatures. I was driving into town and it was getting dark out. Dark enough to have headlights on. I see a deer zip out and hit the brakes. It clears. But the 2nd smaller deer behind it was still off the road, stopped for a moment, then decided to go for it as I was still trying to stop. It gets hit and tumbles at least 10x.. It went rolling off the road, into a ditch, and continued to roll a few more times before it stopped, looked stunned for a moment, then rolled to its feet and limped away. Got out and checked for damage. Bumper popped out a bit and hopefully can pop back in. I'll assess better in daylight.
Turns out there was more damage that I couldn't see in the dark. Front grille and top of the bumper have cracks. Passenger side fog light slipped back.

Meanwhile, friend's wife contacted the lender for her car & they do not have the ex's updated address. He hasn't informed them of the changes to where he moved. He might still be working at the same place as when they were dating so its possible the car could be there somewhere. But we'd have to go to Lake Charles to try to find it and also make sure that it is legal for her to take it if he isn't making payments. No word on if he made the most recent payment, but when she contacted the ex about it he told her that if she had a problem with how he paid the car note to pay it herself, told her to screw off and not to contact him again. Need to find out what the laws are on what she can do without letting him keep a car if she's paying for it.

Also, I'm a total wuss and my back hates me. I helped my friend clean up old shingles, tin roofing, debris, etc and toward the end my back crapped out on me. I couldn't even lift my gorilla cart into my truck. Friend had to do it for me and I know he was sore too.
Regarding my new TV. It sucked.

I threw it in the truck and returned it to Costco for full credit. I then purchased a new 75" LG, with a better frame speed, a new better processor, and more vivid colors. I also bought a dual articulating wall mount. I am really impressed...finally!
Not sure if this is a rant, just kinda stupid! I'm at work this morning and the woman I work for starts telling me how her granddaughter (30 yrs old, 4 kids) should start cleaning houses for a living when her youngest starts school this fall! She asked if she could come work with me once in a while to learn!! NO, I work alone! The girl vacuumed for Grandma after their family gathering this weekend, she couldn't figure out the vacuum attachments, SO SHE THREW THEM OUT!! Luckily I dug them out of the trash 🙄🙄🙄! The girl is a good mom and keeps her house fairly nice, but is not cut out for the hard work of cleaning professionally! Hopefully Grandma gets over it!!
I had an employee once, an assistant to the preschool teachers, and she was awful. Lazy as could be, no common sense. I needed to fire her, but needed at least a few write ups to do so. Thankfully, she came in one morning, said she was being hired to look after Grandma, and that day would be her last. Breathed a sigh of relief, she'd be gone. Well, a week later, she called and wanted her job back, since it didn't go well with looking after grandma. Told her the position had been filled. No unemployment filing.
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