Ever know anyone who has continual bad luck? They don’t do stupid things yet bad things happen around them. I have a neighbor, great guy, help anyone, a preacher in fact. Last week dad told him he could deer hunt here until the end of season. This means I’m going to be on edge until the season ends… wondering what’s going to happen that I’ll have to fix.
Example, going back years dad would occasionally loan this guy farm equipment. He didn’t abuse the equipment but something always broke while he had it. One year the gang disk broke. How do you break a gang disk?
In a life time on farms I’ve never heard of a gang disk breaking, yet it happened while he had it. Took me 3 months to fix it, 2 months just to find bearings for it! The last thing that happened... a hydraulic cylinder failed on the front end loader while he had the tractor. I know he didn’t use it, it was in the same lock position I put it in when he took the tractor. Yet somehow it broke. Dad finally quit loaning him equipment at my insistence. I felt bad for insisting, a great guy… just tired of fixing things that always break if he’s involved. 
Some of these “accidents” were funny. One year dad let him hunt here. He built a little shooting house, brought it over and put it in the high field. He put out corn… Opening day finally arrived… Something happened at home that delayed him. Finally got over after lunch. Just so happened one of our cows was due that day. I noticed she was missing from the herd so I went looking. I found her, first calf, long labor… she was standing 50ft in front of his shooting house. I thought he was going to cry! He looked like a 5yrold with a toy taken away!!! All that time, trouble and effort, 1st day of season, and a cow goes into labor directly in front of his shooting house!

Anyway… said he was coming over today to put out some corn near yet another shooting house he brought over saturday. Fine, daylight, not a problem. Except he didn’t get here until 7pm… (always late) I’m trying to relax and watch a ballgame after a busy day. Dogs are barking, side by side needed a muffler, making all kinds of noise. And I’m worried he’s going to run over a sleeping cow, by accident. A tire on the SxS blows out causing it to careen into….

Example, going back years dad would occasionally loan this guy farm equipment. He didn’t abuse the equipment but something always broke while he had it. One year the gang disk broke. How do you break a gang disk?

Some of these “accidents” were funny. One year dad let him hunt here. He built a little shooting house, brought it over and put it in the high field. He put out corn… Opening day finally arrived… Something happened at home that delayed him. Finally got over after lunch. Just so happened one of our cows was due that day. I noticed she was missing from the herd so I went looking. I found her, first calf, long labor… she was standing 50ft in front of his shooting house. I thought he was going to cry! He looked like a 5yrold with a toy taken away!!! All that time, trouble and effort, 1st day of season, and a cow goes into labor directly in front of his shooting house!

Anyway… said he was coming over today to put out some corn near yet another shooting house he brought over saturday. Fine, daylight, not a problem. Except he didn’t get here until 7pm… (always late) I’m trying to relax and watch a ballgame after a busy day. Dogs are barking, side by side needed a muffler, making all kinds of noise. And I’m worried he’s going to run over a sleeping cow, by accident. A tire on the SxS blows out causing it to careen into….