Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I just applied for my city's Planning Commission as well as our Police and Fire Committee. I know I am not very liked in my city by the corrupt bastards, so I am waiting to be disqualified, so I can take it to the next level.
I know how you feel. It just makes me grin on the inside b/c I know I make them nervous. I'm sure you do too.
The small Town I had worked for (way back when I was young) it was abnormal to have ANY audience (citizens) attend Town Board meetings.
That sounds familiar. Usually the only ones who attend are employees or people paid to be there. I'm trying to change that. The more their corruption is made public, the more people are willing to hold their feet to the fire by showing up. I've been to several school board meetings too and it's the same thing. Nobody shows up unless there is an issue. This is how they keep getting raises and benefits that nobody knows about, but the taxpayers get to pay for.
I know my town used to have town meetings when a doctor was mayor, but he was killed in a wreck (brand new vehicle with some sort of factory defect where steering would lock up and airbags didn't deploy). The other mayors have ranged from useless to corrupt. Current one is terrible. A friend of his was arrested for something (can't remember what) and he thought one of the City Hall employees had pressed charges against the friend. He confronted the employee and said "withdraw the charges or you're fired". The friend was the employees brother and the employee had no clue wtf the mayor was talking about. He told him he didn't file any charges against him. Mayor called him a liar, told him to go on his lunch break and to the DA to have charges dropped & if he didn't, he better not come back in to work. He made the late fee for property tax $100 a month (which made my friend's property taxes go to $660 when it should have been $60 because they never sent him notice of what the taxes were and when they were due-- they insisted the onus was on him to find out). They are closed on weekends (typical) but are only open until noon 3 days a week. This started before the pandemic. They took away houses from people who weren't even a full year late on their property taxes (filed for ownership/put liens on the properties) sold the houses at auction (mayor actually kept some of them to use as rental properties). My friend consulted a lawyer on the taxes and the lawyer told him that the entire City Hall was corrupt & they would manufacture evidence & nothing would get done if he tried to sue. Could have been a lazy lawyer though.

Back to the meetings thing, I remember my late elderly friend going to one because a neighbor on his street tried to fill in the ditch between the street and the back of his (the neighbor's) property. They were told they needed a culvert. They bought a culvert but it was too small & they were trying to put it in. An engineer said it would cause flooding in the streets. The neighbor was petitioning to use the smaller culvert but my friend went to contest it and say he didn't want his yard to flood because the neighbor used an insufficient culvert. He was in his 60s back then but was well-respected so they listened to him. Neighbor was angry at him, but the other neighbors viewed him as their hero.
People who won't discuss a problem they have with someone, so they go to talk about them in Pms or bother the mods,admins.I say something that offends you or you strongly disagree with let me know.Lets debate .Its a bad time for all of us now.
If I offend you maybe I am wrong or maybe you misunderstood what I said,.I do know I need to work on being less opinonated and negative. So I'll work on that and maybe some can work on their own liabilities?
It is sad that so many adults act like children and instead of talking to people they run and tattle/complain. I mean, it's one thing if they ask someone else for a 2nd opinion if their feelings are reasonable or not, it's another when they go running to the admins with "She said something that made me uncomfortable!" rather than discussing it with you privately first. A lot of the time if someone says something I find offensive, I let it slide and move on. But then, I am not easily offended so it takes a lot to offend me. Someone pretty much has to be trying pretty hard to offend me to have it work.

Now for my peeve of the day (well, two peeves). First is again about my friend's ex and how he can't seem to understand why he needs to set clear boundaries. She's schizophrenic & one of those symptoms is a warped sense of reality. He's only letting her stay there out of guilt/pity. However, she is telling people that they "worked things out" and are back together. She even mentioned it to him & he said "When did this happen? I wasn't there for it" but he won't very clearly say "No" and distance himself more. I'm worried that things may escalate with her misunderstandings/misconceptions & total departure from reality.

My bigger peeve is the medical system once again being screwy. My brother was accepted as a patient at the foot doctor bc they had old information about him having his former employer's insurance. If he'd wanted to continue getting it, the premiums would have been more than his pay had been. He got there and let them know he'd been laid off and dropped by his insurance & was now on Medicaid. They said that not only did they not accept Medicaid, but that they were not allowed to treat Medicaid patients even if they paid out of pocket or had someone else pay for them. He would have been better off claiming he had no insurance. So, they wouldn't let him have the appointment we drove all the way there for. The clerk apologized-- she doesn't make the rules. But what a f***in asinine system! He's diabetic & needs his feet treated but now he has to wait and try to find another clinic.
Why do they have to change cell phone functionality all of the time.

The Princess decided she wanted to upgrade our phones to 4G so before I was up she was off to get new phones.

I came close to swearing which I seldom do. I barely figured out how to Google maps to work so I could get to an appointment for a physical to clear me for the oral surgery on Wednesday.

I knew my blood pressure was elevated from the frustrations with the phone but ...


Needless to say I am now on BP medicine.

But I still had to figure out how to get images that were on the SD card of my old phone to the new one. I tried three different approaches and gave up and decided I will just have to keep the old phone.

So now I have keep 3 since iTarget Pro worked on the old phone but not on either of the newer ones!

I knew my blood pressure was elevated from the frustrations with the phone but ...
Needless to say I am now on BP medicine.
Damn, even I am impressed!!!
What do they say, "Go big or go home"?

Just watch for the undershoot with the meds. It happens when you least expect it.
Going face-down on the concrete matters. :oops:
Ben, the phones can be stressful. I didn't get my first one until 2007. Then I got the next one in 2012. I'm on phone #3 now- old one started having problems with the digitizer not responding to touch well. They just did a stupid forced software upgrade (without my permission) and now a bunch of my apps won't work. They crash. It also says apps that weren't even running have crashed. Might need to reset it somehow. It's very annoying. I can't use FB messenger anymore because it crashes and I updated it. I may have to uninstall and reinstall it.

On to my friend again: His ex manipulated him in to kicking out the pregnant girl with the 1-yr old. The child had a big part of it because she was constantly breaking things and making messes & the mother doesn't know how to control her. She's a teenager & did not grow up with responsible parents. I think he also somewhat blamed her for her brother messing up his plumbing (although everyone on the block had plumbing problems around the same time so it might be coincidence). The mother dropped the boy off and left him there for months until he flushed an entire roll of tp down the drain & clogged it. Friend's ex antagonized him & he threatened to slap her. She told my friend that he tried to slap her (but she later admitted to me that he didn't raise a hand-- just made the threat). She will instigate & get people mad at her & then play the victim.

Anyway, because she got him to kick the other girl out she somehow felt that it meant all obstacles for them getting back together were gone. So she started back on some of her old bad behavior. Friend was complaining that she hasn't cleaned since the other girl left. He didn't realize that she hadn't been cleaning while the girl was there but she was taking credit for the other girl's cleaning and claiming the other girl never cleaned. She did this to another female house guest as well. She feels competitive & said the other girl (who was seriously ill) was doing nothing-- but we saw her cleaning & the ex was taking credit for it. So, she started telling people that they worked things out (like I mentioned before) and seemed to believe the lie (even after he asked her where he was during the alleged conversation where they made up). He made the mistake of giving her $ to send her to the nearest store to get him 1 item- an energy drink. She took his truck and went to a store farther away to get herself candy & cigarettes (he wants her to stop smoking and forbade her from ever using his $ to buy them), then went to McDonalds and got herself a meal with a drink (she always gets drinks, takes a few sips, and then leaves them sitting for hours or days). She didn't even get the 1 thing he sent her for. He yelled at her that she had 1 job. She yelled back at him and gave him attitude-- acting like she was entitled to his $ because they were a couple. He told her they weren't, said they weren't even friends, he barely tolerates her, & she better remember she's there because he's being nice enough not to throw her out on the street. One of the things that gets me is that he made excuses for not kicking her out like "She won't be able to support herself or find a place that is safe to live" but he threw out a pregnant teenager with a 1-yr old child who has no income & no way of paying anything to support herself (mind you, he gave her a deadline to move out but she left already bc she was upset). So it was a double standard. His ex has a job & could support herself if she stopped wasting $ on cigarettes & junk. I guess he knows her personality though bc if she moved into the projects she would mouth off to the wrong person & get her a$$ beat- but it might teach her a lesson. She was couch-surfing when she met him. She can find another guy stupid enough to take her in. If he lets her stay she's only going to keep mooching. She just bought a vehicle she can't afford. He did tell her that he won't help her with payments or insurance this time around & if she loses her job she will get it taken away. But she knows that he will act tough and say one thing & then she'll cry and beg & he'll often cave.

Saw the wife forcing the power cord into her cell phone, pushing with all of her might. She said she had to do that otherwise the phone wouldn't charge. My testing indicates something is now busted within her phone.

Since it would be a TEOTWAWKI SHTF event for her not to have a phone she has decided to use "her" Federal stimulus and buy a new cell phone. I bring up our cell phone carrier options on the computer for her. She chose model, color and memory. For payment she used a credit card that she recently had paid off (after carrying a balance for years). Her reasoning is that the CC gives her "money back". Order is placed.

I get an email from our carrier. Credit Card has been declined. Please resubmit or use a different payment option. I forward the email to the wife.

Later I ask the wife if she received the email I had forwarded to her. Her answer was that her CC sent her a email asking if this large purchase was OK? She had replied, "Yes". I can tell she is getting flustered so I keep my pie hole shut about not answering my question.


This morning I receive a second email from our cell phone provider. Wife's order will be canceled if she doesn't resubmit or use a different payment option. I forwarded the email to her.

Again I ask the wife if she received the second email about her order that I forwarded to her? She answers with maybe she entered the CC number wrong? Dear, if you had done that they (her CC company) would not have known to send her email notifying her of the problem. What should she do she asks. The emails i had forwarded to her, click on the link and use her Debit Card.

I wheel the garbage cart to the road. Catch the cat the wife allows to come into the garage and put it back outside. Hang up my coat. Wife asks me again what should she do? I repeat what I suggested ten minutes earlier, click on the link on one of the forwarded emails and use her Debit Card. She doesn't want to follow my suggest for fear they will send her two phones. She decides to call our phone provider. Works for me. I'm off to my den to work on my projects.

Wife comes into my den in tears to hand me her cell phone. They are asking her questions that she doesn't know the answers to too, like do we have service with them now? While I'm on hold (the first time) I bring up the email with the "Click to resubmit or use a different payment option". Failed error because too many attempts with incorrect information. Wife explains she tried to go online to change payment (as I had suggested) but "it" wouldn't let her. I reexplain the problem to the second lady. She is unable to help because working from home she doesn't have access to our order, she transfers me to "Jim". Again I explain the situation to Jim. Jim confirms he can see our order BUT it has a lock on it, Jim puts me on hold as Jim confers with his Supervisor. I whistle the theme song to Jeopardy. Jim is back. Supervisor has removed the hold. Jim can not change payment method but he can cancel the order and create a second order for us. BUT we will have to pay on the installment plan BUT if we call back with 10 days then we can pay in-full AND no he can not order the accessories the wife wanted. Jim confirms that he has canceled our first order (defaulted to cancel when CC was declined) I tell Jim thank you, that's all he can do for us and I hang up.

I go online and place a new order for the wife using my CC. Now I'm back working on my projects
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Ben, the phones can be stressful. I didn't get my first one until 2007. Then I got the next one in 2012. I'm on phone #3 now- old one started having problems with the digitizer not responding to touch well. They just did a stupid forced software upgrade (without my permission) and now a bunch of my apps won't work. They crash. It also says apps that weren't even running have crashed. Might need to reset it somehow. It's very annoying. I can't use FB messenger anymore because it crashes and I updated it. I may have to uninstall and reinstall it.

On to my friend again: His ex manipulated him in to kicking out the pregnant girl with the 1-yr old. The child had a big part of it because she was constantly breaking things and making messes & the mother doesn't know how to control her. She's a teenager & did not grow up with responsible parents. I think he also somewhat blamed her for her brother messing up his plumbing (although everyone on the block had plumbing problems around the same time so it might be coincidence). The mother dropped the boy off and left him there for months until he flushed an entire roll of tp down the drain & clogged it. Friend's ex antagonized him & he threatened to slap her. She told my friend that he tried to slap her (but she later admitted to me that he didn't raise a hand-- just made the threat). She will instigate & get people mad at her & then play the victim.

Anyway, because she got him to kick the other girl out she somehow felt that it meant all obstacles for them getting back together were gone. So she started back on some of her old bad behavior. Friend was complaining that she hasn't cleaned since the other girl left. He didn't realize that she hadn't been cleaning while the girl was there but she was taking credit for the other girl's cleaning and claiming the other girl never cleaned. She did this to another female house guest as well. She feels competitive & said the other girl (who was seriously ill) was doing nothing-- but we saw her cleaning & the ex was taking credit for it. So, she started telling people that they worked things out (like I mentioned before) and seemed to believe the lie (even after he asked her where he was during the alleged conversation where they made up). He made the mistake of giving her $ to send her to the nearest store to get him 1 item- an energy drink. She took his truck and went to a store farther away to get herself candy & cigarettes (he wants her to stop smoking and forbade her from ever using his $ to buy them), then went to McDonalds and got herself a meal with a drink (she always gets drinks, takes a few sips, and then leaves them sitting for hours or days). She didn't even get the 1 thing he sent her for. He yelled at her that she had 1 job. She yelled back at him and gave him attitude-- acting like she was entitled to his $ because they were a couple. He told her they weren't, said they weren't even friends, he barely tolerates her, & she better remember she's there because he's being nice enough not to throw her out on the street. One of the things that gets me is that he made excuses for not kicking her out like "She won't be able to support herself or find a place that is safe to live" but he threw out a pregnant teenager with a 1-yr old child who has no income & no way of paying anything to support herself (mind you, he gave her a deadline to move out but she left already bc she was upset). So it was a double standard. His ex has a job & could support herself if she stopped wasting $ on cigarettes & junk. I guess he knows her personality though bc if she moved into the projects she would mouth off to the wrong person & get her a$$ beat- but it might teach her a lesson. She was couch-surfing when she met him. She can find another guy stupid enough to take her in. If he lets her stay she's only going to keep mooching. She just bought a vehicle she can't afford. He did tell her that he won't help her with payments or insurance this time around & if she loses her job she will get it taken away. But she knows that he will act tough and say one thing & then she'll cry and beg & he'll often cave.
Way too much drama for me. I would be cutting all ties with this friend until he gets his life under control.
backlash, I'm not the kind of friend to bail on them bc they have drama. I wouldn't want someone to do that to me. He's my best friend and he once literally gave me the shirt off his back before. He's a good guy. Almost everyone in his life craps all over him & uses him. I don't want our friendship to be conditional. I want to be there for him through thick and thin. He's like family now. He calls my mother "Grandma" & mom refers to him as her grandson. People have mistaken me for his mother when we are out places together. The drama is frustrating, but I can deal with it after venting about it.

I came very close to slapping his ex today though. Pregnant girl was there with a U-Haul to get her stuff. Ex was pretending to be nice & helping her load stuff up but pregnant girl would not speak to her. I know she knows why she got kicked out & she's pissed. Understandably so. Her little brother was there & gave me a big hug. He seems to be doing OK.

But, while they were cleaning out the closet, I realized my air compressor that my friend swore was in there was gone. Friend looked & said he could see it wasn't in there. He then searched the house and then said he saw some awfully familiar looking stuff at the pawn shop-- including a red air compressor. If it's Porter Cable brand it is almost definitely mine. If it's Craftsman then it is likely the one stolen from the guy who was fixing up the burned house (he said his nail guns & compressor were stolen-- said it was Craftsman brand). If it's mine then it was either taken by the guy who fixed the burned house & pawned or it was stolen from the burned house after he stole it from my friend's house. Or it could have been stolen by any one of the mooches that come in and out of the house. Friend knows the owner of the pawn shop so tomorrow he's supposed to ask who sold it to him. There are a number of contenders. He promised me he'd buy it back for me if it's mine since he was responsible for it.

At least he has plumbing working again and seems to be in good spirits. With the pregnant girl clearing out he will have room for his daughter's stuff again. Still need to work on getting her a good mattress though. We're considering building her a loft bed. I found some good plans and we can make modifications as needed. I've got the tools we need in my workshop.
I am involved in another forum composed of engineers and scientists with a lot of acadamia (sp?) .

Todays rant is that people that think they are superior to the unwashed masses can think that they are rational.

A cut n paste of my reply follows.


@sth wrote:
@Ben wrote:
Nice to see libertarian input.

Don't muck with me and I won't muck with you...
Libertarian: The only role for government is to protect MY stuff. No recognition of the benefits of an actual collective society that allowed you to accumulate that stuff in the first place. Basically a political philosophy built on selfishness and exploiting the tragedy of the commons.
(putting on my Nomex fire suit now)

You can't pretend that you don't muck with me if you consume resources, emit pollution, and occupy land.
Thanks Scott.

I am reading (audio book) Atlas Shrugged again and am 3/4 of the way through. Your post makes that book all so more for me. Thank you.

Check the Declaration of Independence for the purpose of government.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed




You can't pretend that you don't muck with me if you consume resources, emit pollution, and occupy land


I admit that I consume food an water, exhale CO2 and occupy multiple acres of forest orchard and gardens.

Please "forgive me for living".


Way too much drama for me. I would be cutting all ties with this friend until he gets his life under control.
Yes, I can't and don't even read about the drama. When I started attending Adult Children of Alcoholics I learned that the drama in some people's lives helps them to feel alive and some need it. There is difficulty for some people to not have drama and to be able to live with drama free lives. This is not limited to families of alcoholics, but for most dysfunctional families.
Wow Ben. Reminds me of when Obama said that no one built their own business. The reasoning was that everyone paid to build roads and infrastructure, so no one that is self employed built their business.
That Libertarian doesn't seem too libertarian to me, but oh well.
Reminds me of the mask argument, too, that you have to wear one if you care about other people, otherwise you don't care about any grandmas and want to kill them.

PS: I'm with you on the drama stuff Weedy. I've never been much for reality shows or soap operas.
PS: I'm with you on the drama stuff Weedy. I've never been much for reality shows or soap operas.
Life has challenges but there are some who thrive on drama. Not me. Some people will create it and keep at it when others withdraw. When I had the realization about this, I withdrew from many people whose life seemed to center on crisis or drama. I'm not trying to be critical of anyone, but I seek joy and happiness. Is that always realistic? Nope, but seek it and you will find it!
Saw an article on Yahoo Finance stating that the Tax System does not account for RACE... I am so tired of using the race card to discriminate against hard working Americans.... it is wrong.

I expect any day that Caucasians will be required to wear an armband with a white star that tells the world that it is okay to do "whatever" to this group and their property. Similar to late 1930s Germany....

Don't get me wrong: I think that everyone should have a fair chance based on their abilities, but institutionalized racism under the banner of social justice is just wrong....
Saw an article on Yahoo Finance stating that the Tax System does not account for RACE... I am so tired of using the race card to discriminate against hard working Americans.... it is wrong.

I expect any day that Caucasians will be required to wear an armband with a white star that tells the world that it is okay to do "whatever" to this group and their property. Similar to late 1930s Germany....

Don't get me wrong: I think that everyone should have a fair chance based on their abilities, but institutionalized racism under the banner of social justice is just wrong....

The race card is the worst thing that ever happened to any of us including slavery that every tribe on earth has been in one time or another. Those who use it are destroying the best thing that ever happend to fools who believe in it.
All men are not crated equal at all. Some have more abilities. But most men can acheive something if they put forth the effort. Some have special abilities . Some cultures are more advanced than others and hold some down. China has very high achievers as do most Asians in the right nation.
Some have good teachers like the mother of Ben Carson who could have went the wrong way but Carson neuro surgion overcame, many overcome some more than others.
So it seems to be a matter of fate ,strong will and abilitiy. I never thought all men were created equal.Some work hard some work smart.Its human nature,who said it has to be fair? Lifes not fair.Ball players and actors can be smart or stupid and still make millions.
I'm nice till the race card comes out then its no more Mrs.Niceguy. I never allowed my kids to be victims and don't cater to the fools who choose to be victims.
What has happened to alarm clocks? I bought one with extra big numbers because of cataracts a few years ago, very easy to see if you have vision issues. A button broke a couple of weeks ago so I bought one just like it at Wallys, identical in fact, except the alarm volume.

A mouse with gas would be louder than the alarm, a piece to junk as an alarm clock. (red numbers)

I was placing an order from amerzit so I ordered a 2nd new clock. I got the one with blue numbers, it has a usb charging port for my phone. It also has a battery backup to save the settings. The alarm loudness was advertised as “adjustable 0-100” on a dial.

This alarm on the highest setting is barely enough to wake me, no where near as loud as the clock that broke.

Are all the new ones like this? After all… It’s supposed to be an “ALARM CLOCK” to wake people.

Edit to add, the broken clock would wake me if I were in the next room, very loud.

Clock 01 (1) sm.jpg
Clock (3) sm.JPG
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I went into Walmart today , just to keep wife company and to load the cat food for.

Forgot it's "spend that SS check day" or "Head up butt day"

I hate people.

It's like ...get outta my way ...I'm number one ...only me...watch out ...

People are so rude and totally focused on themselves.
I gotta stay outta there or I will end up causing a major incident.
Probably will need bail money.

What has happened to alarm clocks? I bought one with extra big numbers because of cataracts a few years ago, very easy to see if you have vision issues. A button broke a couple of weeks ago so I bought one just like it at Wallys, identical in fact, except the alarm volume.

A mouse with gas would be louder than the alarm, a piece to junk as an alarm clock. (red numbers)

I was placing an order from amerzit so I ordered a 2nd new clock. I got the one with blue numbers, it has a usb charging port for my phone. It also has a battery backup to save the settings. The alarm loudness was advertised as “adjustable 0-100” on a dial.

This alarm on the highest setting is barely enough to wake me, no where near as loud as the clock that broke.

Are all the new ones like this? After all… It’s supposed to be an “ALARM CLOCK” to wake people.

Edit to add, the broken clock would wake me if I were in the next room, very loud.

View attachment 62573View attachment 62574
Sorry I can't help with the alarm clock.
Mine became unemployed when I retired and exiled to storage.
But I must say that your pictures are priceless!
Penny jar, batteries in ashtray, slippers on the keyboard, a trackball :oops:, stack of blank CD-R's, 'wipe the monitor' cloth... so totally one of us!

I wish I needed an alarm clock:(.
It would be great to sleep more than 4 hours
I went into Walmart today , just to keep wife company and to load the cat food for.

Forgot it's "spend that SS check day" or "Head up butt day"

I hate people.

It's like ...get outta my way ...I'm number one ...only me...watch out ...

People are so rude and totally focused on themselves.
I gotta stay outta there or I will end up causing a major incident.
Probably will need bail money.


Now you see what I deal with,lol people are still strange. We went from Macys and Sears Roebuck to WalMart in one generation.
on the keyboard, a trackball :oops:, stack of

I've been using a kensington trackball mouse since, I don't remember when, and will continue to do so as long as they make them. Perfect for my current set up... I lean back in my recliner, ergonomic keyboard across my knees, 23 inch monitor and a trackball mouse on the end table within easy reach. Actually have two end tables, one carries the monitor and desktop, the other for mouse, remotes and phone, comfy!

Funny, long ago kensingtons were analog. The ball in the mouse was the exact same size as a ball from a pool table. I had an "8 ball" from a pool table in the mouse, still have the 8 ball, shame the mice aren't analog anymore.

Water 007 sm.jpg
What has happened to alarm clocks? I bought one with extra big numbers because of cataracts a few years ago, very easy to see if you have vision issues. A button broke a couple of weeks ago so I bought one just like it at Wallys, identical in fact, except the alarm volume.

A mouse with gas would be louder than the alarm, a piece to junk as an alarm clock. (red numbers)

I was placing an order from amerzit so I ordered a 2nd new clock. I got the one with blue numbers, it has a usb charging port for my phone. It also has a battery backup to save the settings. The alarm loudness was advertised as “adjustable 0-100” on a dial.

This alarm on the highest setting is barely enough to wake me, no where near as loud as the clock that broke.

Are all the new ones like this? After all… It’s supposed to be an “ALARM CLOCK” to wake people.

Edit to add, the broken clock would wake me if I were in the next room, very loud.

View attachment 62573View attachment 62574
Get a screaming meanie. Those will wake the dead!! The official store of Screaming Meanie - the extra loud alarm clocks
I've been using a kensington trackball mouse since, I don't remember when, and will continue to do so as long as they make them. Perfect for my current set up... I lean back in my recliner, ergonomic keyboard across my knees, 23 inch monitor and a trackball mouse on the end table within easy reach. Actually have two end tables, one carries the monitor and desktop, the other for mouse, remotes and phone, comfy!

Funny, long ago kensingtons were analog. The ball in the mouse was the exact same size as a ball from a pool table. I had an "8 ball" from a pool table in the mouse, still have the 8 ball, shame the mice aren't analog anymore.

View attachment 62592
I used a trackball for years and loved it. Great for drawing mechanical drawings.
I'm probably going to have to dig it out again.
If you have essential tremors, a mouse is not your friend anymore :(
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