I just applied for my city's Planning Commission as well as our Police and Fire Committee. I know I am not very liked in my city by the corrupt bastards, so I am waiting to be disqualified, so I can take it to the next level.
That's how they'd do it in our little New Mexico village.... usually only 15 or so are in the audience.
I know how you feel. It just makes me grin on the inside b/c I know I make them nervous. I'm sure you do too.I just applied for my city's Planning Commission as well as our Police and Fire Committee. I know I am not very liked in my city by the corrupt bastards, so I am waiting to be disqualified, so I can take it to the next level.
That sounds familiar. Usually the only ones who attend are employees or people paid to be there. I'm trying to change that. The more their corruption is made public, the more people are willing to hold their feet to the fire by showing up. I've been to several school board meetings too and it's the same thing. Nobody shows up unless there is an issue. This is how they keep getting raises and benefits that nobody knows about, but the taxpayers get to pay for.The small Town I had worked for (way back when I was young) it was abnormal to have ANY audience (citizens) attend Town Board meetings.
..I know I am not very liked in my city by the corrupt bastards...
I just applied for my city's Planning Commission as well as our Police and Fire Committee. I know I am not very liked in my city by the corrupt bastards, so I am waiting to be disqualified, so I can take it to the next level.
212/110I knew my blood pressure was elevated from the frustrations with the phone but ...
Needless to say I am now on BP medicine.
Way too much drama for me. I would be cutting all ties with this friend until he gets his life under control.Ben, the phones can be stressful. I didn't get my first one until 2007. Then I got the next one in 2012. I'm on phone #3 now- old one started having problems with the digitizer not responding to touch well. They just did a stupid forced software upgrade (without my permission) and now a bunch of my apps won't work. They crash. It also says apps that weren't even running have crashed. Might need to reset it somehow. It's very annoying. I can't use FB messenger anymore because it crashes and I updated it. I may have to uninstall and reinstall it.
On to my friend again: His ex manipulated him in to kicking out the pregnant girl with the 1-yr old. The child had a big part of it because she was constantly breaking things and making messes & the mother doesn't know how to control her. She's a teenager & did not grow up with responsible parents. I think he also somewhat blamed her for her brother messing up his plumbing (although everyone on the block had plumbing problems around the same time so it might be coincidence). The mother dropped the boy off and left him there for months until he flushed an entire roll of tp down the drain & clogged it. Friend's ex antagonized him & he threatened to slap her. She told my friend that he tried to slap her (but she later admitted to me that he didn't raise a hand-- just made the threat). She will instigate & get people mad at her & then play the victim.
Anyway, because she got him to kick the other girl out she somehow felt that it meant all obstacles for them getting back together were gone. So she started back on some of her old bad behavior. Friend was complaining that she hasn't cleaned since the other girl left. He didn't realize that she hadn't been cleaning while the girl was there but she was taking credit for the other girl's cleaning and claiming the other girl never cleaned. She did this to another female house guest as well. She feels competitive & said the other girl (who was seriously ill) was doing nothing-- but we saw her cleaning & the ex was taking credit for it. So, she started telling people that they worked things out (like I mentioned before) and seemed to believe the lie (even after he asked her where he was during the alleged conversation where they made up). He made the mistake of giving her $ to send her to the nearest store to get him 1 item- an energy drink. She took his truck and went to a store farther away to get herself candy & cigarettes (he wants her to stop smoking and forbade her from ever using his $ to buy them), then went to McDonalds and got herself a meal with a drink (she always gets drinks, takes a few sips, and then leaves them sitting for hours or days). She didn't even get the 1 thing he sent her for. He yelled at her that she had 1 job. She yelled back at him and gave him attitude-- acting like she was entitled to his $ because they were a couple. He told her they weren't, said they weren't even friends, he barely tolerates her, & she better remember she's there because he's being nice enough not to throw her out on the street. One of the things that gets me is that he made excuses for not kicking her out like "She won't be able to support herself or find a place that is safe to live" but he threw out a pregnant teenager with a 1-yr old child who has no income & no way of paying anything to support herself (mind you, he gave her a deadline to move out but she left already bc she was upset). So it was a double standard. His ex has a job & could support herself if she stopped wasting $ on cigarettes & junk. I guess he knows her personality though bc if she moved into the projects she would mouth off to the wrong person & get her a$$ beat- but it might teach her a lesson. She was couch-surfing when she met him. She can find another guy stupid enough to take her in. If he lets her stay she's only going to keep mooching. She just bought a vehicle she can't afford. He did tell her that he won't help her with payments or insurance this time around & if she loses her job she will get it taken away. But she knows that he will act tough and say one thing & then she'll cry and beg & he'll often cave.
Thanks Scott.@sth wrote:
Libertarian: The only role for government is to protect MY stuff. No recognition of the benefits of an actual collective society that allowed you to accumulate that stuff in the first place. Basically a political philosophy built on selfishness and exploiting the tragedy of the commons.
(putting on my Nomex fire suit now)
You can't pretend that you don't muck with me if you consume resources, emit pollution, and occupy land.
Yes, I can't and don't even read about the drama. When I started attending Adult Children of Alcoholics I learned that the drama in some people's lives helps them to feel alive and some need it. There is difficulty for some people to not have drama and to be able to live with drama free lives. This is not limited to families of alcoholics, but for most dysfunctional families.Way too much drama for me. I would be cutting all ties with this friend until he gets his life under control.
Life has challenges but there are some who thrive on drama. Not me. Some people will create it and keep at it when others withdraw. When I had the realization about this, I withdrew from many people whose life seemed to center on crisis or drama. I'm not trying to be critical of anyone, but I seek joy and happiness. Is that always realistic? Nope, but seek it and you will find it!PS: I'm with you on the drama stuff Weedy. I've never been much for reality shows or soap operas.
Saw an article on Yahoo Finance stating that the Tax System does not account for RACE... I am so tired of using the race card to discriminate against hard working Americans.... it is wrong.
I expect any day that Caucasians will be required to wear an armband with a white star that tells the world that it is okay to do "whatever" to this group and their property. Similar to late 1930s Germany....
Don't get me wrong: I think that everyone should have a fair chance based on their abilities, but institutionalized racism under the banner of social justice is just wrong....
Sorry I can't help with the alarm clock.What has happened to alarm clocks? I bought one with extra big numbers because of cataracts a few years ago, very easy to see if you have vision issues. A button broke a couple of weeks ago so I bought one just like it at Wallys, identical in fact, except the alarm volume.
A mouse with gas would be louder than the alarm, a piece to junk as an alarm clock. (red numbers)
I was placing an order from amerzit so I ordered a 2nd new clock. I got the one with blue numbers, it has a usb charging port for my phone. It also has a battery backup to save the settings. The alarm loudness was advertised as “adjustable 0-100” on a dial.
This alarm on the highest setting is barely enough to wake me, no where near as loud as the clock that broke.
Are all the new ones like this? After all… It’s supposed to be an “ALARM CLOCK” to wake people.
Edit to add, the broken clock would wake me if I were in the next room, very loud.
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I went into Walmart today , just to keep wife company and to load the cat food for.
Forgot it's "spend that SS check day" or "Head up butt day"
I hate people.
It's like ...get outta my way ...I'm number one ...only me...watch out ...
People are so rude and totally focused on themselves.
I gotta stay outta there or I will end up causing a major incident.
Probably will need bail money.
on the keyboard, a trackball, stack of
Get a screaming meanie. Those will wake the dead!! The official store of Screaming Meanie - the extra loud alarm clocksWhat has happened to alarm clocks? I bought one with extra big numbers because of cataracts a few years ago, very easy to see if you have vision issues. A button broke a couple of weeks ago so I bought one just like it at Wallys, identical in fact, except the alarm volume.
A mouse with gas would be louder than the alarm, a piece to junk as an alarm clock. (red numbers)
I was placing an order from amerzit so I ordered a 2nd new clock. I got the one with blue numbers, it has a usb charging port for my phone. It also has a battery backup to save the settings. The alarm loudness was advertised as “adjustable 0-100” on a dial.
This alarm on the highest setting is barely enough to wake me, no where near as loud as the clock that broke.
Are all the new ones like this? After all… It’s supposed to be an “ALARM CLOCK” to wake people.
Edit to add, the broken clock would wake me if I were in the next room, very loud.
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I used a trackball for years and loved it. Great for drawing mechanical drawings.I've been using a kensington trackball mouse since, I don't remember when, and will continue to do so as long as they make them. Perfect for my current set up... I lean back in my recliner, ergonomic keyboard across my knees, 23 inch monitor and a trackball mouse on the end table within easy reach. Actually have two end tables, one carries the monitor and desktop, the other for mouse, remotes and phone, comfy!
Funny, long ago kensingtons were analog. The ball in the mouse was the exact same size as a ball from a pool table. I had an "8 ball" from a pool table in the mouse, still have the 8 ball, shame the mice aren't analog anymore.
View attachment 62592
... A button broke a couple of weeks ago so I bought one just like it at Wallys, identical in fact, except the alarm volume....