Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I bought a burglary alarm system. Manufacturer recommended contacting the local Police Department. Some Jurisdictions require permit and/or notification. OK, I'll do that.

March 30th I sent the Sheriff's Department an email asking them what information (if any) they required.

March 31st received a reply to my email. I'm to call the Sheriff's business number of 555-xxx-xxxx to have my questions answered.

April 8th. I called 555-xxx-xxxx. I was told the lady that handles this will be in her office after 1 PM today and her number is 555-555-xxxx. I call 555-555-xxxx. Lady asked for my name and mailing address, she will send me a form to fill out.

Why didn't the person that read my email forwarded it on to the lady that has the form which could then be emailed to me?
I bought a burglary alarm system. Manufacturer recommended contacting the local Police Department. Some Jurisdictions require permit and/or notification. OK, I'll do that.

March 30th I sent the Sheriff's Department an email asking them what information (if any) they required.

March 31st received a reply to my email. I'm to call the Sheriff's business number of 555-xxx-xxxx to have my questions answered.

April 8th. I called 555-xxx-xxxx. I was told the lady that handles this will be in her office after 1 PM today and her number is 555-555-xxxx. I call 555-555-xxxx. Lady asked for my name and mailing address, she will send me a form to fill out.

Why didn't the person that read my email forwarded it on to the lady that has the form which could then be emailed to me?
Cause I am "That guy", I'd have been waiting for Police Chief Denny to get into work, and have messages and emails in all three Township Trustees and the Township administrator inboxes. Yeah, they know me :p
I don't know about police offices where you live, The Lazy L, but where I live, that sounds about like something that would happen here. They pass the buck to the next person, don't communicate with one another- although, frankly, they would not have gotten back to anyone so quickly. They will take weeks.

My peeve of the day is my friend's mom. Apparently she either ran out of food stamps or decided she didn't feel like grocery shopping because she showed up at my friend's house, raided the pantry & made herself breakfast. She then stated her intention to go through all of his cabinets and take whatever she wanted.

She ordered my friend's daughter around telling the kid to get her stuff-- no "please" or "thank you" to the kid. Poor kid is so accustomed to it she just complies without question & apologized when she couldn't find what her grandmother wanted. She also started griping about the girl's shorts being too short. She's 8-yrs old and her shorts weren't that short. She was criticizing the kid about her buttcheeks hanging out-- which wasn't true. Fortunately, kid is also used to constant criticism & she's at the age where she mostly ignores it. I mean, her mother swears at her constantly.

Friend's mom also dumped her dogs at my friend's house for hours while she ran off somewhere. When she came back, she picked up the baby & brought him outside and smoked while holding him. She had the granddaughter get her a dr pepper cream soda and some lollipops. She then started putting the lollipop in the 7month old baby's mouth. The baby's mother objected. She was worried that the baby could choke on it. But she said "It'll be fine" and let him hold on to it and suck on it until he pulled it out and dropped it. She then took the lollipop out of her own mouth and stuck it in his mouth. This is someone who doesn't wear a mask in public & who refuses to get the Covid vaccine & she is possibly the one who gave my friend Covid last year. Again, the baby's mother objected but she blew her off. Then she even had the baby sip some of her Dr. Pepper. My friend objected saying he didn't want the baby drinking sodas & she said she was going to do what she wanted.

No wonder my friend will only drink sodas now. Not that his mom was around a lot when he was little. He was raised by his paternal grandparents. But his mom is such a mooch/user & has no respect for people. Upside is, she was the only one who could manage to get the pole saw started. Friend & a guy he hired to work in the yard couldn't get it started. The guy kept putting the blade part in the mud. I finally held it up out of the mud while she yanked the cord to get it started. She's a hard worker, unfortunately, she's got a drug habit so it makes her unreliable, she wastes her $, and she constantly mooches off others.
I think that is why some people have certain kinds of dogs, to protect their property when they are not home.
Back in the late 70's I worked as a security consultant designing alarm systems. Alarm system do not prevent crime but only let you know when a crime is happening.

Physical devices or entities like concrete walls dogs or guards can. There was a rule of thumb that said make it cost 10X as much to steal it as what they could steal.

Dogs are no longer security. They are one of the items being stolen. They get drugged and are hauled off and used as bait for fighting dogs. They don't care what breed it is, big or small.
That's a big problem around here. A lot of Hispanics like dogfighting and there is a lot of money bet. Same with cockfighting.
Personally, I think anyone participating in that inhumane activity should be fed to their dogs.
. With phones costing $1000 and up it's not cheap to replace them and my wife doesn't have a good track record with her iPhones.
I refuse to comply.
This one, still working flawlessly. :thumbs:
I should probably sit down and calculate how many thousand$ I have saved by refusing to get on the stupid-smartphone train.
Edit to add:
This is the rant thread, and I wish people could realize how much money they have dumped down a bottomless pit, and what a slave they have become because it now runs and owns their life.
(much better rant:))
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...This is the rant thread, and I wish people could realize how much money they have dumped down a bottomless pit, and what a slave they have become because it now runs and owns their life.
(much better rant:))

Former co-worker borrowed against their 401K to buy the latest iPhone. They did the same thing the following year when the next newest model became available o_O.
I refuse to comply.
This one, still working flawlessly. :thumbs:
I should probably sit down and calculate how many thousand$ I have saved by refusing to get on the stupid-smartphone train.
Edit to add:
This is the rant thread, and I wish people could realize how much money they have dumped down a bottomless pit, and what a slave they have become because it now runs and owns their life.
(much better rant:))
I agree with how much money I spend on phones.
I wanted to just get a basic phone to make calls. However, when I looked at what I actually do with my phone I bit the bullet and got a smartphone.
Former co-worker borrowed against their 401K to buy the latest iPhone. They did the same thing the following year when the next newest model became available o_O.
That is stupid.
I use my phone for a lot of things other than calls. In fact, calls are the least used function of my phone.
I use mine for calls and texts. It does nothing else. It's about 10 yrs old and is a flip phone. Mostly I forget where I put it.
This is an upgrade from the phone shack that is outside that is not hooked up. I don't feel the need to walk clear past the greenhouse, look around the trees, and sit in a hidden metal building to use the phone. Although my cousins do.
Former co-worker borrowed against their 401K to buy the latest iPhone. They did the same thing the following year when the next newest model became available o_O.
This will be one of the people who will probably be living in someone's basement when they retire, if they can ever retire. Some people are just not smart about money.
This will be one of the people who will probably be living in someone's basement when they retire, if they can ever retire. Some people are just not smart about money.
Aesop fable Ant and the Grasshopper.

Some live only for the moment.

Then after they all of their schoolmates die at 50 they learn there will more moments.

Aesop fable Ant and the Grasshopper.

Some live only for the moment.

Then after they all of their schoolmates die at 50 they learn there will more moments.

I see that so many people have to have the latest and the greatest, always. Some are always trying to figure out how to get it without them forking over the money for it. I grew up in a family with little, so having just what I need is more my style. No need for the latest and greatest television, car, or whatever. I need a car to transport myself reliably and that is what I have. No car payments in many years.

A man I see at the dog park and try to stay away from, once said that no one ever needs to get married. I didn't press him why he said that, because I had already thought he was a creep. No idea why he felt the need to tell me that. Months later he said to me that he needed to find someone's basement to live in because he cannot afford the cost of rent in the area. Creep drives a new vehicle, is 59 and the only work he does is to house and dog sit. He had asked me to watch his dog for the whole month of June. I told him I already had commitments, which I did. If I didn't have some commitments, I think I would have lied and said I did. I did tell him that that was why I bought a house years ago, and that it was now paid off, so that I wouldn't have to worry about rent.
I don't get the having to buy the latest newest thing when the old product is still good. I'm fighting upgrading my phone as long as possible-- although, they forced an update which has made several of my apps no longer work. I suspect that it was deliberate to try to force customers to upgrade.
I know people who buy brand new cars every two years even though they can't afford it. We keep our vehicles until they no longer run or get totaled (last few were totaled by falling trees & 2 before that were wrecked by my brother).

Someone borrowing from their 401k over a phone is just idiocy! A house, a working vehicle (if their old one is busted), emergency medical bills, etc... Something important I can see.
I don't get the having to buy the latest newest thing when the old product is still good. I'm fighting upgrading my phone as long as possible-- although, they forced an update which has made several of my apps no longer work. I suspect that it was deliberate to try to force customers to upgrade.
I know people who buy brand new cars every two years even though they can't afford it. We keep our vehicles until they no longer run or get totaled (last few were totaled by falling trees & 2 before that were wrecked by my brother).

Someone borrowing from their 401k over a phone is just idiocy! A house, a working vehicle (if their old one is busted), emergency medical bills, etc... Something important I can see.
I do know someone who borrowed from their retirement for a down payment on a home. I would never want to do that, but I agree, that is wiser than for the latest I-phone.

Then there are the people who have a nickel in their pocket that burns a hole. Got to spend every last red cent! I know people who are so broke, but go to Starbucks, drive a new car and on and on. Yet, they have no money!
Sometimes I look at the guy with fancy truck or Rv pulling an equally fancy boat or side by side with envy. My wife says yes but he is in debt up to his eyeballs. You look out the window at the tractor you paid cash for. Who do you think is happier?
Holy cow...

I'm working near a tiny hamlet just northeast of the Kansas City metro area this week. I believe the name is Lawson, Missouri. (I actually can't tell the names of the little towns I work through on the tracks, unless I have a track chart or I can see the water tower...😂) Anyway, this is possibly the white trashiest place I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot. Garbage, refuse, junk cars, old decaying furniture, burned out mobile homes, you name it and it's all over the place. To top it off, on the railroad bridge some punks spray painted swastikas and "F*** black pepole". Yes, "pepole", spelled just like that. This place is almost as low class as Los Angeles.

You know how you burn grassland to get rid of all the crap that's preventing the new healthy grass from growing? Between Antifa on one side and morons like this on the other, I'm about ready to lay a match to this whole country and burn it down to the bare dirt, so a new healthy nation can grow in its place...
Sometimes I look at the guy with fancy truck or Rv pulling an equally fancy boat or side by side with envy. My wife says yes but he is in debt up to his eyeballs. You look out the window at the tractor you paid cash for. Who do you think is happier?

We have friends like that. Now they can't understand how we have so much money saved all our stuff paid off and can "just buy land after riding by and deciding we like it". Because our newest vehicle is a 2002 and we didn't take expensive yearly vacations.
One of my coworkers owned rental properties and got himself overextended by buying a couple too many. Then he compounded it by buying "stuff" and knocking up a welfare queen. He got totally out of debt by selling 8 properties. And then he installed a $17,000 hot tub in his backyard, bought a backhoe, spent 5 figures restoring a GTO, and bought more useless stuff. Now his credit cards are maxed out again and he whines about it. No sympathy here...
Holy cow...

I'm working near a tiny hamlet just northeast of the Kansas City metro area this week. I believe the name is Lawson, Missouri. (I actually can't tell the names of the little towns I work through on the tracks, unless I have a track chart or I can see the water tower...😂) Anyway, this is possibly the white trashiest place I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot. Garbage, refuse, junk cars, old decaying furniture, burned out mobile homes, you name it and it's all over the place. To top it off, on the railroad bridge some punks spray painted swastikas and "F*** black pepole". Yes, "pepole", spelled just like that. This place is almost as low class as Los Angeles.

You know how you burn grassland to get rid of all the crap that's preventing the new healthy grass from growing? Between Antifa on one side and morons like this on the other, I'm about ready to lay a match to this whole country and burn it down to the bare dirt, so a new healthy nation can grow in its place...
Is it on a reservation? Sounds about like the rez not far from here.
That's a big problem around here. A lot of Hispanics like dogfighting and there is a lot of money bet. Same with cockfighting.
Personally, I think anyone participating in that inhumane activity should be fed to their dogs.
I am not big on passing more laws, but I believe that people that abuse animals should have a severe penalty or punishment.
I am not big on passing more laws, but I believe that people that abuse animals should have a severe penalty or punishment.
Sadly, people who abuse their animals are often treated more severely than those who abuse their children. :( (I don't believe in either by the way - just stating what I see.)
Is it on a reservation? Sounds about like the rez not far from here.
No its not. Actually it's not all that far from where @MoBookworm1957 lives. She might be familiar with the area. I looked at a track map, and the town is called Elmyra, not Lawson. Lawson is the next city to the south in the tracks...
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