Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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We have friends like that. Now they can't understand how we have so much money saved all our stuff paid off and can "just buy land after riding by and deciding we like it". Because our newest vehicle is a 2002 and we didn't take expensive yearly vacations.
You got that right!

We try to look poor. I wear worn out bibs, sweatshirts and shirt that I have mended by hand. A real estate salesman whispered to me once saying "You know no bank will give you a mortgage on this property." I smiled and said "That's OK we will be paying in cash."

You got that right!

We try to look poor. I wear worn out bibs, sweatshirts and shirt that I have mended by hand. A real estate salesman whispered to me once saying "You know no bank will give you a mortgage on this property." I smiled and said "That's OK we will be paying in cash."

I wear clothing for years. I wear it until it is worn or no longer fits. I am wearing a fleece (one of many I own) that I bought at a thrift store about a decade ago. No holes in my clothing, not ragged, just well worn. This is easier to do when you have 30 long sleeved shirts or 30 short sleeved shirts. They last longer and go into a rotation.
I have friends who have to have a new wardrobe every summer and every winter.
I wear clothing for years. I wear it until it is worn or no longer fits. I am wearing a fleece (one of many I own) that I bought at a thrift store about a decade ago. No holes in my clothing, not ragged, just well worn. This is easier to do when you have 30 long sleeved shirts or 30 short sleeved shirts. They last longer and go into a rotation.
I have friends who have to have a new wardrobe every summer and every winter.
The Princess also does the thrift stores. She has repeatedly quoted her sister who once observed;
I think the most expensive thing I am wearing is my socks.

The Princess also does the thrift stores. She has repeatedly quoted her sister who once observed;
I think the most expensive thing I am wearing is my socks.

The most expensive thing for me is my shoes. I have narrow feet and cannot wear cheap shoes or shoes from just anywhere. More than once, when I found something on sale that fit me, I purchased the same shoes in different colors. I invest in certain things, such as Columbia hats, and wear them for many years. Wool moths have cost me lots over the years. Wool and cashmere cardigans are something I love to wear, but the moths have their way with them.

TMOBILE SUCKS. T-Mobile can (REDACTED)(improbable physical act)
TMobile ceased to be our service provider on 4/7/2021.


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I have T-Mobile with two other people on my account, one being my daughter. She gets and pays the bill and I have auto transfer of funds from my bank account to hers. Now I have to find out what is going on with our bill.
Yours may be fine. Last month, Tmobile swapped our sim cards from Sprint to theirs, and our service availability hit the crapper, then the bill went through the roof.

My Tracfone is due tomorrow, 17ish bucks a month for a yearly prepaid plan.
The Princess also does the thrift stores. She has repeatedly quoted her sister who once observed;
I think the most expensive thing I am wearing is my socks.


Reminds me of a dear friend who passed a few years ago. Always bought 70's knit pants at the goodwill, wore the same dirty ballcap for years. He cut the grass at apartment buildings he owned! Yes, he was a millionaire many time over but if you saw him on the sidewalk with his hat in his hand you'd be tempted to put money in it. He drove an old gmc pickup, silver bars would slide back and forth on the dash when he went around curves. No worries, you really couldn't see the bars for all the trash on the dash. He was a walking contradiction, miss him.
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I checked the thrift store in the big town until they moved it across town. To big a pain now. I always looked for silverware matches for pieces of silverware I'd lost. I also have some of my grandmothers serving bowls/trays that are missing pieces. I always look at their lamps, never know when I might find a good lamp that needs a shade, need one for my office desk.
I also know people who never save any $, constantly pay bills late (accruing late fees), etc. My best friend's 1st ex did not believe in saving $. Not only would she spend all of my friend's $ as soon as it came in, she would slap him & hit him & scream at him until he would take out payday loans to buy her stuff. He was in debt but managing until the wreck when she stole his debit card. Only way he could save any $ was to not tell her how much he was getting paid or how much he had. She found out someone gave him money to help him out & she demanded he fork it all over to her. He started resisting more after his wreck. It was such a toxic relationship. And now she's getting half of every paycheck bc she lied to the courts about child support & they wouldn't even grant him any sort of appeal. They just took her word for it. He was only supposed to be paying 10% (because he often has his daughter & he buys what she needs since the ex is unemployed).

Man, I digressed. LOL.

I'm disappointed in him bc it looks like he's back with his 2nd ex and he's trying to hide it & is lying to us bc he knows we'll be disappointed. I'm more disappointed about him lying & hiding it though. Also, he's short on cash again bc he's paying for her stuff. Doesn't help there's another guy living there who now has a job but won't pick up after himself, leaves tv & lights on all the time, hogs my friend's computer (I told him to password protect it) & doesn't pay for his own food or contribute to rent. It's like he thinks my friend is his dad or something (his dad won't let him live with him bc the stepmother hates him- but part of that is bc he's super annoying & he disrespects women).
I also know people who never save any $, constantly pay bills late (accruing late fees), etc. My best friend's 1st ex did not believe in saving $. Not only would she spend all of my friend's $ as soon as it came in, she would slap him & hit him & scream at him until he would take out payday loans to buy her stuff. He was in debt but managing until the wreck when she stole his debit card. Only way he could save any $ was to not tell her how much he was getting paid or how much he had. She found out someone gave him money to help him out & she demanded he fork it all over to her. He started resisting more after his wreck. It was such a toxic relationship. And now she's getting half of every paycheck bc she lied to the courts about child support & they wouldn't even grant him any sort of appeal. They just took her word for it. He was only supposed to be paying 10% (because he often has his daughter & he buys what she needs since the ex is unemployed).

Man, I digressed. LOL.

I'm disappointed in him bc it looks like he's back with his 2nd ex and he's trying to hide it & is lying to us bc he knows we'll be disappointed. I'm more disappointed about him lying & hiding it though. Also, he's short on cash again bc he's paying for her stuff. Doesn't help there's another guy living there who now has a job but won't pick up after himself, leaves tv & lights on all the time, hogs my friend's computer (I told him to password protect it) & doesn't pay for his own food or contribute to rent. It's like he thinks my friend is his dad or something (his dad won't let him live with him bc the stepmother hates him- but part of that is bc he's super annoying & he disrespects women).
Zanej, you posted in the right place: that is definitely a rant.
Took the kid for her pre OP apt. WHY do we fill out the forms before visits if no one is going to read the dumb things. WHY ask all the questions again when they are taking vitals only to have to remind the Doc/staff about medical issues. The kid has issues. Well, several severe forms of dysautonomia 2 of which affect her heart, one that affects her blood sugar and also he oxygen levels.

She is being scheduled for surgery and I ask how the anastesia will effect her. They didn't know what I was talking about!! Now we have to go and get a release and consent form from her cardiologist before they can even do the covid test and schedule the surgery.
Took the kid for her pre OP apt. WHY do we fill out the forms before visits if no one is going to read the dumb things. WHY ask all the questions again when they are taking vitals only to have to remind the Doc/staff about medical issues. ...

The same reason a Police Officer will ask the same question several times? To learn if the Teller is consistent with their answers, can the person "facts" be trusted?
Holy cow...

I'm working near a tiny hamlet just northeast of the Kansas City metro area this week. I believe the name is Lawson, Missouri. (I actually can't tell the names of the little towns I work through on the tracks, unless I have a track chart or I can see the water tower...😂) Anyway, this is possibly the white trashiest place I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot. Garbage, refuse, junk cars, old decaying furniture, burned out mobile homes, you name it and it's all over the place. To top it off, on the railroad bridge some punks spray painted swastikas and "F*** black pepole". Yes, "pepole", spelled just like that. This place is almost as low class as Los Angeles.

You know how you burn grassland to get rid of all the crap that's preventing the new healthy grass from growing? Between Antifa on one side and morons like this on the other, I'm about ready to lay a match to this whole country and burn it down to the bare dirt, so a new healthy nation can grow in its place...
You're getting closer to me Spike driver.
Lawson is just up the road.
Elmyra is closer and a dump.
Don't leave anything valuable out cause it won't be there long.
Lawson has two sides of the tracks so to speak.
Low to middle income on one side, then multi million dollar homes on the other side.
Post office in the middle.
Same with schools.
Ignorance shows up everywhere.
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You're getting closer to me Spike driver.
Lawson is just up the road.
Elmyra is closer and a dump.
Don't leave anything valuable out cause it won't be there long.
Lawson has two sides of the tracks so to speak.
Low to middle income on one side, then multi million dollar homes on the other side.
Post office in the middle.
Same with schools.
Ignorance shows up everywhere.
I only have a couple more days of work in that area, probably next Tuesday and Wednesday, maybe Thursday also. Then we move to Iowa, over on the Missouri River.

I like Missouri, but the north central part of the state is kind of...different. If a person's only impression of Missouri came from Trenton down to the Missouri River along the railroad tracks, it wouldn't be a good impression at all. I've been surprised at the acreages around Lawson though. The millionaires from the north side of Kansas City must be building homes out there. I'm seeing lots of beautiful houses with horse pastures and little ponds and a big new SUV in the driveway...
I only have a couple more days of work in that area, probably next Tuesday and Wednesday, maybe Thursday also. Then we move to Iowa, over on the Missouri River.

I like Missouri, but the north central part of the state is kind of...different. If a person's only impression of Missouri came from Trenton down to the Missouri River along the railroad tracks, it wouldn't be a good impression at all. I've been surprised at the acreages around Lawson though. The millionaires from the north side of Kansas City must be building homes out there. I'm seeing lots of beautiful houses with horse pastures and little ponds and a big new SUV in the driveway...
They are, then they get tired of the area.
Off they go back to the city.
Some of the homes are their "Summer" homes.
So their kids have to rough it in the country.
They are, then they get tired of the area.
Off they go back to the city.
Some of the homes are their "Summer" homes.
So their kids have to rough it in the country.
Well...in any case, if you see a crew replacing railroad ties on the Union Pacific track in Lawson next week, I'll be in there somewhere. There's another crew doing the same thing further south too. The project ends at Moseby, but I don't think my crew will get that far south.
The same reason a Police Officer will ask the same question several times? To learn if the Teller is consistent with their answers, can the person "facts" be trusted?

Why would medical facts change? We weren't at the ER complaining of pain and asking for pain pills. Its her friggin ENT's office trying to figure out why she keeps getting sinus infections.
Facts don't change but the understanding of the facts do. What you said and what I heard may not be what you meant.
This reminds me of going to mechanics recently, with a new manager in the shop. I said when I turn the car off, I sometimes hear a strange noise by the front right tire. He types it in, reads back what he typed into the computer and said it makes a clicking sound. No, I never said anything about a clicking sound, it is more of a slow release of air, which I had told him, but he didn't hear or maybe listen, he just assumed. He is new, so he must put me in the same grouping as he puts all women, knowing nothing about cars, just drive them. He has no idea that I usually tell them what is wrong with my car and what needs to be repaired and sometimes they think I am wrong until they get the car on the lift. Farm girl here who does not turn up the radio so I don't have to hear what the car sounds like. I had a mechanic tell me that I always knew what was wrong with my car. Well, if you drive a vehicle, you should understand a little bit about what is going on under the hood, what makes it go, or not. Vehicles are one of the bigger investments we make, so I like to stay on top of repairs, keeping my vehicles maintained. If they stop, it is all on me to figure out what is next and it is never cheap!
must put me in the same grouping as he puts all women, knowing nothing about cars, just drive them.

Yep, been there/heard that. There's a squeezing at my right front tire. Your trucks a turbo, that's what your hearing. Um, no. I've had this truck for 20 years, I know what my turbo sounds like. Its a squeeking at my right front tire.... It was a bad u joint. Not my turbo!
Facts don't change but the understanding of the facts do. What you said and what I heard may not be what you meant.

Then read the records I provided a copy of. All of her Drs are completely informed of her issues and I have letters from each of them explaining her issues with emergency contact info that they all make copies of for their records. She carries those in case of an accident.
One of my appliances decided to take a crap. Wonderful! We went to town with the truck hoping to find a replacement. I was thinking it was probably going to be a wasted trip. Sure enough....it was. Why do the stores have all of the applicances on the floor but don't carry them in stock? In addition to not finding anything in stock in all of the 3 stores we went to, we had to wait in line to talk to employees in the department b/c they were so busy and so short handed. When I finally got service, they simply went online to see if they had anything in stock in their store. WTH??? I could've done that from my recliner at home.

So.....back to square one with a Sunday afternoon wasted to boot. Grrrrrrr!!!! :mad:
I gave up on the stove top I wanted. Some people are going into their second year of waiting. RONA in small town no where, had a dusty propane stove sitting in a back corner. It has a small fleck sized chip in the finish on the top front edge. They gave me 50% off and an extended warranty.

Not what I wanted, but it will do. No waiting.
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I hate trying to have a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon lunch with my wife, and, this BIG MOUTH guy , next table over is talking so loud , we can't have a conversation.




I have asked to be reseated and not very subtly more than once. Also why is it the loud guy is always boring. They are never telling the story about how they made their first million. Or the freaky twins they met at the bar.
My wonderful neighbor. He tried. He really did but.... He can't follow directions to save his rear. He fed the cows for us while we were down the mtn. We use the big 3x3x4 bales of hay and I told him to feed 3 leaves of hay per day. He gave them 3 leaves twice a day and while it didn't hurt the cows he fed almost a months worth of hay in a week.
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