Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Chicago has another nasty little surprise. Say you’re traveling west from downtown Chicago on Roosevelt Rd. The street addresses count up, 200 block, 300 block… 1900 block then 2000 block… etc. When you get to the edge of the City of Chicago, next comes the City of Cicero. However, the street named Roosevelt Rd continues.

Say the last block in the City of Chicago is the 9800 block of Roosevelt Rd. The next block in the City of Cicero will also be the 9800 block of Roosevelt Rd. Then the block numbers begin to count down… 9700 block, 9600 block of Roosevelt Rd etc.

Say you’re looking for the address of 8527 block of Roosevelt Rd. There are two identical addresses, one in the City of Chicago, the other in the City of Cicero… BUT there are no signs to tell anyone this. If you live there you know, if not you could spend and hour trying to figure this out!!!

I got burned by this more than once!!! I'd find 8527 Roosevelt Rd only to discover I needed to be at the other 8527 of Roosevelt Rd that was a mile or so to the east or west. I made up the numbers for this example, but the practical effect used to drive me nuts!
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I got burned by this more than once!!! I'd find 8527 Roosevelt Rd only to discover I needed to be at the other 8527 of Roosevelt Rd that was a mile or so to the east or west. I made up the numbers for this example, but the practical effect used to drive me nuts!
I ran into that similar problem in Lake Charles LA.
I had the address, on highway 90. I watched the numbers and they jumped between one place and the next.
Usually if you give me an address, I can drive straight to it. That's what I did every day.
Finally out of frustration, I stopped and asked.
Their reply: "Oh, they are on the other highway 90 about 3 blocks over" .
I guess they ran low on highway numbers
. What would be wrong with highway 90-1?
(Here's another hint: there are two different, separate, highway 90's in New Orleans also).
Got map?
You'll need it.
My Mom lived at box 1499 Rural Route 1.
I knew a guy from the UK and he had no idea about the US road system.
I drove past exit number 100 and we were going to exit 150 and he thought there were 50 exits between them.
We had an interesting time talking about even and odd number highways bypass that start with an even number as opposed to starting with an odd number and mile markers.
Sorry about your tree, Havasu. I find it sad when the trees have to go, but sometimes they are a danger or sometimes they just die. Most of my fruit trees died after my father died. I guess he was fertilizing them or something & keeping them alive.

We have the crepe myrtle trees here-- right outside my mom's bedroom window. Their branches come close to a power line so they are tough to trim.

My rant is my power company sucks. Power went out for no reason today & fried Mom's computer. It was plugged through a surge protector/backup unit but I think it killed the internal power supply of the computer. My backup also failed so I lost a bunch of stuff in an un-saved notepad file. No big deal, but it's annoying.

Lake Charles can be a pain to drive through. I was trying to find some exit & there was this long loop & I couldn't figure out how to get off of it. I think it was near a Lowes store and a "Japanese" restaurant. I think it's called Kyoto. It's not as bad as driving to Houston though. Exits in the middle of the road, people speed up and block you from changing lanes if you put your indicator on....
Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund opens for new applications
Gov. Jay Inslee recently announced that applications will be accepted for the next round of assistance under the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund starting April 21. These one-time $1,000 grants help workers who don’t qualify for other types of unemployment or pandemic assistance due to their immigration status.

The additional $65 million allocated by the Legislature this year will provide additional relief to support new applicants. Similar to the first round, the fund will rely on the continued partnership between the state and community organizations, including Scholarship Junkies and the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network, with the Department of Social and Health Services providing oversight.

Eligible community members can apply: by visiting the website at immigrantreliefwa.org; by calling the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network at 844-724-3737, which is staffed every day from 6 AM to 9 PM; or by connecting with a DSHS community based partner for assistance.

We are evidently giving $65 mil. to non-citizens but have small businesses of legal residents folding! Growl!

Ha - I didn't even have to click on that clip from Twister. I've seen that movie so many times I think I know every line by heart.:heart:
My wife, her Mom, and sisters drove from Seattle to Texarkana. They drove 3 hours one way in the wrong direction because none of them could read a map.
And apparently had ZERO sense of direction. Wow!
I hate the emergency room!

I am not a person but rather a case.

After getting through security and surrendering my dangerous Swiss Army knife i was admitted quickly because my symptoms indicated I may die any minute.


A swarm of people put me on monitors and IvV in minutes.


But then...

They started looking at my numbers and running test and analyzing this and that but let's not listen to the patient that kept saying...

I didn't have these issues before I started taking BP meds.

No look at the numbers.

White blood cell elevated.
Maybe those funky teeth I have been trying to get pulled for months now.

Kidneys numbers may be questionable but I don't have any of the symptoms of kidney issues.

1 minute tops talking to the dr and all I was told is I need a follow up. The dr departed saying "you will be discharged in a bit." I asked "how long is a bit?" He walked out and an 1.5 hours later I learned how long a bit is.

But that was not my only negative experience.

30 years ago I was in a head on collision that put the transaxel of my car in the front seat of my car. My right knee was not able to stop the on coming car as I pushed on the brake pedal. I also cut my knee as the switch for the alarm system cut my knee.

In the ER I told the dr I could not extend my knee. He looked at the cut and declared I need three stitches. I asked about bot being able to extend my knee and he walked away

Head nurse came in and told me I was going to get stitches. I insisted there was more than just a cut. Nurse pooh poohed me. I said I dont need stitches and after pulling a bandage out if my pocket I declared I was leaving. The head nurse chased ne down the hallway screaming "you ave o sign this release!" I said I dont have to sign anything.

It was comical watching her scream as i walked out.

I dont like ERs.

I hate the emergency room!

I am not a person but rather a case.

After getting through security and surrendering my dangerous Swiss Army knife i was admitted quickly because my symptoms indicated I may die any minute.


A swarm of people put me on monitors and IvV in minutes.


But then...

They started looking at my numbers and running test and analyzing this and that but let's not listen to the patient that kept saying...

I didn't have these issues before I started taking BP meds.

No look at the numbers.

White blood cell elevated.
Maybe those funky teeth I have been trying to get pulled for months now.

Kidneys numbers may be questionable but I don't have any of the symptoms of kidney issues.

1 minute tops talking to the dr and all I was told is I need a follow up. The dr departed saying "you will be discharged in a bit." I asked "how long is a bit?" He walked out and an 1.5 hours later I learned how long a bit is.

But that was not my only negative experience.

30 years ago I was in a head on collision that put the transaxel of my car in the front seat of my car. My right knee was not able to stop the on coming car as I pushed on the brake pedal. I also cut my knee as the switch for the alarm system cut my knee.

In the ER I told the dr I could not extend my knee. He looked at the cut and declared I need three stitches. I asked about bot being able to extend my knee and he walked away

Head nurse came in and told me I was going to get stitches. I insisted there was more than just a cut. Nurse pooh poohed me. I said I dont need stitches and after pulling a bandage out if my pocket I declared I was leaving. The head nurse chased ne down the hallway screaming "you ave o sign this release!" I said I dont have to sign anything.

It was comical watching her scream as i walked out.

I dont like ERs.


Hope your ok and BP meds are right for you,they have all kinds but high BP can be dangerous.
I know Lisinpril plus me letting BP get to high to begin with brought my BP down too fast and caused my stroke which cost me to lose part of my vision.So always do reserach on anything they give you is my advice.
Medicine can be dangerous to your health. It saves lives but it also takes them.Trust but verify is all I'm saying.
My doc increased my Lisinopril from 40mg to 60mg today. I have to have blood work done within 9 days. Another problem caused by gaining weight.
I will keep track of my BP and sugar levels closely for the next few months.

Hope you can be successful in getting it down I have had BP problems for a few years now. Duiretics don't work for everyone but so far if I take them they do for me.
I hate the emergency room! I am not a person but rather a case.

After getting through security and surrendering my dangerous Swiss Army knife i was admitted quickly because my symptoms indicated I may die any minute. Good

A swarm of people put me on monitors and IvV in minutes. Good

But then...

They started looking at my numbers and running test and analyzing this and that but let's not listen to the patient that kept saying...

I dont like ERs.


I usually take a nap... wake me when it's over...

Modern medicine was in the crapper before obummer... he sent it down to the septic tank... Every decision is made by a computer screen, patient input is no longer needed or wanted.

The er's job is just to stabilize you, then decide to admit you or boot you to the parking lot. In either case you're someone else's problem.
The er's job is just to stabilize you, then decide to admit you or boot you to the parking lot. In either case you're someone else's problem.
You forgot one thing......they will test you for everything under the sun if you have good insurance that will pay for it. Some (and perhaps many) of the tests are un-needed, and if you ask why they want a particular test, most of the time they say it is to "rule out" something.....anything. I'm not saying that they are all unnecessary, but doctors did a better job when they actually had to listen to their patients and weren't pushed to test test test test for the corporate medical system. Have you ever wondered why the hospitals always get your financial information before treatment, especially when nobody is supposed to be denied service despite their ability to pay? I wonder what would happen if a person said they didn't have insurance, got treatment, and then said...."oh, wait.....yeah, I have insurance, I forgot." The only problem with that is, most of the time they can run your name and/or SS number thru their system and can find out on their own if you have insurance. Yeah, so much for patient privacy, huh?
The hospital I worked at got a new CEO. He implemented a bonus system for the ER docs. They were paid extra for every person admitted to the hospital from ER. You can bet the admission rate went up a lot.
I just received a letter from my wife's insurance explaining everything that was billed.
She had a colonoscopy and they did a China virus test 3 days before the procedure. That was $200.
Same thing with my brother, but his was $500 because he was in ICU. They charged Medicare/ Medicaid for a seat cushion and backrest on a wheelchair,
They charged for the handles for the brakes on a wheelchair.
You forgot one thing......they will test you for everything under the sun if you have good insurance that will pay for it. Some (and perhaps many) of the tests are un-needed, and if you ask why they want a particular test, most of the time they say it is to "rule out" something.....anything. I'm not saying that they are all unnecessary, but doctors did a better job when they actually had to listen to their patients and weren't pushed to test test test test for the corporate medical system. Have you ever wondered why the hospitals always get your financial information before treatment, especially when nobody is supposed to be denied service despite their ability to pay? I wonder what would happen if a person said they didn't have insurance, got treatment, and then said...."oh, wait.....yeah, I have insurance, I forgot." The only problem with that is, most of the time they can run your name and/or SS number thru their system and can find out on their own if you have insurance. Yeah, so much for patient privacy, huh?

We pay out the nose for insurance so they can't put a lein on our home for medical bills. Then here in Florida you pay till it hurts for home owners insurance too.
Some things we have to trust them for like some broken bones,although I set my own broken toes plus knocked them back into place,they were pointing sideways :ghostly:.,hubby said don't then him and the dogs ran when I screamed. Foot turned black went to er ,doc looked at x ray laughed and said I did a great job setting them. I wouldn't advise anyone doing this though. It is very painful realirning the bones.
Idiot Biden is speaking. He's talking about the jobs he's creating. Like replacing lead pipes in day care centers. And getting people back to their jobs they had because they didn't have childcare before.
Joint address to congress.
Did you notice that 7/8ths of the chairs were empty?

(oh I forgot, South Park is on :rolleyes:)
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I made the mistake of listening to our governor Kate Brown for a few minutes yesterday. It still makes me want to puke. She opened with her opinion on the verdict. I will spare you. Then she went into how she would be shutting things down again for the forth surge. She felt confident we would be in the clear by the end of June.
Yep. They're saying it's because of covid, but I think it's because no one else wanted to come. I do see ol Maxine, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Mitt Romney.
"We can bend the arc of moral justice and weed out systemic racism". What?
He's talking about talking to George Floyd's "little tyke", and he had to kneel down to talk to her and she said, "My daddy will change the world".
And equal rights for women?
I made the mistake of listening to our governor Kate Brown for a few minutes yesterday. It still makes me want to puke. She opened with her opinion on the verdict. I will spare you. Then she went into how she would be shutting things down again for the forth surge. She felt confident we would be in the clear by the end of June.
Have your ears quit bleeding yet? She needs to be dropped in a deep hole!
This rant takes a moment to explain… Today my tv was tuned to the “Science Channel” all day. I noticed something infuriating. There were back to back episodes of “How the Universe Works” that first aired last year. The infuriating part was the propaganda.

Around noon there were a couple episodes about the different types of stars, how they begin, live then die. For a segment our sun was used as an example for a certain type of “peaceful” star death. Basically, if the sun just turned off… They explained that it would take about 100 years for earth to turn into a frozen rock. Nothing I haven’t seen before on similar shows.

Then, a few episodes later they covered the early earth, how it formed, certain changes that occurred causing different life forms to develop at certain times. Then the global warming crap started, talking about an area of perma-frost thawing in Siberia and the nasty little viruses being thawed and coming back to life. (which would have terrified a child watching it).

Then a few episodes later our Sun was the topic again… Many amazing facts about its power and the effects it has on our solar system. But the term global warming was never mentioned. The normal cyclical changes to our sun and the effects felt here on earth was never covered. Only a brief mention of solar flares and the effect on earth’s magnetic field, not it's affect on our climate.

My point… our sun was mentioned in two episodes… each separated by a few weeks from the global warming terror episode. Watching the show over a few months, a child (and most busy people) would never make the connection of our sun with the “horror of climate change”.

If those 3 episodes had aired consecutively most people would have naturally made the connection of our sun and climate despite the editing.

The series was put together and carefully edited to make climate change a separate issue from our sun… When people have to edit science to promote a view its about indoctrination, not science. Will this nonsense ever stop?

And now children aren’t safe watching the science channel.
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