Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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It happened again, picked up a few groceries in town. The register read $32.69. I gave the girl 2 twenties and 3 ones. She actually tried to argue with me. 3 times she tried to give me back the $1's saying she didn't need them...

An entire generation that can't do simple math... Those responsible should be shot!
It happened again, picked up a few groceries in town. The register read $32.69. I gave the girl 2 twenties and 3 ones. She actually tried to argue with me. 3 times she tried to give me back the $1's saying she didn't need them...

An entire generation that can't do simple math... Those responsible should be shot!
That's happened to me too. I just tell them to ring up what I gave them and watch what happens........magic!!!!✨
… Two friends of mine, dynamic and knowledgeable people, just left their jobs at major companies. They’d each been at their jobs (different companies) many years. New hires have come on at substantially more money... and they won’t work. At one, the young man not only avoided work, but pretty much refused to help do anything. And management doesn’t want to offend the new people.

Sounds like my former employer!
My grandson is supposed to graduate next year , been cyber schooling all year since March, making bad grades, so changes schools . says it was his old schools fault he did not pass, now he will have to take the 11th grade over will not graduate with his class after going to that school for nearly 12 years, He has been in the new one 3 weeks ,says he is making all As, I said how do you know? you only been going to that school for 3 weeks, told me yesterday he was going to get a scholarship, I told him to dream on, he failed the 11th grade and barely passed the others, That boy ! just waiting for him to start hating that new school, He has a bad attitude problem... bad.....
My old dog woke me up this morning at 4am gasping for air. I comforted her for a half hour, until she calmed down. She is 15 years old, has a bad heart, and has been failing for the past few weeks. I have a appointment at the vet this morning at 11AM, and I know it is time.

It is killing me.

My old dog woke me up this morning at 4am gasping for air. I comforted her for a half hour, until she calmed down. She is 15 years old, has a bad heart, and has been failing for the past few weeks. I have a appointment at the vet this morning at 11AM, and I know it is time.

It is killing me.

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That is one of the hardest things I have ever been through, twice. I couldn't believe how much I cried. Crosby has been gone for 1.5 years and I still cry. They are our loyal companions for as long as they are in our lives.
My old dog woke me up this morning at 4am gasping for air. I comforted her for a half hour, until she calmed down. She is 15 years old, has a bad heart, and has been failing for the past few weeks. I have a appointment at the vet this morning at 11AM, and I know it is time.

It is killing me.

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Sorry about that Mark.

I'm betting she had a great long life... 105 years.

It happened again, picked up a few groceries in town. The register read $32.69. I gave the girl 2 twenties and 3 ones. She actually tried to argue with me. 3 times she tried to give me back the $1's saying she didn't need them...

An entire generation that can't do simple math... Those responsible should be shot!
Mother's Day daughter was talking about her middle school. Inner city, Denver. Pregnant girls, drug dealing, fighting, fires in the restrooms, and more sad and senseless stuff. She wanted to go to that school because of being associated with the h.s. she wanted to go to Denver School of the Arts (DSA) and eventually did. DSA always has the highest test scores in the district. Girls were always looking for someone to fight with in middle school and as one of the few white girls, some wanted to fight her. (Why do people like to fight?) Because of her background in Montessori and her intelligence and family background (grandfather was a h.s. math teacher), she was way ahead of everyone. She helped others with math, especially fractions which will always be a curse to some. One day a girl looked at daughter and wanted to fight her. One of the girls she had given lots of academic help to was there and said, "Oh, no, not her. I'll fight you." Girls ended up being suspended over the fight.
So, so sorry Havasu. That is one of the hardest things ever in life. They are family, often even closer with their unconditional love. Such a short time we have with them....... prayers for you. May you be comforted by many happy memories. I’d like to believe in that rainbow bridge, where someday they will be waiting for us still full of love and vitality.
My old dog woke me up this morning at 4am gasping for air. I comforted her for a half hour, until she calmed down. She is 15 years old, has a bad heart, and has been failing for the past few weeks. I have a appointment at the vet this morning at 11AM, and I know it is time.

It is killing me.

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I’m so sorry, Havasu. It’s the price we pay for loving our pets. You are doing the right thing. It’s never easy but it’s part of life. You are a great dog owner to know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. Praying for comfort for you.
My old dog woke me up this morning at 4am gasping for air. I comforted her for a half hour, until she calmed down. She is 15 years old, has a bad heart, and has been failing for the past few weeks. I have a appointment at the vet this morning at 11AM, and I know it is time.

It is killing me.

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My thoughts and prayers are with you. It is a very hard task.
What part of ROAD CLOSED is so hard to understand!?!
For several days now (after weeks of a flashing sign each way saying the dates of the road closure) the railroad has had our road closed. They have torn out the crossing to replace it and in theory make it smoother which generally doesn’t seem to be the case in the end. They have cement barriers up to block the road and everything. Orange signs. Flashing signs. The concrete barriers can be seen from the next road. Yet every 10 min or so some “person” seems to think the signs don’t apply to them and go through and then either turn down the folks gravel drive (which I maintain) and do 40 mph plus with little kids out playing 😡(not a through lane) or turn around in our driveway making the dogs bark. 😡 Day and night this is going on. I just don’t get it and it’s getting very old very quickly.
What part of ROAD CLOSED is so hard to understand!?!
For several days now (after weeks of a flashing sign each way saying the dates of the road closure) the railroad has had our road closed. They have torn out the crossing to replace it and in theory make it smoother which generally doesn’t seem to be the case in the end. They have cement barriers up to block the road and everything. Orange signs. Flashing signs. The concrete barriers can be seen from the next road. Yet every 10 min or so some “person” seems to think the signs don’t apply to them and go through and then either turn down the folks gravel drive (which I maintain) and do 40 mph plus with little kids out playing 😡(not a through lane) or turn around in our driveway making the dogs bark. 😡 Day and night this is going on. I just don’t get it and it’s getting very old very quickly.
Drive a bunch of nails thru a 2x4...lay it upside down at your driveway entrance.

My old dog woke me up this morning at 4am gasping for air. I comforted her for a half hour, until she calmed down. She is 15 years old, has a bad heart, and has been failing for the past few weeks. I have a appointment at the vet this morning at 11AM, and I know it is time.

It is killing me.

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Oh my goodness so sorry about your old freind.What a precious little face.
My old dog woke me up this morning at 4am gasping for air. I comforted her for a half hour, until she calmed down. She is 15 years old, has a bad heart, and has been failing for the past few weeks. I have a appointment at the vet this morning at 11AM, and I know it is time.

It is killing me.

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No words will stop the heartache, when we lose a pet, still miss all mine that's gone. Still not sure which is the hardest, putting one down of old age or letting them go naturally, either way is hard.:( Sorry for your loss.👍
Micro rants:
1: Fox News, please stop having all of your people say: "Now, more than ever!" in front of every sentence. For those of us with knowledge of the past, this equals: Please pay attention, garbage follows!

2: When asked, "where is the map?" , don't be the one that says:
"It was cluttering up the car so we decided it was much better off in the house :thumbs: ".
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I love your sense of humor.
I usually take a nap... wake me when it's over...

Modern medicine was in the crapper before obummer... he sent it down to the septic tank... Every decision is made by a computer screen, patient input is no longer needed or wanted.

The er's job is just to stabilize you, then decide to admit you or boot you to the parking lot. In either case you're someone else's problem.

Literily sometimes! Most don't have a sense of humor. Even when their slicing you open like a melon with :ghostly: C Section with spinal block 3 times them talking about the ball game! All I heard was grab your knees and don't move if you want to walk again blabber mouth.All I could say wasButBut But,this is before the bikini cut,from navel all the way down.next week the bikini cut came out.:rolleyes:
My old dog woke me up this morning at 4am gasping for air. I comforted her for a half hour, until she calmed down. She is 15 years old, has a bad heart, and has been failing for the past few weeks. I have a appointment at the vet this morning at 11AM, and I know it is time.

It is killing me.

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She gets her own glass of wine? :p
She's a beautiful little dog, so sorry its time for her to go.:huggs:
Peanut, at least the cashier wasn't trying to say you owed more money. Happened many years ago with an older cashier, but I had to explain that I'd given a 20 and not a 10. And this was at a friggin' bank. Had a problem with Capitol One where they cashed a check for $40 and later claimed that the cashier had accidentally given us $400. Which was absolutely not the case. They sent us notice that they removed $360 from our account to make up for the check being cashed incorrectly. We spoke to them to dispute it. Their argument was the drawer balanced. The cashier had said "forty" and we always count the $ when we get it (because we'd had the cashier short us $10 to $100 before). We pointed out that the cashier could have given the $ to someone else or pocketed it. They said they were going to look at the camera footage but that it would take a couple weeks to get the footage back. We checked back a couple weeks later & they feigned ignorance. Said any relevant footage had already been deleted anyway. I closed my account there and moved to a bank across the street. That old bank has since shut down.

Havasu, I'm so sorry about your dog. :-( It's always a horrible call to have to make.
Havasu, so sorry about your dog :( I am dreading that day and it will come

So, I really really hate getting older and all the medical problems that come with it. Since yesterday, I am now on my first permanent medication , yuck. The cardiologist decided I should be on a low dose of blood pressure medication ( it gets high when I am stressed). I always said I am never ever going to do that ( take medication for the rest of my life) and yet here I am. It also runs in my family, none of which are overweight, so losing more weight will probably not affect it, but I will try to lose some more. I am almost in my normal weight range. I took my first pill yesterday. DIdn't seem to have any side effects. But, also didn't lower my blood pressure. I checked it before and a few hours after. Maybe it takes a few days ?
My grandson is supposed to graduate next year , been cyber schooling all year since March, making bad grades, so changes schools . says it was his old schools fault he did not pass, now he will have to take the 11th grade over will not graduate with his class after going to that school for nearly 12 years, He has been in the new one 3 weeks ,says he is making all As, I said how do you know? you only been going to that school for 3 weeks, told me yesterday he was going to get a scholarship, I told him to dream on, he failed the 11th grade and barely passed the others, That boy ! just waiting for him to start hating that new school, He has a bad attitude problem... bad.....

Perhaps instead of letting him know that you are holding him to a low bar how about words of encouragement instead?
My old dog woke me up this morning at 4am gasping for air. I comforted her for a half hour, until she calmed down. She is 15 years old, has a bad heart, and has been failing for the past few weeks. I have a appointment at the vet this morning at 11AM, and I know it is time.

It is killing me.

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Bless your heart, I know it will be hard to say good bye...... so sorry.
Bless your heart, I know it will be hard to say good bye...... so sorry.
Thank you.It was the hardest thing I've ever done. The doctors came in saying, "you know, if you spend $4,000 to $5.000, we may give her another month or so. Gawd, I hate money hungry vets.
Thank you.It was the hardest thing I've ever done. The doctors came in saying, "you know, if you spend $4,000 to $5.000, we may give her another month or so. Gawd, I hate money hungry vets.
I only hope there is someone as compassionate as you around when my time comes.:huggs:
It's strange how they can be humane when it comes to animals, but humans, not so much.:(
If a single person objects, they will not pull the plug, extending the suffering for weeks or months.
And they are more than happy to leave it plugged in because (like your vet buddies), they make thousand$ more each day.
Hospice is humane. Like when they said to let everybody know to come and tell my brother goodbye, he has maybe 48 hours left. They weren't off by much.
He didn't suffer.

Oh, on topic: Rant. Yes, I have also seen unbelievable torture inflicted on people when they lock all the 'exit doors', because nobody in the place has a backbone.:mad:
My daughter and I were having this kind of talk just this morning.Her 68 yo mother in law is caing for 89 yo sick senile husband who feel yesterday and she called crying she does not want to stay in assisted living and run leaving the AL place when he fell yet she is not able to care for him alone.He is a big tall man not obese just big and tall.
All their kids have money.I think these two do too. Why not get care giver to visit and stay at home,or should they just put them down? No I don't agree with that but also don't agree with artificially prolonging.
Give people the power over death and watch how many will be making an very early exit if there is money involved.
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