Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Thank you.It was the hardest thing I've ever done. The doctors came in saying, "you know, if you spend $4,000 to $5.000, we may give her another month or so. Gawd, I hate money hungry vets.
I'm very sorry for your loss.
I just went through what you're dealing with. It's hard but we must put them first.
My vet is just the opposite of yours. He is very upfront and honest. He tells you exactly what to expect then leaves the decision to you. He will support you regardless.
The last dog he put down was a cash-making machine for him. My monthly payments to him were around $300 but he agreed it was time.
Havasu, so sorry about your dog :( I am dreading that day and it will come

So, I really really hate getting older and all the medical problems that come with it. Since yesterday, I am now on my first permanent medication , yuck. The cardiologist decided I should be on a low dose of blood pressure medication ( it gets high when I am stressed). I always said I am never ever going to do that ( take medication for the rest of my life) and yet here I am. It also runs in my family, none of which are overweight, so losing more weight will probably not affect it, but I will try to lose some more. I am almost in my normal weight range. I took my first pill yesterday. DIdn't seem to have any side effects. But, also didn't lower my blood pressure. I checked it before and a few hours after. Maybe it takes a few days ?

Join the club! I found out the hard way not taking BP meds is a real bad idea. Also taking them and bringing it down too fast is just as bad.
What part of ROAD CLOSED is so hard to understand!?!
For several days now (after weeks of a flashing sign each way saying the dates of the road closure) the railroad has had our road closed. They have torn out the crossing to replace it and in theory make it smoother which generally doesn’t seem to be the case in the end. They have cement barriers up to block the road and everything. Orange signs. Flashing signs. The concrete barriers can be seen from the next road. Yet every 10 min or so some “person” seems to think the signs don’t apply to them and go through and then either turn down the folks gravel drive (which I maintain) and do 40 mph plus with little kids out playing 😡(not a through lane) or turn around in our driveway making the dogs bark. 😡 Day and night this is going on. I just don’t get it and it’s getting very old very quickly.

Update rant: My driveway is going to take a lot of work to get back to normal. Grrrrr. It’s had more turn arounds (most seem to burn out in frustration) in the last days than it’s had in 10 years. We’ve been discussing what signs to put up as people come down the road past the closure signs. Most not so nice. At this point we’ve decided there’s just no hope for people. Reading comprehension clearly was a failed class in school.
We’ve noticed new road closure signs for the main highway. We’re betting they divert the traffic down our road while that’s closed to replace the road at the tracks. Not going to be happy about that either if that’s the case.
Saw the news today the pipeline paid the ransom $4-5 Million, WH says if we all drove electric would not have a problem... I wish the power would go out for a week along the east coast and see if that's a problem? Heck While I'm in an ugly mood make it the West Coast too, don't want to discriminate by coastal affiliations.

If we pay once, do you think they will be afraid to do it again? Like the kid who takes your lunch money on Monday... he won't be back before Tuesday..
Update rant: My driveway is going to take a lot of work to get back to normal. Grrrrr. It’s had more turn arounds (most seem to burn out in frustration) in the last days than it’s had in 10 years. We’ve been discussing what signs to put up as people come down the road past the closure signs. Most not so nice. At this point we’ve decided there’s just no hope for people. Reading comprehension clearly was a failed class in school.
We’ve noticed new road closure signs for the main highway. We’re betting they divert the traffic down our road while that’s closed to replace the road at the tracks. Not going to be happy about that either if that’s the case.

Make a set of concrete barriers at the end of your drive... add a cattle guard too (protect the livestock), won't stop them but it will dang sure slow them down.
Update rant: My driveway is going to take a lot of work to get back to normal. Grrrrr. It’s had more turn arounds (most seem to burn out in frustration) in the last days than it’s had in 10 years. We’ve been discussing what signs to put up as people come down the road past the closure signs. Most not so nice. At this point we’ve decided there’s just no hope for people. Reading comprehension clearly was a failed class in school.
We’ve noticed new road closure signs for the main highway. We’re betting they divert the traffic down our road while that’s closed to replace the road at the tracks. Not going to be happy about that either if that’s the case.

People having respect for others now a days:LOL:.
They are turning our n-hood into a camground burn dump.Bring your construction mateials, plastic trash,whatever out here and set it affire and leave it burning for days while you set up a little Haiti looking place to move into. Who cares if your property values just went down $100.000 its just money,so suck it uo and be a good little WOKE neighbor. After all WOKE CINO's conservatives think it fine.This was once a subdivion of small tracts of land.
Saw the news today the pipeline paid the ransom $4-5 Million, WH says if we all drove electric would not have a problem... I wish the power would go out for a week along the east coast and see if that's a problem? Heck While I'm in an ugly mood make it the West Coast too, don't want to discriminate by coastal affiliations.

If we pay once, do you think they will be afraid to do it again? Like the kid who takes your lunch money on Monday... he won't be back before Tuesday..

Only thing we learn from history is we don't learn a thing from history.Remember George Washington was paying the Barbareans on the Barbary Coast of the shores of Tripoli, ramson to stop kidnapping our merchant seamen for slaves and our women for their beauty aka The Golden Women ro sell to rich Middle East and African leaders.
Thomas Jefferson said no more! So he created our Navy Marines to go after them.Our Navy song touches on it " Tripoli" ,

So Friday our internet router died. Okay, so we call the company. After an hour on hold a very nice woman whom I could easily understand sent us a new router. Saturday we went to buy a new computer and printer for the office. Like $1800 for everything. We get home and turned the laptop on just to poke around on it. Step 3 after selecting English and Pacific time is "no internet" doh!
Yesterday, I was was out shifting dirt with the tractor. An older guy drives in and starts waving like a maniac from inside his car.

What could the matter be?

Turns out, that 'people' are afraid to come into my back yard because of my four German sheperds.

I don't see a problem, but apparently I need to lock them inside according to him. Nope. I am not unfriendly, but I don't see why you need access to my land other than via an invite through my front door.

Happy to know the dogs aren't being forced to lick anyone to death. They are people lovers but strangers don't need to know that.
Our two dogs are on dog cables in our front yard, one on either side of the walkway to the door. They can't quite reach the walkway, but I only let family and close friends know that. Usually UPS and FEDX drop off at the end of the walkway. Our dogs are very friendly, except to the neighbor's chickens, cows, and horses
Update rant: My driveway is going to take a lot of work to get back to normal. Grrrrr. It’s had more turn arounds (most seem to burn out in frustration) in the last days than it’s had in 10 years. We’ve been discussing what signs to put up as people come down the road past the closure signs. Most not so nice. At this point we’ve decided there’s just no hope for people. Reading comprehension clearly was a failed class in school.
We’ve noticed new road closure signs for the main highway. We’re betting they divert the traffic down our road while that’s closed to replace the road at the tracks. Not going to be happy about that either if that’s the case.
Too bad you couldn't get one of these that Mr. Meer posted on another thread.
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Too bad you couldn't get one of these that Mr. Merr posted on another thread.
View attachment 66598

One of our neighbors has a signthat reads " Stop and Think ,with a pointing gun". Him and his family are always shooting and even loud explosives .Sometimes shakes the ground from the vibrations.
When w first moved here one came up to our drive way and started unloading about 50 rounds at leasst! I called 911 and she said stay down till we can get a cop out there.:ghostly:.When cop came he just spit a was of tobaco at my feet and said " a man hassa get his aim".:eek:.I told Mr Meer we just moved to hell. I grew up with guns,mama always had one by her side and could shoot the head off a water moccasin 25 feet.He was mad because we ask him to move the deer he threw in middle of narrow road. He got drink and came down started shooting.
The dogs on tethers like that reminded me of when I worked at the zoo & my coworker was walking a young mountain lion named Lana. Since it was an "open" zoo, sometimes animals got walked out in public areas. Lana saw a small child that was shorter than her and made a mad dash for him & tried to pounce. Coworker held on to her leash, she came to the end of it & was just out of reach of the terrified kid. He then pulled her back closer and sat on a wooden fence. She sulked for a bit before chewing on the back of his boot.

Another child was not so fortunate when it came to the peacocks. They were not on tethers and he made the mistake of trying to yank a tailfeather out. That peacock was pissed! He spun around and pecked and bit at the kid, chased him around in circles. Jumped in the air and did a bicycle kick at the kid's face. The parents were yelling at me to do something to save their kid but I was too busy falling over laughing. When I could catch my breath, I told them the kid deserved it & it was a learning experience.

Is it wrong that I'm glad that J got fired from the auto shop? (Well, I'm not happy he's unemployed but I'm glad he's not at that place anymore). It's where I go for oil changes and maintenance a lot of the times and I was staying away while he worked there because he's an idiot & I didn't want him to touch my truck. He apparently screwed up very badly to get fired. I didn't want the awkward conversation of asking them to make sure he didn't touch my truck because he's an idiot who can't follow instructions & has no respect for other people's property.

I'm a bit crabby because my brother has continued to stay up all night playing video games so he's too tired in the day & not helping with the cleaning (this is usual for him, but he promised to clean and thus far I've been the one doing everything). He doesn't even empty or clean the pressure cooker. He expects me to put away leftovers for him and expects me to clean everything. When he spills stuff on the counter, I have to clean it up. If he spills in the microwave, I have to clean it up. He's 41 years old but he's acting like a damn child who won't do bare minimum. Then he keeps griping about how messy the house is. He doesn't seem to make the connection that if he actually cleaned, it wouldn't be so messy. I ask him to do something, he says he'll do it, and then I wait several days and he doesn't do it. I have to catch him in the right mood. With my shoulder all borked, I can't lift a lot of stuff. I've been having problems. He also promised to cook several days ago (bc I cleaned the cookers for him) and he hasn't done it yet and the meat is going to go bad. I wish he would step up and be responsible.
just put up a no trespassing sign that shows a fee of $1200 for trespassing. You can check your local laws but it is legal in most areas to charge trespassers for damages.

They would just use no tresspassing sign for target practice. But things settled down the toons moved away and till last year it was a good place to live.
Little granddaughters mom is visiting right now for two hours. She called yesterday and said the boyfriend wouldn't be coming, which was good, because the week prior he said he wasn't feeling well, laid down on the driveway and reeked of gasoline, which I'm sure he'd been huffing. So she said a "friend" would be bringing her, and the boyfriend and her are not together right now. I told her I didn't know her friend, and she said she was a social worker that was helping her get on her feet. So, the two come in the door, and the lady and I shake hands and she tells me that she's not a social worker, just someone trying to help someone in need. Husband is chatting with her in the front room, and I served her coffee. This is now just a stranger, and if she really does have a good heart, granddaughter's mama will very soon take advantage of her. But maybe she's just a weirdo? I think I'll go back to the garden and dig.
That "not a social worker" is so fat, she couldn't shovel anything. Pretty creepy lady. She says she is mentally disabled, so are her two sons, so on disability. But drives a nice new car. She says she believes granddaughter's mama is mentally ill and made an appt to have her checked out tomorrow and is bringing her there. She thinks that "they" will keep her for awhile and medicate her. Hmm. I told her maybe a 3 day hold. She asked for little granddaughter's full name and our address so she can send us some photos she took. (??) I told her that's ok, we don't need photos. She loved how we decorated, and asked what it was called. (??) I said that I didn't understand what she meant. She said, "Oh, I know, You decorated in the farmhouse style". She looked confused when I told her she was standing in a 120 yr old farmhouse, and this is just how it looks. I would be concerned about granddaughter's mama being highjacked by a lunatic who wants her medicated and put away, but I'm not. The mama is meaner than heck and can take care of herself. Granddaughter and her mom had a fun 2 hr visit. Husband and I tag teamed the weird lady, to keep an eye on her. I think she was bored silly.
Pouring rain so roads are flooded. My friend's dumba$$ grandfather tried to drive through flooded roads and sunk his late wife's SUV. Had to be rescued and now no longer has a vehicle. My friend said it means his grandfather can no longer drive to his house and lay on the horn at all hours of the day & night. I'm sure he'll send people over, but my friend has a small car so he has an excuse to not go pick his grandfather up (his grandfather can't fit in small cars). People are so stupid driving through super flooded roads like that.

Speaking of stupid, the bank my friend's gf has her money in has horrible security. She called them with her cellphone, asked them if they could tell her what her routing number and account numbers were. They asked for her name, how to spell her last name, and then gave her the info. No other security questions or any way of confirming it wasn't some random person trying to hack/steal her account info. When she got off the phone I pointed that out to her. I told her that anyone could pretend to be her and call for that info & they would give it out. I would NEVER use a bank that lax.

Amish_Heart, that lady sounds very strange.
Another night of (drunk I’m assuming) screaming in Spanish mixed with English from some crazy guy who comes to the problem house at night to “work” on cars. I would care less he’s there except for the constant screaming and awful singing.
The husband and wife who live there are clearly having a split. She’s there most of the days (she works nights) He’s been staying somewhere else for a month or so now. It’s been wonderful with no bass and loud exhaust day and night. He comes to pick up or drop off kids at all hours of the afternoon/night. Can hear them screaming at each other when I’m out in the garden if they see each other so I’m guessing it’s not going well.
No idea who this obnoxious guy is who’s there often now at night mostly when the wife is gone to work. He started screaming at me in English and Spanish tonight at 11:30pm when I went out to tell him to keep it down it was late. He must not have heard me over his screaming that I’m going to call the sheriff at this point. I’m tired of wearing headphones in my own house to tune out his screaming. I worry a bit because he does seem unstable. I wish they would just go away. Sigh
We had 1 problem neighbor with 2 dogs on chains barking non stop during the day. I went over and offered to help him build a fenced yard. He pretty much told me to mind my business and I told him I was. Ultimately we took several videos gave them to the sheriff resulting in warnings and ultimately a fine. He built a fence and the dogs no longer an issue. Guess who didn't go help build that fence.
Another night of (drunk I’m assuming) screaming in Spanish mixed with English from some crazy guy who comes to the problem house at night to “work” on cars. I would care less he’s there except for the constant screaming and awful singing.
The husband and wife who live there are clearly having a split. She’s there most of the days (she works nights) He’s been staying somewhere else for a month or so now. It’s been wonderful with no bass and loud exhaust day and night. He comes to pick up or drop off kids at all hours of the afternoon/night. Can hear them screaming at each other when I’m out in the garden if they see each other so I’m guessing it’s not going well.
No idea who this obnoxious guy is who’s there often now at night mostly when the wife is gone to work. He started screaming at me in English and Spanish tonight at 11:30pm when I went out to tell him to keep it down it was late. He must not have heard me over his screaming that I’m going to call the sheriff at this point. I’m tired of wearing headphones in my own house to tune out his screaming. I worry a bit because he does seem unstable. I wish they would just go away. Sigh
Spanish mixed with English, or English mixed with Spanish: Spanglish! A friend of mine used to supervise teachers in various Montessori settings, in multiple buildings in the inner city. It was a frustrating job for her, and this is a term she would use to describe how they spoke to young children. There is a concept out there that one person should only speak English and another person should only speak Spanish so that children can hear the two languages correctly. They would smile in her face when she made her visits, but she was aware all that they weren't or were doing when she wasn't there.
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