Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Peanut, are those the episodes where Mike Rowe narrates?

I remember watching Bill Nye the Science Guy many years ago and enjoying those shows. Many years later, I was so disappointed to find out Bill Nye was a big lefty. Science shouldn't be political! When watching those episodes many years ago I never caught any political slant, but I wasn't paying attention way back then either and I'm sure it wasn't as "in your face", as it is now.

My rant for today....... I did not watch demented Biden last night. I just can't. Believe it or not, I have better things to do (like cutting my finger nails and plucking my eyebrows) than to watch that moron with the witches and their muzzles sitting behind him. Nope! I just can't.........Blech!

Anyways, what gets me so frustrated is that some people can't see through all this political BS that is being used as a weapon against the American middle class. Again, (as with global warming) they are calling it 'science'. I find it so interesting that the Dems will make many predictions on Covid, and guess what??? After their announced predictions, the numbers all of a sudden start to fall in line. Wow! Who knew the Dems had a looking glass to see the future numbers? Aren't they so smart? Like predicting the numbers will spike leading up to and during the election but will start declining during peak flu season......and then the 'numbers' magically follow. And, of coarse, those numbers will vary greatly from state to state. Some of these 'anticipated' Covid tracks happen within just a few days of the Dems announcments of what they expect to happen. Sorry, but I call complete BS on it!

Gee, Biden thinks we might be able to BBQ for the 4th of July. What do you want to bet that the 'numbers' will be well in line by then regardless of how many people get the shot? The only thing that I see messing with his prediction is if something happens that he needs to restoke the fear. It would have to be something big though, b/c he knows people are sick of this 'pandemic'. The D governors know it too. They are backing off now b/c they know it's becoming political suicide to keep pumping up the mandates. If they thought they could get away with it, they'd keep on with their power grab, but they know the majority of people are over it.
My rant for today....... I did not watch demented Biden last night. I just can't. Believe it or not, I have better things to do (like cutting my finger nails and plucking my eyebrows) than to watch that moron with the witches and their muzzles sitting behind him. Nope! I just can't.........Blech!
I can't watch any of it, no matter the person or party. I just cannot. I am over all of it. Liars, all, imho. Out for selfish gain! Does anyone have any integrity in this world? I had this thought the other day about how much evil there is in the world, how many evil people, who smile in our faces, entertain us, pretend they are here for us, but are just selfish and evil.
Peanut, are those the episodes where Mike Rowe narrates?

I remember watching Bill Nye the Science Guy many years ago and enjoying those shows... When watching those episodes many years ago I never caught any political slant.

Yes, Mike Rowe.. There was very little information presented that was actually new.

I, like many have watched similar shows, presenting much of the same information for decades. Every 8 or 10 years a new series of shows will air, new computer graphics are available, i.e., new ways of presenting old information and any new information is added and "poof". A whole new series of shows are produced.

If I had watched this new series of shows as they aired, a new episode each week, over the course of a few months, I may not have noticed the propaganda. I don't think most people would.

Airing the whole series on the same day, in consecutive order, made the creative editing obvious. It wasn't just the order the information was presented. Having seen much of this science presented in previous decades it became clear they were leaving a lot of great science out.

All of which revealed that this new series of shows was designed to preach a message of man made climate change and hide the effect of our sun on our climate.
Everything you see or hear from any media is propaganda meant to brainwash the masses. If you pay close attention to what is being presented and not the story plotline it becomes blatantly obvious.
That is why my television has had probably less than an hour's play in the last year or so. I have watched more movies in the last year than probably my whole life (on my laptop), but, I think there is lots of brainwashing in them as well. No longer listening to the news on the radio in my car or even music stations, because they sneak their stuff (there is another word to describe it, but ) in as well. The CD player in my car has had lots of use too. I am so sure that if there is some very important piece of information out there that I need to know, someone will tell me.
Getting inbetween each others disagreements. I understand some don't want to argue.
Last I heard if you " like " something somebody is saying your agreeing with that persons post therefore you just got into the debate aka argument,right?
Letting others do your talking for you,if you have something to say then just say it yourself, I can take it had plenty experiance in this new age society with debates,. In a hot debate or argument then state your own argument. I try not to get betwen two members when they are having a major disagreement ,but I will join in the debate at times,say what I think ,sometimes say too much.:oops:.
Welcome to humanity! We all have opinions formed from our experiences and even prejudices. We all often say too much especially in a hot discussion or a discussion of a hot topic.
The key is to look for things that might be plausible and learn from each discussion. It may not change your mind but it might help you see it from a different view.
Welcome to humanity! We all have opinions formed from our experiences and even prejudices. We all often say too much especially in a hot discussion or a discussion of a hot topic.
The key is to look for things that might be plausible and learn from each discussion. It may not change your mind but it might help you see it from a different view.

SheepD you must have read the post real fast,because I wasn't talking about opinions, you know I like a good debate. Maybe yall need to read it again resl slow this time.

Anyone here read the post and understand what I was saying?:huh:. Thought it was clear,:dunno:
Ben, I'm sorry about your ER visit. I hope you're feeling better now.

I would have to be unconscious to be taken to an ER here after how they treated me. Refused to run tests I needed, refused to examine me or put me in a room. I was treated like garbage. Exacerbated my injuries & I had to threaten to sue them for malpractice when they tried to bill me $1k (on top of the one pregnancy test they forced on me and the doctor's bill for the doctor gaslighting me and insisting I wasn't really in pain and if I kept saying I was I'd have to "go somewhere else"). They charged me for a room which I never got put in. After I mentioned malpractice and lawsuit, they never called me again. My gp told me it was malpractice & was upset on my behalf.
Ben, I'm sorry about your ER visit. I hope you're feeling better now.

I would have to be unconscious to be taken to an ER here after how they treated me. Refused to run tests I needed, refused to examine me or put me in a room. I was treated like garbage. Exacerbated my injuries & I had to threaten to sue them for malpractice when they tried to bill me $1k (on top of the one pregnancy test they forced on me and the doctor's bill for the doctor gaslighting me and insisting I wasn't really in pain and if I kept saying I was I'd have to "go somewhere else"). They charged me for a room which I never got put in. After I mentioned malpractice and lawsuit, they never called me again. My gp told me it was malpractice & was upset on my behalf.

I think this covid is affecting everyone now. I try to be more easy on the doctors now.They are over worked plus the hospitals push them. But I do know how you feel.
She up and done it again!

I remind the wife (again) not to tell ANYONE that we would be gone for a few days. I received a noncommittal look for her answer. As we are leaving on our trip she tells me that she didn't tell ANYONE. Six hours into our trip her cell rings. As she talks away I overhear her tell the caller when we will be back home. After the call I calmly ask the wife that I understood that she didn't tell ANYONE that we be away from the house for several days. She replies that she didn't tell ANYONE, just her family, friends and customers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She assures me that her family, friends or customers wouldn't burglarize us or tell anyone that would.

On the way back home. We've stopped for a bladder break and supper. While we wait for our food I check my emails. Email from our church, prayer list including one for us for safe road travel and safe return on ...

Wife must have been reading the same email because she looks up at me with that "deer in the headlights" look of hers.

So much for OPSEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Working with a co-worker who does just the very bare minimum. When I ask her to do certain tasks her reply is always “I’ve never done that. I don’t know how to do that.” She aggravates me no end. 😡

In-laws and a few co-workers tried the same excuse. After I reply with, "If you never have done it, how do you know you can't?"
Every restaurant and business around me in every county is begging for help.
Some even shutting down due to no help.

So I'm driving thru a major intersection today . There are 2 guys running around with buckets to every car begging for money .
The bucket said help the homeless and desolate.

Are you kidding me ???
There's jobs on every corner.

That's what I told him.


Working with a co-worker who does just the very bare minimum. When I ask her to do certain tasks her reply is always “I’ve never done that. I don’t know how to do that.” She aggravates me no end. 😡
Sounds like one of my relatives. "I can't" so therefore, they don't think they should be expected to. Let someone else do it.
Sounds like one of my relatives. "I can't" so therefore, they don't think they should be expected to. Let someone else do it.
Lower them into an outhouse pit and hand them a shovel.
You would be surprised how fast 'self-learning' happens.

You don't have to show them how to do 💩.
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Every restaurant and business around me in every county is begging for help.
Some even shutting down due to no help.
Same situation here, although it's not just restaurants or fast food. Business hours have been slashed too b/c there aren't enough workers to accomodate the operating hours. I'm sure this will continue until the 'free' money stops spewing from the gov.

This creates a wonderful opportunity to anyone wanting to get a better job or try something in a different industry. If someone was interested in building, plumbing, electrical, trucking, nurses aide, etc.....those places are hiring and training laborers b/c they are desperate for the help. They are also offering bonuses and a sweet benefit package. I spoke to a guy that went to a job fair and employers were literally fighting over him without even laying eyes on his application. If you can't find a good job now, you just don't want a job.
ALL businesses have help wanted signs, very little interest. My tiller took over a month before they could even look at it, and then the part is no longer available. Two young men trying the best they can, no help. One said that they could use 10 mechanics, but...... you know the rest.
Two friends of mine, dynamic and knowledgeable people, just left their jobs at major companies. They’d each been at their jobs (different companies) many years. New hires have come on at substantially more money... and they won’t work. At one, the young man not only avoided work, but pretty much refused to help do anything. And management doesn’t want to offend the new people.
Every restaurant and business around me in every county is begging for help.
Some even shutting down due to no help.

So I'm driving thru a major intersection today . There are 2 guys running around with buckets to every car begging for money .
The bucket said help the homeless and desolate.

Are you kidding me ???
There's jobs on every corner.

That's what I told him.



I never thought we'd see the day where beggars are looked up to. I have always helped those if I could who needed it but that different than begging for a living.
We had men without legs from WW11 who use to ask for change and we never missed a cup but now its insane game.Mama was very giving.
I know this is not a popular opinion, but some of the homeless people are having a hard time getting jobs because even though they say they are hiring, they don't always hire right away. They want people to fill out applications online (not always possible if someone doesn't have internet access or if the site is down or gives them trouble). Then they have to wait for background check and get drug tested (which requires going to a hospital- and some people are afraid to go while others do go but hospitals are too busy to take them). It's also difficult for people to get a job when they don't have an address. So, being homeless can be a hindrance. There is also the possibility that some people are banned from working at places for awhile due to having been laid off from there. Local walmart makes people wait 6 months to a year to re-apply regardless of whether or not they were fired for cause. The casino will lock people out for years before they can re-apply. Not all jobs are like that though. On the flipside, people can make a ton of $ panhandling while they only get a pittance working at minimum wage jobs. I knew someone who wasn't getting paid enough to cover the cost of gas to get to work. It's a tough situation all around. Employers don't want to pay higher wages or give benefits and employees don't want to work for lower wages with no benefits. I can't really blame people for going the route that gets them the most $ with how employees get treated these days. It's not the most ideal way to get $, but there are worse ways to get it.

I think this covid is affecting everyone now. I try to be more easy on the doctors now.They are over worked plus the hospitals push them. But I do know how you feel.
To clarify, that experience happened back in 2016 when I had a back injury. They saw I didn't have insurance and treated me like absolute garbage.
When my best friend didn't have insurance (pre-Covid) they turned him away as well. He had to go in about 3 or 4 times before they finally realized he had a kidney stone.
Working with a co-worker who does just the very bare minimum. When I ask her to do certain tasks her reply is always “I’ve never done that. I don’t know how to do that.” She aggravates me no end. 😡
People like that drive me crazy! My brother had a co-worker like that. Straight up refused a direct order from a supervisor because he didn't want to do the work & said he wasn't "any good at it". My brother told the guy "practice makes perfect" and the guy refused. He often had to pick up slack for other employees at work-- the way I have to take care of all of things at home because he doesn't pull his weight. Weird thing is, he does a good job at work but he barely lifts a finger at home. He's always had this attitude that he shouldn't have to do any work at home. He was griping about another friend of ours who is living with one of our friends and mooching, won't pick up after himself, won't pay any $ to help with electricity, internet, water, food, etc-- all of which he uses. But my brother didn't see that he does the same thing.

So much for OPSEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh. That's worse than my mom. She can't keep a secret to save her life. If you want something kept quiet, never tell her. She'll blab it to complete strangers at the first opportunity.

My friend finally admitted he's back with his gf even though he knows there is no way in hell the baby is his. He doesn't love her or even like her, but he caved in and decided to have a physical relationship with her again, which makes her think she won & that she can get away with anything. She's still on better behavior for now, but it's only a matter of time before she goes back to her old ways. He apparently had a fertility test done and is sterile so it's impossible for him to have kids. But he refuses to get a paternity test because he doesn't want it fully confirmed. He really wants to have a son. I think he should have it done just so the doctors will know about any genetic disorders/family medical history. The baby is still getting fatter. He's too fat to fit in a toy seat thing for 4-yr-olds. I joked that his real father was the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man. We then saw a toy of one at the store and got it for him. Put a sticky note on it saying it was his Daddy. Baby loves the thing. LOL.
In the continuing saga of the smalltown drama: My friend is too much of a doormat and keeps letting the same mooches come over & use him. A "friend", let's call him "J" had previously lived with him (was only supposed to crash on the couch a night or two and ended up staying for months) & overstayed his welcome before by being a complete jerk. He has no respect for women so he's very nasty to the guy's gf. He doesn't respect people's privacy, doesn't listen, doesn't respect rules, etc. He would use the gf's shampoo & products. She put up a sign in the bathroom saying "Don't use my sh***" and he tore all the signs down and threw them away. He then went in to her bedroom and tried to re-arrange her stuff. She told him to leave her stuff alone. He picked up something and moved it after she told him she didn't want it over there. She moved it back. He picked it up again and moved it back. She told him to get out of her room. He argued with her. He would also come in to their room and turn on the laptop to video chat with people. They told him repeatedly not to use the laptop and not to video chat in their bedroom. He ignored them and did it anyway. He also walked in to their room without knocking. One of the times he walked in and the gf was naked. My friend yelled at him to get out. Instead of leaving he stood there and said "Why?" The gf then screamed at him to get out. Another time he stole her keys and left the house. My friend was at work and she couldn't go anywhere bc she couldn't unlock the door if she came back. She called J to bring her keys back. He argued and asked "why?" then refused. Then said she had to drive out to another town to get them back. He ate all their food, left a mess, and didn't contribute to any bills. When some other friends were over borrowing my friend's tools to work on a vehicle, J was whining about how my friend never did anything for him. If the other friend hadn't been under a car, he would have punched him. They reported it to the friend. That same night J started yelling at my friend's girlfriend over something. Friend finally kicked him out.

So, similar thing happened this time around. He was only supposed to spend a night or two while he was working. Then he quit his job. He started hogging my friend's computer. Refused to get out of the chair and let my friend use it. When my friend physically removed him from the chair to use his own computer, J would start playing his guitar very loudly in my friend's ear until my friend got fed up and left the room. Why he didn't just cut the guitar strings is beyond me. At first J had been on slightly better behavior, but like always, the longer he stayed the more entitled he felt. He demanded $ for food. He ate their food without asking. He had sex on their couch, in my friend's daughter's bedroom, and in the bathroom without permission. He left used condoms on the floor and side of the tub. He argued about cleaning up after himself. He didn't want to do it and expected other people to do it. He refused to ever wash dishes. He refused contribute to any of the bills. When asked for $ he argued that he was paying his grandmother's bills. My friend said "Then go live with your grandmother!" J said "But I don't want to!" and refused to leave or pay. He also took my friend's truck without asking a few times, drag raced with some people, and blew some sort of gasket. Refused to pay for the damage. Recently, my friend told him that he better pay something to contribute to bills this week or he's out. So he went and spent all of his $ buying a broken down truck that doesn't run and dumped it in my friend's driveway. He then claimed he couldn't pay bills because he bought the junker. He owns 3 trucks but only 1 runs and 2 of them are in my friend's driveway.

Yesterday, he rearranged my friend's office without asking (friend had just organized it the way he wanted-- J would frequently move things around so friend couldn't find anything-- telling him not to touch stuff didn't work). He also re-arranged the fridge after my friend organized it how he wanted it. While J was changing things, my friend told him to stop and leave it alone. J argued with him and continued to do it. He was supposed to be sleeping in either the living room or the little office on a cot but he decided to move in to my friend's daughter's room. So late last night when Z (the daughter) went to go to sleep in her own room, J screamed at her to get out. She went and told my friend but he was too tired to get up. Said he'd deal with it in the morning. So early that morning before my friend woke up, J packed up all of his stuff, turned my friend's computer on, logged on to his social media apps and deleted a bunch of his chats and other stuff, logged out of all of his social media accounts, and left the computer on. Mind you, J has his own computer now (thanks to my friend building one for him) so he had no reason to touch my friend's computer. He left a bunch of trash in Z's room and split without saying a word. But he still left his junker trucks.

Friend messaged him and told him he has 48 hours to get the junkers out of his yard or he's calling the cops to ask for them to be towed (at J's expense). Told him after getting his trucks to never come back. Blocked him on all social media. Problem is, J knows how to break in to the house without a key. But, friend told his gf to call the cops if J tries to get into the house.

I warned him this was going to happen again, but he's too much of a softy. I don't know how my friend can put up with people like that for so long.
In the continuing saga of the smalltown drama: My friend is too much of a doormat and keeps letting the same mooches come over & use him. A "friend", let's call him "J" had previously lived with him (was only supposed to crash on the couch a night or two and ended up staying for months) & overstayed his welcome before by being a complete jerk. He has no respect for women so he's very nasty to the guy's gf. He doesn't respect people's privacy, doesn't listen, doesn't respect rules, etc. He would use the gf's shampoo & products. She put up a sign in the bathroom saying "Don't use my sh***" and he tore all the signs down and threw them away. He then went in to her bedroom and tried to re-arrange her stuff. She told him to leave her stuff alone. He picked up something and moved it after she told him she didn't want it over there. She moved it back. He picked it up again and moved it back. She told him to get out of her room. He argued with her. He would also come in to their room and turn on the laptop to video chat with people. They told him repeatedly not to use the laptop and not to video chat in their bedroom. He ignored them and did it anyway. He also walked in to their room without knocking. One of the times he walked in and the gf was naked. My friend yelled at him to get out. Instead of leaving he stood there and said "Why?" The gf then screamed at him to get out. Another time he stole her keys and left the house. My friend was at work and she couldn't go anywhere bc she couldn't unlock the door if she came back. She called J to bring her keys back. He argued and asked "why?" then refused. Then said she had to drive out to another town to get them back. He ate all their food, left a mess, and didn't contribute to any bills. When some other friends were over borrowing my friend's tools to work on a vehicle, J was whining about how my friend never did anything for him. If the other friend hadn't been under a car, he would have punched him. They reported it to the friend. That same night J started yelling at my friend's girlfriend over something. Friend finally kicked him out.

So, similar thing happened this time around. He was only supposed to spend a night or two while he was working. Then he quit his job. He started hogging my friend's computer. Refused to get out of the chair and let my friend use it. When my friend physically removed him from the chair to use his own computer, J would start playing his guitar very loudly in my friend's ear until my friend got fed up and left the room. Why he didn't just cut the guitar strings is beyond me. At first J had been on slightly better behavior, but like always, the longer he stayed the more entitled he felt. He demanded $ for food. He ate their food without asking. He had sex on their couch, in my friend's daughter's bedroom, and in the bathroom without permission. He left used condoms on the floor and side of the tub. He argued about cleaning up after himself. He didn't want to do it and expected other people to do it. He refused to ever wash dishes. He refused contribute to any of the bills. When asked for $ he argued that he was paying his grandmother's bills. My friend said "Then go live with your grandmother!" J said "But I don't want to!" and refused to leave or pay. He also took my friend's truck without asking a few times, drag raced with some people, and blew some sort of gasket. Refused to pay for the damage. Recently, my friend told him that he better pay something to contribute to bills this week or he's out. So he went and spent all of his $ buying a broken down truck that doesn't run and dumped it in my friend's driveway. He then claimed he couldn't pay bills because he bought the junker. He owns 3 trucks but only 1 runs and 2 of them are in my friend's driveway.

Yesterday, he rearranged my friend's office without asking (friend had just organized it the way he wanted-- J would frequently move things around so friend couldn't find anything-- telling him not to touch stuff didn't work). He also re-arranged the fridge after my friend organized it how he wanted it. While J was changing things, my friend told him to stop and leave it alone. J argued with him and continued to do it. He was supposed to be sleeping in either the living room or the little office on a cot but he decided to move in to my friend's daughter's room. So late last night when Z (the daughter) went to go to sleep in her own room, J screamed at her to get out. She went and told my friend but he was too tired to get up. Said he'd deal with it in the morning. So early that morning before my friend woke up, J packed up all of his stuff, turned my friend's computer on, logged on to his social media apps and deleted a bunch of his chats and other stuff, logged out of all of his social media accounts, and left the computer on. Mind you, J has his own computer now (thanks to my friend building one for him) so he had no reason to touch my friend's computer. He left a bunch of trash in Z's room and split without saying a word. But he still left his junker trucks.

Friend messaged him and told him he has 48 hours to get the junkers out of his yard or he's calling the cops to ask for them to be towed (at J's expense). Told him after getting his trucks to never come back. Blocked him on all social media. Problem is, J knows how to break in to the house without a key. But, friend told his gf to call the cops if J tries to get into the house.

I warned him this was going to happen again, but he's too much of a softy. I don't know how my friend can put up with people like that for so long.
How many psychologist does it to change a light bulb?

It only takes one but the light has to want to change.

From all of your reports it sounds like your buddy doesn't want to change. But I am practicing outside my area of expertise being an engineer/physicist and not a psychologist.

Many psy types operate on a sliding scale so anyone that really needs help can get it.

As for you young lady...

You can't care more for a person than they care for themselves. They will beat you every time.

What ever you don't enable.

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