Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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My complaint of the day is how expensive things are. We need a new cooktop & the good ones are not in a reasonable price range.

Also, my friend's gf may have succeeded at turning him against me the way she's turned him against several other friends. He thinks he's 3 steps ahead of her but he does not see how she's been lying to him and manipulating him. He stopped replying to my messages on FB. I stopped in to see him on the way home from the grocery store yesterday & he claimed he deleted FB and won't look at it anymore. But he had posted on FB that day and 4 hours later it showed he was active 2 hours before. So he's lying to me about that. I wish he would just be honest with me. I need to pick a day to go pick up all of my tools to bring them home (if they aren't missing or destroyed by now). He constantly has so many people in and out of his house. I know at least some of my tools got stolen by them. I'm going to have to go buy a new air compressor because he's obviously not going to replace the one I loaned him that got stolen. It's really a shame because we've been friends for almost a decade & this girl he only met a little over 3 years ago is pushing everyone else out of his life and ruining him financially. But, if he wants to cut me out of his life like that then I'm not going to fight it. It really sucks bc he was my best friend and I have done a LOT for him. I guess it shows you can never truly rely on other people.

Editing to add that I just saw he was active on FB 7min ago so I asked him if he changed his mind about FB. He said he just got some bad news a minute ago and reinstalled FB (but I know he never uninstalled it) then he said he'd talk later. Not sure if he's still lying to avoid talking to me or if something bad actually happened.
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Ok. Update, my mother called him to check on him and see if everything was Ok. His gf's father is dying & she's really upset. I talked to her briefly to make sure she was OK. He started talking to me more & it seems we're cool again. I think the difference is I'm not bringing up whether or not they are dating & I suggested we find a group activity to help take her mind off the stress of her father's imminent passing.
15 years ago I bought a cheap wall clock for my shop. Kept time for a few minutes then the minute hand stopped moving, just stay in place jerking. New premium battery with same result. Been laying under a pile of stuff since. Saturday I threw it in the garbage can for the Monday pickup. Early Monday morning I wheel the garbage can out to the road for pickup. I looked inside and the clock is gone!? Wife has a history of picking though the garbage to see what I've thrown out to "rescue" items she thinks I should keep! So I ask her, yep, she's rescued the wall clock for a future unknown garage sale.

Mental note to self. Wait until I take the garbage to the road before I throw anything in it.
I do the same thing with the kids old junk or stuff I object to them having. The trick is to put it in a black garbage bag, knot it off, and put it under some garbage. Little granddaughter's mom visits her once a week. She brings in two armfulls of junk from the junk store to give her each week. I throw most of it out. Most of it smells bad, like it's sat in a car full of people smoking for a week.
I see no point in keeping broken stuff, either.
My peeve of the day is people who not only ruin their own health, but who ruin the health of babies/children. My friend's gf's adopted parents are both in very poor health because they refuse to stop smoking. The dad is in end stage COPD and is on oxygen (but he unplugs for a few minutes to go out on the porch and smoke). The mother has all sorts of heart disease and still smokes. At least the old man is now going outside to smoke because they smoked like chimneys the entire time they had foster kids and adopted kids in their homes. Of the kids they've raised, only one has graduated high school thus far. The rest haven't graduated & have all been arrested at least once for violence. My friend's gf falls in to the latter category. Her baby keeps being dropped off with the adopted grandparents & he came home sick almost every time because of the smoking. The gf sent me pics earlier and the baby had some sort of soda in his sippy cup. He's 8 months old & they are giving him soda. He's already super fat for his age (he got too fat to fit in clothes for 1yr olds when he was 6 months old). I'm very concerned about this baby's health. One of my friends from school was bottle fed coca cola as a baby & it led to heart problems before he turned 18.
Since the baby gets very little attention, they substitute food.
GF's daughter is behind in one of her online high school classes. GF is on day 1 of a much needed girls weekend out of state but sends me a message about an email she got from a teacher and the GF was pissed and ranting big time. Then the daughter comes out to talk to me about it because her mom had asked her what was up.
I quickly stomped that fire out. The daughter is a few weeks behind in the class with about 10 days left in the semester. She says she can get most or all done by Sunday evening, when mom will be coming home. Told the GF it was just a reminder and encouragement email because it is the end of the semester. Fortunately she bought that little white lie so she can relax and enjoy her vacation. The daughter was lucky on the timing, mom would have lit her up if she was home.
Cop Skills are still pretty sharp after about 11 years of retirement, and come in handy from time to time.
Texas children hit with cease-and-desist order from local government after selling eggs to neighbors

A pair of Texas children was hit with a cease-and-desist order by the local government after selling eggs to neighbors in the San Antonio area.
a person sitting next to a window© Provided by Washington Examiner
The two girls, 10-year-old Indiana and 8-year-old Phoenix, started collecting extra eggs from the chickens on their property and sold them to those in the community following the devastating Lone Star State freeze in February that roiled the region's food supply.
The sisters generated about $70 per week under the guidance of their father, Brian Johnson, an Army veteran, before the city of Bulverde intervened.
Johnson received a letter in the mail that demanded that he and his girls stop selling the eggs, he told CBS Austin on Thursday
Someone in the neighborhood complained about him keeping chickens "for the purpose of producing and selling" eggs, City Manager Danny Batts told the Washington Examiner.
The "keeping of 30 chickens in a residential neighborhood, while not common, is permissible" under the city's ordinance, but "the selling of chicken eggs, or any other animal products produced on the property, from a residentially zoned lot is a violation ... regardless of the age of the person conducting the sales," he added.
"City staff are bound to investigate complaints of ordinance violations which are presented to us and to seek compliance with the laws as they are written," Batts continued. "If Mr. Johnson believes that he is not in violation of the city ordinance against producing and selling chicken eggs in a residential zone, he will be given an opportunity to present his case to the Municipal Court judge for a ruling."
The military veteran, fearing further action, has been forced to halt sales, he said.
“I’m afraid that the city will take further action against me, and I don't want to hurt my kids,” he said.
Indiana and her sister were just trying to help their neighbors and weren't "running a business," she said.
Johnson initially made the suggestion to the girls so they would be able to learn about "bank accounts" and money, he said.
“I told the girls, 'Hey, you know, we have some extra eggs. I'll tell you what — I'll open your bank accounts. I'll get you checks and debit cards. We'll build you an account, and you can sell the extra eggs to the neighbor,'" he said.
He continued: "During the freeze, they supplied eggs, gave away firewood, and one of those individuals learned that our car was out of gas, so a five-gallon can of gas arrives at our house from one of those people. ... They're learning positive things."
Texas children hit with cease-and-desist order from local government after selling eggs to neighbors

A pair of Texas children was hit with a cease-and-desist order by the local government after selling eggs to neighbors in the San Antonio area.
a person sitting next to a window© Provided by Washington Examiner
The two girls, 10-year-old Indiana and 8-year-old Phoenix, started collecting extra eggs from the chickens on their property and sold them to those in the community following the devastating Lone Star State freeze in February that roiled the region's food supply.
The sisters generated about $70 per week under the guidance of their father, Brian Johnson, an Army veteran, before the city of Bulverde intervened.
Johnson received a letter in the mail that demanded that he and his girls stop selling the eggs, he told CBS Austin on Thursday
Someone in the neighborhood complained about him keeping chickens "for the purpose of producing and selling" eggs, City Manager Danny Batts told the Washington Examiner.
The "keeping of 30 chickens in a residential neighborhood, while not common, is permissible" under the city's ordinance, but "the selling of chicken eggs, or any other animal products produced on the property, from a residentially zoned lot is a violation ... regardless of the age of the person conducting the sales," he added.
"City staff are bound to investigate complaints of ordinance violations which are presented to us and to seek compliance with the laws as they are written," Batts continued. "If Mr. Johnson believes that he is not in violation of the city ordinance against producing and selling chicken eggs in a residential zone, he will be given an opportunity to present his case to the Municipal Court judge for a ruling."
The military veteran, fearing further action, has been forced to halt sales, he said.
“I’m afraid that the city will take further action against me, and I don't want to hurt my kids,” he said.
Indiana and her sister were just trying to help their neighbors and weren't "running a business," she said.
Johnson initially made the suggestion to the girls so they would be able to learn about "bank accounts" and money, he said.
“I told the girls, 'Hey, you know, we have some extra eggs. I'll tell you what — I'll open your bank accounts. I'll get you checks and debit cards. We'll build you an account, and you can sell the extra eggs to the neighbor,'" he said.
He continued: "During the freeze, they supplied eggs, gave away firewood, and one of those individuals learned that our car was out of gas, so a five-gallon can of gas arrives at our house from one of those people. ... They're learning positive things."
Zoning laws have bitten me more than once. But a $1000 a day fine and I drop everything to comply.

Save my powder for when it matters.

Junk furniture! Specifically, recliners. I bought my first recliner in the early 90’s. For many years a recliner would last 7-8 years. Moving metal parts would finally become so worn that reclining or un-reclining would be come difficult. Time for a new chair…

Along about ’08 manufacturers started building chairs for short people. Meaning my heals would no longer be on the foot rest portion of the chair when reclined. My calf muscle would be on the foot rest with my foot hanging off. I’m only 5-10, average height.

This was an issue for me… I think it was ’08 or ’09 when I got trampled by a bull, damaging my calf muscle. The weight of my foot and lower leg now rested on my calf muscle instead of my heals, painful. I went through several chairs over the next few years. I could not find one long enough.

Finally, I had enough. I shopped for months, drove several hundred miles before I finally found a chair where my heals were at least partially supported by the foot rest. But, it was a power chair which has it’s own set of problems since my electricity goes off on a monthly basis.

When the power goes off I’m stuck! I can’t count the number of times I’ve had to roll out the side of my chair, even had to rearrange my furniture so I had room beside the chair. Also, a power chair was about $400 more than a regular recliner.

This chair had a 1-year warranty. 15 months after I bought it the drive screw assembly broke. Now I was stuck buying another chair.

So, after several 100 miles the only chair I found that was long enough… was the same chair, at the same store where I bought the last one. This time I got the 2 year warranty for an extra $150. That was August of 2019.

Last night the motor in this chair failed. I can recline but not un-recline without using my legs to help the motor. So, it’s no longer a power chair, it’s a power-assisted chair.

I called the store this morning. The sales lady, who remembered me, pulled up my account. She gave me all the pertinent information, including the phone number to the 3rd party company I have to call Monday to exercise my warranty.

With any luck I’ll get a new chair for a delivery fee or some other minimal fee. With no luck I’ll discover the warranty is good on the 5th Tuesday of July and only if I’ve never farted in the chair. :rolleyes:
The "keeping of 30 chickens in a residential neighborhood, while not common, is permissible" under the city's ordinance, but "the selling of chicken eggs, or any other animal products produced on the property, from a residentially zoned lot is a violation ... regardless of the age of the person conducting the sales," he added.

From what I read they just need to take the eggs to another location and sell them from there. It says you can't raise the chickens AND sell the eggs on the same property. Find a cooperative neighbor, store the eggs on their property and then offer them for sale. Problem solved.

Government isn't the solution, government is the problem.
The Princess also does the thrift stores. She has repeatedly quoted her sister who once observed;
I think the most expensive thing I am wearing is my socks.


LOL,that reminds me of a guy we knew about 50 yr ago. He was a real card,he would say things like " my socks cost more than your whole outfit 'as he sachaed around trying to look cool.But he wore it well.:D
I understand when they want to prevent people from getting contaminated or unsafe food, but a lot of the time the regulations they have are only for making $ for the government.
Louisiana requires people to get inspection stickers to make sure the vehicles are fit to drive-- on roads that are not fit to drive on. Pot holes galore. They actually admitted the whole point is to get money & if they got rid of it, they would raise the price of registration to make up for the lost revenue.
Micro rants:
1: Fox News, please stop having all of your people say: "Now, more than ever!" in front of every sentence. For those of us with knowledge of the past, this equals: Please pay attention, garbage follows!

2: When asked, "where is the map?" , don't be the one that says:
"It was cluttering up the car so we decided it was much better off in the house :thumbs: ".
I have (had) a beautiful white peach tree in my backyard. The north side of the tree was blooming so beautifully, but the south side was dead as a doornail. Well, a few plunges into the main roots with my Sawzall, and the tree came down and is no more. I loved the tree and the fruit that came off of it was great. Now, the area is empty. I wish I could have saved it, but I'm guessing it became diseased?
I have (had) a beautiful white peach tree in my backyard. The north side of the tree was blooming so beautifully, but the south side was dead as a doornail. Well, a few plunges into the main roots with my Sawzall, and the tree came down and is no more. I loved the tree and the fruit that came off of it was great. Now, the area is empty. I wish I could have saved it, but I'm guessing it became diseased?

We have a septic drain field destroyer,Crepe Mytle tree I want gone but hubby likes them. Their roots will travel forever!
Humming Birds fav tree Mimosa has massive roots too,I like to have never cut all those away,I used an ax,then pic ax and it tooks me a couple days to get most of them up.
I have (had) a beautiful white peach tree in my backyard. The north side of the tree was blooming so beautifully, but the south side was dead as a doornail. Well, a few plunges into the main roots with my Sawzall, and the tree came down and is no more. I loved the tree and the fruit that came off of it was great. Now, the area is empty. I wish I could have saved it, but I'm guessing it became diseased?

Probably... shame. Here in the south we have an old tradition, Pickled Peaches. Always made with white peaches... When I had the big orchard I had 25 white peach trees. We used to sell a lot of white peaches, almost all went to folks who wanted to make pickled peaches..

In the Navy I always had a vehicle. In my truck I had an old cassette tape case I kept 15 or 20 state maps in. When I’d go on leave, I didn’t mind giving someone else a ride who was also taking leave, save them the price of a plane ticket. Even if I had to drive a little out of my way to drop them somewhere family could pick them up.

This one kid… We were driving through PA at night. He managed to unfold half my maps and fold them incorrectly, they no longer fit in my case. I almost put him out on the side of the road in the middle of the night!!!! I finally took the maps away from him! He couldn’t read a map any better than he could fold one. :mad:

Another guy, driving through PA into OH at night in a snow storm. It was snowing hard, I was down to 30mph on the interstate. I was looking for an exit where I was supposed to drop this guy off to meet his dad. He had the maps and a flash light. He kept saying (about the exit) “It’s just a little further, just up ahead”.

After an hour of this I finally said “Show me on the map, how far is it?” He held up his thumb and forefinger, measuring about 2 inches and said “Its only this far on the map!!!!” I wanted to punch him! I had been straining my eyes in a snowstorm looking for an exit that was 200 miles away! At least he could fold a map, even if he couldn’t read one.
Way before GPS and smart phones I and a coworker were on the north side of Chicago and we needed to be on the south side. I handed the coworker the map and told him to pick a route, anything but though down town Chicago. Wasn’t too long we were hitting stop lights every block in questionable parts of town. When he claimed there was no other way I pulled over and showed a multitude of different routes. Great time to find out he couldn’t read a road map.
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