Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I hate going into the city!

For me that is Pittsburgh.

The Princess and I attended a reception last night where DeSantis was the keynote speaker.

To avoid traffic and parking we drove to a park n ride and took the light rail into the city. The stupid dictator still requires masks on mass transit. Strike 1.

The Princess insists I avoid making a stink unless it really matters. So no cheating on the mask rule for me.

We get to the gig early and were standing around in the lobby with 700 or so people talking. I am completely deaf in one ear another has severe loss. In crowds like that I can't hear a thing. May as well tune an AM radio between stations and crank up the volume. Strike 2.

Same for the meet n greet.

Boring speeches... DeSantis sounds like is going to run in 2024 depending on what is up with Trump.

I will skip the characters on the street after dark that keeps me looking behind us.

So while watint for the light rail I noticed fluid running in a seam on the floor. I visually trace it back and thought maybe the guy with the bike had emptied a water bottle bot no the fluid was coming some other source. Followed it back to a guy wearing tan shorts that was wetting himself just standing there. I could see it running down his leg.

Stepped over the steam to get in the rail car and noticed the fellow in question take a seat near the front. The thought that the same thing could happened to the seat we were sitting in... Strike 3.

I hate going into the big city.

So I'm not sure if I posted this but I don't think I did.

The other day while at work I had a customer come in without a mask. Scary isn't it.... 😒 🤪

When he came to the counter he opened his wallet and produced a LAMINATED COVID VACCINATION card.....🤬

We have been under a mask requirement until recently. The general "okie dokie" from our pos governor is that if you have been vaccinated you are no longer required to wear a mask in public situations. I'm fine with that and its about time.

Back to the card, I informed the customer that he was not ever expected to produce ANY verification to me. If he has been vaccinated, great, if not then so be it. I told him my opinion on the whole situation. If he was not vaccinated it is not my business. The federal and state governments created HIPPA laws for a start and I am under no obligation nor would I ever request verification of any persons medical situation.


I won't go into my opinion of those thinking this would be alright but will gladly pay their plane ticket to a communist / socialist country of their choice. Only criteria is renounce your citizenship and leave your passport; never to return.

Since I cannot keep it clean past this point I will drop it here.
I put on my mask and went into a mini market. There was a fella not wearing a mask. When he was done he said oh I am fully vaccinated. I replied well I would have no way of knowing you were a moron from looking at you. He looked confused.
I also flip people off in traffic based on their bumper stickers. If they must share their opinion I can't always help myself.
I hate going into the city!

For me that is Pittsburgh.

The Princess and I attended a reception last night where DeSantis was the keynote speaker.

To avoid traffic and parking we drove to a park n ride and took the light rail into the city. The stupid dictator still requires masks on mass transit. Strike 1.

The Princess insists I avoid making a stink unless it really matters. So no cheating on the mask rule for me.

We get to the gig early and were standing around in the lobby with 700 or so people talking. I am completely deaf in one ear another has severe loss. In crowds like that I can't hear a thing. May as well tune an AM radio between stations and crank up the volume. Strike 2.

Same for the meet n greet.

Boring speeches... DeSantis sounds like is going to run in 2024 depending on what is up with Trump.

I will skip the characters on the street after dark that keeps me looking behind us.

So while wating for the light rail I noticed fluid running in a seam on the floor. I visually trace it back and thought maybe the guy with the bike had emptied a water bottle bot no the fluid was coming some other source. Followed it back to a guy wearing tan shorts that was wetting himself just standing there. I could see it running down his leg.

Stepped over the steam to get in the rail car and noticed the fellow in question take a seat near the front. The thought that the same thing could happened to the seat we were sitting in... Strike 3.

I hate going into the big city.

I have a strike three thing. When I was teaching, I would quietly visit with children about their misbehavior. If they persisted, they would get a sticky note on their desk with their name on it. If they had a sticky note, and I had to speak to them again, it was strike three and then the consequence. One year as I was explaining this at the beginning of the year, one of the young men asked if we were going to play baseball. I could hardly keep a straight face and it may have been one of those times that I had to leave the room to compose myself from laughing.
Without even thinking of the three strike thing, this is how I cope or not, with adults. Keep at me, not listening to me, trying to derail me, and strike three, when I am now trying to deal with the same thing, again, they are out!
So, a couple years ago some drunk driver rammed into the front left side of my truck when I was making a left turn in an intersection. It was a no passing area and this drunk idiot tried to go around me because I slowed down and put my indicator on. He was too impatient to wait for me to turn but misjudged how fast I was turning. He decided to hit the gas instead of the brakes and then realized if he tried to keep going around me he would hit trees so he made the decision to hit my truck. Long story on the cops & that BS, but I'll skip ahead to the towtruck driver recommended a friend to do the body work bc the preferred body shop for my insurance company was garbage (I used them before-- they took forever and left orangepeel textured paint on my vehicle-- that one was from some old bat backing out of a parking space without looking and hitting the side of my vehicle).

Anyway, this friend of the towtruck driver did a lousy job. Bumper isn't aligned right, he didn't fully paint the hood (which got bent and chipped from the bumper getting broken), didn't secure the fender liner, didn't re-attach the wiring for the daytime running lights, and did not secure the tie rod. We gave him the money, asked for the receipt. He said he was going to get it, walked away, jumped in his vehicle, and sped off. Took over a month to get a receipt that was passed to us via the towtruck driver & he lied about the amount he got paid (said he was paid less than he was). But before that, I had to immediately take my truck to the dealership because the steering was off. They said the tie rod was coming off. My best friend almost died from his tie rod coming off so I was pretty miffed. When we spoke to the guy who did the work he denied it- I told him my tie rod was loose as soon as he took off. He also damaged the interior of the car-- must have spilled paint thinner because the fake leather on the arm rests was peeling off. But, the insurance said they wouldn't cover any of the repairs because we didn't go to their preferred place. I had avoided dealership at first because they are expensive and had bad reviews.

So, because the stuff wasn't put in right, my fender liner ripped and the skid plate dropped & was dragging. Tire place tacked the skid plate back up, but the tire keeps rubbing the fender liner. I will have to take it to the body shop to get things re-aligned.

On top of that, the post office is dicking me around again about my free box. They have to give me a free box since they refuse to deliver by my home address. For over 15 years they charged me for a box. One day I was complaining that they were not linking stuff addressed to my home to my box and the postal worker was being a jerk & saying "Yeah, well you get a free box, so you shouldn't b*** about it!" I said "No I don't!" and he said "You get a free box if you can't get delivery". I said "We pay for this box and we've been paying for over a decade!" He then said that wasn't right and got me the paperwork to fill out to get a free box. The postmaster was pissed off. He lied and claimed that I'd been paying a reduced fee, but when I looked at the box fees, we were paying full price for that size box. Anyway, ever since then, every year I have to fill out paperwork and submit it along with photo ID and an electric bill showing my physical address. So, for this year I did that in January. But when I went to the post office today they had tried to lock my box (but the lock fell off) and refused to give me my packages. Said I had to fill out a new form and bring in the recent bill. I told her I'd already done that but she said that I hadn't submitted a bill. I told her the other employee had taken the bill and photocopied it. So, now I have to take the paperwork in tomorrow and pull out my ID for them to photocopy along with my electric bill. All because they lost the photocopy. Ugh. I know there are worse things in the world, but I did what I was supposed to do and it's not my fault they don't have their crap together. I realized they are understaffed & underpaid, but it's crappy to get treated this way.
I built a room in the basement for the wife's craft room. Large work table is now stacked with stuff, no room to work. Solution?

Dining room table is now stack with stuff too. No room left for her to work on her craft stuff. Solution?

Breakfast nook table is stacked with craft stuff. No room left for her to work. Solution?

Kitchen island counter is now being shared with crafting stuff. Solution?

Wife is selling the round Breakfast nook table and replacing it with a larger table!
I built a room in the basement for the wife's craft room. Large work table is now stacked with stuff, no room to work. Solution?

Dining room table is now stack with stuff too. No room left for her to work on her craft stuff. Solution?

Breakfast nook table is stacked with craft stuff. No room left for her to work. Solution?

Kitchen island counter is now being shared with crafting stuff. Solution?

Wife is selling the round Breakfast nook table and replacing it with a larger table!
My wife and your's must be related, flat surface are not to be seen! My son dropped off a kitchen table for us.. If it was a bit smaller it could pass for a pool table! Wife has found that it is perfect for cutting fabric... The son didn't have time to help me disassemble the old table so it is in the living room, it seats 8 has oval ends and has a 1/4" glass top because the wood was soft... Noticed that yesterday it grew 4 boxes, I just don't understand.....
These posts are so good to read. We are having a financial planner come over today to discuss retirement. I have to clean off the kitchen table so we can sit there and talk. As for the rest of the house........it is what it is. ☹️ It’s not dirty like food and trash piled up but yarn, things I use every day, shoes, other craft things.
Food is too big of an issue here, so tables and counters have to be clean and uncluttered. Or I can't cook. And if I can't cook, the household falls apart big time.
I am a bit of a weirdo about our main table. It's a big table with 4 chairs and a bench on one side. I always have a table cloth on (I collect them) and a doily embroidered thing on the table cloth. Either cut flowers in a vase in the middle or at least a candle. It gets thrown in the wash at the end of the day and a new one put on.
Food is too big of an issue here, so tables and counters have to be clean and uncluttered. Or I can't cook. And if I can't cook, the household falls apart big time.
I am a bit of a weirdo about our main table. It's a big table with 4 chairs and a bench on one side. I always have a table cloth on (I collect them) and a doily embroidered thing on the table cloth. Either cut flowers in a vase in the middle or at least a candle. It gets thrown in the wash at the end of the day and a new one put on.
Same for The Princess with kitchen table and buffet.

If I want her to notice something I put it on the table and she notices.

Okay. Feeling bad again now. ☹
I am the evil 'policeman' in this house.
If I don't do my job, every upward-facing flat surface in the house would be completely covered within a week.
I just say: "Where does this go? Do you want me to put it up?"
...Then I hide in my room until the fire dies down. :rolleyes:
People in my household like to pile stuff. All of us have rooms that sort of look like nests with stuff piled up all around. Mom's bed is piled up with stuff and so is the rest of her room. My dog has made a pile of blankets and pillows next to my bed. LOL.

Today should have been productive. I was worried something would stop us from working on the plumbing today and I was right. Wasn't what I expected though. Friend went to clear some weeds to get under the house and heard a weird buzzing. Sounded kind of like a cicada or large insect. It was very odd. I went to look for something in the truck when my friend yelled "NOPE!" and came running over. Told me "That's not a bug!" I was wondering what it could be and thought maybe some sort of electrical line or something that was live and buzzing. Turns out it was a rather annoyed timber rattlesnake. It was napping and we were annoying it.

I got a machete and friend tried to pull the snake out with a shovel but the handle broke and the snake escaped under the house. We decided that no one would be climbing under there after it. Friend put out feelers to find out if anyone in the area can come catch it.

I meant to post this in the what are you doing today thread but my brain is not with it. LOL. I suppose it could be a rant considering I'm frustrated stuff didn't get done.
Okay. Feeling bad again now. ☹
Don't feel bad. You should see my shop! I share with my buddy that allergic to putting tools back when there is clear space on my bench or a cart or a radial arm saw or a stool or the floor.

I do reset it occasionally but The Princess knows my anal retentive side enjoys resetting the shop and having fun is not allowed when there other work to do.
