Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Yahoo! The main highway is back open! No more raceway down our little road! Now if we could just be rid of the rude screamer across the way we’d be in good shape. So tired of that place and those people. Going to try and catch the husband when he’s in and out in the middle of the night and politely ask him to speak to the crazy fool. If that doesn’t work…….. sheriffs I guess. Sooooo tired of dealing with this.
Finally caught up with the husband across the way. Explained what the guy in the back has been doing (screaming all night long at the top of his lungs when they aren’t there) and that I’ve asked him to stop multiple times, yelled at him to stop last week only to have him scream at the top of his lungs for hours “shut the “cuss word” up. Night before last he was ranting about people telling him what to do. He screams so long and so loud he goes horse by morning. Can’t figure out who he’s screaming at. He honestly must not be mentally stable, has a drug or alcohol problem or something. He rides a bike everywhere or had others come get him and transport him around. He sounds and acts like a child. I really don’t care what his issues are as long as they don’t effect us. Neighbor was friendly until we started talking. Not sure if he was mad at me or the guy. He said he’d talk to him. Tonight may be interesting. The guy just showed up on his bike. I‘m sure he hasn’t been talked to yet. Hope this is the end of it.
I wonder what all the greenies are going to do when they see the piles of recycling that the governments can't get rid of because China stopped taking it?
I have another gripe about the green energy policies. I bought a hybrid Toyota and now I have to pay an extra $225 per year because Washington state feels I am cheating them out of gas tax money and also to pay for charging stations that I can't use.
We used to religiously save all recyclables. Slowly the recycling centers cut what could be recycled. It got to the point it was basically certain glads bottles and pop cans. Then they started picking even harder. We ended up throwing 80% of what we saved to recycle and it ended up costing us $ to recycle. That was on top of paying the fees when you purchase pop cans etc. We quit recycling and now just put it in the recycle can for pickup every two weeks. What happens from there who knows. Sure seemed odd to us.
I wonder what all the greenies are going to do when they see the piles of recycling that the governments can't get rid of because China stopped taking it?
I have another gripe about the green energy policies. I bought a hybrid Toyota and now I have to pay an extra $225 per year because Washington state feels I am cheating them out of gas tax money and also to pay for charging stations that I can't use.
So, you are figuring out what the "Green new deal" is all about.
More of your green ($) for the government:p.
I remember when they put EPA requirements in place for vehicles to get more miles-per-gallon fuel economy.
Every new car had it's 'EPA' mpg rating on the window sticker from then on.
The next year, they explained they had to raise gas taxes because it was in cents-per-gallon and their tax income had dropped because people were using fewer gallons:(. Who woulda guessed?
Spend a bunch of money on a more efficient car, then you can send more money to the government:clapping:.
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We used to religiously save all recyclables. Slowly the recycling centers cut what could be recycled. It got to the point it was basically certain glads bottles and pop cans. Then they started picking even harder. We ended up throwing 80% of what we saved to recycle and it ended up costing us $ to recycle. That was on top of paying the fees when you purchase pop cans etc. We quit recycling and now just put it in the recycle can for pickup every two weeks. What happens from there who knows. Sure seemed odd to us.

Most of it goes into the landfill.

I worked for two years at a recycling center. It was by far the most corrupt operation I had ever been a part of. Literally involved with the mob.
That really doesn’t surprise me honestly.

The main scam that was run at the place where I worked was that the recycling place got government kickbacks to take in stuff that otherwise wouldn't be worth it. We would take the stuff, but not pay the customer, telling them we could take it but it wasn't worth anything (which it wasn't except for the subsidy), drive it over to the landfill by dump truck (which was 1/4 mile away and pocket the government subsidy.

The other good one was that there would be certain government owned things like boats, cars, etc, that for various reasons they would need destroyed rather than sold. They would be brought to us to be officially destroyed and recycled....but we would just sell them off since often they where perfectly good....and then take pictures of other but similar enough junked vehicles, boats etc that customers had brought in as proof of the 'destruction'.
Most of it goes into the landfill.

I worked for two years at a recycling center. It was by far the most corrupt operation I had ever been a part of. Literally involved with the mob.
I posted in another thread about what a hoax most recycling in the US is. Seen it first hand.
Also saw first hand how real it is in Australia.
If you are an island nation, everything they can recycle is something they don't have to import.
You have 5 bins. Put something in the wrong bin, get a fine:oops:.
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The water company requested everyone save water, we did. Then the water company charged all of us a fee because we didn't use enough water and their profits were down so we had to make up for it.
I'm glad I don't have a water company anymore.

My county doesn't even have a recycling program for residential homes. Everything goes into the same can and it all goes to a landfill.
Most of it goes into the landfill.

I worked for two years at a recycling center. It was by far the most corrupt operation I had ever been a part of. Literally involved with the mob.
The city of Arvada, Colorado is one of the cities in the Denver area that has made attempts to have city wide trash pick-up. Someone told me that close to 20 years ago the city council was working on a plan and they all received death threats. The trash collection services in Arvada are (or were) pay by customer and customer arranged. Seems that most of those services were run by the Russian mob. Russian mob also runs a few oddball gas stations and a few other things.
..I just don’t know what to do at this point. ..
Mmm... Got a Nitrogen tank, valve / couplers, some hose, and some black clothes and face-paint? :ghostly:

That's satire, Don't taze me Mods.. ;)

Seriously tho.. 'Hope is not a plan', so.. Perhaps it's Sheriff-time? Just my un-asked for .02.. :)

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Mmm... Got a Nitrogen tank, valve / couplers and and some hose, and some black clothes and face-paint? :ghostly:

That's satire, Don't taze me Mods.. ;)

Seriously tho.. 'Hope is not a plan', so.. Perhaps it's Sheriff-time? Just my un-asked for .02.. :)


That’s funny 😂
Advice is always welcome and appreciated.
Sheriff was called. Hours later showed up. He’d stopped his targeted screaming at that point but was nicely screeching music and didn’t notice them when they pulled up. We only have 2 sheriff in a 500 square mile area. Being a holiday weekend the wait is even longer than normal. Frustrating their hands are tied in what they can ask/do. Wonder what tonight will have in store.
Not much rest during the day. Every sound woke me up when i would fall asleep. Didn’t have to wait long tonight. Crazy guy started in early. Even while the renter (the wife) was home which isn’t usual. I called the sheriff at 8:30 after just a few minutes of his screaming and cussing at me to shut the cuss up and bad words I won’t repeat and ranted about all kinds of weird things. What I didn’t know at the time is the renter (the wife) yelled at him while I was inside calling the sheriff. Wasn’t till I went back to record his screaming at me (sheriff recommended) that I heard her yelling at him. Now we know they can’t say they don’t know he’s doing it. I wondered why he got silent after I went in the call the sheriff. Sheriff called me and I explained what has been happening and told him I have plenty of video to show him I’m not making it up or exaggerating. I explained it’s been escalating especially after asking the renter (the husband) to talk to him and make it stop.
The sheriff said he can’t make him leave because he was invited by the renters even though there’s no home for him back there. He recommended a restraining order so when it continues or worse they can actually do something about it. I explained that I didn’t have any information to file an order and he gave me some number and said he would get the information when he went out to ask him to stop. He said it would then be on record and they can do the order from that. The officer came out and the lights were off and he was silent (very odd all of a sudden). So I spoke to the officer again and he said call back if it starts up again. No more than 3 minutes later he started screaming again. Some directed at me and some rants about how he was shot by police, dragged from the house and so much blood. Called again and told the dispatcher what he was saying. Before the sheriff arrived the renter (husband) showed up and went directly to the back where the guy was and started talking to him. A minute or two later the sheriff arrived. Followed by a second one a minute or so later. For once something worked out. So the officer spoke with them both, got their information and I could faintly hear the husband saying I had spoken to him. Otherwise I couldn't hear what was said. After that it got quiet.
So I guess a restraining order is next. Have zero idea what is involved with that. I am still concerned at what he’s capable of. Clearly he’s not stable. I’m keeping my dogs in at night for now. Sitting up watching the cameras and listening till daylight.
Well that didn’t last long. The screaming has already begun. I just don’t know what to do at this point. This is beyond ridiculous. Going to be a long night
That is so strange. He must get into an ‘altered status’ at night snd go crazy. How annoying.
I love my dog but he barks at everything. The slightest sound and he's obsessed with the front door and barks that loud, high-pitched bark that leaves a ringing in your ears.
There is something you can buy that might help that barking.
https://www.amazon.com/s?k=dog+bark...prefix=dog+barking&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_11My son bought one for his cattle dog that barked quite a bit. It really helped. He bought the house/barn style looking one. I know people who have bought it to stop their neighbors dog from barking.
3:50am and he’s going on angry rants again. This time not at the top of his lungs and from what i can hear not anything towards me but loud enough to be annoying in the house. Renter husband clearly has either left or is asleep and not hearing him. Recording it for record so if this goes farther I have proof he really does do this at all hours of the night and morning. The thought of filing a restraining order is making me sick. If he can’t handle a simple please stop or shut up screamed at him or his family or whatever the husband is asking him to stop what will a restraining order do. I don’t know what to do at this point.
That is so strange. He must get into an ‘altered status’ at night snd go crazy. How annoying.

I think he’s not all there and he definitely has a drinking problem. That’s become obvious. He clearly has no job either. Rides around on a bike and gets shuttled around by others so guessing lost his license.
He’s extremely annoying to say the least.
We had a somewhat similar situation here years ago. Neighbors son across the street would do the same types of stuff often threatening his elderly father. He was finally removed from the home and is not allowed on their property. Not that it’s an excuse but in his case it was severe mental illness. Not sure if he ever received treatment or not. If this is the cause Double R I suggest you get an order of protection in place. It might not be needed but is part of the process and adds to the data you have to build a case. It isn’t fair to you to live in fear or being kept awake.
@Guardian I’m afraid it will really set him off. The officer said they give him a paper if it’s approved. It appears to be extremely expensive also. Don’t know how it can effect me either. Going to do research tomorrow I guess. Things are just swirling in my head right now. Officer said it will be 7 days before the information on the guy is on file for me to get to do the order. I just don’t understand why he would still be allowed there when he clearly is causing issues. Neither renter can deny it at this point.
Not much rest during the day. Every sound woke me up when i would fall asleep. Didn’t have to wait long tonight. Crazy guy started in early. Even while the renter (the wife) was home which isn’t usual. I called the sheriff at 8:30 after just a few minutes of his screaming and cussing at me to shut the cuss up and bad words I won’t repeat and ranted about all kinds of weird things. What I didn’t know at the time is the renter (the wife) yelled at him while I was inside calling the sheriff. Wasn’t till I went back to record his screaming at me (sheriff recommended) that I heard her yelling at him. Now we know they can’t say they don’t know he’s doing it. I wondered why he got silent after I went in the call the sheriff. Sheriff called me and I explained what has been happening and told him I have plenty of video to show him I’m not making it up or exaggerating. I explained it’s been escalating especially after asking the renter (the husband) to talk to him and make it stop.
The sheriff said he can’t make him leave because he was invited by the renters even though there’s no home for him back there. He recommended a restraining order so when it continues or worse they can actually do something about it. I explained that I didn’t have any information to file an order and he gave me some number and said he would get the information when he went out to ask him to stop. He said it would then be on record and they can do the order from that. The officer came out and the lights were off and he was silent (very odd all of a sudden). So I spoke to the officer again and he said call back if it starts up again. No more than 3 minutes later he started screaming again. Some directed at me and some rants about how he was shot by police, dragged from the house and so much blood. Called again and told the dispatcher what he was saying. Before the sheriff arrived the renter (husband) showed up and went directly to the back where the guy was and started talking to him. A minute or two later the sheriff arrived. Followed by a second one a minute or so later. For once something worked out. So the officer spoke with them both, got their information and I could faintly hear the husband saying I had spoken to him. Otherwise I couldn't hear what was said. After that it got quiet.
So I guess a restraining order is next. Have zero idea what is involved with that. I am still concerned at what he’s capable of. Clearly he’s not stable. I’m keeping my dogs in at night for now. Sitting up watching the cameras and listening till daylight.
I lived in a building of townhouses. Neighbor would come home after work around 11 pm and crank up the music and wake up my then sleeping young child. Neighbor was impossible to deal with, would just yell at me when I told her she woke up my child with her loud music. I ended up calling it in over and over again. A neighbor had a police scanner and would inform her when the police were on the way. When the police got there, all was quiet. As soon as they were gone, up went the music and the crying child. This went on for a long time, months. I don't understand why people have to act like this.

Dire Straits album woke my daughter up night after night.

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