Maybe she is a mental defective, Weedy. In the urban anthill to come, she would be a defective ant, and a soldier ant would come to remove her.I lived in a building of townhouses. Neighbor would come home after work around 11 pm and crank up the music and wake up my then sleeping young child. Neighbor was impossible to deal with, would just yell at me when I told her she woke up my child with her loud music. I ended up calling it in over and over again. A neighbor had a police scanner and would inform her when the police were on the way. When the police got there, all was quiet. As soon as they were gone, up went the music and the crying child. This went on for a long time, months. I don't understand why people have to act like this.
Dire Straits album woke my daughter up night after night.
I lived in a building of townhouses. Neighbor would come home after work around 11 pm and crank up the music and wake up my then sleeping young child. Neighbor was impossible to deal with, would just yell at me when I told her she woke up my child with her loud music. I ended up calling it in over and over again. A neighbor had a police scanner and would inform her when the police were on the way. When the police got there, all was quiet. As soon as they were gone, up went the music and the crying child. This went on for a long time, months. I don't understand why people have to act like this.
Dire Straits album woke my daughter up night after night.
I wonder if they have an informer, someone who is tipping them off?That’s unreal. This is the same house we’ve been dealing with music, excessive bass, constant burning out trucks and shooting (no safe place there to shoot) all hours of the day and night for almost 2 1/2 years now. Started with druggies who ran off the night before a raid and then continues with the new family who moved in after. I’ve spoken to the husband who apologizes then the next day it would continue. I finally started calling the sheriff and CHP when it got really bad. They would usually have stopped by the time the sheriff would arrive due to the long delays in them coming. The renter husband has been gone since they clearly have been split for around 2 months maybe. In that time we got a few weeks of peace then this guy showed up in the back and started in with the screaming all night keeping me up. I just tried to ignore it for a few weeks but it kept getting louder and louder and running til morning. Tried to be nice and ask to stop and Its gone from there.
The drug people definitely were tipped off before the raid. I’m not convinced on this group. It is possible of course.I wonder if they have an informer, someone who is tipping them off?
I know a couple, both retired lawyers who live in the inner city. There was a known drug house about a block from where they live. When things were going on that were worthy of being reported, neighbors would call it in. I have no idea how long this went on, likely years. What the upstanding people in the neighborhood didn't know was that when they called in activity, they were often talking to someone who would then let the people in the drug house know that there had been a call and that police were on their way. I don't know how it finally all changed, but it did.
This sounds like an absolute nightmare for you.3:50am and he’s going on angry rants again. This time not at the top of his lungs and from what i can hear not anything towards me but loud enough to be annoying in the house. Renter husband clearly has either left or is asleep and not hearing him. Recording it for record so if this goes farther I have proof he really does do this at all hours of the night and morning. The thought of filing a restraining order is making me sick. If he can’t handle a simple please stop or shut up screamed at him or his family or whatever the husband is asking him to stop what will a restraining order do. I don’t know what to do at this point.
The nightmare continues. Waiting on the sheriffs. They called and talked to me but got a priority call and promised to come back afterward. I have him on recording screaming and cussing at me yet again. He said he will scream all night long as loud as he can. He screamed so loud his voice cut out. So I called again and kept recording. The renter (wife) just showed up and he instantly turned off the loud music and stopped even so much as talking. I heard her talking to him and he was just as nice and courteous as can be. Tells me he’s a friend or family of the renter husband not the wife. It wasn’t that kind of conversation. Also tells me he‘s not crazy. He’s doing all this calculated and he’s just not a nice man. Will update when the sheriff has been back again. I begged him to come by and listen to the recordings. Told him I no longer care if he knows I’m calling. He already is aggressive with me and the renter husband had already told him I'm the one that talked to him.This sounds like an absolute nightmare for you.
I'm so sorry you have to deal with this Double R. It must be exhausting.![]()
Without knowing your situation it's hard to try and come up with solutions. Is there possibly any way you could hire someone to put up a wooden in the show, Home Improvement.....just a little taller so that Wilson couldn't peek over the top? If nothing else, that might block some of the noise or force the idiot to yell louder so as to hopefully damage his vocal cords. Geez.....dude must be completely bored to waste his time doing this to you. It sounds like he needs a JOB! You may also save some money if you could put up a big brush pile on the property line, which would do the same as the fense on the cheap. Although, I don't know how much property you have there to work with, so I'm just throwing stuff out there.
Is there a way to fight fire with fire without him coming completely unhinged? A loud generator (vented towards his place) running between both properties? Yeah, it would take some fuel but it could give you some white noise so that you could sleep. Maybe making noise while HE tries to sleep would help......or make him completely lose his mind?
It's a tough situation for sure. Has he done this to other neighbors? If so, what was the point? Is he trying to get you to move? Is there any way to ask the renter why he's acting this way? Maybe ask her if there is some peaceful way to call a truce? What on earth does this guy want for all of his efforts? Is it an attention getting thing? Even most crazy people have a reason to put that much effort into annoying behavior.
@Guardian I’m afraid it will really set him off. The officer said they give him a paper if it’s approved. It appears to be extremely expensive also. Don’t know how it can effect me either. Going to do research tomorrow I guess. Things are just swirling in my head right now. Officer said it will be 7 days before the information on the guy is on file for me to get to do the order. I just don’t understand why he would still be allowed there when he clearly is causing issues. Neither renter can deny it at this point.
Unfortunately no a blocking fence is not an option. Way to far away between us. If we could we would have when that place sold and the troubles began before this “group”. From the sound last night he may damage his vocal cords. His voice had started skipping words when he’s screaming. He goes horse by morning usually he’s screamed to much so loudly.
No way to fight fire with fire. Asking him to stop screaming his songs all night and morning long is what set him off. Added fuel to the fire to where we’re at now by asking the renter to make him stop.
I spent weeks trying to sleep through the extremely loud “singing” with earplugs, fans going etc trying to block out the sound. He just progressively got louder to where it can’t be tuned out.
There’s no way to make noise his was that would disrupt him. Sound travels our way and there’s neighbors to the sides. He sleeps by day and is behind the house in an outbuilding. When he’s screaming he’s in the driveway doing so which is why it travels so well our way. Kind of hard to explain I guess. It’s a very open flat area.
He doesn’t want to be told what to do. He acts like a child honestly. He wants to make all the noise he wants and no one can tell him otherwise. We wonder if he’s not all there upstairs. He definitely has help of alcohol. He has no job. Just works on random cars back there. Doesn’t drive. Rides a bike when he leaves there or is transported by others. Think it really is just he doesn’t think he should do anything other than what he wants and he knows there’s no one who can make him do otherwise. It’s on the renters to make him leave at this point. He’s made it clear he won’t stop he will just stop while they are there which isn’t enough to give even a break. It’s very frustrating and definitely seems frustrating for the officers that can’t do a thing about it either. Welcome to California![]()
Contact the property owner, not the renter. They may not know someone is living out back and put a stop to that.
Complain to the property owner. If the guy isn't on the lease the owner can tell them he has to go.
How many cows can we squeeze into a 3 horse slant? There's land out here and this dude is pissing me off enough to drive to Caliand help you move. I've had neighbors like that before.
I wish I could but I would be the one in trouble if I did. Plus there are little toddlers in the house and I won’t do that to them. Usually they seem home alone which apparently isn’t even a crime in this state.Figure out when he sleeps and find some music you really like, put all your speakers facing him and turn the VOLUME WAY up and give him hours of it every day. He'll get tired at some point
When it rains, it pours.So, after a few years, I decided to get my garage floor done professionally with long lasting epoxy. The guy is coming today at 3 pm for a price. I figured I may as well paint the walls, since I've removed everything from the garage. I first chose ultra white, but after 2 coats, it was just too stark. I then painted 2 coats of a concrete gray color, which looks way better, especially since the floors are going to be dark gray. While out there painting, mama comes out to tell me the washer just took its final spin, and is now getting stuck mid cycle. OK, I can handle a new washer, but unless you get a set, you may never get a matched set, so there goes another few grand. To top it off, while painting the garage, my 3 year old Genie garage door opener died, so now I have to go buy a new opener. Damn, I think I will crawl back to bed.
Mission creep. You have to really watch those home projects. I once replaced some old parquet tiles in the entryway. I finally got the job halted after I completely remodeled the kitchen, diningroom, and living room.So, after a few years, I decided to get my garage floor done professionally with long lasting epoxy. The guy is coming today at 3 pm for a price. I figured I may as well paint the walls, since I've removed everything from the garage. I first chose ultra white, but after 2 coats, it was just too stark. I then painted 2 coats of a concrete gray color, which looks way better, especially since the floors are going to be dark gray. While out there painting, mama comes out to tell me the washer just took its final spin, and is now getting stuck mid cycle. OK, I can handle a new washer, but unless you get a set, you may never get a matched set, so there goes another few grand. To top it off, while painting the garage, my 3 year old Genie garage door opener died, so now I have to go buy a new opener. Damn, I think I will crawl back to bed.