Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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For people who self medicate themselves.
Let me tell you a true story that happened this week.
My cousin had a tumor removed from her foot.
But of course she didn't care of it properly.
The incision got infected.
So her primary care doctor puts her on massive antibiotics.
...Her funeral is this Thursday.
This is terrible.
Maybe it can help share some important info.
There are 4 levels of antibiotics. Level 1 through level 4.
With the rise of antibotic-resistant bugs, the idea is if level 1 doesn't work, try level 2. Only go up a level if the previous one fails.
If you read up on how serious the interactions can be on the higher level ones, level 4 is kept out of reach for a really good reason.
The problem is, today's doctors are so afraid of lawsuits, they reach for the .44 mag to kill mosquitos.
I came home from the Dr. years ago for something so minor that I don't even remember what it was.
Read up on the prescription I picked up - a level 4 antibiotic.
When we had cows go down, we gave them what we called the "cure'm-or-kill'em" dose as a last resort.
That's basically what this was. It had so many warnings, of such severe reactions, I thought I must have something really bad!
No, that medicine was really bad! I made it through only the second pill and it stripped me out from adam's-apple to tailpipe.
Everything I poured in the top just ran out below minutes later. There is no way I could have survived those pills in that small bottle unless I was hooked to an IV to prevent dying from dehydration.
My non-medical advice to everyone: read up on whatever meds you take.
Some of the stuff casually sitting on your pharmacist's shelf makes covid-vaccines look like dam-aspirin :mad: .
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This is terrible.
Maybe it can help share some important info.
There are 4 levels of antibiotics. Level 1 through level 4.
With the rise of antibotic-resistant bugs, the idea is if level 1 doesn't work, try level 2. Only go up a level if the previous one fails.
If you read up on how serious the interactions can be on the higher level ones, level 4 is kept out of reach for a really good reason.
The problem is, today's doctors are so afraid of lawsuits, they reach for the .44 mag to kill mosquitos.
I came home from the Dr. years ago for something so minor that I don't even remember what it was.
Read up on the prescription I picked up - a level 4 antibiotic.
When we had cows go down, we gave them what we called the "cure'm-or-kill'em" dose as a last resort.
That's basically what this was. It had so many warnings, of such severe reactions, I thought I must have something really bad!
No, that medicine was really bad! I made it through only the second pill and it stripped me out from adam's-apple to tailpipe.
Everything I poured in the top just ran out below minutes later. There is no way I could have survived those pills in that small bottle unless I was hooked to an IV to prevent dying from dehydration.
My non-medical advice to everyone: read up on whatever meds you take.
Some of the stuff casually sitting on your pharmacists shelf makes covid-vaccines look like dam-aspirin :mad: .

I was prescribed Advair for my asthma years ago. I read the side effects, may cause trouble breathing and unexpected death. Called my Dr and gold him I was already having trouble breathing and wanted to avoid the "unexpected death"!
Went to the feed store this morning. Right as I got there my truck stalled. I restarted it and heard an odd noise. Popped the hood and found that my coolant reservoir had come off it's bracket and the belt had worn a hole in it and broke itself. 🤬 Hubby had to come get me and then drive 180 miles to get a new belt and reservoir. We have to put them in tomorrow.
Ben, sounds like a real mess with that Karen. She must be a major control freak. I wonder if she thinks people appreciate what she's doing. She should learn to ask first though.

Mo, I'm very sorry to hear about your cousin.

My dad had a botched surgery when he had his cocyx (tailbone) removed. Idiot doctor left a sharp piece of bone inside. Then lied about what it was when it was visible on x-rays. He also didn't sew him up properly and the stitches didn't hold. I'll skip the gruesome details, but he ended up getting an infection that ruptured. He had to be put on a PIC line antibiotics in his arm. That stuff was strong and was messing him up. He started to confuse words, have trouble communicating, he couldn't remember things. He broke down and cried because he felt he was losing his mind and that was worse to him than losing his body-- although the constant pain wasn't helping. Eventually it cleared up.

An elderly friend of mine has a recurring infection in her leg (I know the term but I'm forgetting it right now). She had to be put on strong antibiotics that cost $1,000 per pill. Fortunately, since she was elderly there was a program to assist and pay for it for her (since her insurance refused) and it was necessary.

My gripe today is that last year I bought a new monitor bc my old one developed lines down the screen just after the warranty ended. I got the 3-yr protection plan from Samsclub after the employees assured me it covered accidental damage. I asked them multiple times and they promised it covered that. So I got it and yesterday one of my cats tried to climb over my monitor and knocked it over. Screen cracked and totally screwed up the picture so it's unusable. I tried to file the claim online and kept getting error messages. Called and they started a spiel about going online and I would get an e-mail. Hung up on me. I tried using the link in their e-mail. Still wouldn't work. Called back and was told to do it online but I told them 'I tried and it's not working" so they said they would transfer me to someone. Talked to that person who said I was in the wrong department and had to be transferred to TV department. Talked to the lady there who told me I had the wrong department and that my plan was under "consumer electronics" and said she would transfer me and to tell them specifically that I was transferred from TV section. So I got back to the 2nd department and they started to tell me monitors were tvs and I told them what the lady said. They looked into it and then said they needed to transfer me to another person. So that person then looked into it-- each time I had to give the info all over again-- and she told me that my warranty did not cover accidental damage. Right now I'm using the less messed up one that has the thick lines on it but it's annoying. But I'm pissed that I was essentially lied to about the protection plan. I intend to go back to Samsclub and demand a refund for it because they misled me and it was worthless. If I'd been dishonest I could have swapped the stickers on the backs of the monitors and sent the one with lines in and said it just developed lines on it's own.

I may still contact LG since it was under 1 year and see if they can refurbish it. Or find out how much it would cost-- probably more than purchase though.
As I ate breakfast I told the wife my plans for the day. By 8 AM I’m out in the shop working on the “Hobbit Hotel”. 10:30 AM I walked to the house to get a permanent marker and found the back house door locked! Strange, that’s the door I used this morning to get to my shop and I don’t have my house keys with me. Fortunately I installed the keypad with the new overhead garage door opener. Our car isn’t in the garage, strange because the wife didn’t say anything about going somewhere today. She’s always forgetting to lock doors, guessing she locked the back door when she left (forgetting I’m in the shop)? If she locked the door to the washroom I’m locked out of the house. She didn’t.
That last vehicle I saw navigate that alley was a corvette body mounted on a jeep frame as a test to make it could do it.

It is a very steep hill at the top and the bottom. My brother put a sign at the top end saying "no through traffic" and there are bushes covering most of the alley access.

I took a couple of pictures from the hard top looking down where the alley used to be.



The fence in question is along the right behind the sign.

I need to vent so here are MY rants:
1) Read this on OAN Report: Joe Biden Plans To Surrender Protections For U.S. Steel And Aluminum, This ticks me off, for years the Heavy Industry in the US has been under attack, it's dirty, it's hard work, let the @#$% do it cheaper. When you lose the hard and dirty jobs, mining, forestry, metals, agriculture, construction, and ...... you no longer need or can afford the clean jobs (doctors, lawyers, accountants... ). You cannot export jobs and import 💩 if you want to stay relevant. You can only make wealth by making stuff, everyone else is just taking a cut off the wealth from hard working folks making stuff....

2) We are over run with cicadas (sounds like the world has spun a bearing) and I knock them off my plants if I see them (flick their head with my finger). The wife told her liberal friend about it... Her liberal friend was totally aghast that I would hurt a poor innocent bug, wife then reminded the person that they support abortion, what about that? Her liberal friends response was, abortion is about choice, not hurting animals..... Talk about a twisted value system...

There rants done.... for now....
Got a phone call from those auto warranty folks, figured I talk to them, it's their dime. What make a model is you car? 1980 Toyota Corolla wagon... Don't you have anything newer? 1990 Chevrolet Astro Van.... Do you have anything newer than 2005? Nope, now about my coverage.... Sorry, we'll put you on our do not call list, CLICK.

How rude, to get my hopes up and drop me like that...
Got a phone call from those auto warranty folks, figured I talk to them, it's their dime. What make a model is you car? 1980 Toyota Corolla wagon... Don't you have anything newer? 1990 Chevrolet Astro Van.... Do you have anything newer than 2005? Nope, now about my coverage.... Sorry, we'll put you on our do not call list, CLICK.

How rude, to get my hopes up and drop me like that...
I hope that works! I never thought to talk to them. If they in fact put you on a do not call list, how fortunate for you. Most of them don't care about the list.
Ah, that auto warranty scam. LOL. More phishing to get info on you and try to get $. They normally hang up because I answer as a Mortuary. If I'm bored and not busy I will waste their time by insisting that they should know what car I have because they called me. When they say they don't know I ask them "Then why did you call?" They usually hang up. I never give them any actual info and I never say the words "ok" or "yes". I won't even confirm my name. I insist on saying "Who's asking" and they keep demanding the name and I tell them "Hey, YOU called ME. I don't have to answer anything you ask." That also gets a hangup. Not as bad as the panhandlers. Jerk from the Fraternal Order of Police kept calling and harassing me. He kept insisting that I had to agree to let him put me down as agreeing to pay. I told him "No". He told me he was going to put me down whether I wanted him to or not. I told him that wouldn't work since I clearly said "No" and the call was recorded. I then told him to cease and desist the calls. He told me he was going to call me 30x a day every day if I didn't agree. I told him I would sue him for harassment if he ever called again. He called me a "stupid b***" and hung up. No more calls from him.
Ah, that auto warranty scam. LOL. More phishing to get info on you and try to get $. They normally hang up because I answer as a Mortuary. If I'm bored and not busy I will waste their time by insisting that they should know what car I have because they called me. When they say they don't know I ask them "Then why did you call?" They usually hang up.
I have to stand up for the robots from 'The Vehicle Service Department' calling me.:thumbs:
Without them, I could go weeks and never know if my phone still worked...nobody calls me :(.
They always spoof the legacy north Ala. area-code I have on my phone number. And since I know anybody I want to hear from up there is already in my address book, I know it is them.
I'm very nice.
"Thank you for the phone check!" :huggs:
(and y'all didn't think I couldn't find something good in anything):D
They do have a tag-team though:
"Thank you for choosing VISA and MasterCard!:p"
Got a phone call from those auto warranty folks, figured I talk to them, it's their dime. What make a model is you car? 1980 Toyota Corolla wagon... Don't you have anything newer? 1990 Chevrolet Astro Van.... Do you have anything newer than 2005? Nope, now about my coverage.... Sorry, we'll put you on our do not call list, CLICK.

How rude, to get my hopes up and drop me like that...

They don't like my 02 truck with 250,000 miles either.:cry:
SO YOU COWARDS think you’re tough because you jumped me??? Waited for me to be alone…in my own home???
I went all Cajun on all y'all and still handled all of you, left three of you on the ground laid out in blood!!! You’re lucky I don’t have any marks on my face. I have some on my arms and legs but so what!!! I bet you didn’t expect me to fight back since it was three against one. You should have known better!!! I might be 65 but I have a lot of fight left in me! I’m not gonna lie, I was getting a little tired, but I kept on fighting and made sure you got yours… Punks!!! All I have to say is you started this and I finished it. I hate you, mosquitoes!
Being locked out... I bought a mobile home when I was 19, didn’t have cash left over for a deck or even a small portico above my door. I was welding on the evening shift 70 miles away. That first winter I’d get home about 1am, sometimes 2 if I stopped for a beer. If it had rained then froze after dark the key slot in my door knob would be frozen.

It su#$%! Standing out in the dark freezing night trying to melt ice with my zippo! After a few nights sleeping in my truck it finally occurred to me there was a pre-cut vent return for a central air unit I couldn’t afford yet. It was in my hall.

So, I had to loosen the skirt so I could crawl underneath my trailer to the lift out vent plate. Then climb into my house, up into the hall.

Being house poor is a bummer! I can laugh now but it su#$* then. I did that all winter.
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Being locked out... I bought a mobile home when I was 19, didn’t have cash left over for a deck or even a small portico above my door. I was welding on the evening shift 70 miles away. That first winter I’d get home about 1am, sometimes 2 if I stopped for a beer. If it had rained then froze after dark the key slot in my door knob would be frozen.

It su#$%! Standing out in the dark freezing night trying to melt ice with my zippo! After a few nights sleeping in my truck it finally occurred to me there was a pre-cut vent return for a central air unit I couldn’t afford yet. It was in my hall.

So, I had to loosen the skirt so I could crawl underneath my trailer to the lift out vent plate. Then climb into my house, up into the hall. View attachment 67962

Being house poor is a bummer! I can laugh now but it su#$* then. I did that all winter.
We had a door that swung outward, when I'd lock myself out in the middle of the night I could pop those hinges out slick as a whistle, it was the only door in the house that didn't squeak... gotta love WD40
I see it's Pride month and it got me to thinking. They have a special month for every "special" group you can think of, heck I wouldn't be surprised if they have an "I think I a squid month".

So how come they don't have an "I'm Straight, Married and just want to be left alone month?"
Out of curtsy I don't expect people to condone what I do do in the privacy of my bedroom. I appreciate others doing the same. I simply don't want to know.

I see it's Pride month and it got me to thinking. They have a special month for every "special" group you can think of, heck I wouldn't be surprised if they have an "I think I a squid month".

So how come they don't have an "I'm Straight, Married and just want to be left alone month?"
It would defeat the propose of being left alone, so I am glad they ignore me, for the time being anyways.
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