Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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A friend of ours (former co-worker of my father's) worked for OIG (Office of Inspector General). He was at a GS rank where his salary was capped. When they evaluate a person's retirement pay they go by the lowest pay they ever received and then the highest and find the average. Only one of their bean counters screwed up and based the top pay on what he would have been making had there not been a salary cap. After about a year of receiving retirement pay, they informed him that they screwed up and were overpaying him and that he had to pay all of the overage back to them (but they didn't adjust his taxes to reflect that he had to pay it back because he was taxed on that income). He ended up having to go back to work & had to work 5 years to pay back what they claimed they overpaid him. Idiots also screwed my father over on his regular pay because he was a GS14 step 10 & was supposed to be getting LEAP (Law Enforcement Availability Pay) for his rank. If he'd been getting the right LEAP pay he would have hit the salary cap. But they only paid him LEAP for a GS10 step 1. He didn't find out until he retired & he was having too many health issues to go and fight them on getting compensated.

I have a hard time throwing out things that are not completely broken/ruined beyond repair. I will keep stuff that is slightly damaged in the hopes it can be repaired or used for parts. I get anxiety trying to get rid of things because I don't want them to be thrown out and I want them to be used. I drive my friends crazy about it sometimes. But then, I have friends who throw away perfectly good dishes (even expensive pots and pans) because they are dirty. Not even broken, but they don't want to clean them. Seriously, WTF? I was visiting and they were going to throw away a perfectly good pot because it sat overnight without being washed and they were grossed out by it. So I dumped the pot outside, brought it back in and cleaned it. They also constantly get rid of clothes and other stuff that they can still use and then have to go buy more. Speaking of having to buy more. I had to go out and buy more bowls because I couldn't find my nice Corelle bowls. Later went in to my brother's room to help him clean and discovered 4 of my bowls in there. I bet he also has some of the missing spoons and forks somewhere. When he briefly moved out to go live near my sister (when we were in Guam) he didn't clean his room before he left. I found over 30 spoons, 30 forks, and 20 knives in his room. Also found a bunch of plates and bowls. We had been buying more flatware because it kept disappearing and my mother kept yelling at me thinking I was not washing the dishes. I kept telling her I couldn't wash what I couldn't find and that I didn't know what was happening to all of the stuff.
POUS Reagan was the first person to talk about 401 K plans, before his speech I never heard of a k-plan or IRA.
I started a new job & they had a k-plan, so I started putting money in it. A retired military man with thirty years came to work & talked about buying a new car 48 months before retirement, so he would have a new car paid for & house paid off.
When I retired at 59, people at work acted like this was a new concept, even though I made no secret of the fact I was saving for the day I would not have
work 40 something hour week. The writing on the wall, but no one stops to read it, until it is to late to do anything.
. He was at a GS rank where his salary was capped. When they evaluate a person's retirement pay they go by the lowest pay they ever received and then the highest and find the average.

My husband was on the GS scale and they go by your high 3. Hubby hit the cap every year for his last 12 years in.
Thieves; just another day I suppose.

I work in a small store. It seems like at least once per week and likely more we catch a thief on camera stealing some random item. By and large the usual items are flashlights that we keep on the counter. Crack-heads love them for some reason.

They think they are smart. They think they are skilled. We catch most of them and first offenders get a "return the item" and the law won't be called. Quite often we deny them future access but still, I would like to send a message and put fear into them although admittedly I doubt it would change them anyway.

So thats the rant for today. Basic. Stupid. Annoying.
Mini rant:
When will they finally shut up about the "Wuhan lab-leak, origin of covid" stuff?
Of course it is way beyond coincidence that it just happens to be at the epicenter of covid.
China shut down the entire place and spent 2 months (Two whole months) scrubbing it of EVERYTHING).
What are we going to do even if we miraculously came up with smoking-gun evidence from an empty, sterile, building?(that we will never have access to)
Are we gonna nuke China? No.
Are we gonna stop importing stuff from China? LOL! No!
Ford is already building non-functional pickup trucks with "IOU Chips" stickers on them.:rolleyes:
What is all this continuous 'Wuhan lab-leak" pant-wetting good for?
Not a damthing. They can't put it back in the frickin' bottle.
It is the only way dims can keep the rapidly-evaporating covid panic alive and in our faces now.
Are we still investigating if something bad happened in Chernobyl?
No, because it would be just as stupid as the above.:mad:
Enough already! :waiting: Absolutely nothing can come from this.
<end rant>
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The positive side is...

If you are always early you are never late (provided velocities are well below the speed of light - a relativity joke).

I hate to be late for anything.
I would rather be an hour early instead of 5 minutes late.

We were supposed to have lunch with a friend before the apt. Instead we had Wendy's at the tire shop. Both appointments had positive results so it was still a good day. Well, for most of us. There was a cat in the next room at the vets that sounded like it wanted to kill everything in the building.😁
Mini rant:
When will they finally shut up about the "Wuhan lab-leak, origin of covid" stuff?
Of course it is way beyond coincidence that it just happens to be at the epicenter of covid.
China shut down the entire place and spent 2 months (Two whole months) scrubbing it of EVERYTHING).
What are we going to do even if we miraculously came up with smoking-gun evidence from an empty, sterile, building?(that we will never have access to)
Are we gonna nuke China? No.
Are we gonna stop importing stuff from China? LOL! No!
Ford is already building non-functional pickup trucks with "IOU Chips" stickers on them.:rolleyes:
What is all this continuous 'Wuhan lab-leak" pant-wetting good for?
Not a damthing. They can't put it back in the frickin' bottle.
It is the only way dims can keep the rapidly-evaporating covid panic alive and in our faces now.
Are we still investigating if something bad happened in Chernobyl?
No, because it would be just as stupid as the above.:mad:
Enough already! :waiting: Absolutely nothing can come from this.
<end rant>

We know it was from the china lab. We know that it was not just a "leak" but an intentional leak. This was a modified virus that evidence shows was modified for gain of function by an "american" known as Fauci. One paid for by government funding. While we don't know the actual reason, "actually we do" it is what it is. The Chinese are complicit as are parts of the american government. Its clear there is an attempt at redirection away from the chicoms toward the russians. Why the redirection?

Keep the panic alive? Supervisor42, you are an example of the covid panic. Humans will go extinct without the majic "injection".... No, I am betting thats not the case. Millions are dying in India. What happened to that story line? Disappeared didn't it.

What needs to come of this; They, as in the chicoms, are accountable. They need to be held to that standard. Attack them? No. Declare their biological warfare a crime against humanity; yes. I figure that any "debt" owed them is now null and void as reparations.
We were supposed to have lunch with a friend before the apt. Instead we had Wendy's at the tire shop. Both appointments had positive results so it was still a good day. Well, for most of us. There was a cat in the next room at the vets that sounded like it wanted to kill everything in the building.😁
You were definitely having a great day compared to the cat.
We know it was from the china lab. We know that it was not just a "leak" but an intentional leak. This was a modified virus that evidence shows was modified for gain of function by an "american" known as Fauci. One paid for by government funding. While we don't know the actual reason, "actually we do" it is what it is. The Chinese are complicit as are parts of the american government. Its clear there is an attempt at redirection away from the chicoms toward the russians. Why the redirection?

Keep the panic alive? Supervisor42, you are an example of the covid panic. Humans will go extinct without the majic "injection".... No, I am betting thats not the case. Millions are dying in India. What happened to that story line? Disappeared didn't it.

What needs to come of this; They, as in the chicoms, are accountable. They need to be held to that standard. Attack them? No. Declare their biological warfare a crime against humanity; yes. I figure that any "debt" owed them is now null and void as reparations.
I love that idea, all debt to china....GONE. I would also add start pulling our businesses out of China as soon as possible and bring them home. Surest way to slow down their military build up, deprive them of the funding.
My rant for the day is rather small and petty. WHY is it so flippin hard to open and dispense my toilet bowl cleaner? squeeze here: got it. Turn this: wont turn.

I will win, it will go into a wash bottle, squeeze and dispense, but I will not fight "lysol TB cleaner" again.
This rant is not about the holiday but about the timing.....

I got a call from a friend of mine this afternoon telling me that he has the day off tomorrow, but he will have to work half the day fixing problems with payroll at his office. When I asked him why he told me this, and I just had to share it....

Today at 4:30PM EST, our deer president signed into law. The Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, which establishes a holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the US, has been signed by President Joe Biden. This makes tomorrow a Federal Holiday, but tomorrow is also the end of a Federal Payroll period, neither the administration nor the OMB (Orifice of Mismanagement and Bungling) gave anyone any guidance until they sent out word that tomorrow is a Federal Holiday and instructed that everyone should be taking the day off....... At 4:30PM .......

Hell the Japs gave more warning on December 7, 1941....... NO Disrespect intended towards any members who may be of Japanese heritage.

It is sad that the current administration is so inept and short sighted.... I am at a loss for words.... this guy makes Gilligan look brilliant!
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Why is it when you ask a "yes" or "no" question a woman gives a 5 minute answer without a "yes" or "no" in it? Do they REALLY need to organize their thought verbally?
Did you ever see the movie "The Librarian?" One part cracked me up. Some guy told him "Most people answer in sentences. You answer in paragraphs." Your comment made me think of that 😂
This rant is not about the holiday but about the timing.....

I got a call from a friend of mine this afternoon telling me that he has the day off tomorrow, but he will have to work half the day fixing problems with payroll at his office. When I asked him why he told me this, and I just had to share it....

Today at 4:30PM EST, our deer president signed into law. The Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, which establishes a holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the US, has been signed by President Joe Biden. This makes tomorrow a Federal Holiday, but tomorrow is also the end of a Federal Payroll period, neither the administration nor the OMB (Orifice of Mismanagement and Bungling) gave anyone any guidance until they sent out word that tomorrow is a Federal Holiday and instructed that everyone should be taking the day off....... At 4:30PM .......

Hell the Japs gave more warning on December 7, 1941....... NO Disrespect intended towards any members who may be of Japanese heritage.

It is sad that the current administration is so inept and short sighted.... I am at a loss for words.... this guy makes Gilligan look brilliant!

WTH, I'm not getting the day off
Biden and his whole crew is a bunch of morons that are fully intent on finishing this country off.
It is sad that the current administration is so inept and short sighted.... I am at a loss for words.... this guy makes Gilligan look brilliant!
I like that, next time I pass a T-shirt shop I'll have a few made up! Probably make a fortune selling them at the flea-market.

Gilligan for President!
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