Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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That reminds me that I should get some sort of power backup for mom's recliner. Still need to get stuff moved enough to get her recliner in place. She got it cheap from a closeout sale from a local business. It was a family run place and the owner died of cancer. They were closing forever but afterward the daughter felt nostalgic and opened it back up. Not sure how long it will last.Both of her parents died of cancer and she has already had cancer twice & she's only 40.

I'm going to be a big baby and complain about the heat. I don't like heat. I felt like my arms were burning in the brief amount of time I was in the sun leaving the grocery store. I had to lie down as soon as I was done putting groceries away.
So since I shared my little rant of Big Ag pushing small business out, thought I would share a follow up. In my disgruntlness of not being able to find raw milk, I wrote a complaint to Wash. St. Dept. of Ag. then deleted it. I just went and left a 5 star review for the dairy and for the small butcher shop where I purchased it.
So since I shared my little rant of Big Ag pushing small business out, thought I would share a follow up. In my disgruntlness of not being able to find raw milk, I wrote a complaint to Wash. St. Dept. of Ag. then deleted it. I just went and left a 5 star review for the dairy and for the small butcher shop where I purchased it.
I like that because you went positive

It is so much more helpful to point a way forward than warning about a wrong path.

Maybe you'll get lucky and it will only be a broken belt.

Maybe but I have to move 2 full freezers to get it out where I have enough room to work on it. I don't know about a belt though, the tub turns and I only remember seeing 1 belt when I took it apart to replace the struts last year.
There's a bunch of them in the area where I live. Usually a couple at every farm sale. Most people use them around here. I'm tired of my super fancy shmancy electronic Maytag. It's been fixed twice in a month. It likes to shout UL UL UL at me in blinking lights when the load is not uneven. It has singing tones for every thing it does. I like things with less electronics
Every few years I create a whole new group of email addresses, basic opsec and to get rid of junk mail for a while. This year I’m doing it a bit differently. I set up several new address with my ISP. Any email sent to them were to be automatically forwarded to another “new” series of email addresses with an encrypted email service I pay for. So, effectively I’ve created a series of email addresses with my ISP that will act as a buffer/filter between my “real accounts” and the electronic world.

A few of them are throw away addresses if I need them. For example, recently I had to set up two accounts that included email addresses to get warranty work done on my recliner, one with the warranty company and one with the service company who did the work. After the work was done the warranty company emailed me as said the part that broke would no longer be covered, done and done. Yet two companies I’ll never have contact with again have one of my email addresses to sell to anyone.

I’m allowed up to 10 email addresses with my ISP. I don’t need that many but now I have a couple of addresses I could have used in the recliner situation, use it, delete it then create another throw away address for future use.

Anyway, after I get all the addresses working that I want to use regularly all my current email addresses will be deleted. I’ll create new ones in their place to hold in reserve.

But (the rant part), the new addresses I created at my stupid ISP exist… but from some unknown reason can’t receive emails. I called their tech support last night, was told that these new addresses are “somehow not listed as active”. Why? If I create a new email address it’s because I intend to use it! Duh! I was given a case number an told if I didn’t get a call by noon to please call tech support again.

No one called me so I called them today. I was given a new case # and was told someone would call… What? We could play this game for a week! They are holding up the works!!!!! I have a great many things in motion with my computer, hardware changes, new operating system… I want all my new comms set up and functioning, whether business or personal before switching to a new OS or change anymore pc hardware. Yet I sit here playing email tag with people who don’t know a new email address is supposed to be available for my use!!! :mad:

Edit to add... Another example of how the upper part can be useful…

I recently purchased two oil lamps from company X. I gave them an email address to receive shipping/tracking info… 2 weeks later I had a large uptick in junk email to that address… Now I have several addresses that will only be used for shopping/purchases. If I suddenly get an increase of junk mail I’ll just delete that address. None of this will ever affect my “real email addresses”.
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The rant continues... While I was waiting for someone to call who is smarter than my isp's tech support... I took yet another look at the new email accounts that can't receive emails. Did I mention I can't even log into those new email accounts? Well I can't! But, I can bring all the email addresses in a list by logging into the master account. It's where I set up the new addresses originally. I can look at some data about each email address individually ... there is a line that read Email Created. Beside it is a "grayed out" sliding button. I had tried to move it before, it would not move. I had even double clicked on the text and the button, nothing happens.

Tonight I happened to single click, pause, then tried to slide it. It moved! After I moved it, it turned green. I had to repeat the process for each new email address. I logged back out of the master account.

Now I can log into each of the new email accounts individually through a webmail portal, make all sorts of changes, including how messages are handled including being forwarded to any external email address I choose.

This manner of activating accounts has to be for people using touch screens like smart phones. It's not intuitive the way its layed out, no instructions to tell me that entering all necessary information and clicking "okay" does not complete the setup process...

2 of their own tech support people in the email division looked at the same pages I was looking at while I was on the phone with them... They didn't know why I couldn't use the accounts! I had to figure it out for myself. I foresee a politely worded email suggesting they include instructions on the setup page. Maybe the same email from each of my new accounts...


Anyway, Everything now works just the way I wanted it too. I tested each account and how they handled messages.
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Operations Security. (OPS).

IMHO posting on public media (like FaceBook) that your going on vacation is advertising your house will be empty, come burglarize us!!!!!! So the fewer (IMHO) people that know you will be gone the better.

I was at the bank the other day and overheard a customer (that I knew where she lived) tell the teller the withdrawal was for a vacation they were taking on this date and time!

I'm working in my den on a tech problem when the wife sticks her head into the room. "When are going to <beep">for the weekend?" I tell her and she repeats what I told her to someone on her cell phone. Turns out the wife is making a doctor's appointment and told the Doctor's assistant when our house will be empty. This isn't the first time the wife has broken OPS!

I realize that females have the tendency to organize and think their thoughts verbally. Any practical solutions?
The rant continues... While I was waiting for someone to call who is smarter than my isp's tech support...

One of the Shooting competitions I'm involved with change their scoring program. Works perfect except printouts are postage stamp sized (unreadable). My initial email I sent to the scoring program "tech support" included OS versions and hardware involved. Tech Support reply was they asked for screen captures on how I was trying to print. Well this request I found odd because there is only one way to print.

I spent an hour of my life taking screen captures of the Android tablet (scoring program), emailing the captures to my desktop iMac, editing the captures to highlight which option was chosen. Sent it off to the tech support.

Their reply back was I shouldn't have sent them the large screen capture files, a written description is what I should have sent. Their solution to the printing problem was not to print but post the scoring results online. Obvious they didn't read my first email, because if they had they would read that many of our participates don't (or are unable) to do online "stuff".
I realize that females have the tendency to organize and think their thoughts verbally. Any practical solutions?
I guess she has never been robbed. You could have a friend do a bit of burglaring and ask her who she told. Let it go for a bit. Once you have had the I have been violated feeling and a what all did they touch it should sink in.
Lazy L, have you tried taking a screenshot of the scores, pasting them in to MSPaint or some other program, printing them from there and making sure to select size options? Perhaps you can set it to fit to page or something... Not sure on all the printing options. Sounds like the techs were being obtuse.
I hate when customer service tells you to do something online when the main reason you are contacting them is because you can't get online or the online stuff doesn't work.

I can't help you on your wife blabbing about going on vacation. I know some guys who can't keep their mouths shut about stuff like that either. Not strictly a female thing. Just a problem with people who like to run their mouths. Because we have pets, we never leave our house completely unattended for a full 24 hours and when we have to be gone for more than a few hours we don't announce it to anyone. We already had problems in the past with neighbors coming out to try to steal stuff when they thought no one was home. Neighbor tried to pretend to be all friendly and claimed he was just checking on us when I walked outside with an Italian Mauser from WWII. I was like "Really, then why are you over in my car port?" and told him to GTFO.

Cascadian, that plan might backfire if the wife calls the police. Also, some people just don't learn. They will continue to repeat mistakes even after having things stolen.
Operations Security. (OPS).

IMHO posting on public media (like FaceBook) that your going on vacation is advertising your house will be empty, come burglarize us!!!!!! So the fewer (IMHO) people that know you will be gone the better.

I was at the bank the other day and overheard a customer (that I knew where she lived) tell the teller the withdrawal was for a vacation they were taking on this date and time!

I'm working in my den on a tech problem when the wife sticks her head into the room. "When are going to <beep">for the weekend?" I tell her and she repeats what I told her to someone on her cell phone. Turns out the wife is making a doctor's appointment and told the Doctor's assistant when our house will be empty. This isn't the first time the wife has broken OPS!

I realize that females have the tendency to organize and think their thoughts verbally. Any practical solutions?
Stop taking her on vacation.

Dont tell her ahead of time.

I realize that females have the tendency to organize and think their thoughts verbally. Any practical solutions?
We do, don't we? We run our mouths sometimes when we shouldn't. Some of us do this more than others. I think I overtell things that no one wants to or needs to hear.

In some situations, you have to tell her dates, but if you could get away with telling her, "We are leaving in 20 minutes, get ready," it might work better for you. My brother would head towards the door, telling his children he was going to the hardware store, or wherever he was going. His children knew they had to run now, grabbing their shoes on the way, or he would be gone.

If your wife would keep an overnight bag packed like I do, and could grab a few clothes, it would take away OPSEC, but my guess is that she would get on the phone and tell people so she could be relieved of her anxiety about it.

I do have a good friend who has anxiety, lots of anxiety. She sometimes gets on the phone and talks and talks. She also takes medication for her anxiety. When she travels, she packs and re-packs for days. I can take 20 minutes and be ready.

BTW, am I over commenting in this? Probably!
I do not mind the over commenting.
I am confessed about all the stories about people I never heard of.
When I say so, it is oh you met them when daughters was in kindergarten (now 31 years old) with there daughter.
Or she is the cousin to Mary's best friends, who lives in Kalamazoo.
Maybe it just me, but I do not net work every soul I meet on the street.
We do, don't we? We run our mouths sometimes when we shouldn't. Some of us do this more than others. I think I overtell things that no one wants to or needs to hear.

In some situations, you have to tell her dates, but if you could get away with telling her, "We are leaving in 20 minutes, get ready," it might work better for you. My brother would head towards the door, telling his children he was going to the hardware store, or wherever he was going. His children knew they had to run now, grabbing their shoes on the way, or he would be gone.

If your wife would keep an overnight bag packed like I do, and could grab a few clothes, it would take away OPSEC, but my guess is that she would get on the phone and tell people so she could be relieved of her anxiety about it.

I do have a good friend who has anxiety, lots of anxiety. She sometimes gets on the phone and talks and talks. She also takes medication for her anxiety. When she travels, she packs and re-packs for days. I can take 20 minutes and be ready.

BTW, am I over commenting in this? Probably!
How could I fault you?

My son rolls his eyes and often groans when he hears me talk and use the phrase....

That reminds me of the time...

Which reminds of the time we went to Disney World...


Or she is the cousin to Mary's best friends, who lives in Kalamazoo.
Maybe it just me, but I do not net work every soul I meet on the street.
I have to add a micro-rant on this.
Our neighbor will come over and tell us all about the lives of people we don't know, and will never meet, for over 2 hours in a stretch.
..."My son's, friend's, uncle had some medical procedure done that nobody has ever heard of........"
On, and on, nonstop.gaah No way to get a word in edgewise either.
After an hour or so, I stand in the hallway where only my wife can see me and do the 'slashing-my-wrists' gesture.
She is not amused.:(
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I wanted to get a Ryobi lawn mower. Only available through Amazon and Home Depot. Amazon is a bust - they hang on to credit card numbers and your sign in information. That left Home Depot. I don't like using them either but I called to see if it was in stock... nope! you have to order it on line...
Well, to order on line you have to be a member. I don't want to be a member I just want to buy a mower. So I hit the "live chat" button and get connected to... the computer!. I thought this was live chat not a chat bot. So I told the bot that I didn't want to be a member I wanted to buy a mower. it could not understand me (in text?) so I got transferred to a live agent. OK, maybe this will go somewhere. I explain that I want to buy a mower and I provide the store model number and the sku number. She tells me it is not stocked and has to be ordered on line.... OK, so I explain that I don't want to be a member I just want to buy the mower. There is a pause and she tells me she can take my order right now. Wow, maybe this is going to work.
Nope! she pops up a form to fill out that takes the same information as before. I remind her that I don't want to be a member and have them storing my credit card information along with name, address, e-mail and all the other 20 some lines. She asks if there is anything else she can help me with. I ask her if she is going to order the mower for me to pick up and pay for at the store. She returns with, "You have to fill out the form".
I say that I am sorry we wasted each others time, and she logged off at her end.

I called Ryobi to see if there was any way that I could get it straight from them, nope they don't retail. This young woman had a pleasant SC accent so I played the dumb old man card and she tried to find a way to help. After a half hour I thanked her and was about to say good-bye when she asked if I had considering getting a pre-paid card to use for online purchases.... no ma'am. so she took some time to explain where I could get one and how to load it. responded like she was a savior and thanked her.

I came up with an |Idea of my own... I took a trip to the Home Depot and walked up to customer service and told them what I wanted to buy. The young man told me I would have to order it on line. I asked if I could pay with a check. He said SURE we just have to step over to the register.
Done! it will be ready to pick up in 5 days.
Rant over. I will remember if I need to place an order again that it is easy if done in the store.
I just tell my wife TMI.
Too Much Information. I don't need or want to hear about her cousin's son's ex-wife that lives in Texas, who by the way none of them she has ever met nor ever will meet.
That when DW says she has to lesson to all my BS & she does, so I have to sit there & act like I care about a person who I will never meet.
I wanted to get a Ryobi lawn mower...

I came up with an |Idea of my own... I took a trip to the Home Depot and walked up to customer service and told them what I wanted to buy. The young man told me I would have to order it on line. I asked if I could pay with a check. He said SURE we just have to step over to the register.
Done! it will be ready to pick up in 5 days.
Rant over. I will remember if I need to place an order again that it is easy if done in the store.
That is a great story and a valuable lesson for those of us that refuse to bow to the machines.:waiting:
Yes, it is possible to get stuff done, you just have to find a person that is not lazy.
They are trained to just hook you to the machine and let it, and you, do their job.
Yes, there are still people out there that are not stupid, or lazy, and they should be rewarded.
Just watch grandpa walk in and pull a fist-full of Benjamin's out of his wallet!
'Woke people' > :eyeballs:
Magic happens!
(Trivia: If they are a licensed business, it is a violation of federal law for them to refuse to accept cash as payment.)
On topic: And when people tell me to "just scan the QR code", well my answer to them, is not suitable for a public forum.:eek:
If they are a licensed business, it is a violation of federal law for them to refuse to accept cash as payment.

According to the Federal Reserve System, there is no federal statute mandating that a private business, a person, or an organization must accept currency or coins as payment for goods or services.

The Federal Reserve System also states that businesses are free to develop their own policies on whether to accept cash unless there is a state law that says otherwise.

In short, there is no federal law that requires private businesses to accept cash payments from customers.
If a business refuses payment then there is no debt. They are not required to accept payment but if they don't accept it the debt is null and void.

I had a hospital return my payment. When they contacted me I told them I paid that bill. They made the mistake of writing that I had made the payment and it had been returned because they couldn't connect it to an account. I was no longer required to pay what I had paid.

I did let them off the hook but it cost them to connect my account and my wife's account (which they told me was impossible) so I would not have to go through this a third time.
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