Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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According to the Federal Reserve System, there is no federal statute mandating that a private business, a person, or an organization must accept currency or coins as payment for goods or services.

The Federal Reserve System also states that businesses are free to develop their own policies on whether to accept cash unless there is a state law that says otherwise.

In short, there is no federal law that requires private businesses to accept cash payments from customers.
This is true.
I should have added "for payment of money that you owe them".
Federal Reserve said:
Section 31 U.S.C. 5103, entitled "Legal tender," states: "United States coins and currency [including Federal Reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal Reserve Banks and national banks] are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues." This statute means that all U.S. money as identified above is a valid and legal offer of payment for debts when tendered to a creditor.
And the above would be meaningless if there wasn't a law to back it up.
Bitcoin has a great return, for now.
Oh it is growing by leaps and bounds. :p
Years ago it was only used by drug-dealers and people engaged in illegal activity to evade detection by the government.
Today, if you get paid in bitcoin, your W2 says you earned zero dollars, how much income tax do you owe?
If you spend it all in bitcoin, it never existed. It's perfect! :thumbs:
Why would anybody use dollars if they had to pay income tax earning it, and sales tax spending it?
Can you see where that might be a problem?
For the folks earning and spending I don't see a problem at all.
Well, if it were not for those pesky laws against tax-evasion and money-laundering, that would work great.
Years ago Warren Buffet was on TV and explained in 30 seconds how easy it would be for him to legally avoid paying any income tax.
1. Take out a bank loan equal to one year's income.
2. Have his sources of income pay on the bank loan instead of paying him.
That simple.

Oh, guess what charge they finally sent Al Capone to prison for? :oops:
I'm not as good as I was once, but I'm as good once...as I ever was...

....is not very useful when you have a multi-day project (chopping and stacking wood) and after the first day you are too sore to do it the second day.
In the summer, start early & take a nap after lunch, then when it is cool hit it again.

The same Karen that took down my picket fence and replace it with a privacy fence has been at it again.

The abandoned alley that she has made claim to to enlarge her yard brought in a contractor to regrade what was they alley. Seems she didn't like the ditch on the up hill side of the alley. She had them put in a smooth slope from where her property ends across the alley way. Never concidering that ditch is what channels ground water down the hill.

Instead of running down the alley to the street the water is now directed over the embankment under the fence into the back of my rental property. We put in a lot of french drains that can handle the water but it was rather rude dump water on to my property. We will enhance the berm on my side of the fence to keep the water in the alley.

But the rudeness doesn't stop there. We had a pair of big rain events last week that recut the channel and wiped out the work the contractor had done to level the yard. Instead of realizing that trying to cover over the ditch was a bad idea she got on my sister's case claiming that it was the water coming from my sister's down spouts that dump in the alley was the problem. Those down spouts have been draining into the alley for 20 or 40 years.
My sister not being an in yor face type didn't confront Karen but got my brother and I down in the alley to see what could be done. I advocated for doing nothing and let Karen deal with it. My brother agreed the water has to down the alley as it was originally desgned. My sister was adamant ee had do SOMETHING. So we agreed to make it look like something was done but the water is still going down the alley Karen or not.

So that how we started the fourth of July.

Ee have scheduled later in the week. I may walk down to watch the run-off erode that landscaping.

Sounds like Karen needs a serious wake up call

Exactly, people like this don't stop until they are stopped by someone. This today, more tomorrow!!! I'd make sure the fence, the ally and water flow is video'd. I'd document the history of the alley, photo's, documents any thing I could find. Sadly, PA is a 2 party consent state or you could record conversations with Karen without her knowing. I'm so glad I don't live in a 2-party consent state.
Exactly, people like this don't stop until they are stopped by someone. This today, more tomorrow!!! I'd make sure the fence, the ally and water flow is video'd. I'd document the history of the alley, photo's, documents any thing I could find. Sadly, PA is a 2 party consent state or you could record conversations with Karen without her knowing. I'm so glad I don't live in a 2-party consent state.
I would mention to her at first opportunity that any interaction will be recorded/videoed just to avoid any hassle legally.

The same Karen that took down my picket fence and replace it with a privacy fence has been at it again.

The abandoned alley that she has made claim to to enlarge her yard brought in a contractor to regrade what was they alley. Seems she didn't like the ditch on the up hill side of the alley. She had them put in a smooth slope from where her property ends across the alley way. Never concidering that ditch is what channels ground water down the hill.

Instead of running down the alley to the street the water is now directed over the embankment under the fence into the back of my rental property. We put in a lot of french drains that can handle the water but it was rather rude dump water on to my property. We will enhance the berm on my side of the fence to keep the water in the alley.

But the rudeness doesn't stop there. We had a pair of big rain events last week that recut the channel and wiped out the work the contractor had done to level the yard. Instead of realizing that trying to cover over the ditch was a bad idea she got on my sister's case claiming that it was the water coming from my sister's down spouts that dump in the alley was the problem. Those down spouts have been draining into the alley for 20 or 40 years.
My sister not being an in yor face type didn't confront Karen but got my brother and I down in the alley to see what could be done. I advocated for doing nothing and let Karen deal with it. My brother agreed the water has to down the alley as it was originally desgned. My sister was adamant ee had do SOMETHING. So we agreed to make it look like something was done but the water is still going down the alley Karen or not.

So that how we started the fourth of July.

Ee have scheduled later in the week. I may walk down to watch the run-off erode that landscaping.


In a lot of places she can be held responsible for any water damage caused to your property.
Pretty sure Karen could be fined by the city for redirecting the flow of water without proper permitting/permission from the city. If you fill in a ditch you have to put in a culvert.

Even my small dipspit town used to have some way to deal with stuff like that (back when we had a mayor who still did town council meetings). My late elderly friend lived on a street that dead-ended at the back of someone's property. There was a ditch between the road and their property. They wanted to fill in the ditch so their drug-dealing son could get in and out through the back without being seen from the more public street/front. I think she actually had the ditch filled in and it caused flooding on the street. My elderly friend went to a town council meeting and petitioned the town to order her to have it dug back out and have a culvert put in. She got a tiny culvert and plopped it in place but it still constricted flow too much. My friend spoke to a city engineer who said what size culvert had to be put in and how deep it had to be set. The lady was pretty pissed off at him over it, but he didn't care. She had to pay a lot more to have the right sized culvert put in.

Sadly, the current mayor would have taken some bribes from the lady and let the whole street flood. Speaking of that late elderly friend, his widow just passed away on July 4. Her son was pretty upset but what he described was that she had trouble breathing out. She could inhale oxygen and that helped but for some reason she wasn't able to get carbon dioxide out. I highly suspect if we'd been in a different state with better medical technology that they could have helped her. Medical here is way behind.
My wife wanted a hose shut off valve put on the sprinkler. I go out and there is already one there. She said no that one is for the hose. I said you want two? Yes so I can just turn it off when I remove the sprinkler. I told her I didn't understand that. She told me I didn't need to understand it. Wth I didn't see any sign of a head injury. We have 500 ft of hose and they all have a valve on the end.
My rant for the day.
I bought a pop rivet gun even tho I didn't need it at the time because I knew the day would come when I did need it.
Today was that day. Do you think I can find that stupid tool? NO. I have searched for over an hour and it is still hiding. I know where it should have been but it wasn't there.
I only need to set 4 rivets and the job would be done.
When things like this happen I will just stand in the shop and say "very funny Dad. Now put it back." Dad has been gone 17 years and I think he still messes with me.
Maybe he will put it back tonight otherwise I will go buy another one.
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