Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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My son and I have the same issues, his ADD is far worse and mine is complicated by schizophrenia. At least I can't pay attention to what I hallucinate.
No, I'm not trying to be funny.
We find meds that work and a month later it makes things worse! nobody should trust a doctor, they only get paid if you're sick!
Sorry, Magus. From what I’ve learned, it’s a forever thing, always changing just a bit. I’d think that the worst thing is not having those around understand and offer sincere support. It’s way too easy to be critical or hurtful, when someone needs loving most.
My son suffers. Very few are allowed in his world.
If I had one wish, and only one wish granted in my life, it would be that the broad spectrum of mental illness would become accepted as the actual illness that it is and be treated by caring, competent people.
Oh I hate when I can't find my tools (or stuff in general). It doesn't help that my memory has gone to absolute $#!+. I will set something down and then a few seconds later can't remember where it was and can't seem to find it. I have had to buy replacement tools and objects because I can't for the life of me find them. I never did find some of the things that disappeared after the raccoons invaded. I found a couple of things outside but not all of the missing items.

Pearl, I agree with you on this one. As far back as I can remember I never wanted kids. I never wanted to get married either. I just didn't see it as something I would enjoy. I'm perfectly fine with my 4-legged babies though.

On the cleaning front, my brother was never made to clean his room as a kid. He's 41 and still doesn't clean his room. Only time his room has been cleaned in his whole life was when someone else did it for him. He might "help" a little by holding a trash bag open or opening a door and literally shoving his stuff out into the hallway. That's how he cleaned his room the last time. Just shoved all of his dirty clothes and stuff out the door and cluttered the hallway to the laundry room up so badly that I have trouble walking through without tripping. I have tripped several times. I can't even get my own laundry to the laundry room now because I can't climb over that mess while carrying things. I'd shove it all out the back door but he has it piled against the back door so I can't open it. My back is too messed up for me to pick it all up. I've been washing laundry in the sink (but only stuff that can fit) and hanging it up to dry. So, I haven't been able to do large stuff like bedding/blankets. Plus, we still don't have hot water to the washing machine.
You can wash things in the machine in cold water. Better than not washing them at all.
I hate saying no. I've also had to learn. It feels awful! I know they need my help but "help me help you!"
I learned to say ‘no’, too. Everybody was happy but me. I sometimes felt ‘used’ and very overwhelmed. Then I realized I was doing this to myself. I politely say ‘I’d love to help you but I am just too busy right now’ unless I could see it was an urgent need.
I learned to say ‘no’, too. Everybody was happy but me. I sometimes felt ‘used’ and very overwhelmed. Then I realized I was doing this to myself. I politely say ‘I’d love to help you but I am just too busy right now’ unless I could see it was an urgent need.

That's exactly what I'm doing. If I can, I try to refer someone who may help as well.
I read this on OAN this morning:
Ariz. State Sen. Rogers: Audit Numbers Don’t Match 2020 Election Results
Duh? Ya Think?

When Trump Won, the DC illiterate were chanting "Not My President"

With this last election where we know there was some shady stuff, silence.

Makes me mad, but it also fills me with foreboding about the MID TERMS in Nov. 2022
I have tried cleaning the entire room. Hell, I've cleaned the entire kitchen multiple times in the hopes that my brother would keep up his end and keep the kitchen clean. Nope.
Same with my mother. I've cleaned that entire living room and she didn't care if it got messy again because she's not the one who cleans it.
I'm also the one who has to call the insurance or arrange repairs on the AC or other things. I take the vehicles in to get maintenance. I still remember before my brother had a working vehicle he was using Mom's CR-V. It needed an oil change and I reminded him to go get it. He then whined and asked why he should have to do it. Uh, he was the one driving it so he should get it maintained. When he got a truck, I had to remind him to get maintenance on it. He ignored me about maintenance on his first vehicle (the one I told him not to buy because it had too many problems- I sent him a photo of a lemon while he was talking to the guy trying to sell it to him). He had promised me if I told him I had a bad feeling he wouldn't buy it, but then he acted like I was just a moron who didn't know anything about vehicles when I told him it was no bueno. I don't think that truck even ran for an entire week the whole time he had it. Guy he'd bought it from had bought it from a scumbag local car dealer who sold it knowing it was bad. It was a 1500 with the rear of an S10 put on- so it wouldn't stay together and driveshaft kept dropping off. It had an oil leak so the motor blew.

I admit that I have enabled my brother too much. I wanted things to get done so I would help him with things to the point he just expects me to do it all the time-- although he gets mad sometimes if I remind him of things he doesn't care about. Like, he got some bogus charge for trespassing years ago (long story on that). He refused to try to get an attorney or call any witnesses-- just believed it would all work out & they would believe him or be reasonable. I took him for his court date but the courthouse was closed due to Covid. They never sent him any letters about rescheduling. He hasn't bothered to call to check on the status & just assumes they dropped it. I'm worried they will put out a warrant but he doesn't care. He doesn't think anything bad will happen to him. But he expects that my mother will bail him out & pay any fines/fees.

He was diagnosed with ADHD when he was little back when they were over-diagnosing and he was not wanting to do homework. He could focus on video games or something that actually interested him for hours, but he was bored with school and didn't believe he should have to do homework- felt he should never have to work while at home. He didn't care about his grades either. So, it was never inability to focus, just disinterest. They put him on meds that made him feel sick and he would pretend to take them and then dump them somewhere.

Lately he's been going on about his plan to take out a large enough payday loan to buy a house in Japan & a one way ticket to go live there and work over there and then never pay it back. He thinks if he leaves the country they can't go after him. He doesn't care that I would be getting harassing calls from the collection agencies for years if he did that. He thinks I could just threaten to sue them or that I could sue them and get a lot of money. It doesn't work that way. But he doesn't live in reality sometimes. He has this fantasy of what he thinks the world works like and how he can do whatever he wants with no consequences and does not care about consequences to others. He always gets mad when I point out real world consequences and accuses me of trying to oppress him. When I complained about needing him to help with the cleaning he accused me of trying to guilt-trip him. I asked him when guilt tripping has ever worked on him. Has he ever given a damn about me hurting myself to clean up his messes? Nope.

There was this terrible teacher we both had in high school. Complete and total b**** to any students she decided she didn't like. She only liked the super rich kids and treated everyone else like garbage-- but one thing she was right on was that my brother seems to think if he ignores a problem it will just go away. Like he thought if he ignored his homework it would just go away & he'd have no obligation.

Now he acts like video games are his job and he puts the games before everything else. He schedules everything around his gaming-- his guild has raids at certain days/times. He is also learning Japanese and actually did homework for that class. But it's because he's actually motivated. I wish I could find more ways to motivate him to actually help out around the house.

My mom is disabled. She has inner ear damage so she balance issues and falls, but she milks it. She isn't as bad off as she pretends. She claims she can't carry stuff while walking with her cane, but I've seen her do it. If she stays up late, she will sometimes wake me up to come open a door to let the dog out of the room she's in when she can easily do it herself. She can't carry heavy things and she does tip over if she bends down to pick stuff up while standing. She also can't stand for very long.

I gripe but I love my mother and my brother-- as annoying as he can be. He does help me carry groceries in. Tailgate on the truck no longer opens sideways to access the trunk and I have a hard time reaching in to the cooler now so he has helped with that because he's taller and can reach over it more easily than I can. But he carries stuff in and dumps it on the floor or counter and leaves me to put everything away. If he cooks and leaves leftovers, he expects me to put them away and clean the containers.

@winds-of-change I do wash clothes in cold water in the sink. My problem is that I can no longer get to the washing machine and dryer because my brother has junk piled up in the hallway. He had the nerve to tell my mother that it was my stuff in the hallway. It's all his stuff that got pushed out of his room. I would push it out the back door but the door is stuck shut because his stuff is piled against it, and I can't lift it.

My health has been declining and I've been having a harder time doing things. I can't bend well because of my back and now my shoulder is crapping out on me. I'm probably going to have to bring in a friend to help. I tried to get my brother to help me and he held a bag briefly but he whined about there being too much dust and things smelling bad. Well, if he hadn't piled stuff up like that, it wouldn't be like that.

I recognize that life could be much worse though. I still have a roof over my head and food to eat. I just need to work on motivating myself and getting enough naproxyn in my system to be able to move enough to pick stuff up.
I do not care for people who let their animals run wild, digging up plants and pooping all over the place. It appears the Israeli's like it even less:

"Authorities in Tel Aviv are setting up a dog DNA database so they can trace dog poo left on the street back to the owner, who’ll get a fine in the mail. Tel Aviv officials explained the measure “was approved as part of the municipality’s persistent fight against the phenomenon of dog feces not being collected by their owners across the city.”"

Now, what I want to know is who is going to be collecting the poop DNA? I'm not touching that!
I do not care for people who let their animals run wild, digging up plants and pooping all over the place. It appears the Israeli's like it even less:

"Authorities in Tel Aviv are setting up a dog DNA database so they can trace dog poo left on the street back to the owner, who’ll get a fine in the mail. Tel Aviv officials explained the measure “was approved as part of the municipality’s persistent fight against the phenomenon of dog feces not being collected by their owners across the city.”"

Now, what I want to know is who is going to be collecting the poop DNA? I'm not touching that!

When an Israeli buys a dog the dog's DNA will be required to be submitted to the authorities?
Hmm.. I went to high school with some Israelis. I'm still in contact with one of them. I can ask him if he has heard anything about that law. As an aside, his cousin was a swimmer in the Olympics one year. Can't remember the swimmer's first name, but last name was Lev. Shortly before he swam during the Olympics he was informed that his father had fallen off a ladder and died.

I'm almost out of my naproxyn and I'm feeling sore. It hasn't been working very well the past week.

Not really a rant, but a sort of sad story that sums up what people are like where I live. My friend's mom came over Thursday during our Loki marathon and she was really wanting her drug fix and desperate for money. She frantically cleaned the place, swearing every few seconds for no apparent reason. She's one of those people who moves really fast and talks really fast and comes off as neurotic. She was talking about how one of her daughters is in jail right now for simple arson. From what my friend had said, it sounded like his sister had set fire to someone's house. It was some other relative or girlfriend of a relative. She decided to take stuff that belonged to my friend's mom and just burn it. Some of it was the mom's mother's stuff. Like blankets she had knitted for the grandkids. So, my friend's mom was royally pissed off that they burned her stuff. Got ou ta lighter and was about to start a fire next to the lint vent for their dryer when one of her daughters showed up. I guess she had sent pics and messaged her daughters or someone had messaged people so that they knew about the stuff getting burned. Since her daughter showed up, she decided to leave and not make her an accessory. The daughter then decided to wait until there were a whole bunch of people in the house-- including an infant-- and poured gasoline all over and threatened to set it on fire. I guess she got tackled before she could use her lighter and she got arrested. She didn't set a fire, but was charged as if she had actually set a fire. Probably so they can plea it down.

Also, I'm pretty sure my neighbors stole my street sign again. We live in a rural area and we bought this place before the roads were named. They did the 911 thing where they needed street names for everything so we were given an address and the street was named after my father. A couple years later another family (the neighbors) bought a piece of property down the road from us. When we transferred overseas they illegally had the road sign changed to the neighbor's name. When we came back we talked to the police juror for our district who said someone from another district who didn't have authority over ours had illegally authorized the switch. He had it changed back. He said the neighbors tried to fight having it changed back. They vandalized the sign shortly after. It had to be replaced after they put a ton of bulletholes in it. When my father died, someone stole our street sign. I suspect ti was the neighbors but we were accused of taking it (in a lighthearted manner by the police juror who assumed we'd taken it in his honor/memory or something). So a new one was put up. Well, last month it disappeared again. Turns out the old man died of cancer & I guess the sons were bitter that the sign had my father's name and not their father's name so they stole it. I now have to contact the new police juror to get a new sign. I won't be surprised if the neighbors are trying to get the road name changed to their dead relative's name. One of my local friends was telling me that it sounds like the kind of crap that happens in our town. Full of druggies and criminals and idiots. At least the neighbor's daughter-in-law is nice.
Not so much a rant, as a warning.
Back when I ran a full time shop in a rotten little hell hole named Oneida Tn, one of the local sports was to drive by a mail box late at night and either blast it with a shotgun, bash it with a bat, or blow it up with a home made bomb. one of my most rural friends had to replace his three times in a year and was complaining, so I cut a piece of 8" well casing and put legs on it and hammered it up into what was left of his latest box and gave it a fresh coat of paint. about a week later he calls me up laughing his @$$ off telling me "He was laying in bed, getting ready for the 6:00 shift when he heard a loud muffler coming up the road, somebody yelled "YEE-HAW" and he heard a whack and they screamed like a raped ape! afte a minute the tires squealed and the car sped off, well he got his pistol and went out there and there lay half a ball bat." a few days later we heard one of the local punks had turned up at the emergency room at 7:00 with two broken arms claiming "he fell off a cliff going home from a coon hunt." Uh huh. more like he swung his bat on an iron pipe at thirty miles an hour and inertia had its way with him. I never did find out how that all washed out, I moved away a bit later, but I still get a laugh out of it!
I do not care for people who let their animals run wild, digging up plants and pooping all over the place. It appears the Israeli's like it even less:

"Authorities in Tel Aviv are setting up a dog DNA database so they can trace dog poo left on the street back to the owner, who’ll get a fine in the mail. Tel Aviv officials explained the measure “was approved as part of the municipality’s persistent fight against the phenomenon of dog feces not being collected by their owners across the city.”"

Now, what I want to know is who is going to be collecting the poop DNA? I'm not touching that!
The use of DNA in identifying whose not cleaning up their dog's business is happening in the U.S. Some high end buildings have a DNA requirement for allowing dogs in. There have in fact been people who have been caught and fined for not cleaning up after their dogs.


The use of DNA in identifying whose not cleaning up their dog's business is happening in the U.S. Some high end buildings have a DNA requirement for allowing dogs in. There have in fact been people who have been caught and fined for not cleaning up after their dogs.


This is good news.
When the main panic of the country turns to dog-💩, we're doing pretty dang good!:thumbs:
My deceased father's wife is a screaming liberal. She always has a political statement. When he passed I asked for one thing. His favorite hunting knife. I am normally content to keep my political views to myself. Today she ended a text with hope you are all vaccinated. Today I just couldn't help myself. This was my reply.

I think about you often. I look forward to giving dads knife to one of his great grandsons someday. About the vaccine they can inject my dead body after I run out of ammo. I am happy to keep politics out of our conversation which is probably why you believe I think like you do. So for the record going forward I believe Dems are brainless, communist sheep who hate america and Biden didn't win ****. Have a blessed day.😁
It took forever to get to sleep last night which Is really unusual. An hour later my wife woke up thinking something was crawling on her and insisted I jump up and turn on the lights. Not her fault I suppose since she was half asleep. 4am she wakes me up and asks are you going to work? I look at my phone and reply in 15 minutes when my alarm goes off just like every other day. I considered smothering her with my pillow. It wasn't my fault since I was half asleep.😴
The time of year has come for the massive spiders to come out. I'm not sure what they're called. They always come out in the dry season.

But I was lazying in bed this morning and when I turned my head to the side I saw a big one right on the wall to my left and my insides shrunk. I react to large spiders the way my mom reacts to mice. Every fiber of my being wants to collapse on itself in disgust.

I was afraid of that. Where do they get in?
At some point during the night, I scratched my leg thinking the covers were touching me weird. I'm terrified to think that it could have been the spider.

Now I'm on high alert. It will pass but right now, I don't feel comfortable in my own room.
So on this stretch of freeway, we had 4 lanes of travel, and never congested. Our IDIOT,soon to be recalled Governor, changed it to 3 lanes of travel, then used taxpayer money to widen by one additional lane, then closed two lanes, and blocked them off, and are now "Lexus Lanes", meaning it will cost you $.65 to drive one mile. On top of that, he raised gas tax another $.07 per gallon, for road improvements. Out gas is now $4.65 a gallon, highest in the nation!
I woke up to a bug crawling in my right ear. I felt an itch and then I scratched inside a little with my pinky. Then I could feel and hear something crawling. Reached in as deep as I could with my pinky and squished the little mofo and pulled it out. Looks like a fruit fly. Ear still itched afterward so I got some Q-tips and cleaned both ears. I spent the rest of the night with a thin sheet covering my ear to make sure no bugs could get in.

I found out more info about the redneck drama involving my friend's mom and sister. The mom gave me more details. So, it wasn't someone's gf. It was her boyfriend's sister. The boyfriend has a decent plot of land and the sister moved her trailer there (but they refer to it as a "house"). The sister decided that my friend's mom had too much stuff so she went in to the storage building they have, took my friend's mom's stuff, and burned it. She was going to set the trailer on fire but the boyfriend's other sister showed up. She had told her daughters what happened and one of them drove over while the boyfriend's sister had a whole bunch of people over. She said she was going to burn the place. My friend's mom told her she shouldn't do it while there were people there. But the girl still went out and poured gasoline all over the place & yelled "I wouldn't light a match if I were you". One of the family members jumped on her, she managed to get away into her car but they poured the gasoline and dumped the can inside the back seat of her car. Then they called the cops and had her arrested.

The boyfriend's sister also complained about my friend's mom having "too many cats". She only had about 3. And it's her home. She lived there before they did. She came home and her Himalayan kittens were missing. Someone spotted them way out near the woods on the other side of town. She managed to go find one of them but hasn't found the other one. She said if the woman wasn't 10 years older than her she would beat her a$$. I'm not a violent person, but I wanted to go beat that woman's a$$ for stuff like that. Seriously, WTF is wrong with people? What makes them think they have the right to burn someone's stuff and dump their pets? If the cops weren't absolutely useless in this area, I'd say she should report theft, property damage, and animal cruelty.

In other things that piss me off. Other friends of mine bought a house & piece of property in a smaller town not too far from where I live. The sellers didn't tell them the house had been condemned. After paying all sorts of fees and getting the house transferred to her name, the town decided that they won't let my friends fix the house up and that it *has* to be torn down. They want it torn down at my friends' expense. They can't afford that so they are trying to find a buyer who knows the house is condemned and just wants the land. They said if they had found out about the house being condemned earlier they could have undone the sale, but the sellers have gotten the hell out of dodge & they can't find them to get their $ back.

One upside is that I talked to the police juror for my district (in charge of road signs) and told him my sign was missing. He said people steal them a lot. I said it was sad but true. He said he'll have a new sign made up and put back up asap.
I woke up to a bug crawling in my right ear. I felt an itch and then I scratched inside a little with my pinky. Then I could feel and hear something crawling. Reached in as deep as I could with my pinky and squished the little mofo and pulled it out. Looks like a fruit fly. Ear still itched afterward so I got some Q-tips and cleaned both ears. I spent the rest of the night with a thin sheet covering my ear to make sure no bugs could get in.

I found out more info about the redneck drama involving my friend's mom and sister. The mom gave me more details. So, it wasn't someone's gf. It was her boyfriend's sister. The boyfriend has a decent plot of land and the sister moved her trailer there (but they refer to it as a "house"). The sister decided that my friend's mom had too much stuff so she went in to the storage building they have, took my friend's mom's stuff, and burned it. She was going to set the trailer on fire but the boyfriend's other sister showed up. She had told her daughters what happened and one of them drove over while the boyfriend's sister had a whole bunch of people over. She said she was going to burn the place. My friend's mom told her she shouldn't do it while there were people there. But the girl still went out and poured gasoline all over the place & yelled "I wouldn't light a match if I were you". One of the family members jumped on her, she managed to get away into her car but they poured the gasoline and dumped the can inside the back seat of her car. Then they called the cops and had her arrested.

The boyfriend's sister also complained about my friend's mom having "too many cats". She only had about 3. And it's her home. She lived there before they did. She came home and her Himalayan kittens were missing. Someone spotted them way out near the woods on the other side of town. She managed to go find one of them but hasn't found the other one. She said if the woman wasn't 10 years older than her she would beat her a$$. I'm not a violent person, but I wanted to go beat that woman's a$$ for stuff like that. Seriously, WTHeck is wrong with people? What makes them think they have the right to burn someone's stuff and dump their pets? If the cops weren't absolutely useless in this area, I'd say she should report theft, property damage, and animal cruelty.

In other things that piss me off. Other friends of mine bought a house & piece of property in a smaller town not too far from where I live. The sellers didn't tell them the house had been condemned. After paying all sorts of fees and getting the house transferred to her name, the town decided that they won't let my friends fix the house up and that it *has* to be torn down. They want it torn down at my friends' expense. They can't afford that so they are trying to find a buyer who knows the house is condemned and just wants the land. They said if they had found out about the house being condemned earlier they could have undone the sale, but the sellers have gotten the hell out of dodge & they can't find them to get their $ back.

One upside is that I talked to the police juror for my district (in charge of road signs) and told him my sign was missing. He said people steal them a lot. I said it was sad but true. He said he'll have a new sign made up and put back up asap.
You have way too much drama in your life.
I would move in the middle of the night and never return.
@Magus if we rant about this: they're saying that psilocybe (sp?) mushrooms may help people with anxiety. I wonder what other "naturally" occurring plants, fungii, berries, etc. would help someone who has schizophrenia? Who are forced to be the hamsters?
Another rant: When I was a teen it seemed there was always someone in school going off the deep end with weird manufactured at home "drugs" or the pharmaceutical companies drugs or what have you, sometimes these guys just didn't ever return. I wonder what happened to them.
(And it's still like this today, and worse).
Welfare and Medicaid don't make doctors happy. They get paid way less from those than they do with insurance. They still make a lot of money just not as much.
It's getting more difficult to find a doctor that will take Medicare or Medicaid patients.
Walk into a hospital with a Cadalic medical insurance plan and they slobber all over themselves.
My brother had a kidney stone crushed. The hospital billed Medicare $13,844 just for the actual procedure, not all the other things they bill for.
They were paid $1245.96
Welfare and Medicaid don't make doctors happy. They get paid way less from those than they do with insurance. They still make a lot of money just not as much.
It's getting more difficult to find a doctor that will take Medicare or Medicaid patients.
Walk into a hospital with a Cadalic medical insurance plan and they slobber all over themselves.
My brother had a kidney stone crushed. The hospital billed Medicare $13,844 just for the actual procedure, not all the other things they bill for.
They were paid $1245.96
I should have taken a picture of the sign at our closest major city hospital:
"We do not accept Medicaid patients."
Evidently, that is legal. Go die somewhere else.☹
It was also in Spanish, if that helps you feel better. :rolleyes:
So we were taking our old suburban about 5 hours away to have a buddy paint it all camo. We had our mechanic look it over for obvious issues. Had the power steering pump and hoses replaced. Front axle needs a seal but we settled for topping it off for now. A little over 2 hours from home and the rear-ended went out. So we call AAA they were more concerned with whether we had masks than the fact that we were 2 ft from the freeway up against the guard rail. Oh and our dog is supposed to ride in our vehicle with no AC. Didn't even acknowlege our 23 years as customers. Insert colorful language here. 🤬 So here we sit with a 45 minute wait. Fortunately we carry cash. I hope the dog thing is open for discussion.
I never go to restaurants. It just makes no sense on a bunch of levels. Today I was between tasks and stopped in a place. Ordered bean and ham soup and tuna melt. I figured the protein content to dollar ratio was highest. What I got was vegetable water with old diced breakfast ham cubes and exactly 7 beans.. mostly only the thin shell remaining.

It was in a well-to-do area.. groomed landscaping everywhere.. just how exactly do they expect anyone to be ABLE to carry away the dead treetops week after week when theres like 12 calories in the bean soup?

They sat me on the outside deck in the back corner. Had my muck boots on and probably smelled of muck.. so I guess I don't blame them for that. I parked my single cab F350 dented landscape contractor truck next to someones tesla. I think it takes pictures of any motion around it. It beeped at me a little.
So we were taking our old suburban about 5 hours away to have a buddy paint it all camo.....

Your credit card, car insurance, and cell phone plan all come with roadside assistance unless you call and opt out (its like 0.43 cents a month). No one who doesnt read the things they sign knows this. You dont need AAA but overall, the roadside assistance service outside of AAA is very awful. But it aint $120 a year. Youre also about to find out that they wont tow you to your destination unless its 75 miles.

Ive got a 95 2dr Yukon you can have cheap if the rears match. Its kind of a nice camo-candidate beater though as-is.. be a shame to junk it. I was going to park it in the woods with the trailer but im certain one of the "I been huntin here for 36 years" trespassers will do damage to it also.

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