Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Your credit card, car insurance, and cell phone plan all come with roadside assistance unless you call and opt out (its like 0.43 cents a month). No one who doesnt read the things they sign knows this. You dont need AAA but overall, the roadside assistance service outside of AAA is very awful. But it aint $120 a year. Youre also about to find out that they wont tow you to your destination unless its 75 miles.

Ive got a 95 2dr Yukon you can have cheap if the rears match. Its kind of a nice camo-candidate beater though as-is.. be a shame to junk it. I was going to park it in the woods with the trailer but im certain one of the "I been huntin here for 36 years" trespassers will do damage to it also.
My sister and her husband bought a van and rented a U-Haul trailer then packed them both with all of their lifes belongings to drive to FLA. A mile down the road the rear end went out on the van. She ended up paying AAA to tow the van and trailer to FLA. That would be SW PA to FLA.

I never go to restaurants. It just makes no sense on a bunch of levels. Today I was between tasks and stopped in a place. Ordered bean and ham soup and tuna melt. I figured the protein content to dollar ratio was highest. What I got was vegetable water with old diced breakfast ham cubes and exactly 7 beans.. mostly only the thin shell remaining.

It was in a well-to-do area.. groomed landscaping everywhere.. just how exactly do they expect anyone to be ABLE to carry away the dead treetops week after week when theres like 12 calories in the bean soup?

They sat me on the outside deck in the back corner. Had my muck boots on and probably smelled of muck.. so I guess I don't blame them for that. I parked my single cab F350 dented landscape contractor truck next to someones tesla. I think it takes pictures of any motion around it. It beeped at me a little.
Hi Delm, Welcome! I see you've been here a while, but made your first posts today. Nice to meet you!
One thing I can say about the south, 41 highway is dotted with mom n pop restaurants, American and Mexican, and One Chinese place I remember, ten bucks will buy you a meal that would stuff a mountain lion! Even the little Cuban dude than runs a BBQ shed will hand you a three pound plate of either catfish or BBQ and fries you'd better be ready to grab when he does! if you drop it on your foot, it'll hurt you! the Irish meat and three serves a standard meal for 7$ that would fill up Paul Bunyan, know what else they have in common? ALL family owned! there are no dead eyed, half stoned ******* with majors in Peruvian goat herder homosexuality to screw up your order, then spit in your burger when you complain, if an order gets screwed up in one of those places much yelling ensues after you're out of earshot! Speaking of burgers, A little Indian guy on connector 3 going north makes a burger two people can eat and the fries are free, all hand patted and covered in whatever you want and his nuclear club sandwich will bring tears to your eyes! a grilled boneless chicken breast, an all beef patty, two layers of bacon and cheese and all the turf you like with fries and a drink, around ten bucks! his pizza sucks though. but just up the road, we have the best pizzas in North Ga at the gondolier.his spaghetti sucks though, he uses corned beef for some reason. its edible, but not my thing! Where was this going? save yourself some cash, get service that actually is glad to see you, get REAL food and not machine flavored crap and be surrounded by mostly normal people, we chuck weirdos who can't wash out around here! when you see the sign: No Shirt, no Shoes, no service, you better bet there's some real big guy just in back with a ball bat and a 38 in his back pocket that will prove they mean it! And oh yeah, if you tip well, you are remembered fondly!
Rant for the day. Medical. It sure seems like incompetent people end up working in the medical field. I’m so tired of, gee, I don’t know, let’s refer you to someone else who doesn’t know, do all the tests insurance might cover, repeat. The world is being run by clueless nurse practitioners who only know how to max out a bill.
I’m going in circles. It seems good doctors are rare, and good listening skills even more rare. Weeks, no, months, lots of bills and right back to square one. There has to be someone, somewhere, who speaks the same language and listens.
Rant for the day. Medical. It sure seems like incompetent people end up working in the medical field. I’m so tired of, gee, I don’t know, let’s refer you to someone else who doesn’t know, do all the tests insurance might cover, repeat. The world is being run by clueless nurse practitioners who only know how to max out a bill.
I’m going in circles. It seems good doctors are rare, and good listening skills even more rare. Weeks, no, months, lots of bills and right back to square one. There has to be someone, somewhere, who speaks the same language and listens.
It's all about making money!! You are just an object they use to do so☹️
I can't remember the name of the doctor, but a lead doctor at a hospital was quoted saying something along the lines of "a patient cured is a customer lost". Now, there are some doctors who legitimately want to cure people. But since we have a for-profit system, a lot of effort is put to keeping patients in treatment. Happens a lot to cancer patients. Generally that goes for patients with good insurance or who have good incomes to pay. If someone doesn't have insurance or is on Medicaid or even Medicare they often get substandard care (or no care at all). My best friend has Medicaid but not single neurologist in the state will take Medicaid and they don't take uninsured. So he can't be seen by them. To make matters worse, if someone who has Medicaid gets a gofundme to get enough $ to go to a specialist, the specialist is not allowed to see them because Medicaid won't allow those doctors to see the patient-- the idea being that if they can come up with the $ then they don't need Medicaid. So doctors are prohibited from seeing patients and there are often very few specialists that can see them and they are often very far away. My brother needs toe surgery but can't get it because none of the specialists in the area take Medicaid. Also, while they are technically not allowed to turn patients away at ERs, if they find out you are uninsured or have Medicaid, they won't even "triage" you. They put you at the back of the line essentially no matter how bad your symptoms. They put it on your chart that you are uninsured or on Medicaid & they will refuse to run tests, gaslight you, send you away, and then send you a huge bill. I had this happen to me. They wanted $1k just for me sitting in the waiting room (not counting what they wanted for the doctor telling me that he didn't believe I was having chest pains & insisting I "admit" that I wasn't having them or I would "have to go somewhere else". I ended up telling him to fk off and left). I was never examined and never placed in a room. Only reason doctor spoke to me was bc I started having chest pains and complained to a nurse. But if my mother goes to the hospital, she has good insurance & they take her fairly quickly, put her in a room, run tests, etc.
My brother received a bill from a doctor he never even saw and that he had not authorized to view his medical info. In fact, he had given specific instructions to the hospital to NOT share any info with that particular doctor bc he's a quack. Bro went in, got his bill, paid it, and then later got a $500 bill from that doctor for allegedly reading a chart. He spoke with hospital billing and asked if he needed to sue them for HIPAA violations for sharing his info with the jerk. They ended up taking care of it so he stopped receiving bills.

We need some serious reform in our medical system.

I'm a bit pissed at my friend's gf. I took two of their kittens to the vet and it was expensive. They promised to take good care of the kittens and keep them inside. GF ignored the kittens and let one die. Then she tossed the other one outside. It's not doing very well and I'm sorely tempted to bring it home to save it. Friend's mom dumped another kitten on them & it was playing with her feet as they were dangling from the porch swing. She started trying to smack the crap out of the tiny thing and I had to stop her. She also does this thing where she puts out food or water for a pet and decides she doesn't want them to eat/drink more than a certain amount (which is less than she put out) and then starts smacking the crap out of them and kicking them to make them stop when she thinks they've had enough. I'm like "Hey, why don't you put out less food or water instead of beating the poor things?" She had a puppy that stopped eating when she was around because she would always hit the puppy when it was eating. It eventually ran off and got hit by a car. She initially pulled the same crap with her baby. Would overfill the bottle and then rip the bottle from his hands and scream at him when she wanted him to stop eating. She was doing better while on her meds but she's been off her meds for awhile and has been getting violent again. I worry for her baby.
"Helping" that creates more of a problem than if they hadn't "helped".

Wife has the neighbor's wife cell phone number. I ask the wife to text the neighbor's wife and asked if they want firewood (neighbor heats their house with wood). Wife did and also gave the neighbor's wife my cell phone number so the husband can contact me direct when he's coming. GOOD! Excellent. Later the wife wants to know if I'll have to move the RV so the neighbor has access and what about the locked gate? Yes I'll have to move the RV and the gate looks locked but the padlock isn't clicked shut.

Fast forwarded a week. We return from a trip in the RV. Seeing the stacked firewood I mention to the wife that I'm surprised the neighbor hasn't called me yet. Wife tells me that she texted the neighbor's wife a second time to tell her we would be gone, the RV would be out of the way and the gate is OPEN. Neighbor drove over for the firewood and found the gate "locked", turned around and went back home. Wife and I had a brief discussion about eliminating misunderstanding, isn't that why he was going to contact me direct?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Why have the neighbor call me direct if the wives are going to handle the communications?
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On the project I'm working on, there were extra tiles. So client decided to use those extra tiles in his current house, in two of the bathrooms. No problem. He already had an idea of what he wanted to do with it. He asked me to let the tiler know how many boxes to put aside. I did. The tiler didn't even read my message, as it turns out. So on Friday, I'm called to go on site and show him myself. Bad traffic, I don't drive, and I had a class at 1.30. The wag things were going I couldn't make it there and back in time. So I was told the measurements were going to be taken and sent to me via WhatsApp. Didn't happen.
Then I get 2 missed calls this morning and a message asking me where I am. What do you mean, where am I? We never arranged to have a meeting this morning or I would have written it down. As compulsive as I am and hating things not in order, I write everything down. I make lists of lists to make. If there was a meeting I would have put it in my calendar. I didn't. I didn't forget. The new plan was for the measurements to be taken without me and sent to me.
So whatever plans I had, now canceled and I'll have to do that tomorrow morning. Because i also don't have things of my own to do, apparently. And i knew i would take the journey across town for something that would only take 10 minutes to do, or that could have been done on the phone as well.
And then to be told I'm the one who forgot. I don't forget. Everything I have to do, I write it down. Always. I hate when I used to forget tasks and obligations and hate it even more when others don't respect arrangements they've made with me.
This is it, really. When people change my plans, mess up what has already been arranged and planned for..it's probably the easiest way to piss me off. I'll let a lot of things slide but THIS, makes me see red faster than I can blink.
On the project I'm working on, there were extra tiles. So client decided to use those extra tiles in his current house, in two of the bathrooms. No problem. He already had an idea of what he wanted to do with it. He asked me to let the tiler know how many boxes to put aside. I did. The tiler didn't even read my message, as it turns out. So on Friday, I'm called to go on site and show him myself. Bad traffic, I don't drive, and I had a class at 1.30. The wag things were going I couldn't make it there and back in time. So I was told the measurements were going to be taken and sent to me via WhatsApp. Didn't happen.
Then I get 2 missed calls this morning and a message asking me where I am. What do you mean, where am I? We never arranged to have a meeting this morning or I would have written it down. As compulsive as I am and hating things not in order, I write everything down. I make lists of lists to make. If there was a meeting I would have put it in my calendar. I didn't. I didn't forget. The new plan was for the measurements to be taken without me and sent to me.
So whatever plans I had, now canceled and I'll have to do that tomorrow morning. Because i also don't have things of my own to do, apparently. And i knew i would take the journey across town for something that would only take 10 minutes to do, or that could have been done on the phone as well.
And then to be told I'm the one who forgot. I don't forget. Everything I have to do, I write it down. Always. I hate when I used to forget tasks and obligations and hate it even more when others don't respect arrangements they've made with me.
This is it, really. When people change my plans, mess up what has already been arranged and planned for..it's probably the easiest way to piss me off. I'll let a lot of things slide but THIS, makes me see red faster than I can blink.
You take the blame for someone else who doesn't want to own up!❤️
Today it is ridiculous labeling. The photo is a shirt in a bag. Please read the bag, then explain HOW you wear the shirt without taking it out of the bag? Maybe it's a hat?

I put the first dent in my tractor today. It was bound to happen but I am still cranky. I was dumping some wood on a pile and was more concerned with not jamming a branch through the radiator to realize a chunk was about to fall out on the hood. It isn't a big dent but I know it's there.
...And then to be told I'm the one who forgot.... When people change my plans, mess up what has already been arranged and planned for..it's probably the easiest way to piss me off. I'll let a lot of things slide but THIS, makes me see red faster than I can blink.

I understand totally.

Wife is our social event coordinator. I told her not to plan anything that involved me for the first Saturday of every month. That Saturday is the one day of the month I'll get to do what I want to do, "Me Day".

Worked good for the first few months. Then the wife told me that on "Me Day" they were celebrating her sister's birthday.

I said "Fine".

Wife gives me a strange look because she was expecting a disagreement from me (in other words she knew the celebration was on "Me Day"). "Your coming to the party...right?"

"No I'm not. I've already have plans made."


"No I'm not. I told you I wouldn't be available on the first Saturday of every month. Besides, if they really wanted me to attended why wouldn't they have asked me first if that date was available?" I received a glaring look from the wife. Husbands, notice how using logic usually makes the wife mad?

Every year since, around the sister-in-law's Birthday, wife reminds me that I refused to attend her sister's Birthday...

Former co-worker (Salesman) would procrastinate then demand co-workers drop their responsibilities to bail him out. When he tried that on me I told him, "Bad planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part." While he was digesting that between his ear holes I'd start outline my work he'd have to complete while I was doing his job. Somewhere in there he left my office, guess he decided to find another patsy?

Also the Owner of the business had a habit of blaming others for his lack of memory. One example, using email he chewed out me and another co-worker about a project neither one of use knew anything about, wasn't our Department, wasn't our location, nor was we informed of responsibility for the project. My email response was an apology stating that at my age my ESP didn't work as good as it once did.

The next time he unjustly chewed me out I quoted his prior emails including date and time stamps. The full text of the referenced emails were attached. That's when he realized I save ALL email correspondence. Being a key employee who was debt free does have advantages.
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I understand totally.

Wife is our social event coordinator. I told her not to plan anything that involved me for the first Saturday of every month. That Saturday is the one day of the month I'll get to do what I want to do, "Me Day".

Worked good for the first few months. Then the wife told me that on "Me Day" they were celebrating her sister's birthday.

I said "Fine".

Wife gives me a strange look because she was expecting a disagreement from me (in other words she knew the celebration was on "Me Day"). "Your coming to the party...right?"

"No I'm not. I've already have plans made."


"No I'm not. I told you I wouldn't be available on the first Saturday of every month. Besides, if they really wanted me to attended why wouldn't they have asked me first if that date was available?" I received a glaring look from the wife. Husbands, notice how using logic usually makes the wife mad?

Every year since, around the sister-in-law's Birthday, wife reminds me that I refused to attend her sister's Birthday...

Former co-worker (Salesman) would procrastinate then demand co-workers drop their responsibilities to bail him out. When he tried that on me I told him, "Bad planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part." While he was digesting that between his ear holes I'd start outline my work he'd have to complete while I was doing his job. Somewhere in there he left my office, guess he decided to find another patsy?

Also the Owner of the business had a habit of blaming others for his lack of memory. One example, using email he chewed out me and another co-worker about a project neither one of use knew anything about, wasn't our Department, wasn't our location, nor was we informed of responsibility for the project. My email response was an apology stating that at my age my ESP didn't work as good as it once did.

The next time he unjustly chewed me out I quoted his prior emails including date and time stamps. The full text of the referenced emails were attached. That's when he realized I save ALL email correspondence. Being a key employee who was debt free does have advantages.
Ahh, the memories of when I was not retired :D
Grrrr.....we have a very old farmhouse, and two of the bathrooms have the pull chain light switches on the ceiling. Granddaughter pulled out the chain on the one upstairs a while ago. Didn't get the electrician out yet. Today she pulled out the chain on the downstairs one. Just said humpf and walked out. Two dark bathrooms now.
I do have a bad memory, but there have been times when other people confirmed I wasn't crazy & that my mother straight up thought something in her head without using her mouth-hole and then screamed at me for not doing something because she imagined saying it out loud but didn't. Or when she sits with her back to me with the TV on loudly (she is at her computer) and she mumbles something I can't hear. Then she eventually screams at me and accuses me of "not listening" because I couldn't hear her. When I ask her to repeat it she yells more. She got mad at me the other day because I asked her to mute the TV so I could hear what she was saying. And for her to say I wasn't listening-- she does NOT listen to people. I will tell her things and she just ignores it. Or she will nod and agree without actually listening and then get mad. Like if I say I'm going somewhere and then she's all "You didn't tell me you were leaving!" and I say "Yes, I did, and you said 'ok'". Then she yells that she wasn't listening and I should have realized that and told her again and made sure she heard me. Sorry, not my problem if she didn't listen.

Amish, did she pull them out on purpose or is it just clumsiness?
Rant for the day. Medical. It sure seems like incompetent people end up working in the medical field. I’m so tired of, gee, I don’t know, let’s refer you to someone else who doesn’t know, do all the tests insurance might cover, repeat. The world is being run by clueless nurse practitioners who only know how to max out a bill.
I’m going in circles. It seems good doctors are rare, and good listening skills even more rare. Weeks, no, months, lots of bills and right back to square one. There has to be someone, somewhere, who speaks the same language and listens.

That is why we drive 4hrs to see our favorite Dr. She is a NP but has never discounted anything we say, listens and actually talks TO us. Not at us.
Terri, I'm glad that we have one local doctor like that. He can't take any more patients because he's so in demand. Right after my father died, I didn't have a gp & I became very ill. I called to get an appointment but he had this really nasty clerk-- the one who had refused to even ask the doctor if he could get an earlier appointment when he wasn't feeling well & he died while waiting. She told me he wouldn't see me for 3 weeks. I told her I needed to be seen sooner & asked her to ask him. She said "I can guarantee he won't see you for 3 weeks!" (very snooty rude tone). I insisted "Well, how about you ask him and find out?" "I don't think so" "ASK HIM!" My speaking was interrupted by incessant coughing as I had a respiratory infection. Anyway, she finally agreed to ask but promised me he wouldn't see me. She came back a few minutes later with a very defeated tone and told me he'd see me at 8am the next morning. When I told him that the clerk wouldn't let my father schedule an appointment & how she gave me the run around, he was upset. He apologized. I don't know what transpired but she wasn't working there anymore the next time I came in.

When I lived overseas I was ill for many years and couldn't figure out what it was. Within 5 minutes of speaking to this doctor, he knew what was wrong and ran tests to confirm. I'm one of the few people that had mono develop into Epstein-Barr Virus and also one of the few to have a type that is recurring. He also noted my cardiac issues & didn't dismiss me and gave me a referral to a good cardiologist (an hour away-- who has sadly passed away). When I was younger and looked healthy I had a hard time getting cardiologists to take me seriously. The local quack wouldn't even listen to my symptoms and said it must be psychological. Refused to run tests. Was basically a total ********. He's part of why my father died so young. He failed to diagnose a serious problem and it took a major heart attack for my father to find out. Other cardiologists who looked at the chart said it was malpractice & that he should have been referred to get a stent. The good cardiologist ran all sorts of tests and I had to get a heart cath and found I have mitral valve prolapse. After he passed away I went to another crappy one who also refused to look at my chart, run tests, etc. It had been many years and I'd put on 50lbs. So he automatically dismissed it all as being overweight. Said he couldn't hear my heart murmur-- but my gp and multiple other doctors plus all the EKGs and so forth showed the heart murmur. I never went back to that jerk.
I am so annoyed about the news: The headline reads:
A Pentagon police officer has died after a shooting incident outside the Defense Department headquarters.

Then when you actually read the article: According to reports, the officer was ambushed by the suspect and stabbed in the neck.

Come on folks, it was a STABBING incident!!!

It pisses me off, to the press everything is about the bad gun!

Even a knife attack.....
Zannej....I doubt that she went in the bathroom with the intention of pulling out the light cord, but she is a bull in a china shop and then indifferent when something breaks. Things I can't fix and have to hire someone to do. Two bathrooms down now. The only other pull light switch in the house that she hasn't broken is in her bedroom. Ha.
Regarding your mom, Zannej.....could be cognitive (dementia starting), could be hearing (has she had a hearing test?), or could be just plain mean.
I never liked the pull chain things. They are annoying. You pull them at the wrong angle and they break. We had some pull-chain stuff before we left & all were broken when we came back (tenants broke everything they could).

My mother has *always* been that way her entire life. She has always expected people to read her mind and has always done the thing where she forgets to verbalize her thoughts and then gets mad. I highly suspect she would test as being somewhere on the autism spectrum. She is also a bit of a narcissist. Everything is about her. She will literally say "But what about MEEEEE!" to things. She doesn't socialize much & doesn't really like people. She doesn't like to listen to other people and prefers to talk at them. Unfortunately, I learned that habit from her and had to teach myself to really listen. I believe she does have a little bit of hearing loss, but she sits there with noise canceling headphones in a lot. I actually do have some hearing loss & she knows it but still gets mad that I can't hear her.

My gripe for the day is somewhat my friend's gf again. I warned her she shouldn't let her adopted parents babysit. EVERY time he goes over there he comes back sick. The mom was giving him Benadryl when he was too young to take it-- just to get him to sleep. Every photo of him over there he looked drugged. Both parents also smoke in the house (which contributes to the baby getting sick). They are both unwell also. The father has end stage COPD & is on oxyen (but it doesn't stop him from smoking) the mother just got over pneumonia and has heart disease. Additionally, they are horrible parents. Career foster parents who were in it for the $. Got paid for the fosters and collected social security for the adopted ones. I don't know about the dad, but the mom is physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive to the kids. She pits them against one another. She'll talk nicely to their faces, then trash-talk them to siblings. Manipulates them to get them to compete for her affection. Got mad when the older ones moved out at 18/19 bc they didn't want to stay in a controlling abusive home. She wanted that $$ and she couldn't legally collect it when they left. She actually sent one of the older foster daughters to beat up and try to drag the gf back home after she left (she was 19 and she left bc her mom smashed her phone with a hammer and slapped her-- bc she was making plans to move in with a guy she was dating). All of the kids down to the gf have been arrested for violence. She pulled the gf out of school and was supposed to homeschool her but she didn't really do it so the girl doesn't have a proper education. She wanted to keep her dependent and make her stay so she could keep getting the money.

Anyway, gf doesn't like to listen to people so she took the baby over there again. Then the mom called for her to pick him up bc she was sick. She brought the baby home and then got a call from the mom that she tested positive for the Delta variant of Covid. So now she & my friend have to quarantine. Friend will have to miss work & doesn't have any PTO left. GF was told she can't come in to work for 14 days BUT she's apparently starting a job as a cashier at Walmart in a couple of days. I don't know if she will tell them she was exposed to the Delta variant. Anyone who goes to the local hospital doesn't have a chance of surviving Covid. Hospital is batting 0 on that front.
A rant from the twins: were exposed to covid at Band Camp on Monday, so they are now quarantined till the 12th. No band, no work, no spending the night at a friends house, no seeing boyfriend when he comes back from vacation this weekend.
But hey...I said, the old part of the house needs to be painted, there's the lake when it gets too hot....
They are not impressed. Just ticked.
Curbside pickup fails + technology.

I ordered stuff online from my computer at Sams. I never received any instructions as to how to receive my items when I got to the store. In the past I would speak to an employee inside or call the store and tell them I was there to pick up my order and pulled in to the loading area. Not this time. Also, it told me 5 items were out of stock that I pretty much knew were NOT out of stock so I had to go in and find them myself- which sort of defeated the purpose of curbside pickup. My brother was no help as he decided to go to the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom I loaded of 5 cases of water and two milks. I looked for my brother for several minutes, then saw the time-- running out for pickup window (we were late bc of him to begin with). So I checked out and then stopped by the area that said curbside pickup. Lady said "Did you check in with the app?" "I don't have the app". She told me that if I left my name with her and parked in a pickup spot they would send my stuff out. So I went out, loaded stuff into my truck, then my brother called. I told him I was outside about to move to the parking spot. He whined that he had decided to shop around and couldn't find me in the store. Anyway, I moved to the spot, brother came out and sat with me, waited 10 minutes. I called on the phone and told the employee who answered that I was in pickup spot 1, gave her my name, and said I did not have the app so I couldn't sign in. She transferred me to another number. Phone rang for 2 minutes straight w/ no answer before I hung up. I called back. Let the phone ring another few minutes with no pickup. I waited in the truck again for a few minutes. I then went up to the door for curbside pickup and knocked. Saw an employee and I told her I needed my stuff and had been waiting over 10 minutes. She mentioned the app. I told her I didn't have the app. She asked "Then how did you order?" I said "On my computer at home from the website- I've ordered before and never had a problem" She said "We don't do that anymore, now you need the app" and then told me I had to go back inside to talk to the people there again. Had to show my card again and asked about curbside pickup, she told me who to speak to. I tried to flag someone down but they didn't see me. I entered the area where they prep and was told I needed to get out of that area. I said I just needed to speak to someone because I had been waiting now over 15minutes, it was past my pickup time window, and nobody had brought my stuff out. The guy took my name and said he'd bring it out. Five minutes later he brought it out-- I was about to get out and demand a refund and then go find the items in the store and use self checkout (I never use regular checkout bc some of those clerks are extremely rude). Anyway, got stuff loaded up and left.

When I got home I tried to find the Samsclub app but there were multiple ones and I didn't want to bother with it. Still pisses me off that they want me to use an app to pickup my items. Other stores have a number you can call or text or something. I don't want to put extra crap on my phone and I don't want to give their apps access to my stuff. And I most definitely don't EVER put credit card or debit card information or any financial information at all on my phone.

I forgot to add: Amish, I'm sorry to hear the twins were exposed to Covid. Although, now they can start a story with "This one time at band camp..."

Other mini rant is filthy disgusting people that are the reason I don't like people. So, this dude entering Walmart in front of us stopped and spat on the ground right next to the shopping carts. I normally don't confront people but as I passed him I said "You are one disgusting motherf***er!" In Singapore people can be fined for spitting on the ground (and that was a law before the pandemic). Maybe I'm oversensitive, but it's gross even when there is not a pandemic.
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