Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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My driving peevs are

Driving the speed limit

Maintain safe following distance

The people in sports cars that want me to speed up by riding my bumper doesn't work with me and forces me to slow down.

Speeding around a curve marked for 20 mph I slow down. That roll over plackard on the sun visor is there for a reason.

Driving 30 mph means 3 car lengths. The rare occation when in bumper to bumper with 2 lanes I feel like I am a moving traffic zone.

My driving peevs are

Driving the speed limit

Maintain safe following distance

The people in sports cars that want me to speed up by riding my bumper doesn't work with me and forces me to slow down.

Speeding around a curve marked for 20 mph I slow down. That roll over plackard on the sun visor is there for a reason.

Driving 30 mph means 3 car lengths. The rare occation when in bumper to bumper with 2 lanes I feel like I am a moving traffic zone.

And so many drivers are not paying attention anyhow. Please don't bother them by expecting them to stay in their lane when they are texting!!
My pet peeve at the moment:
Truck drivers in the slow lane behind me.
I drive a Fiat, please Mr. Trucker don't come barreling up behind me in the slow lane.
I'm in the slow lane for a reason:
I drive a Fiat, not vette, not a Jag.
But a Fiat.
I will make that hill just fine without your help.
My grand daughter Estelle says Granny is a "Turtle".
Granny's car is a "Turtle" too.
Please Mr. Trucker don't scare Granny and Me in the "Turtle" Fiat.
Granny will get us where we need to be just fine without help from you in your big truck.
My speed demon days are behind me.
I am a very good driver especially when I have my precious grand daughter Estelle with me, in our "Turtle" Fiat.
I usually stay in slow lane at safe clip of speed for me and Estelle in our "Turtle" Fiat.
Farmers have the same right to the road as any other vehicle. I got pulled over by a state trooper one day driving our tractor and hay rake on the shoulder of a 4 lane divided highway. Told me what I was doing was illegal, that I was suppose to be in the slow lane. On a 2 lane there is no where else to go but the road.
They have fields to tend to and no other way to transport most all the equipment. It sucks to get stuck behind them, but just give them a little time and they'll be out of your way.
I've been the person driving the slow moving vehicle: tractor, windrower, combine, etc. It is part of the deal if you are driving in the country.
In my area it used to be illegal for tractors and unlicensed vehicles to drive directly on the highway for long periods of time. I'm fine with a tractor crossing the road, trying to get somewhere that is not far, etc. But on a 2-lane highway (one road each way) going 25mph in a 55mph area it's a nuisance. And there was enough room for them to pull over and let people pass them. The general rule is they are *supposed* to pull over and let people pass. A big chunk of the road is no passing area. I will have courtesy for people in tractors, golf carts, 4-wheelers, etc but it would be nice of some of them showed common courtesy. Got stuck behind some yokels in 4-wheelers who were driving in the middle of the road going way under speed limit and moving in the way anytime someone tried to pass them. To clarify, I don't mind people driving slower vehicles in the country. I have a problem with people driving slower vehicles on a highway/freeway and not moving out of the way when they see 10+ vehicles stuck behind them on a road where people can't pass them.

My peeves are road hogs who nearly run you off the road bc they decide to drive either down the middle or in the oncoming lane. I got run off the road by someone who came around a corner hauling a trailer in my lane and didn't even try to get over. Fortunately there was enough shoulder for me (my road has ditches on either side and no real shoulders).

My peeves are people who are on their phones not paying attention, people who have kids in the front unseatbelted, no use of turn signals, going under speed limit, tailgating, etc. I have to put on my turn signal early when to turn on to the road going toward my house because people ignore that the intersection speed is 45mp and they won' slow down. If there are vehicles in the oncoming lane, sometimes I have to come to a stop before I can turn. And sometimes even when I put my turn signal on early and slow for the turn, people behind me don't slow down. Actually had one jerk (who'd been drinking) get impatient about me slowing to turn so he decided to pass me on the left-- in a no passing intersection while I was making a left turn. He rammed my truck with his truck, spun out and totaled his vehicle. If his truck hadn't been wrecked he would have tried to drive off.

Today I'm frustrated that we don't have very knowledgeable tradesmen in my area. The guy who works on my well system is a nice guy, but he doesn't know how to hook some of the stuff up properly-- like he has my pump set so the inlet pipe goes above the pump. That lets it catch air. Only way to fix it would be to move the pump up more though. He also got the wrong D-switch for the float when he came to replace it. Needed one that was pipe mount but he had one that was surface mount. So he caulked a wooden block to the lid of the cistern and then screwed the new D-switch to it. Problem is, it was put in sorta crooked so float rod turns sideways instead of going straight up and down. It gets jammed in down position and my cistern sometimes overflows. We adjusted the switch so it wasn't doing that anymore but the block seems to have shifted more and I can't push it back. I guess the heat allowed it to move. Cistern overflowed last night and flooded the well shed. Water level almost reached the pumps. So now I need to figure out a better setup so I don't have to keep checking the float lever.
It's a way of life where we live. There are probably as many or more tractors and horse and buggy on the road than there are trucks. A few times in the evening, we've been misled by what appears to be a white headlight coming at us in the wrong lane. It isn't. Some people put bright white light on the back of their tractor while driving on the road at night. Can't tell if they're coming or going, but they are going slower than we are, so it's really dangerous. I guess it's against the law to do that here, but some old farmers don't care. I've heard of one bad accident that happened because of it. Back lights should only be red.
My peeve for the day is army worms. Hate them.
Weedy i learned to drive on tractors at an early age. Went on to driving trucks by 12. Yep its a way of life
Zanni, keep in mind the equipment you mentioned is typically longer and or wider than vehicles, much heavier too. There are not a lot of places that can handle it safely. They may have fields miles apart they are working. Many farms aren't just one big plot. Trust me, the farmers don't want to be on the road any more than you want them there. It cost them money in wasted time, fuel, and wear and tear on the equipment for zero return and large risk.
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Tail lights, blinkers, flashers are common on most newer tractors but older ones are a different story. Around here older tractors are common on the highway. My old ford has no working lights except head lights. If I must drive a tractor on the road at night I use my newer Massy Feg... because it has tail lights etc. However, none of that matters if I'm pulling something large like a hay baler, no one can see the tractor anyway. Big picture... Here, the vast majority of equipment is moved during daylight hours because of night time dangers. If I see equipment on the road after dark it's usually right after dark, just some farmer trying to get home.

Locally the big killer is log trucks. Most trucks are hauling tree length logs. Sometimes logs are 15 or 20ft longer than the trailer and are sticking out the back. Law requires a red rag of some type be attached to the longest one. Yet ever year I hear about someone driving into the back of a log truck and decapitating themselves. Last year there were 2, I always thought that'd be a crappy way to go.

I got a crik in my neck, must have slept funny night before last. 2nd day and still have a stiff neck! hate that...
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Weedy i learned to drive on tractors at an early age. Went on to driving trucks by 12. Yep its a way of life
Zanni, keep in mind the equipment you mentioned is typically longer and or wider than vehicles, much heavier too. There are a lot of places that can handle it safely. They may have fields miles apart they are working. Many farms aren't just one big plot. Trust me, the farmers don't want to be on the road any more than u want them there. It cost them money in wasted time, fuel, and wear and tear on the equipment for zero return and large risk.

Zanni, please don't think I'm pickin on you. Just telling the other side of the story. Once the farmer gets off the road, they normally have a long hot day in front of them
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Backpacker, there is one particular spot where there is a big flat area where they can pull over and get out of the way very safely but they will remain on the road (which is in violation of traffic laws). They can easily pull back on once they let vehicles pass as there is not a ton of traffic in that area. For the most part, if I see someone on a riding mower or small vehicle trying to make it somewhere in town I'm fine with it. There is a guy with no legs who goes around town in his electric wheelchair and I always watch for him to make sure he's safe. But sometimes the people driving these things don't pay attention to traffic-- pull right out without looking or signaling. I always slow down to pass smaller vehicles, bike riders, pedestrians (since we have no sidewalks) etc to make them safer.

I don't feel picked on. You bring up good points. It's still frustrating when I'm trying to get to an appointment and someone decides to pull out on to the road and go super slow even when they could have waited a few seconds and not been in front of any vehicles. or when they are backing traffic up. Tractors and such are supposed to be hauled on trailers to be on the freeway. I know that is a pain and not everyone has a working trailer though. It always seems to happen when I'm in a hurry though. LOL.

Peanut, they are supposed to put the red rag on the ends of the logs here too. They don't always do it. I always keep a distance behind logging trucks. I've seen the Final Destination movies. LOL.
I have been the one behind farm equipment many times. If I become frustrated I pull off the side and meditate for a time. I figure that farmer has a lot tighter schedule than I and he doesn't like a car behind him anymore than the car driver likes him in front. A bit of respect goes a long way.
Twice in my life farmers have provided water for my car - they will give you anything they can do without. They are good folks.
Sheepdog, a lot of the ones who drive the tractors on the road in my area aren't even farmers. You may have good people in your area, but part of my issue is that I have a lot of jerks in my area who have no respect or consideration for the laws or other people. Maybe that's part of why it makes me so salty is because I know some of these people and they aren't the hardworking nice folk like you have. I don't get mad if it's someone I know that is a kind person. But there are some people I know who beat their wives and abuse animals so I'm already annoyed with them. I don't even know why some of these people have tractors because they don't have farms.
Rant for the day.
The I R S. Why can’t they get our darn return done!?!?! Last year was painfully slow (like 8 months slow) but there was also an issue because the preparer didn’t fill out everything.
This year (new preparer) is shaping to be as bad. We’re over 7 weeks now and the online tracker now just says they are still working on it. Same as last year. So frustrating. Can’t get through to see what the hold up is. Not sure how far behind they are but this is ridiculous.


Mainly because of the wife's "business" I use TurboTax to do our and the business taxes. Filed electronically the first of April and received electronic deposit middle of April.

You must be on the Fed's watch list(s)? You get too vocal on a public forum that drew their attention to you?

Why do people NOT bring their own beverages with them when invited over to enjoy a nice fire or game of cards? Hello......you know we're going to be enjoying a few drinks with some fun conversations. Do we really need to say BYOB? Personally, I would never go to someone else's house without a fully packed cooler and some snacks. We bring more than we know we'll need, just in case we decide to share. But to come with a 6 pack for two people and then help yourself to my frig? Really???? I can't even imagine doing that! I know this is my own fault for allowing it to happen, but after having a few myself, I certainly wasn't going to say anything at the time. However, the more I think about it today, the more angry (and hurt, I guess) I get. I just feel taken advantage of b/c I would never pull that stunt on someone else. I can buy my own drinks and damn well should.

I've decided I'm going to say something to the offenders the next time we see each other. I'm not looking forward to that conversation, but I can't harbor resentment......it's just not in my blood to do so. I'd rather say my peace in a cool manner and let the chips fall where they may. It just urks me that I have to say anything b/c this shouldn't be an issue. :mad:
A guy asked my brother what he could bring to eat. My brother said it didn't matter.
The guy brought 2 large jars of pickled pigs' feet. My brother is more specific now.
The worst I ever saw was my wife's family picnic. They decided to have a crab boil and told everyone to bring their own crab and shrimp.
One niece showed up with her 3 kids and no crab. The first thing they all did was head for the crab. Each one grabbed a whole crab and filled their plates with shrimp. I took their plates away from them and said you eat what you brought. They had hotdogs. Several people told me they wish they had the guts to do that. I hate entitled moochers.
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We go to cousin's house for Sunday dinner every week. She'd say, don't worry about bringing anything, but we are five people. I always, always bring something, and I take requests, too. She's given up and just calls me on Saturday and tells me what she's making so I can compliment it. Her son and family come every Sunday too, and I've noticed since we bring food, they have started to, too. Even if it's a cut up watermelon, at least they bring something. I try to bring a good side dish and a dessert. We are about 20 people on Sunday, and it's alot to feed.
We go to cousin's house for Sunday dinner every week. She'd say, don't worry about bringing anything, but we are five people. I always, always bring something, and I take requests, too. She's given up and just calls me on Saturday and tells me what she's making so I can compliment it. Her son and family come every Sunday too, and I've noticed since we bring food, they have started to, too. Even if it's a cut up watermelon, at least they bring something. I try to bring a good side dish and a dessert. We are about 20 people on Sunday, and it's alot to feed.

Thats the way it should be
I used to participate in a monthly fellowship from church on Saturday afternoons. The hosts always grilled burgers and hot dogs, had guacamole and corn chips and beverages and other foods. I always made a hearty salad, one kind or another and sometimes a dessert. There were around 10 or 12 of us. We sat around and visited before we ate, and the guacamole was always ready. One person in the group, who only brought empty containers to fill up and take home, decided to go and clean out the guacamole before anyone else could get some. This happened a few times. The hosts finally started serving the guacamole instead of letting the one person get it all. The first time they started serving guacamole for the meetings, greedy one asked for more guacamole. Hosts told her it was all gone, it had all been served. Greedy one went in and you could hear her using a spoon to scrape any little bit of guacamole that might have been left.
Greedy one was always the first person in line to serve herself. I am always the last person in line when I participate in such things.
It is interesting to watch people.
When we had pot lucks at school, there would be people who would come with their families. Some people brought food to share and some people didn't. Since I was always at the end of the line, sometimes there would only be corn chips left. Some of the wealthier families would order pizza's when the other food ran out. I have been told by some people that when there is a potluck, they never take food because other people bring enough. Well, not always, unless you are at the front of the line!
Angie I would definitely ask them what the hey? It could be they intended to make a short night of it and were have more fun than they thought they would. Unless it happened before. In that case definitely clarify your position. My 2 cents.
So I was pushing several hundred pounds of 16 ft lumber out the big door at Lowes. A guy parked his truck and trailer outside the cover but in the middle of the walkway right in front of me. I got to a stop rolled my eyes and went around. My wife glared at the guy and said what a dick. As I was tying down the load I saw her park our cart in front of his truck. I love 😍 her.
Angie I would definitely ask them what the hey? It could be they intended to make a short night of it and were have more fun than they thought they would. Unless it happened before. In that case definitely clarify your position. My 2 cents.
We were planning on having an outdoor event at another place, but the weather wasn't cooperating. So, we really weren't planning on having anything, but it's not unusual for last minute get togethers at our house. We don't really mind b/c we have the room and then we don't have to drive. Still.....they were planning on drinking that night one way or the other, so why not bring their own? If we had gone to the other place, we would have brought our own like we always do. It's not atypical for them to come up short, but this was waaaayyyyy short. We were having a lot of fun, but still.... I would never just walk up to their beer frig and help myself (and neither hubs, nor I) told them to go ahead and help yourself.

Before I say something, I guess I should just sit quiet for a bit and see if they bring replacements for the frig. It's really more about the way 'he' helped himself to my frig than the cost of the beer. It just doesn't sit right......and it's not the first time.

We have bigger parties a few times a year. Typically they are friends, family and friends of their family members too. It's typically a pot luck so everyone brings a dish to pass. We usually provide the meat, but others have offered to do so as well, which is nice. We have gotten requests to host a get together when we haven't had one in a while, just to get everyone together. It's a lot of fun, but it's a lot of work too, that many don't see. For those larger events most people are good about bringing their own drinks. I told hubs for the next one we should empty the beer frig and just have our own in a cooler and tell them we had to defrost the frig (which it really does need). I'm just not sure I want to sink to that level.

So I was pushing several hundred pounds of 16 ft lumber out the big door at Lowes. A guy parked his truck and trailer outside the cover but in the middle of the walkway right in front of me. I got to a stop rolled my eyes and went around. My wife glared at the guy and said what a dick. As I was tying down the load I saw her park our cart in front of his truck. I love 😍 her.
We've had that happen too. One guy pulled up and parked in the 'contractors' entrance with his 'work' van and blocked one whole side while he shopped. He came out with 3 smaller bags of ready mix concrete and a few items he could easily carry in a plastic bag. What a jerk! We had a big dolly and had to wind around him to get to the regular parking lot, along with a lot of others who clearly were about as impressed with the situation as we were. People certainly have an inflated opinion of themselves anymore, don't they? :rolleyes:
So I was pushing several hundred pounds of 16 ft lumber out the big door at Lowes. A guy parked his truck and trailer outside the cover but in the middle of the walkway right in front of me. I got to a stop rolled my eyes and went around. My wife glared at the guy and said what a dick. As I was tying down the load I saw her park our cart in front of his truck. I love 😍 her.

A runaway cart full of lumber might be a wake up call for a loser like that. Left in the side of the truck.
I've never enjoyed large gatherings but I liked the occasional cookups where everyone would bring something-- except this one jerk. A local lawyer (very lousy one at that) that got made in to an immigration judge (thought he was so great bc of it) who would show up uninvited and load up on food. He'd even bring to go containers to take stuff without asking. He got told off more than a few times.

I did get spoiled bc we had friends who would invite us over to eat and did not want us to bring anything. They were like grandparents to me. I would help with the shelling of the beans and the shrimp and would help with cleanup afterward though. They knew I hadn't really been taught to cook and the old lady loved cooking for people.

My best friend has a lot of people who come over and raid his fridge and cabinets without asking. His mom in particular. Sometimes random drug-using jerks that his gf befriended will come in and start taking stuff. When they had Covid, one of the jerks kept having people drop him off at their door and he would come pounding on the door wanting to be let in. They would tell him "no" and he would sit and smoke weed on their porch after being told to go away. People who stole from him still come by and sit on his porch (I almost regret giving him our old porch swing).

Cascadian, I hate when people block entrances/exits or aisles without thinking about it. I always try to make sure I've left room for people to get around and I ask people if I'm in the way when I pull up to loading areas. I also try not to hog aisles in stores.

Mainly because of the wife's "business" I use TurboTax to do our and the business taxes. Filed electronically the first of April and received electronic deposit middle of April.

You must be on the Fed's watch list(s)? You get too vocal on a public forum that drew their attention to you?

I would certainly hope not. The only place I’ve said anything is here. Don’t think I’ve said much 🤷🏻‍♀️
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