Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Last week at Costco an older guy was standing in front of the meat counter with a huge cart talking on his phone. I finally asked him to move. He was oblivious to everything happening around him.
People are self-absorbed and have no manners or consideration for others. Rude people are treated rudely by me and I don't really care what they think.
Last week at Costco an older guy was standing in front of the meat counter with a huge cart talking on his phone. I finally asked him to move. He was oblivious to everything happening around him.
People are self-absorbed and have no manners or consideration for others. Rude people are treated rudely by me and I don't really care what they think.
No doubt that people live in their own little world, completely oblivious to those around them. I see it every day. Some people are oblivious, because they are so self focused, others have no concern that they are in other people's way.
Ever drive the speed limit and see cars right behind you, trying to go faster? I do, and if I am in a good place to do so, I pull over and let the speeders by. Who am I to know why they want or need to speed by. It might be their choice. It might be a serious situation. They might be late. I pulled over 2 times today already to let the bumper riders by and got behind them at the next red traffic light. At least they were not behind me, where they could run into me because they decided to drive so close behind me.

The annoying one today: I was making a left turn on a green light, stopped and waiting for an oncoming car which stopped at the green light. I sat and waited. Woman motioned for me to go. After I turned, she went. She needs more driver's education!
Did y'all know you can go through withdrawal from gluten and cassien proteins? I've never heard of such a thing but all day yesterday the kid was feeling bad and last night she was sick. Chills, shaking, vomiting, headache, body aches... All the signs and symptoms of a bad flu. The nausea meds weren't helping so she asked if she could have a piece of bread to see if it helped her stomach. I told her to go ahead and within 5 minutes she was perfectly fine. It was like someone had flipped a switch. I called her gastroenterologist office this morning and the nurse said "yep, that can happen".... THEN WHY THE HECK DIDN'T THEY MENTION IT BEFORE!!!!!!!
I was worried sick, fevers do bad things to her hear issues.
Did y'all know you can go through withdrawal from gluten and cassien proteins? I've never heard of such a thing but all day yesterday the kid was feeling bad and last night she was sick. Chills, shaking, vomiting, headache, body aches... All the signs and symptoms of a bad flu. The nausea meds weren't helping so she asked if she could have a piece of bread to see if it helped her stomach. I told her to go ahead and within 5 minutes she was perfectly fine. It was like someone had flipped a switch. I called her gastroenterologist office this morning and the nurse said "yep, that can happen".... THEN WHY THE HECK DIDN'T THEY MENTION IT BEFORE!!!!!!!
I was worried sick, fevers do bad things to her hear issues.
I had no idea. Poor girl. It seems as though she has so many health issues.
an older guy was standing in front of the meat counter with a huge cart talking on his phone. I finally asked him to move. He was oblivious to everything happening around him.

Being oblivious is one of my pet peeves. Especially at restaurants! At the little restaurant out here in the country everyone pretty much knows everyone else so its a chatty restaurant. Still, folks keep it short being polite. But there are the few who stop for a 5 minute conversation!

This place is long and narrow, tables/booths against each wall. /the “aisle” is about 40”. There is a time and place to chat but in this narrow aisle? It’s just rude. Especially when your butt is 2ft or less from the table behind you!

I love kids, especially at times like this. Last time at the restaurant… A lady who was leaving stopped for a conversation with a lady in the salad bar line. This left her butt inches, not ft from the booth behind her. A young couple was in the booth against the wall, their kids next to the aisle, 5-7. The little girl had whined about everything since they got there, not a happy camper!

I happen to notice the lady being rude, was looking over... I was 12ft away but clearly heard the little girl say “BUT MOMMA! Her Butt is in my Plate!”.

I was about to crack up! 😂 The girl got scolded but the rude lady either didn’t hear or ignored her. A minute or so goes by and the little boy decided to get in on the act! He stuck that lady in the butt with his fork! Hard! I happened to look right at him when he did it! 😂😂😂

I was chewing on my hand to keep from laughing out loud! He was a little guy, 4 maybe 5, small enough to get a partial pass but his parents didn’t even see it. Actually, no one saw it but me and the kids. That made it even funnier to me. I was still laughing when I got home.

Well, the lady didn’t see it but certainly felt it! She ended her conversation left.

Several times rude people have done it to me... Wish I could be 5 again when it happens.
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I have a pet peeve sorta, I can never get a project done before someone drops 2 more in my lap.... Home, Work, Volunteering.... it doesn't matter they all do it... At home a year ago I was putting in a Kitchen, I was promised help at the start when I was being pushed into doing the job, but by the 3rd month of the project the promise of help was long forgotten... I had to re-arrange almost everything in the house to make it work out....

So this year, I was wanting to start playing with solar power a little.... I had batteries and chargers and inverters to maintain the wife's equipment, but the "big" units were in the way.... So this year I get my solar stuff and I can't find my "big" inverters... I was wanting a pure sin inverter to drive my computers so buying that one was not a big deal, but I just couldn't find my big inverters..... I could remember them... just couldn't place them... While getting ready for my Son's visit next weekend I noticed a big black box in his room...... it looked familiar.. opened it up and sure enough, here is an assortment of inverters (up to 5000 Watts), 00 power cables, solder on connectors, solder.... fuses... and a couple of books... I asked the Son how it got in his room, he said that it was in the way and he figured I wouldn't mind besides it had some stuff in it he needed (there are still 2-1500 watt backup-UPSs missing). I'll just bet my UPS's are his now protecting his stuff......

I just hate it when people help me out, by hiding my stuff........ What really ticks me off is... The NOT TELLING ME!!! If you want something ask, don't take....

I think my blood pressure is up now.....
We have a lady that keeps saying follow the science like a parrot. I wrote the first part and it took on a life of it's own.
I have a pet peeve sorta, I can never get a project done before someone drops 2 more in my lap.... Home, Work, Volunteering.... it doesn't matter they all do it... At home a year ago I was putting in a Kitchen, I was promised help at the start when I was being pushed into doing the job, but by the 3rd month of the project the promise of help was long forgotten... I had to re-arrange almost everything in the house to make it work out....

So this year, I was wanting to start playing with solar power a little.... I had batteries and chargers and inverters to maintain the wife's equipment, but the "big" units were in the way.... So this year I get my solar stuff and I can't find my "big" inverters... I was wanting a pure sin inverter to drive my computers so buying that one was not a big deal, but I just couldn't find my big inverters..... I could remember them... just couldn't place them... While getting ready for my Son's visit next weekend I noticed a big black box in his room...... it looked familiar.. opened it up and sure enough, here is an assortment of inverters (up to 5000 Watts), 00 power cables, solder on connectors, solder.... fuses... and a couple of books... I asked the Son how it got in his room, he said that it was in the way and he figured I wouldn't mind besides it had some stuff in it he needed (there are still 2-1500 watt backup-UPSs missing). I'll just bet my UPS's are his now protecting his stuff......

I just hate it when people help me out, by hiding my stuff........ What really ticks me off is... The NOT TELLING ME!!! If you want something ask, don't take....

I think my blood pressure is up now.....
Same here!

I have drawers labeled screwdriver, metric wrench, standard wrench,... all sorted by size but it seems it is just too hard to put them back... may need it again in the next 6 MONTHS!

Same thing for remote controls when one of my girls uses one.

Even worse...

When my reading stack of books reaches critical mass threatening life and limb and The Princess decides to put them away. OK but it would be nice if she remembers where "away" is exactly.

Not being able to find tools is the main reason I own 6 angle grinders and 10 multimeters.

A place for everything and everything in its place.

I too am not happy when something I need has been moved and no one recalls where or even seeing it. :mad:
But on the other hand when I'm working on a project and get pulled off on something else, then lose my place and a tool or part I need. I'm typically a good organizer, but I also have too much stuff in my basement to organize properly. Thats all on me.
We have a lady that keeps saying follow the science like a parrot. I wrote the first part and it took on a life of it's own.
What I've noticed about many people who just say "follow the science".....is usually they don't have any scientific background. Most can't even tell you what the scientific method entails. There is no 'science' without using the scientific method. If you look closely at the scientific method, there's still lots of room for mis-interpretation and error, even without big money or a biased agenda tipping the scales.

It beats just having a hunch and calling it science. But anyone just spouting the 'follow the science' mantra like it's hard evidence of something doesn't really realize how inexact and ever changing science can be. Also when you ask them to be more specific, they just say 'it's science' b/c that's what the news says. :rolleyes:
I too am not happy when something I need has been moved and no one recalls where or even seeing it. :mad:
But on the other hand when I'm working on a project and get pulled off on something else, then lose my place and a tool or part I need. I'm typically a good organizer, but I also have too much stuff in my basement to organize properly. Thats all on me.

Don't fault yourself for not being completely organized!

I am obsessed with with putting things in order. When i was a teen hanging out in the bowling alley I would stack the cigarette butts in the ash trays like fire wood just because my hands were not busy and I saw the opportunities to introduce order. Tell me that ain't crazy.


But I combine that obsession with a near phonographic memory to serve others.

I am often asked...

Ben do you have a 1/2 solder by 1/2 compression fitting?

Second row of shelves, second shelf waist high look in the the yellow tool box.

Ben do we have replacement blades for a utility knife?

Third row last shelf chest high look in the 2nd bin from the left there are 2 styles.

Ben where is the backup sump pump?

Check the master bathroom under where the insullation was stacked up.

Ben the new sump pump wants a garden hose do we have one?

Second bed room front outside corner.

My beef!

When stuff gets moved I cant help!
I am neutered.

Enough ranting for now.

What I've noticed about many people who just say "follow the science".....is usually they don't have any scientific background. Most can't even tell you what the scientific method entails. There is no 'science' without using the scientific method. If you look closely at the scientific method, there's still lots of room for mis-interpretation and error, even without big money or a biased agenda tipping the scales.

It beats just having a hunch and calling it science. But anyone just spouting the 'follow the science' mantra like it's hard evidence of something doesn't really realize how inexact and ever changing science can be. Also when you ask them to be more specific, they just say 'it's science' b/c that's what the news says. :rolleyes:

Science has filled the gap that was filled by religion.

Follow the dogma.

The scientific method roughly stated amounts to...


Propose hypothesis based on observation

Device experiment to test hypothesis.

Conduct experiment.

Evaluate result to determine if hypothesis is supported.

Repeat experiment to confirm results.

Document and share the experiment to allow independent confirmation.

Only after independent confirmations is the the hypothesis considered scientific fact.

Modern medicine is limited to 1 and 2 . Conducting experiments on humans is right out.

Dr Mengele was the last person to do true science on humans wirh his infatuation with identical twins.

At what temperature does a human die due to to cold water?

Mengele answered that question.

My point is modern medicine incorporates only the the first part of the scientific method and and does not produce truths but only theories. What is presented as scientific absolutes are are only theories.

Science has filled the gap that was filled by religion.

Follow the dogma.

The scientific method roughly stated amounts to...


Propose hypothesis based on observation

Device experiment to test hypothesis.

Conduct experiment.

Evaluate result to determine if hypothesis is supported.

Repeat experiment to confirm results.

Document and share the experiment to allow independent confirmation.

Only after independent confirmations is the the hypothesis considered scientific fact.

Modern medicine is limited to 1 and 2 . Conducting experiments on humans is right out.

Dr Mengele was the last person to do true science on humans wirh his infatuation with identical twins.

At what temperature does a human die due to to cold water?

Mengele answered that question.

My point is modern medicine incorporates only the the first part of the scientific method and and does not produce truths but only theories. What is presented as scientific absolutes are are only theories.

I wish I could have gotten away with just choosing which steps of the scientific method I wanted to take back in school. It would have saved a whole lot of work and time!!! My science teacher would have had a stroke. LOL! Somehow I doubt they teach that in school anymore.

I don't know about Mengele being the last person to use the scientific method or not. However, many med companies and others who use the method and don't come up with the results they want, just ignore the test entirely or (as you stated) modify the method to meet their needs. That's NOT science! It's an outright lie cloaked as being scientific. How do we get back to independent (and I mean truly independent) testing? I hope we Americans can figure that out.....and soon. Too many lies and big money are lurking behind what many people believe is true science. The MSM in bed with those big money companies only make it worse.

Still, even the most accepted science can later be disproven. I believe that time itself was once thought to be a constant. I'm not sure when that changed (but if I remember correctly) our discovery of black holes and other spacial fluctuations changed that. It makes one wonder how many of our long held beliefs of accepted scientifc facts are not really factual?
I get peeved when hubby "can't find something that has been in the SAME place for 30yrs!! Like two days ago, "are we out of toothpaste"? We just bought a huge amount at Sam's club, he was in the store!!!! Got put in the SAME bathroom cabinet it has always been put in since we have lived in this house!!!! Thought about saying "yes we are out", but it was easier not to do that!! I'm afraid if I die first he'll starve, and be unkept just because he won't look for or remember where stuff is! So a lot of pressure, I HAVE to outlive him!!
... One guy pulled up and parked in the 'contractors' entrance with his 'work' van and blocked one whole side while he shopped. He came out with 3 smaller bags of ready mix concrete and a few items he could easily carry in a plastic bag. What a jerk! We had a big dolly and had to wind around him to get to the regular parking lot, along with a lot of others who clearly were about as impressed with the situation as we were. People certainly have an inflated opinion of themselves anymore, don't they? :rolleyes:

Inflated opinion of themselves, could be. I've know folks whose attention span prevents them from thinking more than a few seconds ahead. And others who were never raised to think of others.
I sometimes am guilty of not being aware of my surroundings when I am trying to remember what I'm looking for and trying to focus on finding it. I have stepped back and bumped in to people, but I always apologize for it. I. I don't know if it still happens, but I used to actually get blackouts in stores. I would be standing and looking at something and it felt like 2 seconds passed but it had been 10 minutes. I looked at my phone's screen to see my shopping list and noted the time, thought about where to look for something (again, what felt like 2 seconds), looked back at my list and saw that 10 minutes had passed.

I get annoyed with speeders so I don't pull over for them, but I do give them space to pass if they really feel it's necessary. Sometimes it depends on my mood. I will brake check people who annoy me too much. I do miss when my dad was alive and had a badge. I remember when I was younger some jerk was really tailgating us and my father passed his badge back and told me to hold it against the back window. I did and the tailgater disappeared. Sometimes I wish I had those little LED light strips that can spell out words and that I could give verbal commands to give a message to people behind me: Things like "Get off my tail" or "back off".

I try to put stuff back where I got it from but sometimes I forget. Living with cats my things go missing a lot. Cats knock things down or bump things over a lot, but there's also my brother. He will use stuff without asking, take things out and not put them back, leave cabinet doors wide open, and then claim he didn't do it (when I've seen him do it). He's particularly bad about taking other people's food.

Urban, I'd be mad at the son for taking stuff without asking. I'd be demanding the UPS back or have him buy replacements.
I get peeved when hubby "can't find something that has been in the SAME place for 30yrs!! ...

I'm on your side.

I open the drawer where the scissors have been kept for years. No scissors. Asked the wife if she "reorganized" again and now the scissors are kept somewhere else? No, she found them laying under a stack of papers on the dinning room table. She said she was using them last weekend and hadn't finished, that's why she hadn't put them away, which is her normal method of operation.

I had the same problem with a few co-workers. Emergency would come up. Equipment needed is not where it belongs. Wasted time searching service trucks and calling employees trying to locate the needed equipment because someone is too lazy to do put it back where it belongs. Excuse usually is they weren't done using it, even though it was days (weeks or months) since they had needed the equipment. Or worse, damaged the equipment and didn't want to admit it so they hid it somewhere else.

I wise person (my dad) once told me, "If you put things away then you will know where they are when you need them."
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I'm on your side.

I open the drawer where the scissors have been kept for years. No scissors. Asked the wife if she "reorganized" again and now the scissors are kept somewhere else? No, she found them laying under a stack of papers on the dinning room table. She said she was them last weekend and hadn't finished, that's why she hadn't put them away, which is her normal method of operation.

I had the same problem with a few co-workers. Emergency would come up. Equipment needed is not where it belongs. Wasted time searching service trucks and calling employees trying to locate the needed equipment because someone is too lazy to do so. Excuse usually is they weren't done using it, even though it was days (weeks or months) since they had needed the equipment. Or worse, damaged the equipment and didn't want to admit it so they hid it somewhere else.

I wise person (my dad) once told me, "If you put things away then you will know where they are when you need them."
Very wise!!
I wish I could have gotten away with just choosing which steps of the scientific method I wanted to take back in school.


Still, even the most accepted science can later be disproven. I believe that time itself was once thought to be a constant. I'm not sure when that changed (but if I remember correctly) our discovery of black holes and other spacial fluctuations changed that. It makes one wonder how many of our long held beliefs of accepted scientifc facts are not really factual?

Science ahead. Proceed with caution.

About 1905

It is only when dealing with velocities nearing the speed of light that the dialation of time becomes noticable.

Lorentz work was soon after confirmed by Einstein. Late in life Einstein was asked what area of science was least likely to be change. His answer was thermodynamics.

Einstein did not like quantum mechanics saying "God does not role dice." It was an experiment at Bell labs to attempt the measure quantum mechanics at a macroscopic level that produced the first transistor which in turn gave the world semiconductors.

A very strange liberal lady on my husband's facebook feed (friend of a friend) posted a rant about non vaxxed Trump supporters, but said they say they have scientific opinion and did their research, but they can't have a scientific opinion unless they are a scientist. Science has become personal opinion.
An example supporting my assertion that science has filled the void left when religion was excluded from society.

Lazy L, I put things away all the time but then I forgot where I put them away. LOL. Or sometimes they get moved by other people. I got myself a bin that I put stuff in now. No one else touches it and cats can't get into it.
OMG, the Dumbing Down of America is pathetic!

Yesterday, the Mrs. and I were at Walmart. She needed some new lady things and I said I was going to wander the store (getting my steps in) while she perused the racks.

As a red blooded American man, my first stop was Sporting Goods. They had some 325 bricks of .22 with a limit of 3 per customer, but since I already have over 5K of .22 LR, I left it for others.

Done with Sporting Goods, I wander the perimeter and my eye falls on the books and magazine aisle as I spy an author I recognize.
It's a Game of Thrones "Prequal" by George R.R. Martin. I look through the entire section, hoping against hope that they've started stocking Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre books (my favorite genre).
Sadly, the only fantasy books are the stacks of romance novels.

Seeing as the GOT book is the only example, I pick up the hefty tome and leaf through the pages. Mind you, I have ZERO interest in this author nor the sex crazed HBO series (saw part of one episode and immediately coined it "Game of P*rn"), but I was killing time...

Every 20th page or so, there's an illustration presumably showing a sequence of events or character from the book.
Seriously? Illustrations??? In a literary book????

What happened to the days where people used their imaginations?
If I wanted pictures in my readings, I'd read a comic book. If I'm feeling special, maybe a graphic novel. Heck, maybe even a technical manual.

But a piece of literary fiction?

I'm a voracious reader. I read fictional books about 2 hours a day, 5 to 6 days a week. My Kindle has over 300 books on it, most of them read.
I still remember my first Sci-Fi/Fantasy book I ever read in Junior High School. It was Vonda McIntyre's Dreamsnake. That book ingrained my love of the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre and led me to worlds I never could have imagined without their guidance.
Back then, the ONLY image you had was the cover art. It was up to the reader to craft the imagery in their minds.

It's bad enough that some people are graduating High School at an 8th grade reading and comprehension level, but to force feed imagery to a fiction reader is beyond the pale for me.

I certainly hope this is an outlier and not representative of future literary trends.

Sorry for the long, drawn out story to get to a relatively mild rant, but I had to get it out of my system.


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