Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I found the movie on a rack at the grocery store. I have never looked for it online. It could be available for free somewhere. It is on a number of streaming services with premium subscriptions, and for a fee on others.
I just remembered I have Plex. I haven't used it in so long that I completely forgot about it.🤪 I'll just have to go look and see if it's available for me.....and get my kid to refresh my memory on how to use the darned thing. Thanks for mentioning it!
I visited the friend and found the sick kitten outside again with a severely infected eye socket (worse than last time). I brought the kitten in and cleaned his face a bit. Then I had to go move my truck friend's gf could go somewhere. I set the kitten down and he was playing. The gf got back and didn't realize I could see her. I watched her literally kick the kitten and try to push him outside. She yelled "GET!" at him and then picked him out and chucked him out the door. I told my friend and he said "she knows she's not supposed to do that to *that* kitten". Of course he didn't say anything to her and I decided not to go over and just slap her in front of her family. I really wanted to though. She's the reason the kitten is getting worse and not better.

Then I found out my friend was letting the crackhead who does his yardwork use my tools and the crackhead broke my rake. It wasn't a cheap one. Friend was all "Oh, we can just replace the handle". He had to really abuse it to break the handle-- and the handle on it was part of why I got that particular rake bc it has cushioning/grip. They don't even sell replacement handles for it. I told him I want the guy to replace it since he wasn't using it properly if he broke it like that. I really need to start bringing my tools home so he doesn't let other people break or steal them. I did get my rapid charger for my Matrix back though.
I visited the friend and found the sick kitten outside again with a severely infected eye socket (worse than last time). I brought the kitten in and cleaned his face a bit. Then I had to go move my truck friend's gf could go somewhere. I set the kitten down and he was playing. The gf got back and didn't realize I could see her. I watched her literally kick the kitten and try to push him outside. She yelled "GET!" at him and then picked him out and chucked him out the door. I told my friend and he said "she knows she's not supposed to do that to *that* kitten". Of course he didn't say anything to her and I decided not to go over and just slap her in front of her family. I really wanted to though. She's the reason the kitten is getting worse and not better.

Then I found out my friend was letting the crackhead who does his yardwork use my tools and the crackhead broke my rake. It wasn't a cheap one. Friend was all "Oh, we can just replace the handle". He had to really abuse it to break the handle-- and the handle on it was part of why I got that particular rake bc it has cushioning/grip. They don't even sell replacement handles for it. I told him I want the guy to replace it since he wasn't using it properly if he broke it like that. I really need to start bringing my tools home so he doesn't let other people break or steal them. I did get my rapid charger for my Matrix back though.
You need to bring the kitten home!!
When did it become ok for grown men not to do what they said they would? I have zero tolerance for that crap.
Awhile back we had a tree that needed cut down by a pro, cause it was next to the house. My neighbor knew a guy licensed insured etc. He was supposed to come by Friday at 6 pm. About 8 I get a text from the neighbor his buddy stopped by there first and had a few. Now he doesn't want to come by since he doesn't want to talk business buzzed. It's unprofessional. Apparently calling in drunk is ok though. I said I don't really care it's my Friday too just come look at the tree. He didn't show but sent an apology text the next afternoon wanting to reschedule. Nope you're fired.

Last week the same neighbor had a coworker looking to see if I still had the wheels and tires of the corolla I killed on a deer. We agreed to $125 Including the mag wheel lug nuts. I agreed to deliver them 45 miles away the next afternoon since it was on my way. I stopped by the next afternoon and he left work early.

Yesterday I talked to a concrete guy literally one minute from my house. He said he would stop by in an hour or two to see what I had going. 24 hours later and nothing.

Yesterday I talked to the son of a friend 20 something about helping with forms this morning. Also about a minute away. I said be here at 9 and we can have breakfast first. He just got here a half hour late.🤬
When did it become ok for grown men not to do what they said they would? I have zero tolerance for that crap.

He just got here a half hour late.🤬

You and me both... one of my pet peeves. Being late is unacceptable. If you know you're going to be late call the moment you know. Bad things happen occasionally, we've all been there. Call people! and let them know.

Its complete disrespect to others to leave them waiting and wondering with no word.
When did it become ok for grown men not to do what they said they would? I have zero tolerance for that crap.
Awhile back we had a tree that needed cut down by a pro, cause it was next to the house. My neighbor knew a guy licensed insured etc. He was supposed to come by Friday at 6 pm. About 8 I get a text from the neighbor his buddy stopped by there first and had a few. Now he doesn't want to come by since he doesn't want to talk business buzzed. It's unprofessional. Apparently calling in drunk is ok though. I said I don't really care it's my Friday too just come look at the tree. He didn't show but sent an apology text the next afternoon wanting to reschedule. Nope you're fired.

Last week the same neighbor had a coworker looking to see if I still had the wheels and tires of the corolla I killed on a deer. We agreed to $125 Including the mag wheel lug nuts. I agreed to deliver them 45 miles away the next afternoon since it was on my way. I stopped by the next afternoon and he left work early.

Yesterday I talked to a concrete guy literally one minute from my house. He said he would stop by in an hour or two to see what I had going. 24 hours later and nothing.

Yesterday I talked to the son of a friend 20 something about helping with forms this morning. Also about a minute away. I said be here at 9 and we can have breakfast first. He just got here a half hour late.🤬
They are not grown men, they are lazy idiots.
You and me both... one of my pet peeves. Being late is unacceptable. If you know you're going to be late call the moment you know. Bad things happen occasionally, we've all been there. Call people! and let them know.

Its complete disrespect to others to leave them waiting and wondering with no word.
My father taught me

If you are always early you are never late.


Traffic construction delays are no excuse. They need to be planned for by giving extra time to handle those delays. It is not the fault of the road construction crew but rather a failure of planning.

My money guy was 5 minutes late for a weekly meeting about a month ago and I let him know I was disappointed .

Sure being early often results in me having to wait but it is better that I chose to wait than force someone else to do so.

And with advent of cell phones there is no excuse for not calling!

Being on time or early is very important. It shows that the person you are meeting matters, or your job matters. I had an employee that couldn't be on time to save her life. Some people just don't try.
Some people have never learned how important it is to be on time. I know a woman who was an hour late to her own wedding. That is how she runs her life, always late.
Only time I've been late was bc I had to wait on other people to get their butts in gear (and one time when the tread came off of a somewhat new tire). It just peeled right off and tore up the fender liner. Called triple A to get roadside assistance bc my jack was broken. Took 3 of us to get the tire off.

I am surrounded by people who don't keep their word, don't keep appointments, etc. The local electrician made an appointment to come out. Never showed up. I called and got answering machine. He never returned the calls. Same with one of the local plumbers. No show and no call. My brother is one of the main people I know who says he will do something and then never does. He promised that if Mom paid to order Starlink, he would clean the kitchen and living room. He hasn't lifted a finger and has actually been nagging me about wanting me to clean it but isn't willing to help me with it.

I really wish I could bring the kitten home but mom said no more kitties and I really don't have a safe place to put him. We have 16 cats already and two are still separated from the others in the front room. They are not ready to be fully introduced to the other cats yet. The male keeps getting out sometimes but he's terrified of the other cats. I need to work on getting them used to one another. I don't know how they would react to their little nephew kitten. I'm taking him to the vet on Monday. But man, I really get angry at my friend's gf AND at my friend for allowing her to treat the animals like that. He doesn't even say anything whens he yells at his daughter. Of course, the daughter gets screamed at and sworn at the entire time she's around her own mother so she's sort of used to it. But still. I wish he would not be such a complete doormat. I know he has traumatic brain injury and can't stand confrontation, but I wish he would put his foot down and actually stick to his guns on things.

I was too tired to mention how when I was over there, the baby wanted to climb on the gf and be held by her. She started complaining that she doesn't understand why the baby follows her around, wants to be near her, and wants her to hold him and give him attention. Later on, her nephew accidentally kicked the baby in the face and it hurt his mouth. He was brought out to my friend and my friend was comforting him. Gf went over to see if the baby was ok and he cried a little. Not loud. Not high-pitched. Just a little bit of fussy sound. She responded by covering her ears and running away. She then stood there hunched over with her ears covered for several minutes even though the baby had only made a few sounds and had stopped. I am very worried about how things will play out for this baby given that she has so little empathy, doesn't understand her role as a parent, and has zero empathy for him. I will say that I don't like babies. I hate the sound of babies crying. It really annoys me and I want to shove a cork in their mouths-- but the cry the baby made was not loud or annoying. Yet she way overreacted. She needs to get back on her meds. It didn't give her empathy, but she was less b****y. And this girl wants to be a nurse. If by some miracle she can actually get a GED and pass nursing school (which I seriously doubt will happen bc she is dumb as hell- doubt she can even get the GED) she will be an absolutely terrible nurse. Hates taking care of people. Hates "needy" people. Hates when people cry or get upset. Hates when they ask her to do things for them or get them things... If she somehow makes it she will be the mean nurse who yells at patients and hates them all for being sick and needy.
Updating my internet security is always a PIA and always makes me a nervous wreck. Every darn time. It stresses me out big time
It takes hours. And there is always some problem. (today was I didn't have a certain windows security update so I had to hunt it down and install it)
Thank goodness I only have to do it every 3 years. Geesh
One day I'm going to be too old to fool with this stuff and thats when I get rid of the internet completely. Live my life in blissful ignorance.
Good thing I don't drink because this would certainly make me
I agree with the consensus here. I have not patience or tolerance for people who are chronically late. To me it is an insult. They are telling me their time is more important, and I don't matter. For work if I am not at least 15 minutes early, I consider my self late. If I am meeting somebody, especially if it is at their house, I will shorten that to five minutes early, or right on time.

I have officiated sports leagues where the same people are late every time. Doesn't matter what day of the week or the time of day. They are ALWAYS late. That is just RUDE.
People who are constantly late are manipulating you and its also a control issue with them.
I've left my sister in law at home because she's one of those who are always late.
I don't play those games. When its time to leave I'm leaving. period.
SIL got angry because I left her but I told her I wasn't playing her games.
Needless to say she doesn't like me much. She can't control or manipulate me. lmao
My best friend's ex was always running late. She would tell me to be there at a certain time to pick her up and was never ready to leave on time. She also called me an hour before I needed to wake up to remind me that I was supposed to come get her. I had some choice words for her and said I had never once forgotten or been late picking her up and she was to NEVER call me and wake me up like that again. There were times she asked me to come into town to give her a lift for things, ended up not knowing where she was supposed to go and then canceled going there & got snippy with me because I got irritated that I wasted my time waiting on her. She wouldn't even have the address to places before getting in my truck. She would have to call to find out. I just couldn't fathom being that disorganized. I like to know addresses in advance, look at google earth to see what the roads look like, and have the route planned out ahead of time.

His current gf is a little bit better but does run late and doesn't wake up on time. One time I arrived early to take her to a cardiology appointment. I stood at the door knocking and calling her phone for 15 minutes. I ended up having stomach issues and had the runs. I had to leave to go find a public restroom. Apparently she knew I was at the door and heard me knocking and calling her name and heard the phone but didn't feel like getting up so she just left me standing there. She didn't get up until she heard my truck leaving. She then started calling me in a panic. I think I was gone 10 minutes and she was freaking out and getting mad at me for leaving. I knew a cardiology appointment was important so I went back. I told her I had to use the bathroom and that I'd been calling her and messaging her telling her that I desperately needed to go but she ignored me. She griped that I took so long to get back but I told her it took less time than it took her to finally get her a$$ up so I didn't want to hear her gripe and that she was going to have to put up with me singing songs she didn't like the whole car ride there (the girl does not like real music-- only mumble rap). So she got to hear Phantom of the Opera songs for an hour. She hates when I hit the high notes. LOL. She's still lucky I didn't just drive back home.

Although, nothing takes the cake like my friend's grandfather. The one time I ever drove him somewhere he said I needed to be there around 6 something in the morning. He then took 2 f***ing hours to get ready. I had to rush to get him to his appointment on time. And then, because he's chronically late and bc he's an a-hole who pissed people off, they decided not to honor his appointment time and put him to the back of the line (even though we actually got there on time). So we sat there for 4 hours (after a 2 hour drive). He said he was going to reimburse me for gas but then didn't once we got back.
Thanks Joel. If it had been something that wasn't important, I would have gone home instead of going back, but it was a cardiology appointment and she was having some disturbing cardiac symptoms. Turns out she's got a congenital heart defect.

Today I got miffed because the last thing my friend sent me was a message saying he might have to work today. So instead of going over early to pick him up, I waited, messaged, called, for a few hours. After 11am I finally decided to go with or without him since I needed to get stuff at Sams. I took my brother so my friend had to sit in the back. He didn't realize I did that on purpose bc I was ticked at him. He hates sitting in the back. LOL.
There must be an obsession with Covid...
13 threads up and running since Monday.

I'm so tired of Corona .

Same here but it is a storm hitting all us and expecting otherwise would like expecting people not to talk about the weather with a hurricane coming.

And the mandates didn't help either.

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