Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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In an effort to find interesting stories I've picked a US city (sometimes 2) every night this week. I then dug through the websites of all the local tv stations and papers for that city. The best I found? The hawaii five0 guy died, Hawaiian hotel and airfares are cheap and a story about an idiot who stole a prosthetic leg and strapped it to his head. Oh, and the anniversary of the death of coal miners I knew.

That was it! There is little in the way of human interest stories out there because no one is reporting it. I timed my local news station last night. Out of a 17 minute broadcast, 12 minutes were rehashed covid stories. Nothing new, I could even predict the next aspect of covid they reported on.

Last night I dug through every website I could access for American Samoa. I didn't even find a fishing report.

I'm out of ideas and open to any suggestions..

I LOVE refdesk.com! Go, and be amazed at the variety of things on there. If you want human interest, it's there; if you want news, it's there...from all over the world, and catering to many topics; if you want educational, it's there; if you want unusual, it's there; if you want humor, it's there...and so on.

I go there a couple of times a day.
I hate that they are trying to force people to take the Covid vaccines...my renter came to us yesterday to tell us his wife was losing her job next week because she has refused...and he will be losing his job as well...I told him we would carry them as long as needed, we were behind them...no one should have to be forced to take an injection of unwanted med to have a job....they have both already had Covid, so feel it is unnecessary to take the injection...their choice, and they have my support....we are no longer a free nation....
You talking about the one in the Canary Islands or the one in iceland? I've been watching the canary's for the last week. They were in the news about a year ago also. (They thought a volcano was going to split in two and half an Island was going to slip into the ocean causing a Tsunami that would kill millions.) I haven't been able to learn if its the same volcano thats erupting now.
I need to quit checking the news. Fox News today has multiple articles about the masses currently coming across the border. Our government says, maybe 12-15,000 recently came through. Maybe 30,000. More to come. I don’t sense any serious effort to support and back Border Patrol in doing what it was designed to do.
This can’t end well. Too many things going on, too much can go wrong. Stories out of Haiti have been horrible, for years, with lack of basic rights and values. I think that not only has the pendulum swung too far to the left, but the clock that it is in is on the verge of falling.
I’ve heard that many of these folks are being housed out of the public eye. Has anyone heard of a plan for their future? Do they just show up at a bus stop or train station, or airport and wait to be sponsored?
Anyone near the border? We’ve had numerous influxes now. How does it work?
I’m not referring to the financial. I know our generous government will provide all their needs. But, do they end up living and working throughout the country? Will they be clustered in areas, or be part of society?
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You talking about the one in the Canary Islands or the one in iceland? I've been watching the canary's for the last week. They were in the news about a year ago also. (They thought a volcano was going to split in two and half an Island was going to slip into the ocean causing a Tsunami that would kill millions.) I haven't been able to learn if its the same volcano thats erupting now.

Both. The one on La Palma is the one with the crack, that's the one going off. It has 10 vents spewing lava as of last night.
I need to quit checking the news. Fox News today has multiple articles about the masses currently coming across the border. Our government says, maybe 12-15,000 recently came through. Maybe 30,000. More to come. I don’t sense any serious effort to support and back Border Patrol in doing what it was designed to do.
This can’t end well. Too many things going on, too much can go wrong. Stories out of Haiti have been horrible, for years, with lack of basic rights and values. I think that not only has the pendulum swung too far to the left, but the clock that it is in is on the verge of falling.
I’ve heard that many of these folks are being housed out of the public eye. Has anyone heard of a plan for their future? Do they just show up at a bus stop or train station, or airport and wait to be sponsored?
Anyone near the border? We’ve had numerous influxes now. How does it work?

Some were sent back to Hati but thousands are being set loose. They just walk out the door and disappear. There are no sponsors. They just leave.
I got 2 rants for today..
First ,
My wife just had back surgery yesterday,
So, I'm babysitting her today, and she is getting hungry , just wants , craving, McDonalds cheeseburgers.

Now , we do have a Mcds in our little town,
But it is terrible. I remember when they built it, and said at the time, where they gonna get people to work in it?

Well over the years , we have learned that .....you never, ever get what you order.

So , I went today, first time in over a year,
Ordered 2 cheeseburgers and a medium french fry.

Window 1..paid.
Pull to window 2 , and was asked to pull up, and they would bring it right out...sure:rolleyes:OMG

5 minutes later , (I'm remaining calm, honest)they bring it out...
I ALWAYS check it ,

yep , you got it...no fries.

I have to get out , go in tell them, they they forgot the fries...

I said you got that right...the sorryest McD in the country . went home and fed my wife.

Mc D isn't the only one shorting the orders, we have Carl's that does the same thing, I have to hand the bag to my wife and she checks to see if they have put in everything we ordered, I really hate drive up ordering, the main problem I see is that with all the free money Biden is giving out, no one wants to work, fast food and even grocery store clerks are in short supply of workers, even hardware and other supply stores are so short of workers that it's hard to find help when you need to find something. I don't think we're going to have a happy ending with all this stuff going on, sort of "And then one day, it was all over."
I got 2 rants for today..
First ,
My wife just had back surgery yesterday,
So, I'm babysitting her today, and she is getting hungry , just wants , craving, McDonalds cheeseburgers.

Now , we do have a Mcds in our little town,
But it is terrible. I remember when they built it, and said at the time, where they gonna get people to work in it?

Well over the years , we have learned that .....you never, ever get what you order.

So , I went today, first time in over a year,
Ordered 2 cheeseburgers and a medium french fry.

Window 1..paid.
Pull to window 2 , and was asked to pull up, and they would bring it right out...sure:rolleyes:OMG

5 minutes later , (I'm remaining calm, honest)they bring it out...
I ALWAYS check it ,

yep , you got it...no fries.

I have to get out , go in tell them, they they forgot the fries...

I said you got that right...the sorryest McD in the country . went home and fed my wife.

Rant #2 ... Insurance commercials...
Do they honestly think they are doing us all a favor by not making us pay for the first accident ????

After paying thru the nose for coverage for the past umpteen years...
OMG..what am I paying for coverage for , if I got to pay for the accident on top of that..

Doing me a favor???Yeah right.

When I lived in Williston, ND, Mickey Dees had a hard time getting and keeping help, because there were always better paying oil field jobs. I didn't eat out much, but people reported to me that they never got orders right, and the place was so busy, you could wait your whole lunch hour to get your food.
I know I've ranted about this before but sometimes I just need to vent. So, my "job" is to cook for my mother, get things for her, help her with her bedding when she needs, do her laundry (which I haven't been able to do much lately bc we don't have hot water for the washing machine & it won't run even on cold w/o hot water being on-- kind of like when a printer won't print black & white bc you're low on cyan), fix things that I am able to fix, clean the toilet, wash dishes, clean litterboxes, feed the pets, get groceries, pick up mail, etc. Now, my brother is supposed to wash his own laundry, help with feeding cats (since most of them are his), help with getting the water for the pets (and carrying heavy water bottles- since he drinks most of the water), help with carrying groceries, and help with large packages from the mail, and take out the trash. He does sometimes help with those things but he very rarely takes out the trash. He does not clean it up if it spills. So, I have to sweep the floors and clean counters, clean up after him when he cooks, etc. I don't vacuum often since there are very few outlets in the house so it's hard to find a place to plug in, but I do sweep and scrub the floor when my brother or the cats or dogs spill something. For some reason my brother thinks I should have to clean up after him. The reason I can't do the trash is because I've got a bad back and shoulder.

Anyway, today in the truck I asked him to help me with something with the trash (I want to make sure I didn't somehow accidentally sweep my phone up and dump it in the trash bag) and he says to me "You need to wash the trash cans". I held my tongue but I mulled the thought around. He only helps with groceries and mail 40% of the time and only if he's not playing video games. He feeds the cats when he feels like it but I do it about 70% of the time. The water I do 90% of the time and the rest I probably do about 99% of the time by myself. Half the time when he actually does take the trash out he doesn't even put a new bag in (but he's been better about that lately). So for some reason he thinks that he does most of the work, that I'm not doing enough, and that I'm responsible for things that he should be responsible for. Why is the trash can dirty? Because he didn't take it out when it got full and it spilled over. But he has no self awareness on that.

If I didn't have chronic fatigue syndrome, a borked shoulder, and bad back this probably wouldn't bother me as much since my main issue is that I have a harder time doing things. He keeps complaining about how messy the house but a lot of it is his mess. Ok, it's mom's mess in the living room. Every time I see her throw an empty bottle in to the pile on the other side of the room instead of handing it to me to throw away for her it eats at me. My brother promised he'd clean it up, but I know he won't.

I do love him and sometimes he can be so supportive, but he does not understand how I feel and doesn't empathize. I do know he sometimes feels really crappy bc he has COPD so I give him some leeway on that, but a lot of the time he doesn't do stuff out of being lazy and wanting to play video games.
Some of this is not uncommon. But some of it has gone beyond normal.
My rant is that it isn't reported so much anymore.
I might be more concerned about who dismembered 3 people, put them in a dumpster and set fire to it last week because a sacrifice was called for, according to the murderer. No, maybe I'm more concerned about where Laundrie is, even though lots of other young women go missing all the time and we never hear a thing about it. No, maybe I'm wondering about the price of FOOD. Nobody cares.

I know I've ranted about this before but sometimes I just need to vent. So, my "job" is to cook for my mother, get things for her, help her with her bedding when she needs, do her laundry (which I haven't been able to do much lately bc we don't have hot water for the washing machine & it won't run even on cold w/o hot water being on-- kind of like when a printer won't print black & white bc you're low on cyan), fix things that I am able to fix, clean the toilet, wash dishes, clean litterboxes, feed the pets, get groceries, pick up mail, etc. Now, my brother is supposed to wash his own laundry, help with feeding cats (since most of them are his), help with getting the water for the pets (and carrying heavy water bottles- since he drinks most of the water), help with carrying groceries, and help with large packages from the mail, and take out the trash. He does sometimes help with those things but he very rarely takes out the trash. He does not clean it up if it spills. So, I have to sweep the floors and clean counters, clean up after him when he cooks, etc. I don't vacuum often since there are very few outlets in the house so it's hard to find a place to plug in, but I do sweep and scrub the floor when my brother or the cats or dogs spill something. For some reason my brother thinks I should have to clean up after him. The reason I can't do the trash is because I've got a bad back and shoulder.

Anyway, today in the truck I asked him to help me with something with the trash (I want to make sure I didn't somehow accidentally sweep my phone up and dump it in the trash bag) and he says to me "You need to wash the trash cans". I held my tongue but I mulled the thought around. He only helps with groceries and mail 40% of the time and only if he's not playing video games. He feeds the cats when he feels like it but I do it about 70% of the time. The water I do 90% of the time and the rest I probably do about 99% of the time by myself. Half the time when he actually does take the trash out he doesn't even put a new bag in (but he's been better about that lately). So for some reason he thinks that he does most of the work, that I'm not doing enough, and that I'm responsible for things that he should be responsible for. Why is the trash can dirty? Because he didn't take it out when it got full and it spilled over. But he has no self awareness on that.

If I didn't have chronic fatigue syndrome, a borked shoulder, and bad back this probably wouldn't bother me as much since my main issue is that I have a harder time doing things. He keeps complaining about how messy the house but a lot of it is his mess. Ok, it's mom's mess in the living room. Every time I see her throw an empty bottle in to the pile on the other side of the room instead of handing it to me to throw away for her it eats at me. My brother promised he'd clean it up, but I know he won't.

I do love him and sometimes he can be so supportive, but he does not understand how I feel and doesn't empathize. I do know he sometimes feels really crappy bc he has COPD so I give him some leeway on that, but a lot of the time he doesn't do stuff out of being lazy and wanting to play video games.
Glad you got to vent, need to let that stuff out. It's hard taking care of family members. Can't just walk away. There are some helpful websites for caretakers, good tips and advice!
Ok, I'm pro police but this irritated me! Took an elderly friend to the eye doctor this morning, I didn't need to go in do I backed her car into a shady parking spot across the lot to wait. A cop passed by 3 times then pulls in, gets out of his car and comes to my window. He asked why I was loitering!😯 I told him I was waiting on a friend who has an appointment and didn't need to go in with her so I was waiting in the car. He then asked why I wasn't parked closer to the building. I nicely explained that I did not want to sit in the sun in case I had a long wait. So he went about his way. My friend needed to pick up eye drops at Walgreens so off we go! I went in and they said it would be about 10 minutes. My friend's eyes were dialated so we decided to wait in the car. Guess who pulls up behind us, Mr. Cop! Comes to my window and asked what I was doing and said sitting in parking lots seems suspicious. My friend explained about her eyes being dialated and waiting for the prescription. She then told him not so nicely to go find something else to do!😳🙄 She then sarcastically told him we were going to stop for ice cream next and eat it in the car just in case he couldn't find something better to do!! We made it out of town with no further questions, proud of my 84yr old friend!! He really did need to find something better to do!!
People gripe because cops have become reactive. When you see a proactive cop making sure their the shopping center is safe, they gripe. It is possible that there have been recent robberies in that same spot, and he is just doing his job?
Hasn't the job of being in law enforcement become so much more difficult as far as how much of the public is reacting? I see posts about how much people do not like police, when they are doing their job. (I have stories!) Then we had a big thing to defund the police and put some of that money into social assistance for people. Now, when I see comments about crime, where were the police? Why did it take them so long to show up? It is kind of like teaching, you cannot win!
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I'm with you, Pearl. I'd get annoyed if a cop was bugging me like that. Glad your friend set him straight. We had a couple of annoying cops when we lived outside of Albuquerque. We built a school on one and a third acres that we bought and ran. The cops were used to using the empty lot, which was on a corner, as a speed catcher place to park. That didn't sit well with me when I found them parked on our landscaping. I'd walk up and tell them to go. Nicely. When it kept happening, I called the non emergency police number and talked to the boss. The area that they liked was a natural water drainage area. The last cop that parked there got his car stuck in the mud. I thought that was funny. He knew not to park there. Then one day I saw two cars parked in the school parking lot. Watched them on camera. Drug deal. I called the cops and no one came. Oh well. Another time two cars parked, a lady got out and got in the other car. I took the trash out to the dumpster and their car was rocking. I called the police. He asked me if I knocked on the window. Noooooo I'm not knocking on the window. They did come and asked them to get dressed and leave.
I'm not dissing you, just trying to figure a logical reasoning. Maybe he was lonely? Looking for a friendly face in a country of frowns, doing something that won't make national news, hot grandma fetish? :ghostly:
Wasn't dissing the cops, was in each parking lot just a few minutes. That's why I thought it was strange!
@havasu my brother had asthma when he was younger and he developed allergies to hay and cut grass (of which there is an abundance in my area) so it got worse. We both had respiratory issues while in Guam. People coming in from all over the world with various respiratory viruses so we got sick a lot. I've got damaged lungs too but not as bad as his. He didn't start complaining about the COPD until the past few years. I've had back problems, heart problems, etc for much longer but he never took it seriously. He's starting to get a taste of how I feel a lot of the time-- although, at least I can breathe ok. I think being overweight is not helping with that either. He's back over 300lbs again. He was over 400lbs at one point. He doesn't exercise and he eats too much.

FedEx misdelivered a package for my neighbors on to my porch. Big heavy stuff I can't move. They destroyed the boxes and they are blocking my path off of the porch because of the way the box tore. I saw tape indicating it was from Tractor Supply. I then looked at the label and saw my late neighbor's name as the street name. I think they are trying to get my street name changed to their family name instead of mine-- which explains why my street sign went missing when their relative died and why the guy in charge of the roads didn't get my sign replaced yet even though I asked months ago. I think the street name is in dispute. I don't know who to call to block them from changing the name though. It's been my family's name for decades. We lived here before they did-- maybe that is petty of me, but it pisses me off that they are going behind our backs like that. I am almost certain they are the ones who stole the sign. Anyone know who I would call to find out if they are petitioning to change the road name? It is outside of city jurisdiction.
I'm sorry, Pearl. What I said didn't sound that sensitive to what happened to you.
No problem, that just kind of set the rest of the day off! If I had been in the Dr parking lot for a long time I would have understood. Didn't bother me until he stopped in the Walgreen's lot and we were not there but a few minutes.
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