Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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The power to our well is out. There is a 250 ft run from the meter panel. When I put it in I had just paid for the 350 ft of main power. So I opted to save a little money and use direct bury cable instead of running it through conduit. I still had to build a house etc. So I elected to pinch some pennies. With all the tractor work I was doing out back must have damaged it. Now I have 2 projects going at once.
I'm a get in, get out, get home kind of shopper. Even if I'm browsing around (rarely, and usually for clearance) it's zoom zoom let's go!
That is me. I am someone who cannot hang out in stores for hours or an hour or even half an hour. I'm in and out. The people who go to the mall for the day? Just shoot me! Ugh!
My birthday is this week so my mother is continuing the decades long tradition of getting b***y near my birthday. Yesterday she went in to super b*** mode and was being rude when I was getting her something to eat. Then she started barking orders at me and I told her to put her own f***ing butter away. I was feeling sick & did not feel like dealing with her usual BS. I'm hoping she will forget my birthday again this year. The only time she is nice to me on my birthday is when she forgets. If she remembers it is my birthday she goes into super mega b**** mode and seems to be determined to make my day miserable. She's done this for decades and I have no idea why. I have plans for my birthday: I will shut my door, put stuff in front of it so it can't be pushed open, take the batteries out of the landline phone handset, crank my music up, and let my brother deal with her for the day.
Sounds like you are the family scapegoat.
Cascadian, my water is out too. It's a weird system with two pumps. A 2-pulley wheeled belt driven air compressor pump to draw water to the cistern and a jet pump to pump water from the cistern to the house (with a short stop through a pressure tank). Anyway, the water was out this morning so I checked and the belt broke on the compressor pump. Went to O'Reilly's with the old belt and they had the replacement in stock. Grabbed groceries, unloaded, and put the new belt on. I had turned the power off to get the jet pump to stop trying to run. Turned power back on and could hear that the compressor pump wasn't running properly. Had to go out the front door around the side fence and all the way to the back to check and saw the motor was no longer trying to turn on the compressor pump (wires probably fried again or it could be the switch). Before I even got there, I smelled something burning though. When I got to the shed it seemed to be coming from the jet pump's direction. I didn't look at it. I just fast-walked back to the front of the house and then inside and all the way to the breaker box to shut off the power. Called the well service guy but got voicemail. Ugh. Tried calling my friend as well but it seems he's still sleeping. Mother of a headache today now.

I still have to sort my medicine to refill the pill dispenser thingy and dissect a rotisserie chicken before I can nap.

Thanks, backlash. It's not until Thursday but I appreciate it. My birthday week usually sucks for whatever reason though.
A county sheriff pulled up in my yard while I was cooking brunch this morning. Someone reported that boy's cows out again. There were 4 or 5 out. Sadly, I may have inadvertently contributed to the situation, a gate was pushed open by the barn. I went through the gate with the tractor a few times yesterday. Twice last night I went through it on foot, about midnight. There is a hungry little black calf who lost his momma. He keeps feeding alone, eating persimmons and muscadines on this side of the farm. All the other cows are on the other side of the farm. I'm afraid a coyote is going to kill him. So I went and checked on him twice last night.

Anyway, the chain on the gate slips onto a big nail driven into a pecan tree. It's tricky, not the first time it's slipped off the nail. Plus, there are a half dozen cows here now that have learned to push gates open.

I was impressed by this young deputy. He's new, never seen him before. He's ex-military, his bearing, speech, everything screamed olive drab. Evidently news of cows being continually out last spring has made it to the sheriffs office.

I briefly explained the ongoing animal saga here. He seemed to know more than I was telling him. The deputy gave me his card with his personal number... I'm thinking I went to highschool with his grandmother or maybe a great aunt. Anyway wanted me to call him next time critters were out.

My nephew arrived at some point and drove the cows to the barn and back in the pasture.

I'm going to make a new hook for the gate chain so mistakes can't be made in the dark.
Got my water working again but I don't like how the air compressor pump is working. Motor is shaking hard. I'm afraid it will break. Never heard back from the well guy. Last post on his business' FB page was in 2018. I hope he's still OK.

Peanut, I also have a problem with my cows getting out. I really need to get my front gate fixed but it got knocked down completely by Laura. Gate post broke and I don't know who to call to fix it. I'm worried I may eventually get in trouble for my two cows getting out. Some hunters were complaining my cows were getting in to their deer corn (which is illegal to put out-- also, it's a wildlife refuge so hunting is illegal here anyway).

I used to have a problem with my late horse. Some of our gates had sort of a metal pipe that you would slide in to a metal loop or a hole in the post. He figured out how to slide the pipe since it had a lever on it so he would let himself out. He loved to run amok, kick our truck, get in to the car port and throw tools around. He was such an a-hole!

Mom was giving me grief again asking me how many hours a day I actually spend taking care of her. She interrupted me before I could fully answer and complained that I asked her to get my brother to get her something a couple times last week because I wasn't feeling well. He was supposed to cook for her as well but she seems to have forgotten that. I pointed out that I'm the one who went and got the pump fixed, I do the grocery shopping, I get her medicine, I try to fix things that break (or arrange to get them fixed), I have to clean up after my brother, etc. She doesn't understand how little energy I have. She either stays in bed all day playing on her laptop, reading, or sleeping and then gets up to play games on her computer or watch TV (or both) eats, goes to the bathroom, shops online, and then back to bed again.
Ordering stuff on line!

Iordered an air conditioner via Lowes web-site that indicated delivery was not available and in store pickup was my only option. Fine they can help me load the 120 lb box into the back of my Jeep. Scheduled for delivery on Thursday.

Got an email update last night saying they are delivering today (Tuesday) to my house! Of course it was too late to call Lowe's last night for clarification. Calked today and after a long wait found out it is coming to my house and Lowe's cant change shipping address!

Called FedEx and automated machine told me only the shipper could change the delivery address! Lowe's didn't tell me the shipper info. I tried to get a human but the machine told me to hang up!

Tracking info only tells me it will arrive by end of day....

There are 2 flights of steps to my front porch that they will have to haul the AC up. Then I will have to take it back down. If I could change the delivery address there is only one step up to the front porch saving them and me a lot of work and it would be at the rental where it needs to go.

Granted I could have modified the delivery address when I placed the order but the website implied in store pickup was the only option.

Looks like my last hope is to watch for the FedEx truck and try and talk them into delivering it to the rental about 300' away from my place.

So Here i wait
Broken hearted
Dont know my fate
Day messed up before it started.

Ben, I hope you don't have any problems with the package.

I've been having pain in my jaw that goes back to my neck and a headache all day. I shouldn't be having tooth pain because I had my teeth fixed. Not sure what the problem is. I took naproxyn but it hasn't kicked in yet.
AT&T has two roads with the same name and won't correct the error. Even my bills from them have the wrong address. The road I live on has North in the address and they always leave it off, even after spending a long time on phone with different people they still won't correct it. Makes for interesting calls from their service people.
I bought an HP printer last year, It came with a 1 year instant ink plan. HP keeps track of how much I print and sends me new cartridges. Yesterday I couldn't print because my free year was up and HP didn't have a CC on file and the ink cartridges were locked out. I own the printer but HP owns the ink cartridges
I had 3 options. Buy new cartridges, pay HP .99 a month and they will allow me to print 15 pages a month, or toss the printer and buy a new one. For now I paid them .99 and will think about how the ticked off I really am.
Moral of the story, read the small print.
Bought my 3rd Genie garage door opener in 5 years. They had problems with the circuit board for years, but was promised when I purchased my last opener 4 months ago, all the circuit boards had been redesigned. Well, guess what...another bad circuit board. I had a door company come out, charged me $100 to fine tune the door. I can buy another one at Home Depot, replace the circuit board, then return the existing one as a bad unit, but feel I am cheating them. The door company says just throw it away and install a new fool-proof commercial, non-Genie brand. What is the consensus here?
Havasu, if it's under warranty you wouldn't be cheating HD. They would likely have to get reimbursed by the company that sold it. Of course, they might tell you that you have to handle warranty stuff with the company.

Getting a non-genie brand may end up being the best way to go if the Genie ones are defective. But make sure you let them know how disappointed you are that their products fail so quickly & that you will be telling all of your friends and family not to purchase from them and that you will not be purchasing from them anymore. They probably won't care, but it's bad PR for them.
Thanks, Z, but you know as well as I do that big companies really could care less about us little consumers. I'm really tired of worrying whether my garage door will open or not, especially since this is our main entrance into my house. I have a neighbor who owns a garage door repair company and of course, he says that Genie is junk, and wants to sell me some new, whiz bang "Sidewinder" type of opener, which has a positive dead bolt when it latches shut, for added security, but I'm sure it will be another $600 or so for it. After just spending $1900 yesterday for a variable speed pool pump, I am hemorrhaging money, but at lease the pool pump will pay for itself in short time since the power used is 1/5th of what my old pump used.

Boy, that was a rant.
Bought my 3rd Genie garage door opener in 5 years. They had problems with the circuit board for years, but was promised when I purchased my last opener 4 months ago, all the circuit boards had been redesigned. Well, guess what...another bad circuit board. I had a door company come out, charged me $100 to fine tune the door. I can buy another one at Home Depot, replace the circuit board, then return the existing one as a bad unit, but feel I am cheating them. The door company says just throw it away and install a new fool-proof commercial, non-Genie brand. What is the consensus here?
LiftMaster. It's all they make and they make the big commercial ones too, unlike Genie. Not cheap.
But peace of mind is priceless! :thumbs:
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Thanks, Z, but you know as well as I do that big companies really could care less about us little consumers. I'm really tired of worrying whether my garage door will open or not, especially since this is our main entrance into my house. I have a neighbor who owns a garage door repair company and of course, he says that Genie is junk, and wants to sell me some new, whiz bang "Sidewinder" type of opener, which has a positive dead bolt when it latches shut, for added security, but I'm sure it will be another $600 or so for it. After just spending $1900 yesterday for a variable speed pool pump, I am hemorrhaging money, but at lease the pool pump will pay for itself in short time since the power used is 1/5th of what my old pump used.

Boy, that was a rant.
Bite the Bullet. Buy a new non-genie one and be done with it. There are some things I’ll try to save money in and some things that are just worth the larger amount of money. This is one thing that would be worth spending more. You don’t have to buy the fancy dead bolt locking one but definitely something better than what you have.
Bite the Bullet. Buy a new non-genie one and be done with it. There are some things I’ll try to save money in and some things that are just worth the larger amount of money. This is one thing that would be worth spending more. You don’t have to buy the fancy dead bolt locking one but definitely something better than what you have.
Yes. You will be surprised how many times they cycle each day.
Ours averages about 8-10 times each day.
@havasu : Just look in the mirror and repeat "...Because I'm worth it!" several times.
As Winds said, this is not something to pinch pennies on.
Well, I went to HD, spent $259, came home, replaced head unit, repacked box, then returned it as being defective. Took about 2 hours to program phone, wall control, cars, etc. So far, working as it should. If this one goes bad, I will throw it thru the front door of HD, and get a professional one.
Well, I went to HD, spent $259, came home, replaced head unit, repacked box, then returned it as being defective. Took about 2 hours to program phone, wall control, cars, etc. So far, working as it should. If this one goes bad, I will throw it thru the front door of HD, and get a professional one.
Sometimes you just have to!!
Well, I went to HD, spent $259, came home, replaced head unit, repacked box, then returned it as being defective. Took about 2 hours to program phone, wall control, cars, etc. So far, working as it should. If this one goes bad, I will throw it thru the front door of HD, and get a professional one.
Don't feel guilty.
My neighbor up the street picks up 4 generators when a hurricane is on the way and doesn't open any of the boxes.
He floats them on his CC and when the hurricane passes, he returns them for a full refund as 'unopened/unused'.
He has brand new generators for every hurricane, and has never paid a dime. :thumbs:
If it's any consolation, now I know to avoid Genie brand if I ever get a garage.

I was in a bad mood all day. Feeling stressed, headache, etc. Computer was running slow, my favorite game wouldn't run (#firstworldproblems) and I spent hours troubleshooting but couldn't get it to work. Finally around 7pm someone from my game's guild told me on discord how to fix it and it worked. Still haven't found my cat or my phone so I'm bummed about that. I've looked all over.

At least Itsy was trying to cheer me up though.
Bought my 3rd Genie garage door opener in 5 years. They had problems with the circuit board for years, but was promised when I purchased my last opener 4 months ago, all the circuit boards had been redesigned. Well, guess what...another bad circuit board. I had a door company come out, charged me $100 to fine tune the door. I can buy another one at Home Depot, replace the circuit board, then return the existing one as a bad unit, but feel I am cheating them. The door company says just throw it away and install a new fool-proof commercial, non-Genie brand. What is the consensus here?
Move to a different house with a better garage door in it...
Got an email from a cousin today. We speak every few weeks, but she will occasionally will send me an email. This morning, she sends me an email saying, "Hi, I was wondering if you use Amazon?" My response was, "as little as possible, I hate that company....why, what's Up?"

Within a minute she responded back saying she is trying to buy a gift card for $200 for a friend, but was having problems placing the order, and asked if I would do it for her. My hackles immediately went up, so I asked her to call me. She responded, "I wont be able to call you now, let mw know if you could handle this. apologies for inconveniences?

I knew at that point that this was spam. I called her and she said this spammer got a hold of her entire 700 person contact list, and was sending emails to everyone. She has been on the phone for the last 4 hours explaining that her account had been hacked.

I responded to the hacker that this was confirmed as spam, and was reporting this to authorities. I also CC'ed to the Consumer Protection Agency.

Just a warning to everyone. These hackers are out there. Be vigilant, change your passwords often!
Got an email from a cousin today. We speak every few weeks, but she will occasionally will send me an email. This morning, she sends me an email saying, "Hi, I was wondering if you use Amazon?" My response was, "as little as possible, I hate that company....why, what's Up?"

Within a minute she responded back saying she is trying to buy a gift card for $200 for a friend, but was having problems placing the order, and asked if I would do it for her. My hackles immediately went up, so I asked her to call me. She responded, "I wont be able to call you now, let mw know if you could handle this. apologies for inconveniences?

I knew at that point that this was spam. I called her and she said this spammer got a hold of her entire 700 person contact list, and was sending emails to everyone. She has been on the phone for the last 4 hours explaining that her account had been hacked.

I responded to the hacker that this was confirmed as spam, and was reporting this to authorities. I also CC'ed to the Consumer Protection Agency.

Just a warning to everyone. These hackers are out there. Be vigilant, change your passwords often!
I got hit with an Amazon hack last week, 25th anniversary free gift card. I was hacked. From Facebook all through everything I do with the iPad, there were breaches. Thank goodness for kids. My daughter got it figured out. Some accounts had been opened already with my info, and probably then through to my friends and contacts.
Be smarter, and quicker, than me. Change passwords asap.
Got an email from a cousin today. We speak every few weeks, but she will occasionally will send me an email. This morning, she sends me an email saying, "Hi, I was wondering if you use Amazon?" My response was, "as little as possible, I hate that company....why, what's Up?"

Within a minute she responded back saying she is trying to buy a gift card for $200 for a friend, but was having problems placing the order, and asked if I would do it for her. My hackles immediately went up, so I asked her to call me. She responded, "I wont be able to call you now, let mw know if you could handle this. apologies for inconveniences?

I knew at that point that this was spam. I called her and she said this spammer got a hold of her entire 700 person contact list, and was sending emails to everyone. She has been on the phone for the last 4 hours explaining that her account had been hacked.

I responded to the hacker that this was confirmed as spam, and was reporting this to authorities. I also CC'ed to the Consumer Protection Agency.

Just a warning to everyone. These hackers are out there. Be vigilant, change your passwords often!
Thanks for posting this, have heard many similar stories lately!!
The same Medicare scam thing called back & my mother argued with the person and demanded to know how they got her info & the guy started screaming "F**** YOU! F*** YOU! Stupid motherf***ing B****!" at her. She hung up. I catch her trying to argue and tell her "just hang up!" because she gets worked up over it.
Then there was the scam call claiming to be from Directv. We don't eve have Directv. LOL.
The same Medicare scam thing called back & my mother argued with the person and demanded to know how they got her info & the guy started screaming "F**** YOU! F*** YOU! Stupid motherf***ing B****!" at her. She hung up. I catch her trying to argue and tell her "just hang up!" because she gets worked up over it.
Then there was the scam call claiming to be from Directv. We don't eve have Directv. LOL.
Older people were taught to always be polite.
You never hang up on someone because that is rude.
However today, that is a skill everyone must possess. :(
FIL was the worst with phone scams.

I'd catch him at the PC on the phone....
"Ok, I'm on the screen that says: 'Enable remote access to this PC', what do I click next?"
Me> gaah
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