Got an email from a cousin today. We speak every few weeks, but she will occasionally will send me an email. This morning, she sends me an email saying, "Hi, I was wondering if you use Amazon?" My response was, "as little as possible, I hate that company....why, what's Up?"
Within a minute she responded back saying she is trying to buy a
gift card for $200 for a friend, but was having problems placing the order, and asked if I would do it for her. My hackles immediately went up, so I asked her to call me. She responded,
"I wont be able to call you now, let mw know if you could handle this. apologies for inconveniences?
I knew at that point that this was spam. I called her and she said this spammer got a hold of her entire 700 person contact list, and was sending emails to everyone. She has been on the phone for the last 4 hours explaining that her account had been hacked.
I responded to the hacker that this was confirmed as spam, and was reporting this to authorities. I also CC'ed to the Consumer Protection Agency.
Just a warning to everyone. These hackers are out there. Be vigilant, change your passwords often!