Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Oh, my mom hangs up on people all the time. But she wanted to yell at this guy and argue with him first. LOL. If its a wrong number, I understand being polite. But with all the spam/scam calls I just tell them they are scammers or hang up directly. If it's an alleged "charity" asking for $ I tell them to take me off their call list, no I won't donate, & if they try to argue I hang up. A lot of them aren't even real charities anyway.

It turns out my missing phone was behind my desk this whole time. I had looked but couldn't see it. My friend found it while mounting my monitor. Battery was dead so I'm charging it. It had slipped under some papers that had fallen (or maybe the papers fell on top). I spent all that time worrying. Still can't find my missing cat though. :-(

The cabinets I was going to purchase for my laundry room went up by about $12 each. The ones my friend was going to get for his kitchen went up even more. They are now $105 each and had been $87 each. I know it's not the vendor's fault though. Plywood prices went so high...
So I ripped a tendon in my left bicep, and need an MRI to see if this will require surgery. Calling for an appointment today, they said if it is not approved my Medicare, my secondary insurance will not cover it. If this is the case, why am I spending ~$500 additional per month for my Blue Cross Platinum secondary insurance?
So I ripped a tendon in my left bicep, and need an MRI to see if this will require surgery. Calling for an appointment today, they said if it is not approved my Medicare, my secondary insurance will not cover it. If this is the case, why am I spending ~$500 additional per month for my Blue Cross Platinum secondary insurance?
Just think of it as a donation to Blue Cross, you are so nice to make that kind of donation each month!!
Havasu, my mother has Blue Cross as well & they often argue with her about what they will cover. Like, they will say that the hospital is in their network but if the doctor at the hospital is not in their network they will initially refuse to pay. They expect people to just give up & not call them and press them on it. Sometimes if you call enough & insist they will cover it-- or at least 80% of it. Insurance companies run quite the racket. Also, ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! That sounds extremely painful! Hopefully you will be able to get your MRI. Do they let you get them if your insurance won't cover it? They won't do MRIs without insurance approval here. Uninsured people are screwed.
So I ripped a tendon in my left bicep, and need an MRI to see if this will require surgery. Calling for an appointment today, they said if it is not approved my Medicare, my secondary insurance will not cover it. If this is the case, why am I spending ~$500 additional per month for my Blue Cross Platinum secondary insurance?
When I transitioned to medicare, our previous secondary insurance rolled over to Humana.
They sent me a booklet over 3/4" thick.
Wow! that is a lot of info. :oops:

It had to be that thick because it lists everything that is NOT COVERED.:mad:
My mother got conned in to getting Medicare in a way. Blue Cross/Blue Shield contacted her & told her that when she turned 70 they were going to cut her coverage (but not reduce her premiums) & the only way to make up for the gap in coverage would be to get Medicare. So, now she has to pay Medicare premiums AND Blue Cross but now a lot of places that used to see her will no longer see her as they don't accept Medicare & Medicare will not cover a lot of stuff. Supposedly, her diabetes supplies are supposed to be free, but it still costs $30 for her syringes. And my town charges tax on prescription medicine & supplies.

My gripe for today is that my friend's gf is a still a terrible mother & I feel sorry for the baby. He made one little sound & she yelled at him & claimed he was having a tantrum. She put steaming hot food in his mouth, then got mad at him when he screamed, spat it out, cried for several minutes-- and was afraid to try the food again since it burned him. We even told her it was too hot but she said "It'll be alright" and then stuck it in his mouth. Then she complained about how when he crawls, he follows her everywhere. She only holds him when people are around watching (puts him down & ignores him as soon as she thinks no one is looking) and she leaves him inside crying while she's outside smoking. I know she's depressed, but that's no excuse for straight up negligence- like burning the baby's mouth with hot food.
My gripe for today is that my friend's gf is a still a terrible mother & I feel sorry for the baby. He made one little sound & she yelled at him & claimed he was having a tantrum. She put steaming hot food in his mouth, then got mad at him when he screamed, spat it out, cried for several minutes-- and was afraid to try the food again since it burned him. We even told her it was too hot but she said "It'll be alright" and then stuck it in his mouth. Then she complained about how when he crawls, he follows her everywhere. She only holds him when people are around watching (puts him down & ignores him as soon as she thinks no one is looking) and she leaves him inside crying while she's outside smoking. I know she's depressed, but that's no excuse for straight up negligence- like burning the baby's mouth with hot food.
And we wonder where the disturbed, angry, violent, young people come from.:mad:😪
My husband ripped a tendon in his right upper arm, too, a few years ago. Insurance didn't cover it, either. Evidentally you can live with a ripped tendon.
Im dealing with a ripped tendon in my left bicep right now. Worse pain I've ever experienced.
We want to add another battery to our solar system. Called the company that installed/warrantees it. They don't carry/install the battery we already have so we would have to change out the whole backup system to expand it. They want almost as much for the new backup system as we paid for the whole solar system!
We want to add another battery to our solar system. Called the company that installed/warrantees it. They don't carry/install the battery we already have so we would have to change out the whole backup system to expand it. They want almost as much for the new backup system as we paid for the whole solar system!
Good night, it's ok to discontinue something (no it's not), but NOT to ultra charge for a new replacement. THEY should bite the upgrade. Jerks☹️👎
Good night, it's ok to discontinue something (no it's not), but NOT to ultra charge for a new replacement. THEY should bite the upgrade. Jerks☹👎

We figured that if the new batteries were about the same price as the old one we would just move that one out to the barn or shop but..... Nope!
Those people are just trying to shaft you.
Call Interstate Battery with the make and model number of the battery you have and they can cross that to an available equivalent battery.
This stuff is not rocket science!! Connect 2 wires - Done!
You won't even have to threaten to send me up there. :rolleyes:
(when I show up, they cry:cry:)

We have a big battery that hangs on the wall a 10,000watt LG RESU.
Today I had to use a little 8ft trailer we have here on the farm. I haven’t touched it in 3yrs, my nephew uses it. The drivers side tail light housing had be crushed, of course it wasn’t fixed. Looked like he’d backed into something.

It wouldn’t have mattered anyway, the wire harness to the plug at the front had been cut almost in half. Only one of 4 wires left intact, neither light would have worked.

But there is more! There was a locking pin on top of the hitch that holds the hitch closed. It was missing and the tag was missing also! The trailer is registered in my name. I bought a new tag in June and put it where it’s always kept in the shop. Of course it was no longer there.

State troopers here cut people a break who are obviously farmers. For a trailer 1) lights work correctly 2) load is strapped or chained properly and 3) a current registration sticker on the tag. The troopers will usually give a pass if 2 of 3 are correct. I only had 1 of 3. I’d have gotten a ticket for sure. I drove past 2 different troopers today, one on the way up and a different one on the way back, thankfully they were busy with other customers.

But now I have to rewire the trailer, replace an entire tail light assembly and buy a new locking pin for the hitch… oh, and find the darned tag!
...My gripe for today is that my friend's gf is a still a terrible mother &...I know she's depressed, but that's no excuse for straight up negligence- like burning the baby's mouth with hot food.

Sorry, but - that's not "negligence" - that's straight up Abuse!! (Imo..) People like that Need to have their Child taken from them, have a Blanket put over their body, and be Beaten with a Baseball Bat until they stop moving.. :mad: Same with the 'puppy beaters' in those Vids from China, et al, Gaaaaahhh!! I could go thru 500 rds in a row after hearing / seeing how 🤬 Evil some people can be, just.. +_+

@ Havasu, Godspeed to yer Heal, Chief.. That sounds miserable..

Ah, the rant thread rears its head again...

Here goes:
I live alone (mostly), I have three cats, an SUV and I own a few guns.
I mind my own business, I on occasion help the homeless with spare change,
I like cops, I respect the flag, I respect my elders, I keep my music and my head down.
I'm not overtly into booze or weed and I bathe fairly often, BUT...
Since I have lived here, even my own friends, what few there are still alive,
not to mention jerks who barely remember my name and even relatives have
accused me of being:
A Satanist.
A thief.
A pedophile.
A drug dealer.
Gay. (not saying its bad, but no!)
A drug addict.
A drunk.
A retired serial killer/hit man ?!???
A possible rapist.
Or just that creepy old guy or mildly retarded.

Even people who like me (I guess?) have a poor opinion of me or believe B.S about me. I've never spent a day in jail, hurt a kid, or anybody not hurting me, I never touch what's not mine or knocked boots with my neighbor's wife. (never mind I really wanted to and had the chance!) I'm kind to animals unless I'm hungry, and hell, I even try to park evenly, but somehow I'm the A-hole here. Never mind I have PTSD nobody knows how I got and hear voices in my head and talk to people that show up in a blue light sometimes, I never hurt nobody, I don't have the urge or need. (you lucky people!) and I just want left alone. I talk to more people online in a day than IRL in a year, but somehow I'm the creep. Just sick of it really. I'm just a hermit, a fairly harmless one. why talk sh!t?
Ah, the rant thread rears its head again...

Here goes:
I live alone (mostly), I have three cats, an SUV and I own a few guns.
I mind my own business, I on occasion help the homeless with spare change,
I like cops, I respect the flag, I respect my elders, I keep my music and my head down.
I'm not overtly into booze or weed and I bathe fairly often, BUT...
Since I have lived here, even my own friends, what few there are still alive,
not to mention jerks who barely remember my name and even relatives have
accused me of being:
A Satanist.
A thief.
A pedophile.
A drug dealer.
Gay. (not saying its bad, but no!)
A drug addict.
A drunk.
A retired serial killer/hit man ?!???
A possible rapist.
Or just that creepy old guy or mildly retarded.

Even people who like me (I guess?) have a poor opinion of me or believe B.S about me. I've never spent a day in jail, hurt a kid, or anybody not hurting me, I never touch what's not mine or knocked boots with my neighbor's wife. (never mind I really wanted to and had the chance!) I'm kind to animals unless I'm hungry, and hell, I even try to park evenly, but somehow I'm the A-hole here. Never mind I have PTSD nobody knows how I got and hear voices in my head and talk to people that show up in a blue light sometimes, I never hurt nobody, I don't have the urge or need. (you lucky people!) and I just want left alone. I talk to more people online in a day than IRL in a year, but somehow I'm the creep. Just sick of it really. I'm just a hermit, a fairly harmless one. why talk sh!t?

Because they don't understand you and people fear what they don't understand.
Here goes:
...somehow I'm the creep...

..Well, I don't care What 'they' think, I'd put back a few pints with ya, Anytime, Bud..


..Don't let the riff-raff get to ya.. Their Opinions Do Not Define You - Only You can do that. :cool:

Ah, the rant thread rears its head again...

Here goes:
I live alone (mostly), I have three cats, an SUV and I own a few guns.
I mind my own business, I on occasion help the homeless with spare change,
I like cops, I respect the flag, I respect my elders, I keep my music and my head down.
I'm not overtly into booze or weed and I bathe fairly often, BUT...
Since I have lived here, even my own friends, what few there are still alive,
not to mention jerks who barely remember my name and even relatives have
accused me of being:
A Satanist.
A thief.
A pedophile.
A drug dealer.
Gay. (not saying its bad, but no!)
A drug addict.
A drunk.
A retired serial killer/hit man ?!???
A possible rapist.
Or just that creepy old guy or mildly retarded.

Even people who like me (I guess?) have a poor opinion of me or believe B.S about me. I've never spent a day in jail, hurt a kid, or anybody not hurting me, I never touch what's not mine or knocked boots with my neighbor's wife. (never mind I really wanted to and had the chance!) I'm kind to animals unless I'm hungry, and hell, I even try to park evenly, but somehow I'm the A-hole here. Never mind I have PTSD nobody knows how I got and hear voices in my head and talk to people that show up in a blue light sometimes, I never hurt nobody, I don't have the urge or need. (you lucky people!) and I just want left alone. I talk to more people online in a day than IRL in a year, but somehow I'm the creep. Just sick of it really. I'm just a hermit, a fairly harmless one. why talk sh!t?
Just hang with us!!
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