Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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No problem, that just kind of set the rest of the day off! If I had been in the Dr parking lot for a long time I would have understood. Didn't bother me until he stopped in the Walgreen's lot and we were not there but a few minutes.
I have a lot of respect for LEO's and I speak to them when I see them. Sometimes my knee jerk reaction doesn't come off right. All of my experiences with LEO's has not been positive and we all have our days when things keep being amiss. I always try to be friendly, not to butter them up, but because they probably meet people who have no respect for them and are not kind. I see no reason to not be friendly with everyone I meet, unless they are not kind to me. Then I usually just get quiet.
I have a lot of respect for LEO's and I speak to them when I see them. Sometimes my knee jerk reaction doesn't come off right. All of my experiences with LEO's has not been positive and we all have our days when things keep being amiss. I always try to be friendly, not to butter them up, but because they probably meet people who have no respect for them and are not kind. I see no reason to not be friendly with everyone I meet, unless they are not kind to me. Then I usually just get quiet.
That's a good philosophy☺️
I have never had a LEO stop to see what I was doing, when I wait in a parking lot. Maybe there is more crime here or they are playing cards at the station.
More likely it is because the make, model, and color of her vehicle matches the one thugs are using when mugging people making a long walk to their cars in parking lots.
I have a lot of respect for LEO's and I speak to them when I see them. Sometimes my knee jerk reaction doesn't come off right. All of my experiences with LEO's has not been positive and we all have our days when things keep being amiss. I always try to be friendly, not to butter them up, but because they probably meet people who have no respect for them and are not kind. I see no reason to not be friendly with everyone I meet, unless they are not kind to me. Then I usually just get quiet.
Same here but I am in a blessed situation in that my brother is a fire police officer and knows all of the local LEOs AND he looks like my clone (except taller and not as good looking :rolleyes: ).

Most people think I am him until they see my pony tail. I once pulled up to a gas pump with the pick-up I share with him and I find myself being yelled at "you ars hole. You almost hit me you.... Sorry I thought you were someone else." But I digress...

All I have to say is "I'm xxx, yyy's older brother." and all goes well.

Yes I live in my baby brothers shadow.


I'm with you, Pearl. I'd get annoyed if a cop was bugging me like that. Glad your friend set him straight. We had a couple of annoying cops when we lived outside of Albuquerque. We built a school on one and a third acres that we bought and ran. The cops were used to using the empty lot, which was on a corner, as a speed catcher place to park. That didn't sit well with me when I found them parked on our landscaping. I'd walk up and tell them to go. Nicely. When it kept happening, I called the non emergency police number and talked to the boss. The area that they liked was a natural water drainage area. The last cop that parked there got his car stuck in the mud. I thought that was funny. He knew not to park there. Then one day I saw two cars parked in the school parking lot. Watched them on camera. Drug deal. I called the cops and no one came. Oh well. Another time two cars parked, a lady got out and got in the other car. I took the trash out to the dumpster and their car was rocking. I called the police. He asked me if I knocked on the window. Noooooo I'm not knocking on the window. They did come and asked them to get dressed and leave.
Sea story time!

My first year of college I had a creative writing course that amounted to read something and talk about it class. A classmate was a divorcee that would turn the class into a group therapy session. At one point she detailed chasing down her X's exploits and caught him the act in the parking lot of a hardware store.

I listened and replied...

"That gives a whole new meaning to 'Busy Beaver' doesn't it??

More likely it is because the make, model, and color of her vehicle matches the one thugs are using when mugging people making a long walk to their cars in parking lots.
So maybe my elderly friend's 2 yr old GMC Acadia is a model commonly used by country thugs, lol!! There is room in the back for a body. Maybe there is something I don't know about her (lol)😯
So maybe my elderly friend's 2 yr old GMC Acadia is a model commonly used by country thugs, lol!! There is room in the back for a body. Maybe there is something I don't know about her (lol)😯
Oh I hope it isn't red!!! :oops:
We actually drive a 2017 GMC Acadia too.
And if you put down the rear seats, there is room for several bodies:thumbs:.
When moving my mom to Kansas (from her short stay in New Mexico), I drove her in my Challenger. Should of taken 10 hrs, took 12. I didn't notice the speed limit change on the highway by the Dodge City turnoff, and was pulled over for going 9 miles over the limit. The cop came to the car and looked in the backseat. Mom was a serious doll collector, and we had a full sized doll wrapped like crazy in plastic and bubble wrap laying across the back seat. He didn't know what to think. And mom with her blabbering on and on nonstop...he wouldn't wait to give me the ticket and get out of there. Boy, I heard it all the way to the farm.
I used to have more respect for LEOs-- my dad was one. But I have lost a lot of respect for the local ones. I respect LEOs in general, but many of the local ones are just trash. Wouldn't take fingerprints at a crime scene where someone's house was burgled. Even when someone told them exactly who burgled their home (a convicted felon who was out on parole) they refused to call the parole officer to report it. Instead of actually doing something about crimes they harass gay people and black people. One of my gay friends was minding his own business in a store when one of the cops walked up to him and called him "******". He tried to ignore her and walk away but she shoved him and repeated it and followed him. He got mad and yelled at her not to call him that and not to touch him so she arrested him for "disturbing the peace". (There were other friends as witnesses to corroborate so not just his word). Months later his landlord had someone burn the trailer he and his boyfriend shared because she couldn't legally evict them for being gay (she had not known when she first leased to them and found out later & started trying to mess with them). There was another tenant in the trailer park who had been convicted of arson multiple times and people said that her m.o. to get rid of unwanted tenants was to have their trailers burned. Then she got one of the neighbors (a known animal abuser/killer) to accuse him and his boyfriend of doing it. They were not home at the time it happened fortunately. They were over visiting the boyfriend's family and were drunk. So, cops picked him up while he was obviously drunk, brought him in for questioning, refused to let him have a lawyer, and interrogated him. When he sobered up they produced a piece of paper claiming he had signed it accusing his boyfriend of burning the trailer. He had no recollection of signing anything but they insisted he did. They don't do video or audio recordings of interrogations here so it's their word against his. Not sure what ever happened with that case but he and the boyfriend broke up afterward. He moved in to a house with some friends and someone burned that one down too. He's not a hateful or mean person. He's always been very nice and sweet, but because he's effeminate and wears makeup people are nasty to him. The cops also refused to let him press charges against the animal killer who was threatening to shoot him (and this guy open carried everywhere he went).

Another incident with local cops was my brother and some friends were out playing Pokemon Go. They were walking around with their phones out playing. All of them were white except one friend. Cops rolled up, got out, and walked up to the one black friend in the group. Started demanding to know what he was doing & told him it was "suspicious" and then told him he wasn't "allowed" to walk around in public like that and that if he knew what was good for him he'd go back inside. Other friends came up and asked what the problem was. Said he was with them and asked they were "allowed" to be out in public playing a game and they were told it was fine, but they needed to lose the black guy from their group.

About all they do is issue traffic tickets, try to bust people for weed, harass people they don't like, and cause traffic accidents by driving like maniacs. We joked that the backs of their vehicles should say "To Profit and Swerve" instead of "Protect and Serve". They *love* to change lanes with zero warning, speed all over without lights going, make illegal turns, run through red lights (again, no lights or sirens), etc.

The bad ones are the most visible sadly. There are a bunch of mediocre ones and a lot of useless ones though. Haven't met any that were really good at their jobs, but at least some of them are nice.

I know this is not typical of the rest of the US though. I just happen to live in a particularly stupid and bad area.
I used to have more respect for LEOs-- my dad was one. But I have lost a lot of respect for the local ones. I respect LEOs in general, but many of the local ones are just trash. Wouldn't take fingerprints at a crime scene where someone's house was burgled. Even when someone told them exactly who burgled their home (a convicted felon who was out on parole) they refused to call the parole officer to report it. Instead of actually doing something about crimes they harass gay people and black people. One of my gay friends was minding his own business in a store when one of the cops walked up to him and called him "******". He tried to ignore her and walk away but she shoved him and repeated it and followed him. He got mad and yelled at her not to call him that and not to touch him so she arrested him for "disturbing the peace". (There were other friends as witnesses to corroborate so not just his word). Months later his landlord had someone burn the trailer he and his boyfriend shared because she couldn't legally evict them for being gay (she had not known when she first leased to them and found out later & started trying to mess with them). There was another tenant in the trailer park who had been convicted of arson multiple times and people said that her m.o. to get rid of unwanted tenants was to have their trailers burned. Then she got one of the neighbors (a known animal abuser/killer) to accuse him and his boyfriend of doing it. They were not home at the time it happened fortunately. They were over visiting the boyfriend's family and were drunk. So, cops picked him up while he was obviously drunk, brought him in for questioning, refused to let him have a lawyer, and interrogated him. When he sobered up they produced a piece of paper claiming he had signed it accusing his boyfriend of burning the trailer. He had no recollection of signing anything but they insisted he did. They don't do video or audio recordings of interrogations here so it's their word against his. Not sure what ever happened with that case but he and the boyfriend broke up afterward. He moved in to a house with some friends and someone burned that one down too. He's not a hateful or mean person. He's always been very nice and sweet, but because he's effeminate and wears makeup people are nasty to him. The cops also refused to let him press charges against the animal killer who was threatening to shoot him (and this guy open carried everywhere he went).

Another incident with local cops was my brother and some friends were out playing Pokemon Go. They were walking around with their phones out playing. All of them were white except one friend. Cops rolled up, got out, and walked up to the one black friend in the group. Started demanding to know what he was doing & told him it was "suspicious" and then told him he wasn't "allowed" to walk around in public like that and that if he knew what was good for him he'd go back inside. Other friends came up and asked what the problem was. Said he was with them and asked they were "allowed" to be out in public playing a game and they were told it was fine, but they needed to lose the black guy from their group.

About all they do is issue traffic tickets, try to bust people for weed, harass people they don't like, and cause traffic accidents by driving like maniacs. We joked that the backs of their vehicles should say "To Profit and Swerve" instead of "Protect and Serve". They *love* to change lanes with zero warning, speed all over without lights going, make illegal turns, run through red lights (again, no lights or sirens), etc.

The bad ones are the most visible sadly. There are a bunch of mediocre ones and a lot of useless ones though. Haven't met any that were really good at their jobs, but at least some of them are nice.

I know this is not typical of the rest of the US though. I just happen to live in a particularly stupid and bad area.
No matter the profession, all it takes is one or a few bad apples to taint the view of the whole crowd. I have worked with some incredibly talented teachers, but people want to be quick to judge all teachers based on what one teachers, states away, has done. We used to have some regular teacher bashing here, on this forum, until I said enough!, because I am not bashing cops, and we could in the same way. There are a few ex-cops here. One story can be used to illustrate how they are all bad, when in fact they are not, cops or teachers or others. Are there not good ones out there? Yes! But there are also not good people in all professions.
Exactly. And remember who the crazies really are...the ones that want to do away with all the police in the cities. Now that's nuts. Hasn't worked out very well for those cities that cut their police force. I don't want any run ins with the police, but I am not a criminal, or criminal minded. I want them to go out there and catch the bad guys. We need them for that.
Weedygarden, I agree that there are bad people and good people in all professions. It's worse when it's people in authority who can ruin people's lives or take their lives away. With great power comes great responsibility. But it's sad that so many cops get hated on because of some of the bad ones. I know that the situation in my area is not typical. Lousy cops, lousy teachers, corrupt mayor (although, that might not be too uncommon), district rep is a *********, etc.

I've only had a couple of unpleasant runins with cops myself. One was a cop in a town that is notorious for having jerks on the force. Dude put his hand on his gun and ordered me out of my truck with my hands up because I had fresh mud on my license plate. He calmed down when I wiped the plate off and nothing was expired. But he still took attitude. It's like he wanted the situation to escalate. Maybe he had a bad experience and was on edge, but really, it was fresh mud on a plate. Not even a lot of it. Just a few spots that slightly obscured the sticker. I wasn't speeding or breaking any traffic rules but it was raining and my road was unpaved so mud had splashed up when I was driving to the airport to pick my sister up.
People gripe because cops have become reactive. When you see a proactive cop making sure their the shopping center is safe, they gripe. It is possible that there have been recent robberies in that same spot, and he is just doing his job?
Sitting in a parked car in a parking lot during store hours is a suspicious activity?
Husband does it all the time. He rarely goes into a store with me.
If I end up with someone that I know lollygags in stores, I wait in the car for them. When daughter was a teen and we were shopping for her, the rule was that we could shop in places that had seating. If there was a store without seating and daughter wanted to shop there, I would find management and tell them that we shopped in stores where I could sit while she shopped. I doubt that any of them got that and did anything about it. This was before she got her ADD diagnosis, and one symptom for some with ADD is a difficulty in making decisions, choosing. Yep. Of the 7 types of ADD, that is one of daughter's characteristics when she is not on her meds.
Sitting in a parked car in a parking lot during store hours is a suspicious activity?
I can only go on my own career and my personal experiences. I once found an elderly lady, who had advanced dementia who parked in a shopping center. She had been missing for two days, soiled herself, and unable to get home. I've also arrested drug and illegal gun sellers, who would use public parking lots as their premium choice to conduct these transactions. So, yes, a parked car in a shopping center with an occupant will in fact raise the hairs on the back of the neck of an acute patrolman.
Honestly, if this concerned the OP, I would suggest asking his supervisor as to why he did this action. It will be on record, I guarantee it. If their is a logical answer, all will be happy. If something is amiss, his supervisor will now be aware of the officer.
I get that sitting in a parked car under normal situations may be suspicious but many places (particularly medical offices) are not allowing anyone but patients in so people are expected to wait in parking lots for the patients.
However, if the cop was trained to find it suspicious maybe he didn't think about it. It's hard to tell what was going through his mind.

Speaking of shopping, I hate shopping with my sister. I love her but she takes a long time. I went to a store with her and she decided to try on like 30+ items of clothing. They only let her take in 5 items at a time so she took 5 items with her, tried them on, passed them back to me so I put them back on the hangers, and organized them by "maybe" "yes" and "no". The "no" items I put on the area where the clerks return things to the racks. The "maybe" I hung on one side of the cart and the "yes" ones I put on another side of the cart. Then I brought her 5 more items of clothing and passed them to her. She apparently loved it because her friends aren't patient enough to do that for her. I *hate* clothing shopping. I like to grab something and go. I don't like trying clothes on. Although, you get me in a hardware store and I will take forever. LOL.
I get that sitting in a parked car under normal situations may be suspicious but many places (particularly medical offices) are not allowing anyone but patients in so people are expected to wait in parking lots for the patients.
However, if the cop was trained to find it suspicious maybe he didn't think about it. It's hard to tell what was going through his mind.

Speaking of shopping, I hate shopping with my sister. I love her but she takes a long time. I went to a store with her and she decided to try on like 30+ items of clothing. They only let her take in 5 items at a time so she took 5 items with her, tried them on, passed them back to me so I put them back on the hangers, and organized them by "maybe" "yes" and "no". The "no" items I put on the area where the clerks return things to the racks. The "maybe" I hung on one side of the cart and the "yes" ones I put on another side of the cart. Then I brought her 5 more items of clothing and passed them to her. She apparently loved it because her friends aren't patient enough to do that for her. I *hate* clothing shopping. I like to grab something and go. I don't like trying clothes on. Although, you get me in a hardware store and I will take forever. LOL.
I'm a get in, get out, get home kind of shopper. Even if I'm browsing around (rarely, and usually for clearance) it's zoom zoom let's go!
Yeah, for the most part I like to get my stuff and get out. But my speed depends on how my body is feeling. Some days I can't move very fast and others I can zip around. I despise shopping with my mother. She's not as bad anymore, but she used to have to go down every single f*ing aisle in the damn store. Sometimes more than once. One time my sister was with me and started making up a story about a creature called "the galumpf". She watched my mother and narrated to me as if my mother was the galumpf. She had to embellish it by saying it left a trail of slime behind it like a snail and every time she stopped my sister would say "it stops. stupified" I nearly fell on the floor laughing. Mom was oblivious of course. Now mom uses a riding cart. If I am having a slow day she will zip around faster than I can keep up and disappear the second I take my eyes off of her. But if I'm moving quicker she will go at snail pace. I will tell her when my back is really hurting or when we got everything on the list and I'm ready to leave. She will say "Are we done?" I will say "yes" and then she will take another 20min. It's so aggravating. Especially when we have frozen stuff in the cart. She also has this habit of heading toward checkout when the line is empty, seeing it is empty, and then diverting to look at other stuff until the line fills up.
My birthday is this week so my mother is continuing the decades long tradition of getting b***y near my birthday. Yesterday she went in to super b*** mode and was being rude when I was getting her something to eat. Then she started barking orders at me and I told her to put her own f***ing butter away. I was feeling sick & did not feel like dealing with her usual BS. I'm hoping she will forget my birthday again this year. The only time she is nice to me on my birthday is when she forgets. If she remembers it is my birthday she goes into super mega b**** mode and seems to be determined to make my day miserable. She's done this for decades and I have no idea why. I have plans for my birthday: I will shut my door, put stuff in front of it so it can't be pushed open, take the batteries out of the landline phone handset, crank my music up, and let my brother deal with her for the day.
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