Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Lazy L, I put things away all the time but then I forgot where I put them away. LOL. Or sometimes they get moved by other people. I got myself a bin that I put stuff in now. No one else touches it and cats can't get into it.
My hubby has been known to blame the cats for taking stuff only to find it and realize he just didn't put it where it belongs!!
OMG, the Dumbing Down of America is pathetic!

Yesterday, the Mrs. and I were at Walmart. She needed some new lady things and I said I was going to wander the store (getting my steps in) while she perused the racks.

As a red blooded American man, my first stop was Sporting Goods. They had some 325 bricks of .22 with a limit of 3 per customer, but since I already have over 5K of .22 LR, I left it for others.

Done with Sporting Goods, I wander the perimeter and my eye falls on the books and magazine aisle as I spy an author I recognize.
It's a Game of Thrones "Prequal" by George R.R. Martin. I look through the entire section, hoping against hope that they've started stocking Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre books (my favorite genre).
Sadly, the only fantasy books are the stacks of romance novels.

Seeing as the GOT book is the only example, I pick up the hefty tome and leaf through the pages. Mind you, I have ZERO interest in this author nor the sex crazed HBO series (saw part of one episode and immediately coined it "Game of P*rn"), but I was killing time...

Every 20th page or so, there's an illustration presumably showing a sequence of events or character from the book.
Seriously? Illustrations??? In a literary book????

What happened to the days where people used their imaginations?
If I wanted pictures in my readings, I'd read a comic book. If I'm feeling special, maybe a graphic novel. Heck, maybe even a technical manual.

But a piece of literary fiction?

I'm a voracious reader. I read fictional books about 2 hours a day, 5 to 6 days a week. My Kindle has over 300 books on it, most of them read.
I still remember my first Sci-Fi/Fantasy book I ever read in Junior High School. It was Vonda McIntyre's Dreamsnake. That book ingrained my love of the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre and led me to worlds I never could have imagined without their guidance.
Back then, the ONLY image you had was the cover art. It was up to the reader to craft the imagery in their minds.

It's bad enough that some people are graduating High School at an 8th grade reading and comprehension level, but to force feed imagery to a fiction reader is beyond the pale for me.

I certainly hope this is an outlier and not representative of future literary trends.

Sorry for the long, drawn out story to get to a relatively mild rant, but I had to get it out of my system.

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The dumbing down had made it a long way into society!!
OMG, the Dumbing Down of America is pathetic!

What happened to the days where people used their imaginations?
Back then, the ONLY image you had was the cover art. It was up to the reader to craft the imagery in their minds.

It's bad enough that some people are graduating High School at an 8th grade reading and comprehension level, but to force feed imagery to a fiction reader is beyond the pale for me.
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I can't argue any of that. It's sad really. As a kid I LOVED comic books and sci-fi books. We were mostly allowed to pick any book (within reason) and do book reports on them. In art class we were allowed to paint, paper meche', hook rug, etc. any theme we wanted most of the time. All my art work was STAR WARS. LOL! I still have most of it. I was so pumped about the geekiest stuff back then, but I was one happy kid. When I wasn't outside mowing, biking, playing in the woods, fishing, etc., then I was reading a book. Too bad most kids don't understand the joy you can find in a book.

Here's one thing I haven't done in quite a while...... I used to go to the library and just wander the isles and glance at the shelves. I usually found myself in the sci-fi section and would just pick out a book and read the back cover. Most of the time it was an author I had never heard of. If that back cover sounded interesting, I'd go and check the book out and read it. I found some of the most interesting books that way. Most of the time now, I research and read reviews before reading the book. I think maybe I just need to go back to the old way of doing things, now that the library is back open.

However, I have more books at my house than I will probably ever be able to read in my lifetime. Where does the time go?
I can't argue any of that. It's sad really. As a kid I LOVED comic books and sci-fi books. We were mostly allowed to pick any book (within reason) and do book reports on them. In art class we were allowed to paint, paper meche', hook rug, etc. any theme we wanted most of the time. All my art work was STAR WARS. LOL! I still have most of it. I was so pumped about the geekiest stuff back then, but I was one happy kid. When I wasn't outside mowing, biking, playing in the woods, fishing, etc., then I was reading a book. Too bad most kids don't understand the joy you can find in a book.

Here's one thing I haven't done in quite a while...... I used to go to the library and just wander the isles and glance at the shelves. I usually found myself in the sci-fi section and would just pick out a book and read the back cover. Most of the time it was an author I had never heard of. If that back cover sounded interesting, I'd go and check the book out and read it. I found some of the most interesting books that way. Most of the time now, I research and read reviews before reading the book. I think maybe I just need to go back to the old way of doing things, now that the library is back open.

However, I have more books at my house than I will probably ever be able to read in my lifetime. Where does the time go?
I have so many books at my house!!♥️ I go to the library and wander the aisles (non fiction) and find SO much fun/ educational reads. Hubby checks out movies for free. A lot of new movies. Love your library!!!
I can't argue any of that. It's sad really. As a kid I LOVED comic books and sci-fi books. We were mostly allowed to pick any book (within reason) and do book reports on them. In art class we were allowed to paint, paper meche', hook rug, etc. any theme we wanted most of the time. All my art work was STAR WARS. LOL! I still have most of it. I was so pumped about the geekiest stuff back then, but I was one happy kid. When I wasn't outside mowing, biking, playing in the woods, fishing, etc., then I was reading a book. Too bad most kids don't understand the joy you can find in a book.

Here's one thing I haven't done in quite a while...... I used to go to the library and just wander the isles and glance at the shelves. I usually found myself in the sci-fi section and would just pick out a book and read the back cover. Most of the time it was an author I had never heard of. If that back cover sounded interesting, I'd go and check the book out and read it. I found some of the most interesting books that way. Most of the time now, I research and read reviews before reading the book. I think maybe I just need to go back to the old way of doing things, now that the library is back open.

However, I have more books at my house than I will probably ever be able to read in my lifetime. Where does the time go?
I realized I was getting old when I realized the estimate of my todo list was longer than my life expectancy.

I have so many books at my house!!♥ I go to the library and wander the aisles (non fiction) and find SO much fun/ educational reads. Hubby checks out movies for free. A lot of new movies. Love your library!!!
We live in a community named Library with an extensive library ....

I will bury it before I let it burn.

I remember that some of the older books had illustrations, but most of those were poetry. William Blake made his own illustrations and hammered out the copper printing plates to print his own books.

I know that they had a few pages of illustrations at chapter beginnings in children's books, but it's not something I've seen in adult literature much.

The discussion of people taking things without asking came up with my mother today. She suddenly got mad remembering that the guy who owes us $ who was supposed to do yard work took a some of our broken weedeaters and stuff saying he was going to try to fix them and return them. But he hasn't spoken to me since he asked for more $ (while still owing over $800) and now Mom wants me to demand he bring them back to us. She also wanted the riding mower back but didn't remember that she agreed to let him take it years ago (before he started asking to borrow $). Pretty sure he has no intention of repaying or coming back to do more work. The stuff he took probably can't even be fixed.
I am currently rereading books written by W.E.B. Griffin.
He wrote several series starting with The Brotherhood of War, then The Corps, and several others.
My wife thinks it's weird to reread the same books but every few years I get on a reading kick and spend all my time reading.
Do any of you reread books?
I am currently rereading books written by W.E.B. Griffin.
He wrote several series starting with The Brotherhood of War, then The Corps, and several others.
My wife thinks it's weird to reread the same books but every few years I get on a reading kick and spend all my time reading.
Do any of you reread books?
I do thatvwith Tom Clancy, Lird of the Rings series, and a few others.
I am currently rereading books written by W.E.B. Griffin.
He wrote several series starting with The Brotherhood of War, then The Corps, and several others.
My wife thinks it's weird to reread the same books but every few years I get on a reading kick and spend all my time reading.
Do any of you reread books?
Oh yes. And re-watch some movies again and again.
Not counting the Bible I read Tolkien LotR about once every 3 years.

I read LotR's every few years also, including the Hobbit and Silmarillion. Still have my original set of paper backs circa 1979.

I've tried reading on electronics but for me its not the same as holding a book, much prefer books, the 800 or so in my library attest to that.
I read LotR's every few years also, including the Hobbit and Silmarillion. Still have my original set of paper backs circa 1979.

I've tried reading on electronics but for me its not the same as holding a book, much prefer books, the 800 or so in my library attest to that.
I have a 1976 version of the Hobbit. The Princess has about every Tolkien related books.


Like you I don't like electronic books.

My parents both loved reading so they taught us to read before pre-school. They had this fantastic collection of books. In kindergarten I was reading William Blake (my favorite at the time), Edgar Allen Poe, and various others. I wish I could remember more. My memory has gone to absolute crap. I still remember that one of the things that drove me to read was that my dad would read stories to me and sometimes would change things and my mom would yell his name and say that's not what the story said. I specifically remember that I wasn't sure whether he was being truthful about the little mermaid having her tongue cut out and turning to foam on the sea when she didn't convince the prince to love her. Turns out those bits were true. They also made sure to get books about other cultures as well.

One of my rants is how frustrated I am with my brain and my inability to remember things and focus. I have a much harder time reading things now (partially since I need reading glasses) but also because my brain doesn't focus as well, I lose my place, forget what I read, and have to read it over and over for it to sink in. Having been in the "gifted" program and having been an avid reader when I was younger, it's frustrating that I can't do that anymore because of lack of ability to focus. My brain is just all over the place thinking about other things. I need to find some way to get myself to focus and get back to reading more. Last thing I read was Red Notice which explained what happened to Sergei Magnitsky. Very good read but also very sad.
I typically watch Top Gun and Twister every year or two.

I have and will continue to re-read The Shack. It lights up my soul.☀

I need to re-read 'The Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe". I remember reading that as a kid and it was like I was visiting another world. It definitely sparked my imagination and gave me the feeling that anything in this world was possible. It was just magical for me.

I try to be careful about when I start a new book. I'm one of those people that has to read it until it's done, which means sometimes I indulge when I should be doing other things. Sometimes I'm up until the wee hours of the morning reading......when I really should be sleeping. That said, it sometimes keeps me from reading books that I have b/c I hesitate to open the front cover if I have other things I really need to get done.....which seems like that's all the time now.:rolleyes:

I also spend way toooo much time on the puter reading posts and articles. I could read all day long if that was an option.
I used to have good concentration and memory even when playing video games. I've played since I was very small and we got an Atari system. It all changed after a car wreck and when I started perimenopause. It wrecked my brain. Took me months to get an appointment to get medicine to help. Not sure if I need a higher dosage or what, but I've been growing a bit of a mustache. LOL.
Spent the day in ER and I have pneumonia. A couple of IV's of different antibiotics, and home again. My rant....so I've been sick and a bit short of breath and very tired for nearly 4 weeks now. Urgent care last Tuesday gave me prescription strength antacid and sent me home. So this ER PA today covid tests my nose with those stupid tests that are only correct 50 percent of the time, those rapid sticks. The xray showed pneumonia, but covid after four weeks? Really? I think they were only wanting to up their numbers. No way could that test be accurate. He then lectures me about staying isolated from the family for ten days. That's a laugh. And really, why? Four weeks!!!!
Spent the day in ER and I have pneumonia. A couple of IV's of different antibiotics, and home again. My rant....so I've been sick and a bit short of breath and very tired for nearly 4 weeks now. Urgent care last Tuesday gave me prescription strength antacid and sent me home. So this ER PA today covid tests my nose with those stupid tests that are only correct 50 percent of the time, those rapid sticks. The xray showed pneumonia, but covid after four weeks? Really? I think they were only wanting to up their numbers. No way could that test be accurate. He then lectures me about staying isolated from the family for ten days. That's a laugh. And really, why? Four weeks!!!!
Wow! At least you know why you are tired and can rest more now. I know you have tons of garden produce to process, but will you slow down a little bit?
Yep, I'm slowed down. It is good to get my behind out of the recliner every hour, walk around and do a little something. I empty the dishwasher, then sit. Bring in the laundry. Then sit. I've been ordered by my favorite cousin to stay out of the garden. This morning, still took little granddaughter to school, fed all the animals, 3 loads of laundry done and hung, then spent the day in the ER. On the plus side, the ER was pretty empty. No one in the waiting room at 10 am on a Friday. I do want to get my fall garden seeded, but it'll need to wait maybe three weeks. I guess I could plan it on paper. I'm bored. But glad I know what my problem is.
I hope you get feeling better, Amish. There have been cases of "long Covid" where it lingers for longer than usual.

I'm a bit irritated with my brother again. He was saying he wants the hot water in the house fixed (currently we only have hot water to the kitchen sink) and my friend who is just getting over Covid is supposed to hook it up. Last time we were interrupted by a rattlesnake in the way. This month is supposed to be baby copperhead season. I mentioned that last bit to my brother and he started screaming and yelling and ranting about how he needs to soak his toe in hot water or he could lose it (he's got ingrown toenail so badly he needs surgery but not a single f**ing foot surgeon in the state will see him because he has Medicaid and none of them take Medicaid). I'm seriously tempted to take him back to Mom's foot doctor and claim he doesn't have insurance anymore-- bc they said if he has Medicaid they are not allowed to treat him even if he self-pays or has someone else pay for him.

But anyway, he's ranting and raving about how he needs "running water" to soak his toe and that he hasn't been able to do it. I had to stop myself from pointing out he could easily do it because he can fill pitchers of hot water from the sink and pour them in to the foot soaker in the bathroom, but he's too f**ing lazy to do it. It's too inconvenient for him so he's trying to halfway blame the water situation for him not doing what he needs to do to take care of his foot. But he can't stand being inconvenienced in any way so he will let his toe rot and then blame other people for it. I get the impression he sort of blames me for the hot water not working.
Spent the day in ER and I have pneumonia. A couple of IV's of different antibiotics, and home again. My rant....so I've been sick and a bit short of breath and very tired for nearly 4 weeks now. Urgent care last Tuesday gave me prescription strength antacid and sent me home. So this ER PA today covid tests my nose with those stupid tests that are only correct 50 percent of the time, those rapid sticks. The xray showed pneumonia, but covid after four weeks? Really? I think they were only wanting to up their numbers. No way could that test be accurate. He then lectures me about staying isolated from the family for ten days. That's a laugh. And really, why? Four weeks!!!!
Just get well!! You know your body, they know ?????? How to find!! Please let us know how you are!!!💗
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