Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Hey Newbri...my grandson is like that. Today I asked him to go look in our big garage for a portable fan I can use in the kitchen. He came back and said he couldn't find it. Then he said he was going to ask his twin sister. So I asked her, and she said it would be in the big garage. I told him that if I had to send her out to get it, then he would have to do one of her chores. He went out in the garage and found it.

The wife says that there are people who if their lips are moving they are lying.
But if you tell lies long enough you can forget what the truth is..
And if you don't know what the truth is, how can you be lying?
And if....

This is the logic it takes to find an Honest Politician.......
My brother's son is the biggest liar I have ever known. He will lie even when there is no reason to lie. He will lie even tho he knows he will be caught and called out. He lies about everything all the time.
It took me a while to figure it out but by then he already had a lot of my money and my car wasn't running.
I kicked in his door and told him my car would be at my house that day or he was going to be in the hospital.
I got my non-running car back but no money and he left the area. It may be because I turned him into every government agency I could think of. He had no business license, no L&I, no permits, he only hired illegals, and dumping oil and transmission fluid in a hole in the ground.
One day he's going to cross the wrong guy and his body will turn up in a field. You can't cheat drug cartel members and get away with it for long.
My sister son reads a lot, he first talked about how fed should legalize pot way before anyone did, then he moved on to wiccan religion, now he talks about how the allied forces lying about Hitler & Third-rate. He has lost two jobs because of his opinions on Facebook.
I can not understand where his head is. His brother is no gem, but he works & feeds his family.
Okay, here is my rant, why aren't people considerate when visiting.

My kids come to visit and they raid my food storage and don't tell me (I know they took something because they took 2 bankers boxes out) what they are taking. They can have anything I have, but tell me what you took so I can refill it.

We always have projects ongoing and they complain that things are cluttered.... Hello. Then they bring in their laundry and unwanted furniture and drop it in the living room.... ?

Then they "help" in the kitchen, they cook and leave dirty dishes and grease everywhere and leave without cleaning it up. Son helped burn the dinner last night.

The wife warned me on Thursday ,"Now don't eat your early breakfast on Saturday because your son wants to fix you breakfast". So I get up, run errands, help the wife a little, and then pass him as he takes my car and says, "I going out for breakfast, I'll be back by noon." Hello, were's my breakfast? WTH?

Sorry to rant, but the Wife is ticked (she doesn't have the energy to clean the kitchen, again) and I feel a little....
Our oldest grandson, from oldest daughter used to raid our storage. It was in the garage, which I'd have locked down, but he'd know how to open it from the inside, slide stuff out with the door open a little, lock it down and load it in the car. I called that stealing, talked to him about it, and told him if he needed something to ask. He would hit the hygene area pretty hard...razors, shampoo, soaps, deoderant. The young visiting grandkids would go in food storage, find treats, eat it, and throw the wrappers on the floor. That didn't go over well with me. We had great camping supplies, and they disappeared and never returned in good shape, or not at all with the youngest adult kids. So for Christmas two years in a row, all kids received camping supplies of their own, and for their birthdays, too. Then ours stayed put. I always assume that visiting children and grandchildren believe that they are on vacation and they will be alot more work.
Okay, here is my rant, why aren't people considerate when visiting.

My kids come to visit and they raid my food storage and don't tell me (I know they took something because they took 2 bankers boxes out) what they are taking. They can have anything I have, but tell me what you took so I can refill it.

We always have projects ongoing and they complain that things are cluttered.... Hello. Then they bring in their laundry and unwanted furniture and drop it in the living room.... ?

Then they "help" in the kitchen, they cook and leave dirty dishes and grease everywhere and leave without cleaning it up. Son helped burn the dinner last night.

The wife warned me on Thursday ,"Now don't eat your early breakfast on Saturday because your son wants to fix you breakfast". So I get up, run errands, help the wife a little, and then pass him as he takes my car and says, "I going out for breakfast, I'll be back by noon." Hello, were's my breakfast? WTH?

Sorry to rant, but the Wife is ticked (she doesn't have the energy to clean the kitchen, again) and I feel a little....
Was the door unlocked or do they have keys? Maybe time for a little sit down conversation.

After years, my garage is getting cleaned out, because daughter wants to put more stuff in it. I've allowed it, but it is great that we are putting stuff out that we don't want or need and others are taking it away.
Some of the stuff that has been in there is hers, probably more of it is mine. The thing is that when you open the garage door and drop off a couple boxes, stuff is never organized or easy to find again. Oh the treasures we are finding, things we actually want to keep, which are not a lot. Garage is 24 by 28. I wanted a space for a workshop. haha! I have several free standing electrical tools, and so much more that would make a great woodworking shop.
DW is away buying thing for the children. My son is a great cook & he cleans up, too. His room is a mess, new girlfriend cleans up for him when she there.
Hope she knows that a bad habit to get into, if they marry, she will do it for life.
IMHO, children will do only as much as you make them, lock up everything & make them as for it. If your children can get when you are home, a thief can get it when you are gone.
I have 2 60' floor to ceiling shelves in the basement, the kids walk up the stairs and out the back door with their supplies. I tell them it's find, just tell me what you are taking. No, non-family members are allowed in the basement.... There be dragons down there.....

Most people would not know that there is anything here as it is not accessible except through one of the main doors of the house and I don't bring things in during the daylight hours.
We have two basements, and the grandkids that live with us have things that I know that they go after in one. The other one only has a one way access. Kids basement has an outside door, but it's padlocked from the inside. We keep extra jellies, cereal, crackers, cookies, chips, ready to eat stuff and my canning jars and equipment in there. As well as hygene, tp, paper towels, foil...etc....those are things they go down and get when they need it. I guess that's more of a "working pantry" because I don't have a whole lot of cupboard space in the kitchen for extras. Under penalty of death do they take anyone down there, and the other one they don't access.
We have a large rv cover that had been taken down because it didn't handle the snow load as advertised. The company replaced it and let us keep the old one. The crew that took it down said they could repair and reset it up for $500. Well I lost his number. On Friday I saw a different set up crew taking a lunch break nearby and asked if he was interested. He said maybe when he has time. Yesterday afternoon I remembered to text him photos. He replied he would do it for $800. Taking into account that the other quote was a few years ago and that no one wants to work these days I said yes. I was very upfront in asking if that included anchors since I didn't have those. He answered Yes. I was expecting a crew of 4. Well they arrived at 7 pm last night and I admit I had some concern they might be drunks or treaters. You just never know. There were only 2 of them and they seemed fine. The first question I had was did you bring anchors. Yes they had rebar stakes and rock anchors.
So they busted it out I. 3.5 hrs, pretty impressive for 2. I was thinking man I kinda overpaid. At $100 per guy per hr. But then taking an hour travel time each way made me feel better.

All that was to get my rant. At the end they only put rebar anchors in and said they were short anchors and I would need to get more and out them in myself. I referred to the text and my first discussion about anchors. He gave some song and dance about bringing them next time he was in the area. How he was a man of his word. I said if that were true we wouldn't be having this conversation. What is going to keep it in place before you come back? About this time my wife came out with the cash and said if we have to finish you aren't getting $800. The guy looked at me smugly and said oh is she the boss. She replied I have the money so YES. I told her they had the rock anchors still in the truck. They ended up putting them in grumbling the whole time. They just wanted to make a little more money knowing they were leaving us vulnerable to wind and such. So the best/worst part is he has religious stuff on his truck which we talked about briefly. So he was fine with screwing me yesterday and going to church today.
We have a large rv cover that had been taken down because it didn't handle the snow load as advertised. The company replaced it and let us keep the old one. The crew that took it down said they could repair and reset it up for $500. Well I lost his number. On Friday I saw a different set up crew taking a lunch break nearby and asked if he was interested. He said maybe when he has time. Yesterday afternoon I remembered to text him photos. He replied he would do it for $800. Taking into account that the other quote was a few years ago and that no one wants to work these days I said yes. I was very upfront in asking if that included anchors since I didn't have those. He answered Yes. I was expecting a crew of 4. Well they arrived at 7 pm last night and I admit I had some concern they might be drunks or treaters. You just never know. There were only 2 of them and they seemed fine. The first question I had was did you bring anchors. Yes they had rebar stakes and rock anchors.
So they busted it out I. 3.5 hrs, pretty impressive for 2. I was thinking man I kinda overpaid. At $100 per guy per hr. But then taking an hour travel time each way made me feel better.

All that was to get my rant. At the end they only put rebar anchors in and said they were short anchors and I would need to get more and out them in myself. I referred to the text and my first discussion about anchors. He gave some song and dance about bringing them next time he was in the area. How he was a man of his word. I said if that were true we wouldn't be having this conversation. What is going to keep it in place before you come back? About this time my wife came out with the cash and said if we have to finish you aren't getting $800. The guy looked at me smugly and said oh is she the boss. She replied I have the money so YES. I told her they had the rock anchors still in the truck. They ended up putting them in grumbling the whole time. They just wanted to make a little more money knowing they were leaving us vulnerable to wind and such. So the best/worst part is he has religious stuff on his truck which we talked about briefly. So he was fine with screwing me yesterday and going to church today.
Thinks he is making himself look good.
I hate when people come in and take stuff without asking or open the fridge without asking. My best friend has told me I can take whatever I want out of his fridge but I always ask first (and I rarely get anything out-- usually only bottled water).

I'm not going to get in to politics but I actually saw people being a-holes about Biden's dog dying. A pet dying should not be a partisan issue. I don't care what someone's politics are, mocking the death of someone's beloved pet is not cool. I wouldn't wish death on an innocent animal just to spite my worst enemy. Nor would I take pleasure in an enemy's grief over a lost pet. I feel bad for the poor dog that he spent the last few months of his life in upheaval-- being moved to a strange place and trying to adjust.

Weather here has been crappy-- lots of rain-- but even when the weather is clear my internet has been extra crappy of late. I sometimes hit the Like button on a post here and it takes 5+ minutes to load it. Sometimes it actually redirects me to a different page. Trying to load google is slow too.
Power was off almost 5 hours this afternoon, 3rd time in a week. This kinda crap has been happening over 50 years, since I was little. Seems I should be used to it. In some ways I am, I can have everything important running on a generator in about 10min in the middle of a bad storm. Doesn't mean I like it though, just get so tired of this bs sometimes. Screwed up my dinner plans tonight, grumble, grumble.
Not a rant yet but maybe. As some have known I have been adding more to my plate in an effort to pad the nest egg and have some additional play money. As is normal when you step into these situations, there are some good and some bad points to all of it. So, let me break things down a bit and see what opinions you share with me and my random thoughts... o_O

So, I was pre-paid money. That money has been exhausted and then some. During this time an unforeseen situation occurred for the client that required me to arrange the transport / have relocated via flatbed truck to his home location a motor vehicle he owns. So this is where we start having an issue.

I was already owed $150 in services at this point. Given that I used $150 of my own money for this move we are now into this for $300. Services still need to be completed but if I do so the total will rise to $450. The money for the move was funds that were / are real as in money that I acquired from working, etc. The remaining balance, while owed, is fictitious as it is "time" and "work" versus cash in hand. No less important but somewhat arbitrary.

This man is on the road for a minimum of 6 weeks at a time. He is a veteran. At 60, he puts in a multitude of hours on the road providing and paying for a woman that from what I can tell is only there with her hand out and nothing more. He financed a car for her. He keeps a house paid for as well as the "necessities" of life. Her family and friends are nothing but drug users / abusers and he seems to feel obligated to provide for her even though to me she is nothing but a user. In the past weeks I have been there, I have seen her once.

So, back to the money. I was due payment a week ago. That money was never received. He messaged me and said he had a major problem. Later he claimed his debit / credit card was lost at some point while on the road. This has turned into a mess. I actually think he is telling me the truth. He is having issues on the road as he can't pay for fuel and has been working with his company to get funds. Never mind trying to get him at a level where he can use paypal funding or the like. He just doesn't seem to understand how it works.

He offered to give me his banking details and account numbers to help him through things and I want to help but there is no way I would consider taking that information from him. To me, I know I am honest but in his desperation I think he is in a vulnerable position. Having said that, I do want to help him. In some ways I feel as though I should take the higher ground and just maintain the property as agreed on even though I am not seeing payment at this point. On the other hand, I feel as though I am being scammed at this point. His woman complained about a missing cart, that after speaking with him, he remembered that it had been moved. She also complained about the services not being provided yet she cannot be trusted to pay for those services even using his money. Thats why he pays me directly.

I have paid more than one bill or service or otherwise helped a veteran. I still remember speaking with a veteran wearing a Vietnam hat. I asked him about where his service took him, where he was stationed, and several other questions. All his answers were accurate based on the history I knew. We offered to and eventually paid his entire bill at the local warehouse store. He looked as though he would cry. I asked him if we could pay for his bill no questions asked. He was on a scooter. I will never know what ever happened to that man but the smile on his face was priceless. We didn't have to. We wanted to.

So, do I carry on and provide service once more as a service to him or do I call it and say no until I am fully paid? Yeah, its money but its only time and a bit of fuel and machine use at this point.

I guess my rant at this point is " I hate being in a position like this". If it came to a barter system; what might be the outcome?
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