Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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There is pride that you should have and there is pride that goes too far.
I take pride in being a child of the Creator. And pride in being who I have worked to become with the grace of the creator. I am proud of who my children are and the work they have done to get there. I am proud of others more often than myself.
Humility is good too, as long as it is true humility. Seeing oneself as the creator sees you is humility while trying to look at yourself as less than you are is a lie.
I guess it all depends on the measuring stick. I truly believe that the creator and I are going to have a good laugh when we meet.
There is pride that you should have and there is pride that goes too far.
I take pride in being a child of the Creator. And pride in being who I have worked to become with the grace of the creator. I am proud of who my children are and the work they have done to get there. I am proud of others more often than myself.
Humility is good too, as long as it is true humility. Seeing oneself as the creator sees you is humility while trying to look at yourself as less than you are is a lie.
I guess it all depends on the measuring stick. I truly believe that the creator and I are going to have a good laugh when we meet.
He definitely has a sense of humor.
I can vouch for that.
He pulled my feet out of the fire not once, but 3 times with miracles.
For people that know me, they are just shaking their heads saying: "He kept that guy here?":oops:

Have to go with you on this one. There is no reason I am here on the planet other than as an example, a source of entertainment, or just pure amusement.
Like everything else the letter people do, it's backwards. You know good is bad, bad is good. They talk pride but they are well aware they are wrong and hold no pride in their actions. No one else should either. Just evil from the pit of hell
Of course nobody mentions that they will eventually breed themselves out of the gene-pool.
Man+man=no kids. Woman+woman=no kids. Trans+anyone=no kids. The bi's, well maybe 50% tops, but I doubt it.
It's like in the old days, and some people stood up and screamed they were proud to be eunuchs!:woo hoo:
The whole point of "gay pride" is that LGBTQ do NOT believe it is wrong. The pride part is more to counter all of the negative things that have been said and the horrible treatment they've received. I know people who had their homes burned down because they were gay (and they didn't do anything to harm anyone else or even try to flaunt it- they just had relationships and people realized they weren't straight and started persecuting them). I will have to completely disagree with assessments of being gay being wrong, bad, or defective. I do think the trans thing wouldn't be so much of an issue if we didn't have such strictly defined gender roles. Let people wear what they want, play with the toys they want, etc. I feel sorry for girls who are told they can only wear dresses, wear pink, and play with dolls and that crap. I don't wear dresses, pink, or dolls. I was more interested in tools, action figures, and stuff that is considered "boys" stuff.

LGBTQ do still procreate. Many have children before they realize they are gay. Some do invitro and/or use surrogates so their DNA is still passed on.

I do think it's a slippery slope that people can have "pride" parades for being in a group that is considered "other" but things like "white pride" and "Christian pride" are considered racist or bigoted. I'm not big on pride necessarily. More into accepting who we are and being content with it.

I'm curious as to why you think only lesmoms would want/need to be taken care of by a daughter? There are plenty of straight couples who had kids just to have someone to take care of them when they were older. My paternal grandmother was the offspring in that situation. She only existed to serve her parents & was not treated like a human being. They were enraged when she didn't follow their plans to stay unmarried and support them for the rest of their lives. They never wanted her to have a life. She married & had kids and they were furious. Hated her husband because of it. I think her father died somewhat young, but she did financially support her mother as well as her family (husband got laid off with no pension or severance pay after working at a factory for 15yrs). They stopped producing the type of propellers they were making and rather than re-train existing employees, they laid them all off and hired new people for the jet parts they started making. So, just because the parents are the same gender it doesn't mean they will be terrible. Doesn't mean they will be great either. It's all individual.
Sometimes the people around me are morons, and sometimes it's just me...

I allocated a few hours to spend in my man cave sorting things I no longer need/want/use to get ready for a yard/garage/tag sale next month.
The last thing I was going to do was put a second coat of boiled linseed oil on three tomahawk handles and a hatchet haft and put some leather conditioner on a tomahawk belt frog I made.

Guess what I did first, without even thinking?

Yep, donned the gloves, grabbed a clean rag, and went to town with the linseed oil...

As I laid them out on my work table to dry, it dawned on me that I was supposed to do that last. Now I didn't have a place to put boxes and totes on to go through.
Ended up rolling a chair in and sorted a few boxes and totes on the floor. Now my back is sore and stiff.

Was only able to get through a couple boxes and one tote, but I have a hopefully profitable pile of goodies to get rid of.
I also have a pretty full garbage can of junk I had no reason to hold to. Heck, most of it I thought I already HAD gotten rid of...

Also never got to finishing my belt frog either.

While my time was productive, it wasn't as productive as I had hoped.

Of course, the dear wife came down to check on me and calmly said "It looks like a bigger mess than when you started..."
She wasn't wrong, but sometimes you gotta make a mess to clear out a mess...
Sometimes the people around me are morons, and sometimes it's just me...

I allocated a few hours to spend in my man cave sorting things I no longer need/want/use to get ready for a yard/garage/tag sale next month.
The last thing I was going to do was put a second coat of boiled linseed oil on three tomahawk handles and a hatchet haft and put some leather conditioner on a tomahawk belt frog I made.

Guess what I did first, without even thinking?

Yep, donned the gloves, grabbed a clean rag, and went to town with the linseed oil...

As I laid them out on my work table to dry, it dawned on me that I was supposed to do that last. Now I didn't have a place to put boxes and totes on to go through.
Ended up rolling a chair in and sorted a few boxes and totes on the floor. Now my back is sore and stiff.

Was only able to get through a couple boxes and one tote, but I have a hopefully profitable pile of goodies to get rid of.
I also have a pretty full garbage can of junk I had no reason to hold to. Heck, most of it I thought I already HAD gotten rid of...

Also never got to finishing my belt frog either.

While my time was productive, it wasn't as productive as I had hoped.

Of course, the dear wife came down to check on me and calmly said "It looks like a bigger mess than when you started..."
She wasn't wrong, but sometimes you gotta make a mess to clear out a mess...

Pride month.

I take PRIDE in my country and flag.

My colors...
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Ain't that the TRUTH. I am so sick of listening to talking heads, be they celebrities or politicians, belittle this country, and talk about how bad it is. REALLY? Then get the (expletive deleted) out. Get Out!! See if you can find someplace better. See how long they put up with you running your mouth in Cuba or Venezuela. Check into Canada's immigration policies, and see what it takes to move there. You think Socialism is so great? Move to a Socialist country. See how that works out for you.

We aren't perfect, but no place is, and we are light years better than whoever is in second place.
I just read something in Yaho finance about what to do in the year before your retirement... It hit me funny that they are talking about doing things at the very last second. Most people I know are a little like that, they are always closing the barn door after the cow gets out... But this list set me back:
  • The last year before retirement is a crucial time to set yourself up financially for the transition.
  • Create a budget and set up your portfolio to produce enough income by determining your withdrawal rate and investment options.
  • Understand Medicare, decide when to claim Social Security, and if need be, refinance your mortgage.
  • Finally, to prepare emotionally, figure out what you plan to do with your time in retirement.
Refinance your mortgage, honestly?

A lot of people are planning to retire on Social Security, Imagine covering power, water, insurance, taxes, and food on Social Security, now add a mortgage on top of that.....

According to the Motley Fool: The average monthly mortgage payment as of 2019 was $1,487

As of November 2020, the average Social Security check benefit for retired workers was $1,522.70 per month.

Lets see if I get the average social security and pay the mortgage first, I have $35.70 to pay power, water, insurance, taxes and food....

Yep, if you are waiting till the last minute to do this math, you are definitely in for a rude awakening.
I just got an email from the Environment Dept in New Mexico, where we used to live. We were subject to them, owning and operating a private school, for our water well testing and commercial kitchen inspections. So it seems that they are also participating in the vax. The email said that they need 36 thousand and something more New Mexicans to be vaccinated asap or the state will not fully open July 1st. They have had some of the toughest regulations in the states during this year plus. They also said if you come get your vax by this Thursday, they will give you $100. Kids getting the vax get $100, too, if their parents bring them. And you will be entered to win a $250, 000 raffle, there will be four winners getting that amount. And in August, one lucky vaccinated person will win $5 million.
I just got an email from the Environment Dept in New Mexico, where we used to live. We were subject to them, owning and operating a private school, for our water well testing and commercial kitchen inspections. So it seems that they are also participating in the vax. The email said that they need 36 thousand and something more New Mexicans to be vaccinated asap or the state will not fully open July 1st. They have had some of the toughest regulations in the states during this year plus. They also said if you come get your vax by this Thursday, they will give you $100. Kids getting the vax get $100, too, if their parents bring them. And you will be entered to win a $250, 000 raffle, there will be four winners getting that amount. And in August, one lucky vaccinated person will win $5 million.

We got one like that but it was from Fish and Game.
Licensed marijuana stores in Washington state can offer free joints to promote on-site Covid-19 vaccine clinics, officials said Monday.

The state Liquor and Cannabis Board is calling the effort the “Joints for Jabs” program. The board says licensed adult-use marijuana retail shops can give away a single pre-rolled joint to anyone over 21 who gets a shot at an on-site vaccine clinic held by July 12.

They are pushing as hard as they can.

Marijuana stores in Washington can offer pot for vaccines in 'joints for jabs' program
It's been 8 or 10 days... I got a call from the VA hosp in Birmingham, wanting to know if I had the vax. It wasn't an ultimatum but frankly I've been expecting ultimatums from them about the vax and 100 other things going back to the day bummer took office... unless you accept a shot or this or that... no more care. Sadly 1 million plus vets will have no choice.
I just read something in Yaho finance about what to do in the year before your retirement... It hit me funny that they are talking about doing things at the very last second. Most people I know are a little like that, they are always closing the barn door after the cow gets out... ...

Yep. In-laws are talking about retiring. They asked me to go over their finances with them. They are spending $500 a month more then what they are earning! Then they tell me how "lucky" that I can afford to retire. My "luck" started over thirty years ago when I did without the latest gadget and saved for retirement. Retired with zero debt.

Did my talk with the in-laws do any good? They replaced their floor carpet with hardwood and bought new furniture. Guess they decided to postpone their retirement?

Then there is the former co-worker that retired with 2 mortgages, two car loans and loans against their 401K for new smart phones and a quad.
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