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I am too old to do any major changes at this point of my life. Our neighbors are mostly Amish, we are not, so we are never going to be really part of their community. The regret I have is not for now or the future it is for the life I could have had, if that makes any sense
I think maybe people should just stay in their own countries and not move to a different one ( well unless they live in Afghanistan or Sudan or something)
You can be a freundlich in your amish community. But you have to put out some effort and do community stuff. Kinda like an adopted amish.
Today, I attended a lovely service at church, where I enjoyed the uplifting atmosphere and the sense of community.
That is great! I have attended services in churches where people were not welcoming at all and I wasn't the only one who felt it. Sometimes people really need church and haven't figured out how to be a good Christian.
So now I have 2 bottle babies...the little runt today is not getting any food from mom

Plus I am totally reevaluating my life and thinking I made a big mistake
Watching this german tv show about farmers women and thinking, this could have been me, if I had tried to marry a farmer over there. They have the lives I wanted. But oh well, too late now. Debating if I should stop watching since it is sort of making me depressed, no matter how much I like it. It's not a soap opera, it's a documentary\reality tv show and not fake. These people have the absolute perfect lives .
They have beautiful farms, doing what they want ( anything from goat farm, cow farm and cheese making, ostrich farm to water buffalo farm) , they live there with their entire families , parents, grandparents, kids and everyone helps. It's sort of like the Amish here but not religious and not limited in technology. They all love their animals and treat them well.
Sometimes one bad choice can make you have a life you didn't really want. Watching this is making me realize why I have such a bad attitude so often.

I would post a link to it but you wouldn't understand it anyway ( well maybe Amish would? Do you understand the Amish? If you do, you might understand this)
Whats the show @sonya123 -would I have seen it maybe?

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