RBG to retire?

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at 86 she has lived a full life,it's time for her to step down and take care of herself,,,she doesn't have much time left and she is not doing the Court any good now anyways,,,she is just a figurehead

I would bet the Dems have her convinced that retiring would be bad for the USA,,,,,the only ones it is bad for is the Dems,they don't care about that old fart,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just their agenda

I'd love to see a link supporting the comment about Roberts & Epstein... it's quite an accusation.

Heck, if it's true, I'd like to see Roberts impeached (or whatever you do to SCJ's, possibly imprisoned) and have Trump replace him as well! Put a real conservative on the SC rather than limp-wristed chump.

I posted but I don't see it. I'll try again.
A "John Roberts" is in the flight logs.
Oh WOW, let's arrest everyone named "John Roberts" for having the same name as someone in the flight logs. :rolleyes:
Searching anywho.com, there are at least 44 people in the Washington DC area named John Roberts.
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Big difference between "a John Roberts" and the "John Roberts". I can get to the same conclusion via a different path. I have no doubt that JR was sold out to the globalists. Whether it's blackmail via Epstein or cash or whatever, it doesn't matter unless it gets him out of office.
She will do everything she can to hang on until the next elections. If a Trump wins again, she will retire as I don't think she can last another 4 years. If a democrats wins, she will wait until January before retiring. As with EVERYTHING for anyone with a "D" after their name, it is all about politics. What's best for the USA does not even come into play. Just what best for "D"s.
I really doubt RBG would retire and give Trump any chance to pick her replacement. And HRC's tent??? It was a 20-man tent HRC was wearing with a full surgical team inside.

Nope, RBG despises conservatism and will cling to her power until the flames of Hell engulf her from head to toe. 0.0000% chance she retires with Trump in office. Duracell, Energizer, Terminator, the Matrix... she will do whatever it takes to outlast Trump.... although she's already sold her soul to the devil.
Hopefully this new look says she is winding down her career and not going to try and run for president again. She should retire and just be a grandma.

Yes and no. Maybe her 'political' career. But she is a definite witch. And I don't mean that in insulting way, I mean she is satanic and has been involved with wiccans for decades. Power is her passion and I have no doubt she will continue to wield it and cause strife with it until she's 6 ft down.
She is just biding her time. Meanwhile the Democrats are starting to shoot themselves in that circular firing squad. Once they are all down and out, HRC will come riding in to save the day. It must be really bad to be a Democrat these days when the best candidate they can come up with is the most dishonest, corrupt politician in history.
Rumor has it that they are bring up the Kavanaugh stuff again because RBG is going fast.

I was thinking the exact same thing. RBG keeps having to move houses because Death keeps trying to find her & has been ringing door bells. But I don't see her retiring, she hates Trump far too much (and all conservatives). They'll roll her medical bed into the SC if need be. I don't think she can survive another year, let alone 5 more years. And for any libs that want to whine about Merrick: suck it up buttercup, elections have consequences.

I'm not even looking at her, I consider that super-good odds (for being replaced soon). She was born in 1933. Only 5 years less-ancient is Breyer. He's the 4th liberal judge. I'm not aware of any health issues other than he dated Queen Victoria (ok, maybe a stretch there). He's past 80 years old, every day is a gamble.

Next after that is Clarence Thomas, born 1948. A whole decade younger, not so worried there (& he's a strong conservative!).

Tick tock libs. Get ready for your heads to explode as Trump replaced these slime with strong conservatives.

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