Tired of watching prepper movies and looking for something a bit more… real? Try our list of survival documentaries.
Could you survive alone in the wild? Or, more challenging still, with dependents you need to look out for? Like anyone who has imagined survival in a zombie apocalypse (see our list of zombie movies), preppers picture themselves in some collapse situation. This is not just daydreaming, but a means of planning ones preps, imagining what might be needed in different scenarios.
Tired of watching prepper movies and looking for something a bit more… real? Try our list of survival documentaries.
Could you survive alone in the wild? Or, more challenging still, with dependents you need to look out for? Like anyone who has imagined survival in a zombie apocalypse (see our list of zombie movies), preppers picture themselves in some collapse situation. This is not just daydreaming, but a means of planning ones preps, imagining what might be needed in different scenarios.