When I first got interested in this topic several years ago, I was kind of in a panic to get things put back and in order. I got lots of projects done, bought stuff, and have built (with hubby's help, or coarse) a nice pantry and also a stash of other goods. We are campers and he's a sportsman so we have a lot of that type of gear already. We both have barterable skills and we have a good connection with our community. I've spent years trying to prepare for the 'what if's', which includes if nothing happens......although I find that highly unlikely at this point considering the supposed moron in charge.
All that said, I must say that I've changed my stance a bit in the last little while. Even though things seem to be ramping up, I feel like I am adequately prepared. If I go down due to lack of preparation, I'll go down way later than most. Still, I have been getting more spiritually intuned to God and that has caused me to relax a bit. I do not fear death. I have since made the decision to refuse to live my life in fear. If a nuke happens over my head tomorrow.....so be it. If it happens miles away, I'll deal with it the best that I can. In the meantime, I'll still make smart purchases and live my life as if everything is rosy. Fear will not dampen my spirit or my happiness, nor will it prevent me from finding the joy in life today.
To hardcore preppers, which I am probably not, I'm sure that sounds a bit naive or a cop out. I get that. However, I believe you have to balance not only staying alive, but living a quality life. Nobody knows exactly what will happen, so I refuse to live every day worrying about what tomorrow may bring. I'm not saying I don't spend any time or effort on getting prepared b/c I appreciate the feeling of security it provides, but it's not my total focus these days. We all have an expiration date, so hopefully God has given me the wisdom to be prepared for what's ahead. In the meantime, while we are being bombarded with 'suck', I will still make room for some fun, love, and joy in the moment.