Assuming that I make it to the BOL...
I will be in a position to render aid to travelers, and take in a limited number of children, but there will be a price. Bountiful food grows wild most of the year (greens, blackberries, muscadines, mushrooms, persimmons, walnuts, palmettos, etc.), and several crops will grow in winter (collard greens, wheat, etc.) it just has to be harvested. There will be plenty they can do to earn their keep.
Due to the location of the BOL and features of the surrounding land (swamps, sloughs) it is hard to conceive of anyone just stumbling across the BOL. The closest thing to a public road is a river levee a mile away and on the other side of a swamp. I can imagine some people following the levee (but not many). So the only scenario imaginable for running into people is on the levee. I can intercept small parties at the levee for trade, recruiting workers, rendering aid, etc. There will be deer rifles trained on them that they will never know about unless they try something stupid...