You sure like spending other people's money Kevin. No thanks. Cut the bums off and let them OD or starve.Very sad.
As a liberal voice on the forum, I believe in helping the destitute.....but not enabling them.
Just like a drug addict or alcoholic, enabling allows the disease to progress.
I believe that the reason why Seattle--with it's liberal politics--enabled the drug addicts, alcoholics, crazy people, and so on under the misunderstanding that they were helping them.
This is part of the reason why I believe guarenteed income programs will do the same thing.
What would I do if I was in charge?
If I had the budget, I would employ homeless people to clean and pick up the garbage and filth.
I would pay them by the pound for garbage that they clean up.....although possibly in non-negotiable housing vouchers and food vouchers as opposed to money.
There would be counselors to help them get their **** together, and fix things so that there would be jobs.
If people earn their own way, they begin to have pride and feel empowered, and we could use that to fix the problem.
I wouldn't give them money, as that would be enabling them and allowing the disease to progress.....which is why I believe welfare is such a failure.
Very sad.
As a liberal voice on the forum, I believe in helping the destitute.....but not enabling them.
Just like a drug addict or alcoholic, enabling allows the disease to progress.
I believe that the reason why Seattle--with it's liberal politics--enabled the drug addicts, alcoholics, crazy people, and so on under the misunderstanding that they were helping them.
This is part of the reason why I believe guarenteed income programs will do the same thing.
What would I do if I was in charge?
If I had the budget, I would employ homeless people to clean and pick up the garbage and filth.
I would pay them by the pound for garbage that they clean up.....although possibly in non-negotiable housing vouchers and food vouchers as opposed to money.
There would be counselors to help them get their **** together, and fix things so that there would be jobs.
If people earn their own way, they begin to have pride and feel empowered, and we could use that to fix the problem.
I wouldn't give them money, as that would be enabling them and allowing the disease to progress.....which is why I believe welfare is such a failure.
Very sad.
As a liberal voice on the forum, I believe in helping the destitute.....but not enabling them.
Just like a drug addict or alcoholic, enabling allows the disease to progress.
I believe that the reason why Seattle--with it's liberal politics--enabled the drug addicts, alcoholics, crazy people, and so on under the misunderstanding that they were helping them.
This is part of the reason why I believe guarenteed income programs will do the same thing.
What would I do if I was in charge?
If I had the budget, I would employ homeless people to clean and pick up the garbage and filth.
I would pay them by the pound for garbage that they clean up.....although possibly in non-negotiable housing vouchers and food vouchers as opposed to money.
There would be counselors to help them get their **** together, and fix things so that there would be jobs.
If people earn their own way, they begin to have pride and feel empowered, and we could use that to fix the problem.
I wouldn't give them money, as that would be enabling them and allowing the disease to progress.....which is why I believe welfare is such a failure.
Kevin L, you missed the whole point behind the video. They (the drug addicts) love it the way it is. They are not going to work and cleanup their own messes. They first have to be arrested, then treated. As for the treatment. I have to go with charity donation and stop spending tax dollars on the losers of the world. Then if there is enough liberals to fund it, more power to them. If not, they will die off and the problem is solved either way. There is voluntary charity and then forced robbery (taxes). We need to stop spending tax dollars not approved by the actual voters. Put all these socialist welfare programs up for voter approval and then we will see if the voter actually want it or is it just a bunch of liberals spending other peoples money to feel good about themselves.
The thing that ruined San Francisco has also ruined Seattle: Californians.San Francisco was a good place to visit too. Now it is a ******** too, for the very same reason.
I don't what's an answer?Well, very well said.
Kevin, this is the problem with being free people. You are free to make good and to make horrible choices. And you will reap the rewards or punishments of those choices. I am free to go to work next week and make money, or sit on my butt and make nothing. Nobody forces me to make the right choice, and Kevin, that is what you are trying to do. It is cruel for you to force people to make the right choice, and reality is that it doesn't work. And to steal (via taxes) from one man to give to another man who's made bad choices only encourages more people to make those bad choices. So for the guy who chooses to sit on his butt, he deserves to go hungry. After he hasn't eaten for 2 or 3 days, then let's see if he decides to make better choices. If he choses to starve rather than work, why should anyone else deny him the freedom to make that choice?
Are you familiar with the phrase "Throwing good money after bad"?Do we just let everything fall apart and sit on our hands?
I think our focus should be on our own family's first. If people want to donate their own money to charity in the misguided effort to "help" the drug addicts and bums that's their business.I don't what's an answer?
Do we just let everything fall apart and sit on our hands?
I don't what's an answer?
Do we just let everything fall apart and sit on our hands?
Government shouldn’t force charitable contribution onto the tax payers and that is exactly what the Feds States and municipalities do and it needs to stop! I don’t give a g’damn about someone’s drug problem. Drugs are a choice, I should not be forced to cover someone else’s habitual problems. People ought to rise or fall on their own accord.
I thought I was pretty clear. I have no intentions of letting everything fall apart. At least not things that I own. I do not sit on my hands, I work hard to improve what is mine. But for people who do nothing and live from stolen goods of working people, absolutely. Today, a druggie OD's, gets Narcan & a free hospital stay. All on my dime, and yours. Druggie celebrates & does it again. You & I pay again. Druggie repeats until he succeeds at killing himself or at least frying his brain. So if you delete the first Narcan, spare my wallet the pain, you get the same end result.
Take any lazy adult man sitting at home collecting every form of welfare with fake disability SSI. Again sourced out of my and your wallet. On today's path that bum has 5 kids (with 5 different women) and we're supporting all of them. That will not well. I'd rather today cut off that one guy's gravy train. He can start working or he can starve. I don't care. That may sound cruel. But, I'd rather one man starve than his 5 kids starve in 5 or 25 years.
So Kevin, it's not a question of letting 'everything fall apart'. It's going to happen, sooner or later. The only question is how well do you control the collapse. The sooner we stop the insanity, the less people get hurt. It's really that simple.
Oxymoron. "Charitable contribution" via taxes is theft. Nothing 'charitable' or 'contribution' about it. Forced theft at the threat of an IRS prison sentence is a better description.
Oxymoron. "Charitable contribution" via taxes is theft. Nothing 'charitable' or 'contribution' about it. Forced theft at the threat of an IRS prison sentence is a better description.
I watched this video, it was interesting. It seems as though there are solutions, but law enforcement has their hands tied. I am not sure why the local government is taking away the power of the police. It seems counterproductive. They are telling police that it’s okay for citizens to have 3 grams of heroine ( equals 30 doses).
City council mocks and laughs at the concerned residents. The whole set up seems strange.
When you can be caught selling Meth on the court house steps and not go to jail... seems really odd.
I know they are a liberal city, but it seems like the government has some other vested interest going on here.. although I have no idea what it would be.
yes there are those on disability that should not be,,,but there are also people who should be that can not get approved,,,,a sad fact,,,,,Disability is something that we pay for as a working TAX PAYING USA CITIZEN ,,,,
for those who truly are disabled and worked but now can't are they WELFARE CASES IN YOUR OPINION,,,,
,a little clarity would be nice here,,,,
Welfare is anything where gov't takes from one person and gives to another by force without the receiving individual previously paid sufficiently into that program. For most people Social Security is not welfare, they've paid into it far more than they'll ever pull out. Welfare has nothing to do with somebody's ability to work.
SSI (one form of disability) is a program that is funding-negative. By that I mean it hands out more than people paying into it. So it is a form of welfare today.
I don't disagree that there are people who should be on disability who can't get it and there are a ton of people on it who should not be. But the bottom line is that the gov't should not be in the welfare business. Charity should be local and private and voluntary. It worked great for 150 years in this country with minimal corruption. When gov't took it over it went downhill fast. And if people kept the 15% of their paycheck that goes into the bottomless pit of SS, there would be plenty there to meet the real needs.