Service Goat???

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Sep 7, 2013
Seen in Lowes today...
Once People learned that businesses shouldn't ask about service animal because of HIPAA they started taking advantage of the disability act to bring any pets into places open to the public . So Tennessee passed a law stating that it only recognizes service dogs and ........... miniature horses .
If they recognize miniature horses than they should recognize a goat. I take mine into Tractor Supply on occasuon, but never Lowes. ;)
As a medical person and an animal person, I like the idea of broadened definitions of service animals.

I, for example, find monkeys to be dirty, disgusting animals that spread diseases to people...yet I know several people in wheelchairs who have service monkeys that can retrieve items that are indicated with a laser pointer.

Dogs, goats, and pigs can tell when a person is going to have an epileptic seizure...often before the patient gets an aura.

There is even a story of a monkey bringing his wheelchair-bound owner a handgun so that the man could shoot a home invader.

Some birds (like swans and geese) make excellent watchdogs and alarm systems, and so on.

I'm very open-minded toward service animals, and I feel that they're under-utilized.
As a medical person and an animal person, I like the idea of broadened definitions of service animals.

I, for example, find monkeys to be dirty, disgusting animals that spread diseases to people...yet I know several people in wheelchairs who have service monkeys that can retrieve items that are indicated with a laser pointer.

Dogs, goats, and pigs can tell when a person is going to have an epileptic seizure...often before the patient gets an aura.

There is even a story of a monkey bringing his wheelchair-bound owner a handgun so that the man could shoot a home invader.

Some birds (like swans and geese) make excellent watchdogs and alarm systems, and so on.

I'm very open-minded toward service animals, and I feel that they're under-utilized.
Lots of airlines have narrowed their definitions of them. Another woman wasn’t allowed on with her peacock. I feel that whatever gives you comfort at home is great. As far as going on a commercial mode of transport or restaurant though, I believe only trained animals should be allowed. I saw on the news about going on line and registering animals for a minimal fee as service animals. No proof of anything required, just money. I say that if your squirrel can attend and pass an obedience class and get a certification then let him fly!
Like every other "good intentions" the government gets involved in it's always carried way out of line from it's original intent. And of course some people will always take advantage and push the limit.
I really don't care why a person thinks they "need" a service animal, just leave your damn farm and zoo animals at home or out in the car.
I was in a check out line in a store seversl years ago and a freaky looking guy inline had a huge gopher rat crawling all over Him . That thing was ugly . Several customers were complaining and a store employee came up and asked him if it was a service animal He said yes , employee left and that was it . Store was worried about litigation .Narrowing down to what a service animal is doesn't bother Me and protects private businesses .
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(sarcasm, but sadly a real possibility)

No worries. It won't be long before these will not just be 'service animals', but people will actually be 'marrying' their service animal. So it won't be a SA, it'll be a "spouse". Then we'll get into the whole "animals are people too", blah blah blah.
(end sarcasm)
Morality doesn't exist. Common sense is rare. Stupidity is rampant and breeding like mice.

If you think I'm way out there, consider that all these 'other gender' people can demand that you call them a ___ (their choice of description), and in some areas you'll be arrested if you refuse to address them that way. Absolute insanity.
I understand your points and somewhat agree with a few of them, but I think the issues are overblown...especially given the individual circumstances and peoples' limitations.

I know a badly handicapped vet (with brain injuries) from Afghanistan who can't be parted with his german shepard...the same war dog that kept him alive "over there".

This dog protects him, provides comfort, and can tell when he's getting flashbacks.

Doctors are actually able to reduce his medication doses in some of his pills because of the dog.

Animals can play a very important role in helping people with subtle disabilities.
I understand your points and somewhat agree with a few of them, but I think the issues are overblown...especially given the individual circumstances and peoples' limitations.

I know a badly handicapped vet (with brain injuries) from Afghanistan who can't be parted with his german shepard...the same war dog that kept him alive "over there".

This dog protects him, provides comfort, and can tell when he's getting flashbacks.

Doctors are actually able to reduce his medication doses in some of his pills because of the dog.

Animals can play a very important role in helping people with subtle disabilities.

Service dogs aren't the issue . Its People taking advantage of laws to bring their rat ot spider monkey or other into public places . And watch thoes chimpanzee's they will rip your face off .
Service dogs aren't the issue . Its People taking advantage of laws to bring their rat ot spider monkey or other into public places . And watch thoes chimpanzee's they will rip your face off .
Yes, chimps are dangerous. They've been known to eat human babies, and Jane Goodall had to keep her infant in a cage to protect her under certian circumstances.

Still, trained primates have helped an immense number of people.

They bring items that the person needs, they raise a rukus when things aren't right, they can even call 911.

I think monkeys should be used in war (and after war) to clear minefields, and as an early warning system for chemical and biological agents.
I thought several of Us at work were going to get fired over what to call the trans individuals . I just reasoned that " It" would be a ok descriptive word for a 3rd gender .

I'm a bit meh about 'it', as it tends to imply thingness rather than humanness, but it doesn't bother me and I've come across a few people who prefer it (no pun intended). I tend to prefer 'they' but don't fuss if someone uses 'he/him/his' or 'she/her/hers' for me and don't think I've ever asked anyone to use any particular pronouns. On the whole, I wish we could just get over gender entirely :)
I thought several of Us at work were going to get fired over what to call the trans individuals . I just reasoned that " It" would be a ok descriptive word for a 3rd gender .

I think the word "pervert" is most appropriate. Not as an insult, but as a viable term. Look up webster's, it fits perfectly.

pervert: one that has been perverted
specifically: one given to some form of sexual perversion

I think monkeys should be used in war (and after war) to clear minefields, and as an early warning system for chemical and biological agents.

Couldn't you be nicer to animals and use either prisoners or liberals?
I think the word "pervert" is most appropriate. Not as an insult, but as a viable term. Look up webster's, it fits perfectly.

pervert: one that has been perverted
specifically: one given to some form of sexual perversion

That's deviated prevert, bless your heart.

I'm a bit meh about 'it', as it tends to imply thingness rather than humanness, but it doesn't bother me and I've come across a few people who prefer it (no pun intended). I tend to prefer 'they' but don't fuss if someone uses 'he/him/his' or 'she/her/hers' for me and don't think I've ever asked anyone to use any particular pronouns. On the whole, I wish we could just get over gender entirely :)
Yes, chimps are dangerous. They've been known to eat human babies, and Jane Goodall had to keep her infant in a cage to protect her under certian circumstances.

Still, trained primates have helped an immense number of people.

They bring items that the person needs, they raise a rukus when things aren't right, they can even call 911.

I think monkeys should be used in war (and after war) to clear minefields, and as an early warning system for chemical and biological agents.
I can not stand monkeys,I have no use for them
there are male and female there is no in between ,,,,,anyone claiming anything else is a freak

Happily, the world is larger, more astonishing and more glorious than in your current understanding, grayghost668. Come on out, the water is lovely :)

"First of all, in a sexual species, you can have females be XX and males be X (insects), you can have females be ZW and males be ZZ (birds), you can have females be females because they developed in a warm environment and males be males because they developed in a cool environment (reptiles), you can have females be females because they lost a penis sword fighting contest (some flatworms), you can have males be males because they were born female, but changed sexes because the only male in their group died (parrotfish and clownfish). Oh, did you mean humans? Oh ok then. You can be male because you were born female, but you have 5-alphareductase deficiency and so you grew a penis at age 12. You can be female because you have an X and a Y chromosome but you are insensitive to androgens, and so you have a female body. You can be female because you have an X and a Y chromosome but your Y is missing the SRY gene, and so you have a female body. You can be male because you have two X chromosomes, but one of your X's HAS an SRY gene, and so you have a male body. You can be male because you have two X chromosomes- but also a Y," she wrote. "You can be female because you have only one X chromosome at all. And you can be male because you have two X chromosomes, but your heart and brain are male. And vice - ****** - versa. Don't use science to justify your bigotry. The world is way too weird for that ****." - Grace Pokela
The problem, in my view, is that for what ever reason (genetics or mind set) people with sexual attributes (sexual organs) demand they be allowed to invade the private space (shower, bathrooms or dressing area) of people with the opposite sexual anatomy. If you are born with a penis, then you use the facility designed for folks with a penis. If you were born with a vagina, then you use the facilities of the people with vagina's. I do not want my grandchildren exposed to the sexual difference, simply because some government agency feels they should protect one small group's feeling above the rest of the population. I catch a person with male attributes going into a bathroom my granddaughter is using and that person may get a free sex change right on the spot.
The problem, in my view, is that for what ever reason (genetics or mind set) people with sexual attributes (sexual organs) demand they be allowed to invade the private space (shower, bathrooms or dressing area) of people with the opposite sexual anatomy. If you are born with a penis, then you use the facility designed for folks with a penis. If you were born with a vagina, then you use the facilities of the people with vagina's. I do not want my grandchildren exposed to the sexual difference, simply because some government agency feels they should protect one small group's feeling above the rest of the population. I catch a person with male attributes going into a bathroom my granddaughter is using and that person may get a free sex change right on the spot.

I think public bathrooms should be neutral, like the ones in homes. The folk I'd restrict are those men who avoid cleaning thoroughly after a crap because they're so homophobic that they think touching between their buttocks will turn them gay, the eejits.

The 'predatory transwoman' is largely a fiction, and transfolk, especially trans women and especially trans women of colour, are more more likely to be victims of assault than perpetrators.


I think public bathrooms should be neutral, like the ones in homes. The folk I'd restrict are those men who avoid cleaning thoroughly after a crap because they're so homophobic that they think touching between their buttocks will turn them gay, the eejits.

The 'predatory transwoman' is largely a fiction, and transfolk, especially trans women and especially trans women of colour, are more more likely to be victims of assault than perpetrators.



I can not go along with that,,,you have a dick you have no business in a womans restroom ,,,they are used by children also not just adults,when my niece was growing up had I found a man in the restroom with her,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I would have left him for dead
Well, actually there is, GG. There are several conditions that can cause "intersex" individuals. This is not the same thing is being "gender confused", it's a real physical condition.
I've wondered about this.

Intersex is considered rare, but I wonder if this is correct. Someone born with ambiguous genitalia are obviously intersex, but there are other male/female differences as well.

If a man was born with subtle structures in the brain wiring that are more appropriate for a female, can this explain boys who--from a very early age, like three--are convinced that they're really girls trapped in a boy's body?

I think we need to be more tolerant of intersex individuals in all its forms, and not "correct" everything surgically.

How can I call a man "gay" if he's attracted to men, was born intersex, and surgically "corrected" by a human (and imperfect) surgeon who--for all intents and purposes--selected the baby's gender and guessed wrong?

For everyone who opposes gay marriage, what is to be done with intersex people? Do we say that they should be condemned to a life of solitary loneliness without a partner in order to satisfy an abstract morality of absolutes (only male and female) that doesn't exist in the real world?

That doesn't seem very Christian to me.