As I have been saying for over half a century this planet is grossly overpopulated. Totally depending on technology that harvests energy from our star that that is billions of years old. It is finite. The ocean is finite. All war is caused by overpopulation. What the Russians are doing now is a crime against humanity. Biden is a coward. There are no invisible magicians. If we don't stand up for ourselves no one else will. Have fewer children. Reject religion. Take care of our planet.
If you've been saying this for 50 years, you don't accept reality. You have sustained your delusion despite billions of bits of evidence. Over the past 50 years, the world's population has tripled. And we all know that people who are starving are being starved for political purposes. Obesity is a huge problem (ha ha), and we throw away a lot of food.
While the statements like the "sun is finite" and the "ocean is finite" make good sound bites, they're meaningless. For all intents and purposes, the sun is infinite. Further, the ocean isn't finite or static, it's alive -- things grow there. Such gloomy statements remind me of people who say we'll run out of oil. And then they give dates and times. I always ask, "what evidence do you have that the earth has suddenly stopped producing oil? And how do you know how much there is now?" Past history shows us how often we are wrong about what the earth can or cannot provide. Saudi Arabia was once the most abundant supply of oil. Within 20 years that was proven very wrong. Now we know there are vast reserves in numerous places.
None of us really know what's going on in Russia or Ukraine. This issue has roots which date back to at least 2014, and for some much further back than that. And most of us didn't know the USA was funding bio-weapon research in various parts of the world. Several of those labs were on the border with Russia. A "Cuban missile crisis" from Russia's point of view.
I don't see how having fewer children is a cure for anything. What we need are better parents, not fewer children. We need adults who are willing to sacrifice for greater good -- such as the future. Standing up for ourselves is one way, but another is to raise good people. They will fix whatever ails us. Properly-raised children who are told the truth will make good decisions.
The human brain is susceptible to delusion. There's no stopping that. If the delusions are taught at a young enough level, they influence the wiring of the brain. Vladimir Lenin knew this, too. I don't think any religion is a problem except those which teach people to hurt each other. I think people lying to each other for personal gain is the root of all of our problems. Communism shows us that if you lie to people enough, they end up insane.
Lastly, the only thing we know for sure is that every time we "learn" something about science, we very frequently end up proving ourselves wrong. This is almost always true when guessing at huge quantities of matter such as the weather, outer space, and hidden mineral deposits.