Ahhhh shoot I had to see what that was. Now I'm on more lists. Lolol.TM 31-210. Department of the Army Technical Manual. Amazing what is in the Public Domain.
Ahhhh shoot I had to see what that was. Now I'm on more lists. Lolol.TM 31-210. Department of the Army Technical Manual. Amazing what is in the Public Domain.
Big thumbs here....I would have thought once you mix them they are exposed to the air and moisture and break down faster. Glad to hear 2 years though.
No no ofcourse not. This is strictly for science I would never.....never think of ever possibly using this...
Ahhhh shoot I had to see what that was. Now I'm on more lists. Lolol.
Big thumbs here....
That post should have said NOT MIXED.
I don't know shelf life after mixed.
But I've seen it in mixed state still work after 2-3 years , my friend forgot he had it in a box and he said it still worked.
So he knows the the 2 chemicals are stable for a long time. Unmixed and mixed.
Right exactly! Oh well at least were both on the same list....pal.Everybody that knows somebody,
That knows somebody , that thinks they knew somebody ....is on a list.
TM 31-210. Department of the Army Technical Manual. Amazing what is in the Public Domain.
But I can buy it in town at Rural King mixed and ready , and drive to TN , visit relatives , then come home with it ?Tannerite has one BIG drawback once it is mixed... It is classified as an explosive. You can't legally transport it off your property.
Before it is mixed it is not an explosive and you can take it anyplace. (not sure about airplanes....)
Lol thanks for that. Just like bottle rockets need a class c but yet any fire work place is allowed to sell it to you. The proof and risk is on you if you buy it. Good to know.Phideaux (Jim),
unless you are licensed to transport explosives you better check with the DOT and BATFE befor you do that again.
Mine is an actual book from the used book storeBe careful DuckDuckgoing that document and be doubly careful if you decide to download that.
Ok well cool good to know even mixed in the right environment it works.
Right exactly! Oh well at least were both on the same list....pal.
Save me a spot near the loud speaker please! LololSo looks like I'll be in good company in the camp!
Good and I don't have bulk amounts of any substance that would do that either. As long as I successfully get out of dodge my immediate threat is quickly lessened. I have respect for all living creatures to as long as they don't mean me I'll will.I have no paranoid or meaningless mental exorcises as how to injure my fellow man.
I have faith and love for my neighbors.
In times of trouble community will the best weapon in fighting off darkness.
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