Not a tobacco man myself, though I used to occasionally smoke Marlboro Reds when I was in my 20s & 30s, and only when I was drunk, lol. I'm not one of those "Smoking Nazis" who gets all butthurt when somebody lights up, though I ask guests who smoke to do so on the front porch... same place I take my occasional bong hits. It's all about the animals, really, I don't like our home to be filled with smoke. Most folks are reasonable about smoking on the porch. In public, if somebody lights up near me, I just shift position to windward, no big deal. With some of them thar stanky cigars, I'd wanna be WELL upwind, lol. Just a lighthearted dig at alla youse cigar smokers... now, fire up them Havanas!!!
P.S. I'm probably dating myself here, but do any of you recall that ad on TV so long ago, maybe in the '70s or early '80s? The one where some gal says something like, "I THOUGHT HARRY GAVE UP CIGARS!" Another obnoxious visitor says, "FISH FOR DINNER AGAIN, DEAR?" I think it was an ad for some sort of air freshener, I can't remember, too much has happened since those days, lol. But I can hear that one obnoxious gal's voice saying, "I THOUGHT MORGAN GAVE UP CIGARS!" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Oh, yeah, I should add that I DO resent somebody who lights up near hazardous materials, especially flammable gas and flammable liquids, and even more especially when I'm standing nearby. I lost a good gubmint (city) job in Benson over some idiot inmate who used to light up near a 1000-gallon gasoline tank, as well as smaller containers of fuel including AvGas. I asked the guy nicely a dozen times NOT to do this, but he kept doing it to p!$$ me off, and one day it worked... he lit up near some fuel containers in the maintenance barn, and I hollered at him, "NO SMOKING IN THE BARN, D!CKHEAD!!!"
Despite the MAJOR OSHA VIOLATION, that cost me my job and an excellent Arizona state retirement package (the city was on the same plan). God forbid I hurt the poor inmate's feelings while he endangered the lives of EVERYONE in the workplace... including his own, the idiot. The city used inmate crews out on the course, you understand, I never really dealt with 'em except for when they were back at the barn. I haven't wrapped my head around that whole fiasco yet, and I don't believe I ever will. But I used to haul Class 3 Flammable Liquids for one trucking outfit (among other HM), so perhaps I'm sensitive toward the issue. Doesn't mean guests can't light up on my porch...
A final observation upon the smoking fiasco: one week, the mayor of Benson is shaking my hand for cleaning up the filthy shop (worst I'd ever seen) and getting the fleet of gasoline-powered golf carts up & running strongly... the next week, there's no sign of the ****** as the fiasco unfolded. Typical scumbag politician.