Socialism is a BIG threat now!

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Awesome Friend
Dec 29, 2012
What also helps with this is to praise all your kids for the successes of one.

One of them performs something well, but you congratulate all of them. The one who actually did the job usually demands the others not get praised.

You can have fun with it too. Those who do nothing can actively take credit and complain about back aches, fatigue, and inadequate compensation.

It quickly drives the point home and can be pretty hilarious.
Here it comes!

UK Inches Closer To Eliminating Private Car Ownership
UK Inches Closer To Eliminating Private Car Ownership (

" UK Government Transport Minister Trudy Harrison recently spoke at a mobility conference, addressing the future of personal mobility. In her comments, she said it was necessary to ditch the "20th-century thinking centred around private vehicle ownership and towards greater flexibility, with personal choice and low carbon shared transport." That’s right, she said the quiet part loud and showed the hand of a growing number of government officials. "
I think the govt elites plan to own it all

BINGO!! Total control when they can stop us from purchasing or selling. Owning homes and properties or even stores and restaurants. It will be a return to the “good ol days” when there were the Elite and the Serfs.
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Socialism has always failed mathematically. In fact, mathematically, it makes no sense whatsoever. And can't.

Only a narcissistic society falls for socialism. Since narcissists believe nothing bad will ever happen to them, they ignore socialism's well-known perils. And, they like the idea of getting someone else to pay their bills.
Leftist cities install bicycle lanes to force everyone off of cars. They put everyone on welfare. They allow drug bums to squat anywhere and poop anywhere They allow and encourage petty purse snatching/smash a grab crime. Why?

Because these Leftist officials are modeling their city after the worst 3rd World ****-hole they can find. They actually want this. They actually think that look is cool. It looks "international" to them. This is their goal.
I thought Europe was already socialist. The US isn't very far behind. Many (most) people welcome socialism. That way they don't have to think for themselves, just look at all the fools wearing masks. Good little sheep being led to slaughter.

Socialism never lasts. It is only a stepping stone to FASCISM.

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