Something to keep in mind...

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Why a global ice age coming?
(I'm a man made global warming/climate change denier)
Some believe its because of the solar minimum. There have been some solar minimums that have caused mini ice ages and they think its possible its going to be a "big(ish)" one. I'm not a big weather science buff so I don't know but I've been watching the crop losses around the world and figure its better to be prepared just in case.
The sun cycles through active and inactive periods called solar maximum and solar minimum. Each half cycle lasts for approximately 11 years. The thing is the most severe CMEs (coronal mass ejections) and the largest flares recorded happened during solar minimums. The solar maximums produce a lot more sun spots CMEs and flares but they haven't recorded any that did any severe damage.
The big news is that they are expecting a minimum minimum to be followed by a minimum maximum. Basically the sun is taking a nap and it seems to be unusual. One side of the scientific community is predicting a cooling trend (mini ice age) and the other half is saying global temperatures will rise. I believe the political money they get for research clouds their science. That or they just don't know and are afraid to admit it. Either way is bad science. In science it is OK to say you don't know. That makes it progress until you make a discovery.
It is hard to argue with facts. None of the predictions made by the nations based on the global change have happened. The arctic is not ice free as it was "supposed to be" in 2008. In fact the ice is once again growing and making it difficult for the scientific community to measure the water temps in the north sea.The antarctic is losing glacial ice has proven to be caused by the flow of new ice toward the ocean while the thickness of the antarctic ice is growing. It has been shown over and over that first the temperatures rise and then the CO2 rises after. If CO2 was the cause it would rise first followed by the increase in temperatures. There is big money in carbon taxes. A few people stand to make billions of dollars each on the selling and buying of carbon tax credits. When you want to find the cause of human events always follow the money. The same people who own the corporations that hold the farms and other businesses are the ones selling the global warming/climate change and the carbon tax. There is no proof and very little real evidence that the current climate change is caused by the people on earth. There is proof that what those people are saying is wrong. In science if your theory predicts certain events and they don't happen then the theory is wrong.
Yes the climate is still changing. It has been changing for the last 4 billion years and it will continue to change over the next 4 billion years. We will either adapt, move or die. The carbon tax makes as much sense as the fine levied on Mount Saint Helen by the EPA when it erupted. (it was not a serious fine but a joke to fine the volcano for its pollution) who will pay the carbon tax? We will! The only source of money that corporations have is the money they charge for their goods and services. We pay for the corporate expenses each time we buy their product. Just like the government, the only money they have comes from the taxes they collect from us. Quit believing the hype and look at the cause of the problem and where the money comes from and where it goes.
Well, NASA has announced the coming ice age! It is NOT due to human carbon use!

Those promoting CO2 as the reason for global warming are hucksters and those taken in by hucksters.
Please consider NASA Sees Climate Cooling Trend Thanks to Low Sun Activity.
“We see a cooling trend,” said Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.”
The new data is coming from NASA’s Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry or SABER instrument, which is onboard the space agency’s Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite. SABER monitors infrared radiation from carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), two substances that play a vital role in the energy output of our thermosphere, the very top level of our atmosphere. “The thermosphere always cools off during Solar Minimum. It’s one of the most important ways the solar cycle affects our planet,” said Mlynczak, who is the associate principal investigator for SABER. The new NASA findings are in line with studies released by UC-San Diego and Northumbria University in Great Britain last year, both of which predict a Grand Solar Minimum in coming decades due to low sunspot activity. Both studies predicted sun activity similar to the Maunder Minimum of the mid-17th to early 18th centuries, which coincided to a time known as the Little Ice Age, during which temperatures were much lower than those of today. If all of this seems as if NASA is contradicting itself, you’re right — sort of. After all, NASA also reported last week that Arctic sea ice was at its sixth lowest level since measuring began. Isn’t that a sure sign of global warming? All any of this “proves” is that we have, at best, a cursory understanding of Earth’s incredibly complex climate system. So when mainstream media and carbon-credit salesman Al Gore breathlessly warn you that we must do something about climate change, it’s all right to step back, take a deep breath, and realize that we don’t have the knowledge, skill or resources to have much effect on the Earth’s climate.
I've been seeing things about this. Apparently its called a Grand Solar Minimum. I haven't dug into it yet

this one is over an hour and talks about how crops will not grow and there will be food shortages and how to grow food to survive

this Adapt 2030 says nasa lefts things out of their report *shrugs*
The grand picture of Washington crossing the iced over Delaware is and example of a solar minimum. There have been times that the Thames has frozen thick enough to walk on. It is believed that part of why Stradivarius made such fine instruments is that he used wood with a tight grain grown during a mini ice age. There are countless more examples.

Weather changes and climate changes. The only difference today is that some people have found a way to make money and gain power by blaming your lifestyle.
The Ice Age Farmer, Adapt 2030 and Oppenheimer Ranch Project(language warning!) on YouTube have been talking about this for quite some time.

As I've said I've just come across this in the last month or so and I haven't dived into it yet
Its going to take some green thumbs to grow food in a shorter growing period if I'm seeing whats written about it
Theres a lot I'm going to have to think about and how to use my greenhouse to the best of my abilities ( example: its unheated right now)
There is tons of stuff out there on the solar minimum and a coming ice age. Lots more data than I can understand for sure. I had not saw the latest stuff from NASA. That is interesting from a typically reliable source.

The hoax pushers are totally set on taxing the US and other high economy countries. IMO this is level out all countries and make them equal....equally poor!
This solar minimum is not going to be a "normal" solar minimum and the following maximum is going to be more like a "normal" solar minimum followed by another solar minimum.
I don't know how NASA can predict this solar weather but it does concern me when the states are passing carbon taxes and nobody knows what the future holds. We might be increasing the temperature drop when we are trying to prevent warming.
I don't believe that we, the human race, can do much at this time to affect our climate but I dislike having to fund a carbon tax when all it does is make someone richer.
I do a lot of science research and accidentally run into things like this. I don't study climate or climate change but I make note of things that I find.
My searches usually start out with a science topic and then I sift through the BS and make note of information that fits my search or other things of interest.
If you want to see how safe and cheap nuclear power can be go HERE.
It is a series of articles that include Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors or LFTR. A completely safe reactor that consumes 99.9% of its inexpensive Thorium fuel. Thorium is 3 times more common than uranium and our reactors currently use U235 which is only 0.7% of the uranium on earth. The reactors only use a small percentage of the fuel in the fuel rods and the rest is discarded because it it too expensive to recycle the unused fuel in the rods. In reality our light water high pressure reactors use 10% of the .7% of the uranium mined and purified. That is 0.07% of the available fuel and the rest is dumped into long term storage. Thorium reactors could burn that waste fuel to get rid of it from the storage tanks now in use. The problem with Thorium is that there is no need to concentrate it and it is used in liquid form which means no expensive fuel rods. The reactors are cheaper because it operates at near atmospheric pressure so there is no way a steam or Hydrogen explosion can happen. If the reactor overheats it stops or slows the reactions and cools down. If it is shut down the reactions stop and the liquid cools and stops the heat generation so it is completely safe to "scram" a Thorium reactor. They can also be stopped and started safely or throttled when less power is needed.
A totally safe and economical nuclear energy that was closed down in the early 1970s by the companies that make fuel rods for the high pressure reactors in use today.
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Hey Sheep Dog, Besides NASA where else do you search for info on the solar min/max? Sounds interesting and obviously you've been looking at this for a while.

I came across it on YouTube. I had it on auto play and it jumps around randomly. The Grand Solar Minimum channel came up and it sounded interesting so I watched a few more. There are quite a few channels that talk about it and give weather and other "natural" reports. Stuff like volcanoes, earth quakes, floods, crop reports and such. There are also scientists study references on some of the videos.
Sheep dog, I assume you read thru that first article you linked? Very ironic you bring MSRE up. Wish I could say more about that.

Thorium, as the article reads is making somewhat of a comeback in China. I expect they will go operational with a reactor at some point in the future. And yep the Atomic Energy Commision made a huge mistake years ago shutting MSRE down.
I came across it on YouTube. I had it on auto play and it jumps around randomly. The Grand Solar Minimum channel came up and it sounded interesting so I watched a few more. There are quite a few channels that talk about it and give weather and other "natural" reports. Stuff like volcanoes, earth quakes, floods, crop reports and such. There are also scientists study references on some of the videos.

I find so much on YouTube I can't even scratch the surface it seems of what all is available on a given topic. The solar min/max cycles are an interesting topic. And not just the 11 year cycles either. It's much deeper than that.
I find so much on YouTube I can't even scratch the surface it seems of what all is available on a given topic. The solar min/max cycles are an interesting topic. And not just the 11 year cycles either. It's much deeper than that.

There's the 11yr, 200yr,400yr,1000,2000....... Lots of info out there. I find it fascinating. There's even evidence that volcanos and earthquakes intensify during these cycles.