Space Distraction

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What setup did you use to take that?

I used this 650mm lens on my dslr. Wish I could have had time to set up the telescope for more clarity.
hey yall. I was looking at the dark sky finder website. Looks like the dark sky areas have gotten smaller than the last time I looked. Some of you probably live in dark sky areas.
Aiming for getting out there next time of a new moon (Aug. 8) so I can see the Milky Way. Be about a 2 hour drive I think. Also, if I get joined up with my local astronomical club they have a couple of areas for members to go where the club telescopes are set up. Because of the past year's nonsense they haven't been doing much as a group.
@kd4ulw I was trying to figure out which planet I was seeing in the this evening as dusk came on. Pretty sure it was setting, Venus? I was in an unfamiliar area and have no idea which direction I was looking.

Yes, actually Venus and Mars were in the evening sky at dusk. Venus would have been a lot brighter.
Thanks! @kd4ulw and looks like Saturn and Jupiter are appearing too?
If I've already asked you about your camera, then never mind, but what kind of camera are you using to take those astronomy shots?
It was pleasant out this evening at 85°, nice breeze and no sun.
The camera connects via an ethernet cable?

We have an old school refractive scope still in the box from a garage sale. Never broke it out because we almost always have cloud cover. But... The girls will visit tomorrow and the sky may be clear and the girls just watched a sky show at the planetarium 3 weeks ago.

What model scope is that?

I searched Orion scopes but did find that looks the same without the camera.

Thank you

What model scope is that?

It’s an Orion Atlas 10 EQ Reflector. The camera was purchased separately and comes with a USB cable that both powers the camera and connects it to the laptop. It’s mounted on an Orion Atlas EQ-G tracking equatorial mount.

If your weather cooperates try setting up your telescope and look at the moon low in the west at sunset.
Really nice pictures, kd4ulw! The top one looks like what you'd see directly through a scope. The bottom two of Jupiter and Saturn look like you maybe stacked some images to bring out the color a bit. If that's the case, what software do you use to stack images?
@bkt You are correct! I’ve never stacked images before so I was disappointed at first with the regular pics I was getting. I used SharpCap to capture and RegiStax to process the images. Hopefully the more I use it the better things will get!

The only way I could get Jupiter‘s moons to show was to increase the gain of the camera and yes that’s more like the view you see through the telescope.
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