Is the sky going to look like this at dusk tomorrow?. I was outside this evening but I was working on a gate and didn't look up.
I don't remember how many years ago it was but I used to be able to see the moons with just my eye glasses on, maybe with the new glasses I'm getting, I'll be able to see them again with just eye glasses@bkt It is Mars.
Jupiter went behind my garage before I could get a good picture with the camera attached to the telescope. I did manage this one taken from the eyepiece with my cellphone (no exposure control). Hopeful for better conditions this winter and some better equipment.
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My sister dragged me outside in my slippers to see it last night. I tried using a spotting scope to get a better look but my hands were too shaky.Saw a bright star to the SW about 1900hrs this evening. Fully dark after sundown, had to be venus or another planet, too bright.
Anyone know?
Here right around dark Venus is low on the SW horizon. Jupiter is closer to over head at the same time. Saturn is roughly halfway between them.
Currently Jupiter is about ready to set. Venus and Saturn already have.
Also we have a comet to the north east early in the morning for the next several days.
| EarthSky
Stellarium is great.I use Sky Map on my phone. I'll check out Stellarium.
Just click on what you want to see?!Stellarium is great.
Ill check that out. I've always wanted to get a good shot of the milkywayI stumbled across a connection to a photographer who teaches ya how to photograph (successfully) the stars, milky way, etc. Some day, when I'm not too tired, I'll watch the videos she's made. This is her website, if not allowed, delete. The starry sky photographs you see are similar to what some of the students took this week and last, their first time doing so. Kristine Rose Photography
Also, I've misplaced my camera. Took a short photography class recently focusing on wildflowers, from a friend's husband. He's got a master's degree in photography so it was good to have some reminders of terminology used in photography and some pointers on how to get better photos.